Parklife 3 spring/summer 2009

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Parklife The newsletter of Nene Park Trust, Peterborough



What are you doing today?


Events Listing s Pages 6


this issue P2 Come to our Birthday Event

P3 The Guardian Topples

P4 Visitors Survey results

P5 Walk on the Wild Side

P8 Green Festival

P10 Dazzling Wildflowers

P10 Railway Plans

P11 Boat Trips

Come to our

Big Birthday Event As 2009 is the Trusts 21st anniversary year, it is an appropriate time to reflect on what has been achieved since our formation in 1988, and to consider our plans for the next 21 years and beyond. The results of our 2008 visitor survey provided an important snapshot of how our work is currently perceived. It is clear that there is great appreciation for what we provide at Ferry Meadows Country Park, but less awareness about our other sites, our events, and who Nene Park Trust actually are.


2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

Come to our Birthday Event Decay Topples the Guardian Visitor Survey results Walk on the Wild Side Events Listings Green Festival Dazzling Wildflowers Railway Plans Boat Trips

The challenge in our 21st year is to build on the aspects of our work which we know our most valued, but also to highlight the wide variety of landscape and recreation provided by the Trust and our numerous tenants throughout the 2,500 acre Nene Park estate. We will also improve the promotion of Nene Park Trust itself, which still remains one of few park trusts in the UK, and begin the exciting process of setting our vision and plans for the next few years. To mark our 21st year, we will be increasing our existing events programme including an exciting free two day event at Ferry Meadows on August 8 and 9. I hope you will be able to join us in our celebrations. James McCulloch Chief Executive, Nene Park Trust

Getting to know you Introducing Susan Taylor

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of Parklife. If you would like to make any comments or go on our mailing list to receive information about the Park and future editions of Parklife, please write or email to Nene Park Trust at the address below. Telephone: 01733 234193 Address: Nene Park Trust, Ham Farm House, Ham Lane, Peterborough PE2 5UU Email: Website: www. Parklife is published by Nene Park Trust and produced by Connaught Media Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations – The paper used for this publication has been produced using wood sourced from sustainably managed forests and is fully recyclable. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material published in Parklife. Nene Park Trust and the Publishers cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers or contributors and any rights reserved. No part of Parklife may be reproduced, stored in any form of retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any other means, electronic, photographic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Copyright Nene Park Trust 2009. 2


Susan has joined the Trust as Visitor Services Manager, a new role created over the winter to help the trust develop and widen our work in education, promotion and community activities. Susan previously worked at Forestry Commission England, where for the past five years she carried out a number of community and recreation roles, both in Staffordshire and Northamptonshire. Susan is drawing on all her previous experience for her initial tasks, including:

• Promoting Nene Park and the Trust, including organising the Trust’s involvement in various festivals and events around the city • Developing a new range of Trust leaflets, including a new one covering Ferry Meadows’ walks and activities • Revamping the Visitor Centre and Shop to incorporate a new interactive interpretation and information area • Planning and promoting the trust’s 21st birthday event at Ferry Meadows over the weekend of August 8 and 9. Susan will also be considering the service the Trust offers the local community and visitors and long term opportunities for education, volunteering and events. Groups or organisations wishing to make use of Nene Park’s facilities should call Susan on 01733 234193 or email her at


topples the Guardian dvanced decay has has seen the The Guardian’s downfall.


The popular sculpture was felled on November 6. Just a small amount of sound wood was left in its base. Ashley Wheal, Park Ranger, said: “Not only was it important to remove the artwork for reasons of public safety, but we were also very keen to prevent any further damage to the piece, either by it being blown down during high winds or by the advancing decay. “We have carefully felled the sculpture by lowering it slowly using ropes, and transported it to a safe location for storage.” The Guardian was created in 1998 from a 35-year old standing sycamore tree. Sculptor Jason Thomson is working with the Trust to see how much of the piece can be salvaged and where it might be displayed to best effect.

LIKE TO STAY POSTED? Go to, phone 01733 234193 or email


Visitor Survey What you said, what we are doing You love Ferry Meadows but you would also like to see some improvements made. That was your main message to the Trust following its visitor survey featured in the last edition of Parklife. So, here are the things you would like to see us do and our progress so far...



A better range of items and keener prices in the Visitor Centre

Things will be improved by the Summer.

Cleaner and better maintained public toilets.

A new toilet-cleaning contract, to be in place by May, will include more frequent and regular cleaning and better monitoring of the contractor’s standards by the Trust’s team.

More dog-waste bins and more frequent emptying

We are mapping all litter and dog-waste bins on the Trust’s estate during the spring. The idea is to identify any areas where more bins might be needed. Arrangements for the provision of dog-waste bins and the disposal of waste will be improved by the Summer. Note: The park is now much cleaner because our regular litter patrols have also started keeping paths and widely-used areas clear of dog waste.

More information needed about what’s happening at Nene Park Trust

We will continue improving our promotion work. This year, we are taking stands at a number of events and exhibitions in Peterborough, improving our website, introducing new Ferry Meadows and Nene Park leaflets, and improving the range of events information displayed at our sites.

More and better located seats

We will map all of our benches on the Trust’s estate during the Spring to discover whether more are needed and where. A programme of improvements will follow over the next year or two. A new inspection programme will also be introduced to ensure any benches needing repair are spotted and dealt with quickly.

Make it easier to contact a Ranger in the park


We have recently installed new notices throughout the park explaining how to contact a Ranger if they are not visible or in the immediate vicinity.

Introduce recycling facilities

We are in discussion with our waste management contractor about recycling and by the Summer aim to introduce recycling bins for paper, glass and plastic waste generated in the park.

Reduce the speed of vehicles in the park

In January, we introduced a new vehicle management policy to restrict unnecessary vehicle movements within the park and to control their speed.


CAR PARKING ...why we charge From our recent visitor survey, it was clear that some visitors would like to know why we charge for car parking at Ferry Meadows Country Park during Spring and Summer weekends. The Trust’s Chief Executive, James McCulloch, explains more: Whilst admission to the park has always been free, a charge to park at Ferry Meadows on weekends and Bank Holidays from April to October has been made since the park opened in 1979. When Nene Park Trust was established in 1988 to manage Nene Park, including Ferry Meadows, it was clear that the parking charge formed an essential part of our income to maintain the park. Today, this continues to be the case. As an independent Trust, we receive no funding from central or local Government and are totally reliant on any income we generate ourselves. This comes from a variety of sources, including commercial operations throughout Nene Park, but the income from car parking remains important, and enables us to fund services for our visitors such as the provision of a Ranger in Ferry Meadows during park opening hours. This year, after holding the charge at £3.00 per car for the past three years, we have had to increase the charge to £3.50. However, we recognise that the current charging arrangements would now benefit from a review to identify whether they could be improved and perhaps made simpler, and plan to carry this out later in the year. In the meantime, we have improved the availability of car park season tickets through our web site and Visitor Centre, which at £22, offers great value for our regular visitors. Of course, we would also encourage visitors to consider avoiding the charge altogether and visiting the park on foot or by bicycle, and will be working long term to identify whether public transport routes to Ferry Meadows can be improved. If you would like to make any comments or suggestions regarding car parking charging at Ferry Meadows and our review, please fill in a comments card at our Visitor Centre or email

his gentle walk takes in the peacefulness of Lynch Wood, the pretty village of Alwalton and the serenity of the River Nene. The terrain is mainly flat along footpath and tracks. Some of the tracks along the river can be very muddy if the weather has been wet. Time: approx 1-2 hours.


From the coach park at Ferry Meadows take the footpath in the top left corner which follows the road to the water sports centre. At the end of the footpath cross the road and go over Lynch Bridge. Follow the path to the right. Lynch Farm is on your left. Lynch Farm now operates as riding stables and is thought to stand on the site of Alwalton Castle. Just past the farm you will enter Lynch Wood. The footpath continues all the way through the Wood and into Lynch Wood Business Park. After about 200m you will come across the first Cedar of Lebanon tree on your right. There are 3 mature specimens of these trees in the wood, probably all planted about 130 years ago. The Cedar of Lebanon is an evergreen coniferous tree growing up to 40m (130ft) tall, with a trunk up to 2.5m (8ft 2in) diameter. Cedar of Lebanon is a species of cedar native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region, in Lebanon, western Syria and south central Turkey. The Lebanon Cedar is the national emblem of Lebanon, and it is seen on the Lebanese Flag. To ensure the future succession of the woodland, large areas are being replanted. Areas of non-native trees have been replaced with native trees. Lynch Wood Seats – these seats were commissioned by Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) and were made by Deacon’s school children during the summer of 2000 under the supervision of Technology teacher, Lee Mawby. View Point – the open area was created by the installation of water extraction pipes for the offices at the Business Park. Looking across the River Nene you can see the old windmill and Castor Water mill. At the end of the wood footpath you can either return back to Ferry Meadows through the wood or via the Business Park. Alternatively you can take a right down the steps to the River Nene. Descend the steps and follow the footpath to the left and go through the kissing gate. The footpath now follows the River Nene. This is a good spot to see Kingfishers darting along the river.

Take a walk on the

wild side ...explore Lynch Wood, Alwalton and the River Nene Go through another kissing gate and follow the surfaced lane steadily uphill into Alwalton. As you head into the village you will see a church up on the right – before the church you should follow the road to your right which takes you back down to the River Nene. The road is a public highway so be aware of traffic. Follow the road until you reach a gate, pass by the gate into woodland and follow the path around to Alwalton Lock. Cross the lock and enter East Holmes Meadow. The Nene Way is signposted – follow the track to the right along the river. The Nene Way is a 110 mile footpath along the valley of the River Nene. The 10 mile section through Nene Park is way-marked with special symbols. It links the rural charms of Stibbington to the heart of Peterborough’s city centre. Continue along the track and cross the little bridge (known locally as Bob’s Bridge) over the back water. Turn right. Where the path bends look up over the Nene and you are looking at Lynch Wood. You can clearly see the Cedar of Lebanon trees towering above the wood as you walk along. Continue along the Nene until you reach the railway bridge. Turn right and cross the bridge. Follow the footpath back to Ferry Meadows.

Focus on Lynch Wood Lynch Wood is a mature secondary woodland, approximately 8.6 hectares in size. The woodland is predominately ash although there has been some ornamental planting with the avenue of Yew trees that run along the footpath.

Greg Higby, Park Ranger SPRING/SUMMER 09 | ISSUE 3 5

Walks, Talks, Events and Discovery Day Programme • Walks, Talks, Events and D Guided Dog Walk May 14 18:00 - 20:00 Join Nene Park Rangers Rachel Storey and Gary Mason for a gentle stroll with your dog around Ferry Meadows. The walk will last approximately 2 hours starting and finishing at the Visitor Centre. Must bring a lead. Dog bags provided. Please book in advance.

Ramble with a Ranger 20 May 13:30 - 16:00 Join Nene Park Ranger Ian Lowe for a walk around Ferry Meadows & surrounding areas, pointing out points of interest along the way & answering any questions you may have. This will last approximately 2 & half hours, unfortunately due to the terrain wheelchairs or prams are not advised. Suitable footwear is advised as not tarmac throughout walk. Meet at Visitor Centre 1:30pm

Ramble from River to Rail 27 May 09:30 - 13:30 Join Park Rangers in a gentle ramble of approximately 5 miles along the River Nene to Wansford with the return journey being made on the Nene Valley Railway. Learn something of the history of both the river and the railway whilst taking in the scenery along the Western edge of the park. There should be adequate time to explore Wansford station before boarding the train to return to the park. Meet at the visitor centre at 09.30 expected return to the park is 13.30. Due to the nature of the terrain regrettably this event is not suitable for wheelchairs or prams. Places are limited and therefore advanced booking is essential. Cost £3 to cover the train fare (payable on the day).

Gardeners Question Time June 3 10.00 - 16.00 Pop in to Ferry Meadows and speak to Nene Park Trust Park Ranger and horticultural expect Peter Gentleman, who will be explaining how the Trust manages its formal garden areas. Peter is also available to answer any Garden questions you may have, remember to bring any cuttings or plants you need advise on. Garden next to Ferry Meadows Visitor Centre. This event is drop in, no maximum numbers.

Ramble with a Ranger June 3 10:00 - 12:00 Join Nene Park Trust Park Ranger Gerald Knott for a 4 mile guided walk around Ferry Meadows Country Park. Find out about the history of the park and the unique way Nene Park Trust is set up. Please book in advance. Meeting outside the Ferry Meadows visitors centre.

Discovering Trees June 3 14:00 - 16:30 Join Nene Park Trust Park Ranger Ashley Wheal and find out some fascinating tree facts. There will be an illustrated talk in the Visitor Centre followed by a walk to identify some of our native trees. Please book in advance.

Walk to Fitness June 9 18:00 - 19:00 Join Park Rangers Rachel Storey and Gary Mason for a brisk hour walk around Ferry Meadows to help improve fitness levels and to meet people. Meet at Ferry Meadows Visitor Centre.

Cycle with a Ranger June 10 10:00 - 12:30 Join Nene Park Ranger, Greg Higby for a cycle ride through Ferry Meadows and Nene Park. The route will be approximately 8 miles and take about 1 1/2 hours. Suitable for all abilities. Participants must wear a cycle helmet. Please book in advance.

Wednesday Wander June 17 10:00 - 15:00 approx Join Park Rangers David Linscott and Gary Mason on a 10 mile walk in and around Nene Park. Please be aware this is a long walk and could take up to 5 hours. Suitable outdoor footwear and clothing will be necessary. Please book in advance.

Guided Dog Walk. July 7 18:00 - 20:00 (See 14 May event for details)

Cycle with a Ranger July 8 10:00 - 12:30 (See 10 June event for details)

Saturday Wander July 11 10:00 - 15:00 approx Join Park Rangers David Linscott and Rachel Storey on a 10 mile walk in and around Nene Park. Please be aware this is a long walk and could take up to 5 hours. Suitable outdoor footwear and clothing will be necessary. Please book in advance.

Ramble with a Ranger July 15 13:30 - 16:30 Join Nene Park Ranger Ian Lowe for a walk around Ferry Meadows & surrounding areas, pointing out points of interest along the way & answering any questions you may have. This will last approximately 2 ½ hours and will be suitable for prams & wheelchairs as route is tarmac throughout. Meet at Visitor Centre 1:30pm.

Walk to Fitness July 20 18:00 - 19:00 (See 9 June walk for details) 6


Discovery Day -Fire by Friction July 22 10:00 - 12:00 Discover the ancient and difficult skills of making fire without matches and then try for yourself, with Park Rangers David Linscott and Greg Higby. Please book in advance.

Discovery Day - Insect Homes July 22 10:00 - 12:00 Join a Nene Park Trust Ranger and make an insect home from reusable materials found in the home and garden. Take an insect home away with you and put it in your garden. Drop in event suitable for children up to 8 years old.

Discovery Day Make and Fly a Kite July 29 10:00 - 12:00 Join a Nene Park Trust Ranger and make a Kite from re-useable materials found in the home then fly it round the park. Drop in event suitable for children from 5 to 12 years old.

Discovery Day Faces in the woods August 4 10:00 - 12:00 Use your imagination and scavenging skills to make a face from clay and then explore the woods to find natural items to decorate it. A drop in family event suitable for children aged 5 and above taking place behind the Overton play area.

Cycle with a Ranger August 5 10:00 - 12:30 (See 14 May event for details)

Discovery Day Environmental Sculpture August 5 10:00 - 12:00 Join a Nene Park Trust Ranger and using natural materials we will be having fun and creating our own environmental sculpture. Drop in event suitable for children aged 5 to 12 years old.

Ramble from River to Rail August 11 09:30 - 13:30 (See 27 May event for details) Places are limited and therefore advanced booking is essential. Cost £3 to cover the train fare (payable on the day).

Discovery Day - Fire by Friction August 12 10:00 - 12:00 Discover the ancient and difficult skills of making fire without matches and then try for yourself, with Park Rangers David Linscott and Rachel Storey. Please book in advance.

Discovery Day Programme • Walks, Talks, Events and Discovery Day Programme Discovery Day - Insect Homes August 12 10:00 - 12:00 (See 22 July for details)

Groups using General Information Nene Park - 2009 The Walks

2nd May Pet Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers Meeting Wednesday Tel: 01733 330942. Wander pauline at August 19 16th May Proteus Canoe Club Orton 10:00 - 15:00 approx Mere. Tel: 01733 238127 Join Park Rangers David Linscott and Rachel Storey on a 10 mile walk in and around Nene Park. Please be 24th May Great Ouse Kite Flyers – aware prior to booking this is a long walk Fly in. 31st May British Association of Radio and could take up to 5 hours. Suitable Control Soarers (model gliding outdoor footwear and clothing will be competition). Tel: 01832 734085 necessary. 3rd June Nene Valley Harriers 5k & 3k Discovery Day race Tel: 07926 847846 • - Make and Fly 6th-7th June Peterborough Rowing a kite Club Regatta Thorpe Meadows August 19 Tel: 01733 341333 10:00 - 12:00 Join a Nene Park Trust Ranger and make a Kite from re-useable materials found in 14th June Great Ouse Kite Flyers Kite the home then fly it round the park. Drop Festival 17th June Barnardo’s ‘Big Toddle’ in event suitable for children from 5 to Tel: 0845 270 9900 12 years. Cycle with a 20th-21st June Proteus Canoe Club Ranger Orton Mere • Tel: 01733 238127 August 26 10:00 - 12:30 (See 10 June event for details) 20th-21st June RNLI sponsored 24 hour sailing event Gunwade Lake. Family Tel: 01733 234418 Discovery Day Environmental 21st June British Association of Radio Sculpture Control Soarers (model gliding August 26 competition)Tel: 01832 734085 10:00 - 12:00 28th June Great Ouse Kite Flyers Join a Nene Park Trust Ranger and using – Fly in natural materials we will be having fun 30th June Race for Life 1 and creating our own environmental 1st July Race for Life 2 sculpture. Drop in event suitable for children aged 6 to 12 years old. 12th July Great Ouse Kite Flyers – Fly in Walk to Fitness September 7 19th July British Association of Radio 10:00 - 11:00 Control Soarers (model gliding (See 9 June walk for details) competition). Tel: 01832 734085 26th July Great Ouse Kite Flyers – Fly in Guided Dog Walk September 14 2nd August BMC Owners car rally 18:00 - 20:00 Join Nene Park Rangers 8th-9th August Peterborough Rowing Rachel Storey and Gary Club Regatta Thorpe Meadows Mason for a gentle stroll with your dog. Tel: 01733 341333 The walk will last approximately 2 hours starting and finishing at the Visitors 9th August Great Ouse Kite Flyers Centre. Must bring a lead. Dog bags – Fly in provided. Please book. Starting and 16th August British Association of finishing at Splash Lane Castor. Radio Control Soarers (model gliding Ramble with competition) Tel: 01832 734085 a Ranger 19th August Nene Valley Harriers 5k September 16 race Tel: 07926 847846 • 13:30 - 16:30 23rd August Great Ouse Kite Flyers (See 15 July walk for details) – Fly in Walk to Fitness 29nd-31st August PDSA Pet check October 5 event 14:00 - 15:00 3rd September Peterborough Model (See 9 June walk for details) Flying Club Flying Aces event 13th September Great Ouse Kite Flyers – Fly in 27th September Great Ouse Kite Flyers – Fly in

• Park Ranger led walks are informal and intended for anyone who has an interest in the countryside. They are suitable for the whole family and usually last approximately two hours covering no more than two miles (unless otherwise stated). • All walks will have regular stops en route and start at the Visitor Centre in Ferry Meadows (unless otherwise stated). • Unless there are extreme weather conditions the Park Ranger will be there. However please ensure that you wear suitable outdoor footwear and are fully prepared for weather conditions. • Binoculars are always useful. • All the walks and events are free unless otherwise stated.

Dogs Dogs on leads are welcome on walks (unless otherwise stated). Please check individual events. Assistance dogs are welcome on all events. Please help to keep Ferry Meadows enjoyable by cleaning up behind your dog.

Family Discovery Days 10:00am - 12:00. Meet at Ferry Meadows Visitor Centre. These are mostly free although some have a small charge to cover the cost of materials. These activities are intended for parents/guardians/carers and children to discover and learn together and have fun. They will usually be suitable for children aged 5 - 12 years. Families should consist of one or two adults with a maximum of three children per adult. Some require booking as spaces are limited.

Enquiries and booking for Events For event enquiries and where events require pre-booking please contact the telephone number or email address given below. Or if applying in writing, to the address below, please include the names of those attending (for children’s events please include ages), plus a contact address and telephone number. Reserved places on events can be paid for at Ferry Meadows Visitor Centre Shop or by post. Cheque/s for the full amount should be made payable to Nene Park Trust. For bookings and further details of any events please contact: Nene Park Trust, Ham Farm House, Ham Lane, Peterborough PE2 5UU. Tel: (01733) 234193 Email: Website: SPRING/SUMMER 09 | ISSUE 3 7

Green Festival means family fun! or action packed, family adventure get involved with Green Festival 2009. The two-week event is going to be jam packed with hands-on environmental activities – and better still it’s free!


Now in its 17th year, the event encourages local people to interact with their environment in a fun and exciting way, writes Janine Starling, Green Festival coordinator PECT. This year’s theme is healthy eating and food – growing it, cooking it and eating it. Other family attractions will include eco fashion, reusable shopping bags and junk bands, wildlife walks, pond dipping and tree planting. The event is being run by Peterborough Environment City Trust, the charity which aims to make Peterborough a cleaner, greener, healthier place to live – indeed, the UK’s environment capital.


There will also be opportunities to taste freshly prepared food, with chefs cooking up a range of dishes using locally grown produce – everything from butternut squash soup, beetroot and red onion tart to cheesy lentil and root-veg bake, and blueberry pie. Among many other attractions are nature walks, willow weaving, a junk band and help with building a bird box.

The Trust goes on tour Come and meet our staff – not only in Nene Park but also at shows and festivals around Peterborough. During the summer the trust is attending these events: • Heritage Attraction Group, Serpentine Green Shopping Centre – May 15 and 16. • Green Festival Launch Weekend, Town Square – May 23 • Peterborough Festival Town & Country Fair, Embankment – July 4 and 5 We’ll be there with lots of information and activities – so pop by and see us.



ay 2 - June 3rd 7th

GROW IT, COOK IT, EAT IT… This year the festival offers the perfect opportunity to find out how to grow your own fruit and vegetables and how to cook them. There are lots of benefits associated with growing your your own food, or buying locally sourced, seasonal produce from a farmers’ market. The food will be healthier and tastier because it’s fresh and hasn’t been pumped with things to make it survive long journeys. It’s also better for the environment because the food has travelled shorter distances to reach your plate - fewer food miles means less harmful carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. It’s cheaper than buying over-packaged supermarket items and there’s something extremely satisfying about growing your own food. It’s good fun and great for families looking for outdoor activities to do together. Even if you don’t have much space you can grow your own. Imagine cress grown on cotton wool, lettuces in a window box, carrots in a corner of the garden or even rows of courgettes on an allotment!

The festival kicks off with a huge launch event on Saturday, May 23 in Peterborough City Centre. Activities take place in three areas – Queensgate Shopping Centre, Bridge Street and the Cathedral Grounds. The city will be transformed into a huge garden, with experts from national gardening magazines on hand to offer tips on growing your own fruit and vegetables. Families will have opportunities to plant their own seedlings to take home, and everyone will have a chance to win a hamper of gardening goodies in the Green Festival quiz.

See you th ere! M

two weeks of events and activities for everyone to enjoy

Saturday 23rd May - Sunday 7th June

Launch 23rd May, City Centre

01733 568 408

Save the date... Join us for the Green Festival launch event on Saturday, May 23 and remember there will be events and activities going on throughout the fortnight until Sunday, June 7. Visit to find out more, or call 01733 567159 for more information. This year Nene Park Trust will support the Green Festival with several ranger-led events at Ferry Meadows Country Park.

Tom Wopat, Park Ranger

From weeds into

No longer just a

dazzling wildflowers

Something new and exciting is coming to Ferry Meadows Country Park this spring.

Walk in the park!

he park’s wildflower areas attract thousands of visitors. But how did the dazzling displays get there and why do they spring up year after year? It’s not by magic, as Peter Gentleman explains.


Every summer the park’s four wildflower areas provide a dazzling display of colour. But just ten years ago things were very different. Then, having been treated as weeds in crops such as wheat, oats and barley, wildflowers had almost disappeared from our countryside – the result of chemicals and seed cleaning techniques. Now, each year an area of wildflowers is sown with standard cornfield annual mix, consisting of corncockle, cornflower, corn marigold and corn poppy. These flowers, which would have grown in the area many years ago before the park was established, give a stunning display within three months of sowing, including blues, yellows, reds and pinks. Nene Park Trust started the park’s wildflower areas as an educational exercise – to create a natural-looking areas in order that visitors could appreciate how the old arable fields would have looked.

Peter Gentleman Park Ranger

ene Park Trust staff have been working in partnership with Peterborough’s Natural Networks ( on the Mobile Explorers project. It gives visitors a similar experience to taking part in a guided tour with a ranger and even explains what they might see in the park, how and why the landscape has changed and how it is currently managed.


The Mobile Explorer concept has been developed to provide contextual information - in the form of audio, video, image and text about a user’s environment - on a mobile device, such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), which is a small hand-held computer, or Smartphone/Pocket PC, using a combination of custom developed application and global positioning system (GPS) data. The Trust has developed four walks in the park, each of varying lengths, and for those walkers who require one a PDA will be available. Small, easy to use, these devices use satellite technology to provide information and location details – in this case covering Ferry Meadows and the park. Visitors follow a route and as they do so the device detects their position. As they walk through a series of invisible zones the PDA is activated and presents them with on-screen information about their surroundings. The Mobile Explorer service is complemented by a website which allows visitors to sign in and create a personal profile. This stores their likes and dislikes as well as data about their walk with the mobile handset. Based on this information, places and routes are recommended to visitors with similar profiles. Also being developed for the website is a downloadable ipod version. This will use a leaflet and map to deliver audio information. More details about the Mobile Explorer project and the availability of the PDA devices is coming soon to the following websites: and

Chris Park Visitor Services Officer


Railway plans on the right track With a new station platform and other work completed, David and Sandra Coging are well chuffed with their winter’s work at Ferry Meadows Railway ore track that will take the existing line all the way round Lynch Lake - and a tunnel - are among the exciting long term ideas for Ferry Meadows Railway, that owner David Coging has for this popular attraction. Here David explains more about the Railway’s history.


If you are Ferry Meadows regulars, you will have seen that we have not been idle over the winter months. We have taken up the old turntables that were getting very tired after thirty years and replaced them with raised steel tubes. These are much nicer both to look at and to operate and, with new trolleys at each end of the turntable plus new locking devices, ensure a much safer operation. All of this has been surrounded by a low brick wall. The entire project, including a new platform finished in January by the Trust was completed at the end of March. My wife, Sandra, and I bought Ferry Meadows Railway on November 7, 2007 from Mr Grey. His family had owned it for about 28 years. The original locomotive, then named Commodore Vanderbilt, and some of the carriages came from a miniature railway that operated on the seafront at Skegness. They were moved to Thorney Wildlife Park and Zoo near Peterborough (now closed) where they operated for just over a year before Mr Grey senior heard on the grape vine that a new country park was going to open near Peterborough. The railway was then moved to the yet-to-be-opened Ferry Meadows Country Park, one of the first in the country. Once the track was laid and fit for use the steam locomotive was renamed Henry and put into service, where it worked until autumn 1999 when it was removed for minor repairs. Unfortunately, it never returned to Ferry Meadows, being sold to a private farm line in the Lake District. In 2000 Charles arrived at the park and is today our main locomotive - so that brings us up-to-date. There are quite a few things we would like to do with the railway over the next couple of years. The first is to extend the track all the way round Lynch Lake. This would add another 640 yards to the existing ride. The second thing would be to add a tunnel. This would serve a double purpose by adding another element to the ride and giving us somewhere to store the carriages when not in use. Once our busy Summer period is over, we’ll be talking to the Trust about these plans to see what might be possible. In the meantime, please come and see us in 2009.



Enjoy a

Spring Treat at the Lakeside Café Ferry Meadows’ Lakeside Café and Bar, claimed to be Peterborough’s most popular café and bar, has responded to popular demand and launched its own blog. Now recipes for proprietor Charlotte Freeman’s delicious home-made cakes, soups and main courses are available online, together with news and discussions about culinary matters. Go to The café has become a park landmark and focal point. Open all year round, it provides homemade food sourced locally, runs corporate functions as well as birthday parties, plus wedding receptions and charity events such as the RNLI 24 Hour Sail, and makes the perfect end to a virtuously refreshing Spring walk. The blog has proved popular and is building up a following among café fans and culinary enthusiasts. Charlotte has brought her fifteen years’ catering experience to bear on the blog, where she advocates using seasonal food and local ingredients - as she does in the café. For further information visit the blog or contact Charlotte on 01733 370293

Regular boat trips have returned to Ferry Meadows

Introduced from America, a rare pontoon boat is giving visitors great views of the park

From April to October “Poshboatz” will be based at the private jetty on Overton Lake just across from the Visitor Centre. Watch out for the Poshboatz signs and the blue and white flags; and for the unmistakable boat - a luxurious, white, open top ‘pontoon boat’ imported from America. Carrying up to 12 passengers, it is a truly inspiring ‘back to nature’ experience out on the lake. Public trips with commentary depart every 20 minutes on weekends, School Holidays (closed Mondays) and Bank Holidays from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Fares are £3.50 adult and £2.00 child (under 11). Poor weather may, of course, prevent operations – but in good weather you may find additional trips on other days or at other times. The boat is also available with crew at any time for private charter, corporate events and school trips. Stay in the park, or head out on to the River Nene. You can book for an hour or up to a day. If it’s ‘awesome’ you want, pick your day and charter the boat for a Sunset Cruise – magnificent! The boat can carry 12 fare-paying passengers at a time plus crew. “In many ways size was determined for us” explains owner Bob Currell. “Once a boat carries more than 12 passengers you come under the same rules as the 2000-passenger ocean liners! The overheads and operating costs go through the roof and it’s just not viable for this sort of area.”

There’s more information on all activities from Poshboatz at or on 0845 644 8633.

Row, row your boat… Like to go rowing on the lake? Peterborough City Rowing Club invites you to have a go and, perhaps, join them. Last year two of the club’s juniors won at Henley Royal Regatta and six represented Great Britain at their respective age levels. At the other end of the scale the club has many veteran members the oldest active ones being two aged over 70. Anyone interested in trying the sport or knowing more about the club should go onto it’s website, Beginners courses are run through the Summer months and anyone wanting to apply can do so through the Membership Secretary.

Last year, junior members of Peterborough Rowing Club won at Henley Royal Regatta. Care to join them?

About the club • Peterborough City Rowing Club was founded in 1948 and celebrated its 60th anniversary last year. Originally using the river near to where the Key Theatre is now the Club relocated to Thorpe Meadows in 1983. • The Thorpe Meadows rowing lake was born out of the requirement for Peterborough Development Corporation to construct a flood reservoir to compensate for the loss of flood plane caused by the construction of the Nene Parkway. Corporation planners worked with the rowing club to produce a multi-purpose design which has proved ideal for the sport. • Thorpe Meadows is one of only four purpose-built rowing courses in the U.K. It is the only course in England to be run by a single club run by volunteers. The club, as well as providing a popular training venue also runs some of the biggest regattas in the country attracting competitors and spectators from across the UK. • The club became a registered charity in 2003 to further its aims of fostering rowing for school-age children and has around 200 members of whom 60-70 are under 18. Recruitment is aimed at school-age children from 12 years and over, as well as adults, and a great deal of success has been achieved. • Peterborough City Rowing Club and the Thorpe Meadows rowing course and have put Peterborough and Nene Park on the rowing map in a big way.


What are you doing today?

Play Golf! Two Great Courses- Two Great Choices ORTON MEADOWS Golf Course Orton Waterville, Peterborough PE2 5UU Tel: 01733 237478 THORPE WOOD Golf Course Thorpe Wood, Peterborough PE3 6SE Tel: 01733 267701

• Pay as you play

LAKESIDE Cafe and Bar Come and enjoy homemade food in beautiful surroundings • Open 365 days of the year • Available for parties, corporate events and business meetings

Visitors Centre Cafe Tea Time Catering

Enjoy a relaxing Ferry Meadows Cream Tea overlooking Overton Lake. Enjoy the view, enjoy our hospitality!

• Ample parking

• Club and Trolley Hire • Large well-stocked Golf Shops • 12-hole Pitch & Putt Course at Orton Meadows • Golf Societies welcome

Horse Riding in Nene Park


01733 234445

Lakeside Cafe & Bar, next to the Watersports Centre, Ferry Meadows Tel: 01733 370293

Lakeside Leisure

Peterborough’s Premier Family Outdoor Leisure Facility

Tuition for: Power Boats, Windsurfing, Sailing & Kayaking Hire for: Cycles, Canoes, Kayaks, Pedalos & Rowing Boats, Sailing Dinghies and Windsurfers Retail: Jack Holt, Gul, Minnkota Outboards, Ocean Kayaks, Old Town, Crewsaver Yak • Campsite available for group bookings • Licensed café/bar • Public Day launching for Non-powered Craft • Tuition to suit all ages • RYA PWB level 2 • Sailing Club - new members welcome


01733 234418 Lakeside Leisure, Watersports Centre, Ferry Meadows, Ham Lane, Peterborough PE2 5UU

Tel: 01733 234493

Ferry Meadows Railway Nene Park, Peterborough

• A train ride for children of all ages from 1 to 91 ! • Take a ride across the park from Ham Lane to the Watersport Centre • Trains run every weekend and throughout the school holidays (Monday is our day off)

Tel: 01933 398889

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Lots of varieties to choose from.

Disabled? Come and enjoy the freedom of sailing y Pickings Eas =c\RZS @]OR =`b]\ EObS`dWZZS >SbS`P]`]cUV 1O[Pa >3 #CC 01733 234600  @SabOc`O\b  >Sba =^S\ % ROga O eSSY

... every Tuesday and Thursday from April to October at the Watersports Centre, Ferry Meadows

For more information

Tel: 07948 262919 or email:

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