10 minute read
The Walking Whales Barbell Club is an interprofessional club on campus for individuals who are interested in weightlifting and powerlifting. However, we’re not just for experienced lifters. WWBC works hard to recruit anyone who is interested in working out, eating healthfully, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. We even have a list of no-equipment home workouts that you can try if you don’t have access to a gym or time to go to one!
No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced lifter, nutrition is very important, so I want to share a two-part meal that is perfect after a long workout. Part 1 is the recovery shake.
Combine 1 cup of milk, half a cup of frozen strawberries, a whole banana and a scoop or two of protein powder. Blend until it’s ready to drink. is snack is full of protein and quick-digesting carbs, exactly what you need after a workout to promote muscle growth.
Part 2 is the actual meal: Air-fried chicken shawarma. Air fryers are all the rage these days, so I want to share a simple recipe you can make in 15 minutes (plus some marinade time).
I’m Indian, so I was raised on Asian avors. Chicken Shawarma is a Mediterranean twist on some of these avors, and my mom used to make it for an afternoon snack, so it de nitely reminds me of home!
Adapted from a recipe at bluejeanchef.com
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon paprika ½ teaspoon ground allspice
¼ teaspoon turmeric ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1½ pounds boneless chicken breasts (about 3 chicken breasts)
4 pieces naan bread or fresh pita bread
First, make the marinade: Combine the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and spices in a small bowl and whisk well. en, place the chicken in a zipper-seal plastic bag with the marinade. Massage the chicken in the bag to coat all sides with the marinade. It’s best if you let the chicken marinate overnight in the fridge, but if you don’t have time, a few hours will work, too.
Next, pre-heat the air fryer to 380°F. Transfer the marinated chicken breasts to the air fryer basket and air-fry at 380ºF for 8 to 10 minutes, ipping the chicken over halfway through the cooking process. When done, slice the chicken breasts into pieces. Now, heat the naan/pita on both sides in a skillet with a little olive oil. Spread a little hummus on the warm naan bread. Place the sliced chicken on the naan with the spinach on top. Roll or fold the bread up around the llings. You can wrap parchment paper or foil around half of the shawarma to keep it together. at’s it! If you freeze the extra, you’ll have meals prepared for the whole week.
Adapted from bluejeanchef.com/recipes/chicken-shawarma-wrap/ I’m Indian, so I was raised on Asian fl avors. Chicken shawarma is a Mediterranean twist on some of these fl avors, and my mom used to make it for an afternoon snack, so it defi nitely reminds me of home!”
– Sanjay Jinka College of Medicine Class of 2023
Interacting one-on-one with patients will always be special to Princess Ogbogu, M.D. (’00). But as Chief housing development has a cockroach infestation; however, because of nances they are unable to move to a di erent location. of the Division of Allergy, Immunolo- e child has had many episodes of accigy, and Rheumatology at University dental food ingestion, the last one resultHospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s ing in an overnight hospitalization for Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, the anaphylaxis. e parents are frustrated NEOMED alumna also seeks out op- and unsure what to do next. portunities to make a broader mark – Excerpted from “Disparities in — for example, to help build pipelines Asthma and Allergy Care: What Can for underrepresented students to enter We Do?” by Princess U. Ogbogu, M.D.; medical school. Quinn Capers IV, M.D.; and Andrea
Dr. Ogbogu (pronounced oh-BO- J. Apter, M.D.; published in e Journal goo; the rst g is silent) serves on the of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In American Board of Allergy and Practice, an o cial publication Immunology Board of Directors of the American Academy of Alas well as on the President’s Diversity and Equity Advisory ADVOCATING FOR lergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), Volume 9, Issue 2, Council at NEOMED. She also HEALTH EQUITY: February 2021. conducts research, often related to issues of health equity and the Princess Ogbogu FACTORS social determinants of health. A BY ELAINE GUREGIAN e authors addressed social recent journal article that she determinants of health, looking co-authored, “Disparities in at societal factors as well as strucAsthma and Allergy Care: What Can We Do?” looked at the tural bias underlying the family’s situation in Case 3. Among relationship between asthma and COVID-19. factors discussed by the researchers:
“Earlier in the pandemic, people with asthma were really Redlining – the structural practice among nancial institutions scared: ‘If I get this virus, what’s going to happen to me?’ says to deny loans and more to people based on their race or ethnicity, Dr. Ogbogu. “Over the last 12 months we learned that asthma thus restricting access to better housing and health is not as signi cant as a risk factor as we thought it could be Food deserts – poor access to healthy food, which in turn — that you might not have more severe [COVID-19] disease increases comorbidities of diseases just because you have asthma.” Jobs – overrepresentation of Black people in service jobs that rarely o er paid time o or paid health care IDENTIFYING INEQUITIES Health education – less access to reliable health information
In the paper “Disparities in Asthma and Allergy Care: What Can We Do?” Dr. Ogbogu and her research partners laid out SOLUTIONS ve case studies to demonstrate the many ways that social What could clinicians do to help in such a scenario? determinants of health — good and bad — a ect everyone. Dr. Ogbogu and her co-authors recommend: ey noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has compounded Take part in diversity and communication training to help health inequities. For example, in Chicago, where 30% of the clinicians understand medical recommendations in the context population is Black, 68% of the COVID-19-related deaths of their own beliefs. Training could include attending a were among Black people in summer 2020, when the paper cross-cultural communication course, such as the one created was written. by Dr. Ogbogu for the AAAAI.
Case 3 Work with community health workers to understand the
A 10-year-old Black boy presents to the allergist with severe patient’s cultural beliefs and help the patient understand medeczema and multiple food allergies. e child lives with his parents ical recommendations in the context of their own beliefs. and four siblings in an urban housing development in a food Join committees or community organizations that are dedesert. On allergy testing, the child is sensitized to mouse, cockroach, voted to reducing health disparities, similar to the mission of dust mite, milk, egg, and peanut. e parents mention that the the AAAAI Committee on the Underserved.
Since 2003, Costas H. Kefalas, M.D. ness degree, a Master of Medical Man(’97), M.M.M., FACG, FASGE, AGAF, agement, at Carnegie Mellon, where a professor in the Department of Internal the program's focus was on the core Medicine, has practiced general gastro- competencies of e ective leadership, enterology at Akron Digestive Disease strategy and management skills. ere Consultants in Akron, Ohio, where he are numerous business programs, inis the medical director of the Digestive cluding executive education proHealth Center. He also serves on the grams, at other highly regarded unimedical sta at Summa Health in Akron. versities across the country, and I
Dr. Kefalas is the new president and encourage students to consider all of chair of the board of directors of the GI these options and to choose the proQuality Improvement Consortium, Inc. gram best for them. (GIQuIC) — an educational and scienti c joint initiative of the What advice would you give American College of Gastroen- to help medicine or pharmaterology (ACG) and the Amer- cy students (or student reican Society for Gastrointestinal SHOWING UP searchers) prepare for leadEndoscopy (ASGE). As he assumed this national appoint- THROUGH SERVICE: ership roles? First and foremost, review ment, he re ected on the value Costas Kefalas the mission and vision of the of taking leadership roles. organization that you are considering serving. Do these reWhat interested you in the ect your personal and/or leadership/business/administrative side of medicine, and professional values and goals? If so, then get involved, early. how did additional training prepare you? e more experience you obtain in serving, the better. Volun-
Over the years, I found that I was increasingly involved in teer for roles and positions in organizations that may not be leadership roles as these opportunities arose, not only at my desired; you can learn a lot about an organization and its practice and endoscopy center, but also within regional, state members from these positions. Do well and give it your all, no and national professional societies. Although over time I ac- matter in what role or position you serve. Your successful cumulated experience with this service, I also noted my de - service at any given position will often open doors to you for ciencies. e main reason I pursued a graduate degree mid-ca- additional positions within that organization. And of course, reer was to formalize these experiences and practical knowledge as the saying goes, “show up.” Successful service is dependent that I had learned during my service, as well as to learn the key on being "present," both physically (or virtually, during these skills that I was lacking — namely, a broad understanding of times) and mentally. At some point in your service, consider business and nance. formal leadership education or training, especially if you have
Business skills are not generally taught to medical students, identi ed personal de ciencies in certain skills. e opporturesidents, and fellows, but to successfully practice medicine nities for education are vast, from weekend or weeklong coursin the 21st century, particularly in private practice and in es, in person or online, to formal degree programs. e decision academics, a baseline business education is generally of ben- largely depends on your leadership educational goals. e t. I was fortunate to complete my formal leadership training through the American Association for Physician Leaders (AAPL), a professional society that has partnered with mul- Web extra: View videos of health care thought leaders tiple universities, including Carnegie Mellon University in speaking on VITALS — NEOMED’s Visionary Health Pittsburgh. is partnership allows students to complete Leadership in Action speaker series — at neomed.edu/vitals. prerequisite courses through APPL prior to entering business programs at the a liated universities. I completed my busi-