Parklife Issue 13 Spring/Summer 2014

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Parklife SPRING/SUMMER 2014


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Chief Executive’s View


elcome to another packed edition of Parklife, as we look forward to a busy and exciting summer in Nene Park.



2 3 4 5 6 7-10 11 12 13 14 16

Chief Executive’s View New Otter Playground Citizen Science Duty Ranger’s Day Behind the Scenes Lakeside @ Ferry Meadows Spring/Summer Events Parkrun Peterborough Fishing in Ferry Meadows Making a Difference New Faces at the Trust Dogs in the Park Introducing the Trust Board Wild Child

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of Parklife. If you require Parklife in a Braille, audio or large text format please contact Nene Park Trust on the details below. If you would like to make any comments or go on our mailing list to receive information about the Park and future editions of Parklife, please write or email to Nene Park Trust at the address below.

Those of you that braved the wet and windy weather and ventured into Nene Park over the winter will have noticed the buzz of activity taking place at Ferry Meadows during construction of our fantastic new waterside activity centre and café, and the exciting new ‘Otter’ playground near to the Visitor Centre. Both facilities will be great additions to the Park experience for the summer, and we are pleased to be welcoming three new businesses into the Park to operate from the new centre. You can read more about these projects, and the new facilities available, on pages 3 and 6. Sticking with the theme of water, Nene Park again performed an important role this winter in storing floodwater to protect land and property downstream towards the city. Although the Park was designed back in the 1970s with this role in mind, the temporary flooding we have experienced in some areas of the Park during the past two winters can be inconvenient for our regular visitors - but also a big challenge for our staff in undertaking their busy winter work programmes. You can learn more about the important behind the scenes work of our Rangers on page 5. Increasingly, the wide range of work involved in maintaining and improving the Park landscape is also being carried out by our growing army of volunteers - a team that gave almost 3,000 hours of their time to Nene Park in 2013 alone! We are always looking for more help, so why not find out more about the great job the volunteers do on page 12. Finally, although our volunteer programme is relatively new, Nene Park has in fact been supported by a volunteer Board of Trustees for over 25 years, who also give their time for free to support and develop Nene Park. In a new feature for Parklife, we profile one of our Board members on page 14. So, on behalf of all of the team at the Trust, I wish you a very enjoyable summer in Nene Park. James McCulloch Chief Executive Nene Park Trust

Telephone: 01733 234193 Address: Nene Park Trust, Ham Farm House, Ham Lane, Peterborough PE2 5UU Email: Website: www. Parklife is published by Nene Park Trust and produced by Connaught Media Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations – The paper used for this publication has been produced using wood sourced from sustainably managed forests and is fully recyclable. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material published in Parklife. Nene Park Trust and the Publishers cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers or contributors and any rights reserved. No part of Parklife may be reproduced, stored in any form of retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any other means, electronic, photographic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Copyright Nene Park Trust 2013. Cover image courtesy of Chris Porsz.

Image courtesy of Chris Porsz



New Otter Playground


he exciting new Otter playground will be opening at Ferry Meadows on 4 April and is the first stage of a three year plan to improve play in the Park. The Otter playground will provide an engaging space for younger children to enjoy. A meandering path travels through the playground taking children on a journey of discovery. With water and sand play, cradle swings, an oversized slide, a hollow log, a clambering bridge, a tree den and swinging acorn pods, there is going to be plenty to explore. The playground will also contain lots of seating and established trees to give shade and protection from the weather.

Local groups, schools and the Nene Park Volunteers all played their part in helping us to understand what visitors wanted to see. In fact the acorn seats were a direct result of this work and are a great addition to the playground. The designers, Landscape Architects Davies White, really wanted the local wildlife and landscape to inspire the project and we think you’ll agree that this has been achieved. And if you’re wondering why it’s called the Otter playground, well you’ll just have to wait and see.

Teresa Wood Visitor Services Manager

Image courtesy of Chris Porsz

Citizen Science


he development and take up of social media has been one of the technological phenomena of our age. It has made it possible for thousands of people to contribute directly to a diverse range of scientific research projects. One that springs to mind is the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch. In January, people across the country spent an hour counting birds in their gardens to monitor national population trends. The power of citizen science is so compelling, it is almost impossible not to get involved and this is where you come in. Trust staff have said many times, that you, the Park visitors, are one of our most valuable assets. Every year you bring many 1000s of extra pairs of eyes and ears to the Park. It is often Park visitors who spot things such as fallen branches and report them to us. Well this year we would love you to contribute to wildlife sightings and records for the Park. We already receive hundreds of reports and wildlife sightings each year. Along with local conservation organisations we have been looking at how we can use this information. So keep an eye on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages and you will soon be able to find out how you can help us to build a more complete picture of the Park’s wildlife. Chris Park Conservation Officer

Image courtesy of Paul Gallagher



Duty Ranger’s Day


very day of the year, one of the Rangers will be designated as Duty Ranger while the rest of the Ranger team is working throughout the Park.

The Duty Ranger’s tasks include opening the Park in the morning and checking the site to see if any maintenance is needed. This includes checking three play areas and the two bird hides to ensure they are safe to use.

The Duty Ranger can be contacted at any time during Park opening hours on the Ranger mobile 07860 308081. Alternatively the Visitor Centre can contact the Duty Ranger via radio. This contact number is also displayed in notice boards throughout the Park and on our website.

Once all of these checks have been carried out, the Duty Ranger will then visit other areas of the Park, reporting anything which may need attention and dealing with any issues which may arise. As the Park extends from Thorpe Meadows, near the city centre, right the way out to Wansford there are a more than a few miles to be covered! Having two cafés and the Lakeside centre on site also means there are plenty of deliveries arriving throughout the day. The majority of these need access into the Park through the height barriers and the Duty Ranger is the first point of contact to open them. During the course of the day the Duty Ranger can be called on to assist in any number of ways. It could be a lost dog, injured wildlife or somebody requiring first aid. No two days are ever the same but knowing that you’ve helped somebody or made their visit more enjoyable is something I really enjoy about being Duty Ranger. Ian Lowe Duty Ranger

Image courtesy of Chris Porsz



Image courtesy of Chris Porsz

Behind The Scenes The Nene Park Rangers are out and about in the Park every day of the year. Here is just a snapshot of the wide range of tasks they undertake, seen through the lens of Chris Porsz.



Lakeside @ Ferry Meadows

On Friday 11 April, following a year of extensive works to the building and surrounding landscape, the new Lakeside centre opens its doors to Park visitors. Lakeside provides a hub for activity and relaxation within Ferry Meadows as the home for Nene Outdoors, a new water sports and outdoor activity venture, and Lakeside Kitchen & Bar, a contemporary dining and function venue. Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect when you visit Lakeside. Nene Outdoors Anthony Chapman and Mark Kudlinski, Directors With access to the beautiful Gunwade Lake, Nene Outdoors caters for many activities on and off the water including hire of kayaks, canoes, row boats and pedaloes, group activities such as raft building and orienteering as well as courses in sailing, windsurfing and kayaking. Nene Outdoors also boasts a brand new conference and meeting space with fantastic views of the lake providing a professional environment for away days and meetings. With a campsite and outdoor clothing and equipment shop, Nene Outdoors has something for everyone. Lakeside Kitchen & Bar Raj Regmi, Managing Director and Jodie Skells, Catering Manager The Lakeside Kitchen & Bar will focus on popular dining out favourites featuring local producers and suppliers complemented by a range of hot and cold soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. The beautiful surroundings make this the perfect place to host an event, have a great meal or simply to stop off for a coffee and cake while you are walking your dogs in the Park. It will be an ideal place to come and relax while being served by friendly approachable staff, making it a destination for the people of Peterborough and all Park visitors.



To add to the exciting facilities that will be on offer at Lakeside, a leading cycle hire facility will also be provided, with the target launch date being late Spring. As well as introducing new faces and facilities, the complex is also home to long-standing Park friends; Lakeside Sailing Club, Peterborough Sailability, Nene Bowmen and a more recent addition, Peterborough Adapted Cycling Scheme operated by Vivacity. These groups are working closely with the new businesses to provide a variety of leisure opportunities for all abilities and backgrounds. To get a feel for all that Lakeside has to offer, why not visit the Park on Saturday 10 May when we will be hosting a family open day? There will be opportunities to watch and take part in various activities whatever your experience and ability as well as lots of family friendly offers. For more details about the event please visit the Nene Park Trust website, drop into the Visitor Centre or contact the office nearer the time. Susan Evans Senior Projects and Development Officer For more information about the facilities based at Lakeside here are all the new contact details you’ll need: Nene Outdoors Lakeside Kitchen & Bar Lakeside Sailing Club Peterborough Sailability Nene Bowmen Peterborough Adapted Cycling Scheme

Spring/Summer 2014


Guided Walks, Trails, Children’s Events... and much, much more

Events Information For bookings and enquiries: 01733 234193 Event details correct at the time of going to press. Please check our website for up to date information. Events are free and take place at Ferry Meadows unless otherwise stated. If you book onto an event and are unable to come please let us know.

Easy Access Events These are events which are accessible for pushchairs and wheelchairs. Events which require accessing uneven terrain or crossing obstacles are not classified as easy access. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding the accessibility of an event.

Walk Information Ranger led walks vary in length. Some walks involve crossing stiles and uneven terrain and are therefore not easy access. Please ensure that you wear suitable clothing and footwear and remember to bring refreshments.

Children’s events All children aged under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. One adult may accompany a maximum of three children.

Support our Work As an independent charitable trust, Nene Park Trust receives no funding from central or local government and is totally reliant on any income we generate ourselves. Most of the events led by Nene Park Trust staff are offered free of charge or on a cost recovery basis. Following events our staff may invite you to make a voluntary donation to the Trust. If you have enjoyed an event and would like to make a donation this will go towards the cost of continuing to offer events and facilities to the public. Page 7 image courtesy of Chris Porsz



April Friday 4 to Tuesday 22 April

Easter Trail 10am-3pm Collect a trail sheet from the Visitor Centre and then return to claim your prize. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: No Cost: 50p Saturday 5 April

Dog Workshop 1.30pm-4pm Does your dog pull on the lead? Help is at hand with experienced, BIPDT qualified dog trainer and APBC registered behaviourist Karen Wild. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Cost: £10 Meeting point: Discovery Den Wednesday 9 April

Wild Wednesday 10am-2pm Create a clay creature to take home. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Discovery Den

Wednesday 16 April

Birds in Spring 10am-12.30pm Join Conservation Officer Chris Park on a walk looking and listening for spring migrants. Suitable for: 12yrs+ Easy access: Yes Booking required: Yes Meeting point: Visitor Centre Wednesday 16 April

Wild Wednesday 10am-2pm Can you make a bird sit on the branch or an otter catch a fish? Make a Victorian toy called a thaumatrope. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Discovery Den Saturday 19 April

Dr Bike 10am-2pm Free minor repairs and adjustments to your bike plus local travel information with Sustrans. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Discovery Den Thursday 24 April

Thursday 10 April

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Scarecrow Building

11am-1pm Come along to Ferry Meadows and meet Barney the Bear. Remember to bring your picnic! Suitable for: 3yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

10am-12pm All material provided but feel free to bring unwanted clothes to dress your scarecrow. A prize will be given for the best dressed scarecrow. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Sunday 13 April

Ark Farm 10am-3pm Meet and pet the Ark Farm animals. Ark Farm staff will give three 15 minute talks during the day. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No (drop-in) Location: Outside Visitor Centre

Saturday 26 April

Introduction to Digital Photography 9.45am-4pm Escape from “Auto” mode - a must for anyone with a digital camera wanting to take better pictures. Suitable for: 18years+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Contact Pete Murray on 01780 410078 or at Cost: £40 Saturday 26 April

Sunday 4 May

Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 May

Felt Flowers

Dawn Chorus Walk

Badger Watch

9.30am-12.30pm Turn wool fleece into solid fabric. The finished flowers can decorate bags or hats and make corsages. All materials provided. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Yes Booking required: Contact Pete or Jackie Murray on 01780 410078 or at Cost: £20

4am-8am Experience an amazing chorus of bird song on this walk with Conservation Officer Chris Park. Suitable for: 12yrs+ Easy access: Yes Booking required: Yes Meeting point: Discovery Den

7.15pm-11pm Join Rangers for a talk on badgers followed by a silent vigil at a badger set to try and catch a glimpse of these shy creatures. Suitable for: 10yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

Wednesday 7 May

Sunday 18 May

Bird Watching by Boat

Float your Boat

9.30am-12.30pm Enjoy a presentation on the birds you can expect to see and a 1½ hour boat excursion. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Contact Pete or Jackie Murray on 01780 410078 or at Cost: £20 Meeting point: Discovery Den

10.30am-12pm and 1.30pm-3pm Use recycled materials to create your own boat and then sail it on Lynch Lake. Suitable for: 5yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

Tuesday 29 April and 6,13, 20 May

Pottery 4pm-6pm A short 4 week course creating pottery inspired by the Park. Suitable for: 7yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Contact Mandy Sterling on 07948 800228 or at Cost: £7.50 per session Meeting point: Discovery Den Tuesday 29 April

Wild Food Forage 6.15pm-7.30pm Tips on foraging and identifying wild food on this guided walk. Suitable for: 12yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

May Saturday 3 May

Dog Workshop 1.30pm-4pm Does your dog love to chase? Help is at hand with experienced, BIPDT qualified dog trainer and APBC registered behaviourist Karen Wild. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Cost: £10

Wednesday 21 May

Photography by Boat

9.30am-12.30pm Join Ranger Gary Mason for a walk through the woods in Ferry Meadows. Suitable for: 12yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Meeting point: Visitor Centre

9.30am-12.30pm The event includes a presentation and a 1½ hour boat excursion followed by a techniques review back onshore. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Contact Pete or Jackie Murray on 01780 410078 or at Cost: £20 Meeting point: Visitor Centre

Saturday 10 May

Saturday 24 May

Introduction to Digital Photography

Dr Bike

Thursday 8 May

Walk in the Woods

9.45am-4pm See 26 April for details. Saturday 10 May

Plants for Free 9.30am-12.30pm Learn how to propagate plants and then take them home and watch them grow. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Contact Pete or Jackie Murray on 01780 410078 or at Cost: £20 Meeting point: Discovery Den

10am-2pm See 19 April for details. Saturday 24 May- Sunday 1 June

Half-term Trail 10am-3pm Collect a trail sheet from the Visitor Centre and then return to claim your prize. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No Cost: 50p



Tuesday 27 May

Saturday 14 June

Saturday 28 June

Tree Climbing for Kids

Dr Bike

Make a Basket in a Day

11am-3pm Climb into a harness and let the Rangers show you how to climb. Suitable for: 4yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Visitor Centre

10am-2pm See 19 April for details.

10am-4.30pm Receive full tuition and all the materials you'll need. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Yes Booking required: Yes Cost: £10

Wednesday 28 May

Wild Wednesday 10am-2pm Create a recycled plant pot and plant some seeds for summer. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Yes Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Discovery Den Wednesday 28 May

Walk with a Ranger 5.30pm-9.30pm Join Ranger Ian Lowe for a 6 mile guided walk around Ferry Meadows and surrounding areas. Suitable for: 10yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Thursday 29 May

Teddy Bear’s Picnic 11am-12.30pm Enjoy a picnic with Barney the Bear. Remember to bring your picnic! Suitable for: 3yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

June Sunday 1 June

Monkey Bongo 1pm-4pm Make music in a drumming circle. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: No (drop-in) Meeting point: Visitor Centre Wednesday 11 June

Beginner’s Photography 1.45pm-3.45pm Join Ranger Ashley Wheal for a beginner’s course. If you have a camera bring it along. The event is inside. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Yes Booking required: Yes



Sunday 15 June

Romans Revisited 10.30am-12pm and 1.30pm-3pm Celebrate the Park's Roman heritage by making a Roman pot. Suitable for: All ages Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Wednesday 18 June

Ramble from River to Rail 10am-4pm Enjoy a 5 mile stroll along the River Nene and a visit to the NVR Station at Wansford before returning to Ferry Meadows by train. Suitable for: 8yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Cost: £4 (rail fare)

Sunday 29 June

Dr Bike 10am-2pm See 19 April for details. Friday 4 July

Ferry Meadows by Night 9pm-11pm Walk through the Park with bat detectors, look for moths and experience the solitude, silence and dark of the Park at night. Suitable for: 10yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes

Wednesday 18 June

Discovering Trees 1.30pm-4pm Join Ranger Ashley Wheal for an illustrated talk in the Visitor Centre and a walk to identify native trees. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Saturday 21 June

Poetry in the Park 10am-2pm A short guided walk followed by writing workshops led by former Peterborough Poet Laureate Keely Mills. Suitable for: 18yrs+ Easy access: Phone for details Booking required: Yes Cost: £12 Tuesday 24 June

Walk with a Ranger 5.30pm-9.30pm See 28 May for details. Thursday 26 June

Teddy Bears’ Picnic 11am-12.30pm See 24 Apri for details.

Wildlife Explorer/ Watch Events The group encourages an interest in nature via fun activities. There is a charge of £1 for members and £2 for non-members, adults go free. Non-members are welcome but will be encouraged to join the group after two sessions. Sessions run on Sunday mornings once a month. For more information about the group contact Chris Park at or see or


xactly twelve months on from the memorable triple gold medal performance of Farah, Ennis and Rutherford in the Olympic Stadium, Peterborough had its own Super Saturday with the inaugural parkrun in Ferry Meadows Country Park on 3rd August 2013. Since then we have put on timed runs every Saturday plus two on Christmas Day and a further run on New Year’s Day. We have also had ‘fancy dress’ days and ‘takeover’ days where local organisations and clubs organise parkrun for the day to raise awareness of their activities. One local club, Werrington Joggers, provided an amazing 41 volunteers on one day. We have seen a steady rise in the numbers of participants, in all conditions and throughout the winter months. This means that the number of volunteers we require has also increased and we now have Duke of Edinburgh Award students helping us most weeks. After a rather wet winter everybody is looking forward to some warmer weather and to celebrating our 50th run in July and our anniversary run in August, which will have a Teddy Bears’ picnic fancy dress theme. Peterborough parkrun has developed a fantastic sense of community and support for those new to running or getting active. You can find out more about parkrun on our website If you wish to volunteer you can contact the team via to find out about the different roles available. Gordon Pearson Event Director

Fishing in Ferry Meadows


ithin Ferry Meadows there are three lakes. The two larger lakes, Gunwade and Overton, are both fishable and are fed by the River Nene so they are not classified as still water. Fishing in Ferry Meadows during spring, summer and autumn for Bream, Tench, Carp and Roach can be prolific. During the winter months Pike and Zander can be great sport. Feeder and float fishing are the main methods used to catch Bream and Tench. Both have a liking for maggots and casters (the chrysalis form of maggots) but pellets and small boilies as change bait can also produce large nets of fish. So if you fancy a spot of fishing at Ferry Meadows you can find out more information in our fishing leaflet available from the Visitor Centre and on our website in the downloads section. Day tickets and season tickets are available from local tackle shops and on the bank from the bailiff. To keep up to date with information and catch reports you can look on the Peterborough and District Angling Association’s web site Arthur Smallman Nigel Bryans and Assistant Ranger Park Assistant



Image courtesy of Chris Porsz

Making a Difference


very Wednesday the Nene Park Volunteers carry out various conservation and maintenance tasks in the Park. In December, overhanging vegetation was cleared from one of the Park’s boundaries at Woodston Reach. This involved cutting back branches and clearing Brambles and Nettles. Although quite a physical task the rewards were there for all to see at the end of the session. However, it is not all work, work, work. After a busy morning litter picking, digging up nettles, trimming back Hawthorn and cutting back overhanging branches in the car park, a Christmas lunch was held to thank the volunteers for their efforts throughout the year. After lunch, and a few too many mince pies, Conservation Officer Chris Park took the Volunteers on a guided walk. It was a great chance to look back at the work carried out and to look ahead to some exciting projects for the following year. Volunteers also lent a hand at our Woodlands Day event; setting up and taking down marquees, handing out comment cards, helping to run activities and even dressing up in a bear suit to



take on the role of Barney the Bear. At the Christmas Fair the volunteers were also keen to help out and performed a selection of Christmas songs which they had been rehearsing before the day. It was a great way to end the year and was enjoyed by all. Moving into the New Year, everybody was keen to get back out in the fresh air and burn off those Christmas calories. We soon got stuck in to some coppicing and tree planting. A variety of species were planted to improve diversity and provide habitat and a food source for wildlife. February and March saw the volunteers weeding the Conservation Garden next to the Visitor Centre, coppicing Willow for bank protection work in the Park and planting with the Ranger Team at the new Lakeside centre. I think you'll agree the volunteers do a fantastic job and the time and energy they dedicate makes a big difference. Gary Mason Park Ranger If you are interested in volunteering please contact us on 01733 234193 or at

New Faces at the Trust Gareth Lorman Assistant Ranger and Gardener I started working for Nene Park Trust in October last year. However, my career in horticulture started way back in 1996 at Pershore College of Horticulture where I studied Landscape Technology. I learnt from hard and soft landscaping to garden design and a highlight was working on a show garden at the Chelsea Flower Show for which we won a silver gilt award. For four years I worked for Monty Don, the presenter of Gardeners’ World, implementing his designs and ideas for his Long Meadow garden. I have also worked as a hard landscaper in Leamington Spa, Malvern and have just finished a seven year stint with the National Trust at Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire. Here at Nene Park I will be responsible for implementing the Lakeside centre planting and the new car park improvement plans as well as improvements to the Willow and Conservation Garden. I look forward to the challenge and making your visit even more enjoyable.

Vicky Chambers Education and Events Assistant I have just started working for the Nene Park Trust as an Education and Events Assistant and have been enjoying getting to know everyone and the area. Before starting here I completed a BSc Applied Zoology degree in 2012. I also spent the last eight years volunteering in various roles with the London Wildlife Trust and the RSPB. More recently, in 2013, I completed a six month community engagement internship with the RSPB. I’m very happy to have been welcomed into the Trust and I’m really looking forward to putting my people engagement and education skills to good use, gaining new ones, and having the opportunity to help share knowledge of wildlife and conservation with visitors to the Park.

Dave Thompson Education and Events Officer I am excited to be joining the team at Nene Park Trust to cover maternity leave in the role of Education and Events Officer. With over twenty years in primary school education, I am looking forward to my new challenges. As a keen cyclist, walker, bird watcher and geocacher, I look forward to inspiring all those who visit the Park, either as schoolchildren or as visitors enjoying our varied events. My background in education combined with a passion for the outdoors and nature should help ensure that, with the help of the Nene Park Trust team, I deliver and develop excellent experiences for all our visitors.

Phil Rolfe Finance Director With so many new developments under way it’s been a really exciting time to join the Trust. During my first 6 months I have enjoyed meeting many of our tenants and partners and being involved in the development of the new Lakeside centre and the play trail project. There are plenty of challenges ahead, and whilst the Trust is on a sound financial footing, there are ever increasing demands on our resources as we look to improve still further the facilities on offer and renew some of the Park’s infrastructure. My immediate priorities include developing a longer term financial strategy for the Trust and aiming to make more of our charitable status to raise much-needed additional income. I have over 25 years senior management experience in the charity sector, most recently for national children’s charity Spurgeons, based in Northamptonshire. I have lived in Peterborough since 1986 and have enjoyed the Park as a user and a parent - and I have swapped long distance commuting for a 15 minute cycle ride through the Park. SPRING SUMMER


Dogs in the Park

Introducing the Trust Board



e know that Nene Park is a popular place with dog walkers. However, we also understand that dogs are not necessarily everybody’s best friend! This is why our new Park Code contains a section especially on dogs in the Park. By following a few simple guidelines we can make the Park an even better place to be not only for people but for dogs and wildlife as well. Throughout the Spring there will also be a series of Dog Workshops held in Ferry Meadows with qualified dog trainer Karen Wild. The courses are designed to help those of us whose dogs don’t always do exactly as they should. Another date for the diary, following the success of last year’s event, is Bark in the Park which will be back again in 2014 on Saturday 13 September. Keep an eye on our website and notice boards for more information closer to the time. If you would like to receive updates on all things dog related within the Park, let us know and we can add you to our mailing list. Just send an email to with “add me to the dog register” in the subject line or give us a call on 01733 234193. David Radley Visitor Services Officer

s a charity, Nene Park Trust is overseen by a Board of Trustees that is appointed by various local, regional and national bodies. The Board works with the Chief Executive to develop strategies for the Trust and Park, approve budgets and to ensure that the Trust is meeting its overall objective as a charity in providing Nene Park for Peterborough residents and visitors.

Board Profile: Paul Hutton OBE Paul is a retired Chartered Surveyor and Land Agent, and was appointed to the Board in 2003 by the Bishop of Peterborough. Paul was Trust Chairman from 2006 to 2013, and will be retiring from the Board later this year. Q: Why do you give your time to the Trust as a Board member? Throughout my professional life, I have been involved in countryside and rural matters and I enjoy using this experience to further the aims of the Trust. Q: What do you consider the main role of the Board to be? To support the Chief Executive and senior team in the management of Nene Park and the Trust. Q: What do you enjoy most about being a Board member? Being part of the Trust’s success as it has developed over the past 25 years and contributing to the decision process as new plans are written and implemented.

• Dogs are very welcome to explore the Park but always keep your dog in sight and under control and do not allow your dog to approach other Park users uninvited. • Always clean up after your dog and use the bins provided. • Please don’t leave your dog unattended in a vehicle on warm days. • Please do not disturb wildlife or livestock and prevent dogs from approaching or chasing them by using leads.




Q: In your view, what is the biggest future challenge the Trust has? Meeting the needs of an ever-growing population of the City. Q: What was your greatest achievement in your time as Trust Chairman? Being able to lead and support the on-going development of the Trust and its staffing structure, moving out of the 20th century to the 21st century. Q: Finally - what is your favourite part of Nene Park, and why? Walking to the Watersports Centre and then sitting to watch the world go by.

Play Golf!

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Ferry Meadows Railway

Horse Riding in Nene Park


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• A train ride for children of all ages from 1 to 91 ! • Take a ride across the park from Ham Lane to the Lakeside centre • See website for Spring/Summer timetable.

For more information

Tel: 07948 262919

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or email:

Nene glides SegwAY Experience

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07519 809 383 SPRING SUMMER



Welcome to WILD CHILD: your fi rst stop if you love natur e, making things, or ju st playing outside at Ferr y Meadows. Don’t forget to turn to our events pages to se e what free kid’s events we’re planning.

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Step St ep 3

You Y ou w will ill need: Dish sponge sponges, s, elastic bands, scissors scissors Step 1 Step CCut ut yyour our sponge oe ven sstrips. trips. spongess int into even Theyy should be about 3 cm wide The wide.. Step 2 Step Layy 3 sponge sstrips La trips acr across oss e each ach o other ther as sho shown wn in the pictur picture. e.

Step St ep 4

Step 3 Step Use an elas elastic tic band tto o sec secure ure the sponge le as sho wn. spongess in the midd middle shown. Step 4 Step Wet W et yyour our w water ater bombs in a bucke buckett off w o water. ater.


Choose your target target!! Choose your target!

Lots of baby bunnies are being bornn down down at at Ferry Fer r y Meadows Meadows at at this time of of year. year ar.. Can Can you help this one avoid all the predat preda predators tor orss lurking lurking in the maze?

Would W ould you lik likee to to see your painting or dr draw drawing aw ing of of Fer r y Me adows here on the Wild Wild Child page? Ferry Meadows You can send us yyour You our pictur pictures es b byy email or b byy pos post. t. Email artwork artwork to to us at at visit and put WILD CHILD in your your sub subject ject line line.. Post P ost yyour our artw artwork ork tto o us aatt Wild Child, Nene P Park ark TTrust, rust, Ham Farm Farm House, House, Ham Lane Lane,, Peterborough, P eterborough, PE2 5UU 5UU.. If yyou ou include a sstamped, tamped, self self-addressed -addressed envelope envelope w we e can rreturn eturn yyour our art tto o yyou. ou. W We e can can’t ’t wait wait to to hear hear from from all all budding na nature ture artis artists! ts! Well W ell done tto o Sophie B Barnwell arnwell ffor or her e excellent xcellent rabbit rabbit dr drawing, awing, rreally eally w well ell observ observed, ed, Sophie. Sophie.

Answers: Ans wers: Sloa Sloaw-worm, w-worm, M Mute ute sswan, wan, P Pond ond ska skater, ter er,, Pygmy Pygmy shr shrew, ew, M Muntjac untjac deer, deer, Green Green woodpecker woodpecker

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