Taking care about the forest

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TAKING CARE ABOUT THE FOREST Pupils of the 1stA and 1stB class made an acquaintance with the forest. We have learnt that it is the living space for many animals, while at the same time it gives different fruits, which can be used / eaten by people and animals. All those facts and awareness about its meaning, as well as conservation, were presented in the form of pictograms.

First class students and their teacher Mojca Fridl

SKRBIMO ZA GOZD Učenci 1. A in 1. B razreda smo spoznavali gozd. Naučili smo se, da je le-ta bivalni prostor mnogih živali, hkrati pa daje različne plodove, ki jih pobirajo ljudje in živali. Ta dejstva in zavedanje o njegovem pomenu ter ohranitvi smo predstavili še v obliki piktogramov. Prvošolci z učiteljico Mojco Fridl

OLD PAPER Pupils from the first classes associate in gathering old paper.

STAR PAPIR Prvošolci se pridružujemo akciji zbiranja starega papirja.

Litija, december 2015

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