NE Online Magazine Issue 3

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ISSUE #3 OCTOBER 2012 Featuring


Dave Lynas Skyfire FIFA 13 at Game Lush and more


Welcome to Issue 3 of NE Online Magazine folks, we hope you have enjoyed and shared our previous issues with your friends and family, helping us to spread the word and make us the biggest FREE online magazine in the region.

Ian Berry Photographer

This issue is a celebration of talent as we highlight some incredible acts including Comedian Jack Dee as he makes his comeback to the live scene, plus local legend Dave Lynas as he prepares for the Open Mic UK Regional Finals, also a special thanks to local Photographer Graeme Baty for his help with the bands and arranging the interviews and pics.

John Shaw

If you haven’t liked us on facebook yet then get yourselves over to our page now and keep up to date with special offers, freebies and competitions including some great giveaways from Bad Taste Bears! Greame Baty photographer GJBPerformancePhotography

Ant Clennan Website Greg Wyllie BA (Hons) SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon The Sage Gateshead

As always, drop us an email if you want to feature in a future issue of NE, after all, it’s you the reader who makes the North East what it is, an amazing place, Enjoy Wayne EDITOR Wayne Groves DESIGNER Joseph Archer BA (Hons) CONTRIBUTORS Elizabeth Johnson

Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - http://www. join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag















Who are you? Dave: We are Today The Sun Dies.

Where are you from? Dave: Newcastle

Who does what in the band? Dave: Chris Meek shouts into a microphone, Leigh Final and Jon Sands play guitar, I play bass and Ant Smith hits drums and makes eerie samples.

Where did the name come from? Jon: Chris’ lyrics... I was reading through some whilst we were thinking of names, came


across “today the sun dies”, and it really stood out.

When did you form and how did it come about? Jon: Chris and Ant were getting tipsy in Legends, talking about music. The band Ant and Leigh were in, Boltdown, had just split up, as had the one Chris and I were in and it all just escalated from there. Then Dave came into our lives! Dave: I’m their third bass player. I was lucky enough for it to gel after just a couple of rehearsals. I was in two minds whether to even go for the job cos of how

daunting it seemed at first... Jon: Awww...

Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? Dave: We play our own material. Mainly because we can’t settle on songs to cover! Jon: We do our own stuff ‘cos the rest just isn’t heavy enough!!! Dave: Dear me...

3 random facts about each band member? Dave: I have no big toenails, I can’t look anyone in the crowd in the eye at gigs and I love turtles. Jon: I have a hedgehog,

ride dirt bikes, and love toffee onions. Chris: I don’t like this question!

What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? Dave: Mine was the reaction we got playing in Oxford, and the poor guy who smashed his head off the front of the stage. Jon: Hahahaha! The poor guy! Chris: I like seeing people beat the shit out of each other when we’re playing! Another cool thing about that gig was people knowing our songs! I introduced “Not Born But S*** Into Existence” and they went bananas!

Who inspires you? Dave: I’ll pick 3 bands to keep it short: Nasum, Metallica and Entombed... although we sound like none of these! I think collectively, Whitechapel, Fear Factory, The Forsaken, Blood Bath, Cannibal Corpse...

If you could make 1 person disappear for good who would it be and why? Dave: I can’t really think

to be honest... I’m not that mean. Jon: ... dunno! Dave: We’re the nicest death metal band in the world. Chris: We are the sexy death metal band haha!

What would your rider be if you were playing a huge gig? Dave: I’d have yogurts, Iron Bru, Monster Munch, salt and pepper chilli chicken and rum. Jon: Foot long Subway and some proper coffee. Chris: Yogurts, Dairylea Dunkers and Jagermeister. Dave: We love yogurts. We’d need loads of water too. And lots of the juiced Relentless for Ant.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? Dave: Don’t just follow whatever trend is big at the moment, have fun and don’t expect too much too soon.

If you were not playing in a band, what would you be doing instead? Dave: I’d probably be in prison for GBH. Metal bands are an awesome cure for inner rage. Jon: Riding dirt bikes.

Dave: Leigh would be searching for sasquatch full time.

Where is your favourite place in the north east? Dave: Seaton Sluice beach. Jon: Bed.

Have you had any funny/weird fan incidents? Dave: Just the poor guy who slipped in the pit at Oxford... oh and I find signing autographs weird. And SILLY HANDS!!! Some of the comments we get after we’ve played are really funny too. The lads in Shot Down Stay Down said they felt violated and worried for their lives. Connor from Calasis wanted his mam...

What are your aims for the rest of 2012? Dave: Get the EP finished and make more friends in new bands. Leigh: Start writing songs for the album at Ant’s flat!

Why should people come and listen to you? Dave: ‘Cos we’re heavy as hell. Think of it as a challenge. Especially live.


Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you? Dave: Our Facebook page is always being updated with random chatter, it’s ttsd.metal





T GA M E A H C N U A L NIGHT F I FA 13 M I D Friday the 28th of September was a big day in the diary for gamers of the North East and Game put on the biggest party in town at their Metrocentre store…the reason for the party was of course FIFA13. It’s a well known fact the North East have the most passionate supporters in the country and they didn’t disappoint as they turned up in their hundreds for the midnight launch of FIFA 13. Game teamed up with EA Sports for the event by bringing in Newcastle United’s Ryan Taylor to sign autographs and pose for photos with the fans plus he even challenged 4 lucky people to a game on FIFA 13 before it was released at midnight. He brought a personalised training jacket that he said he would give to someone if they could beat him…which nobody managed to do,

but he did give it to the youngest of the 4 players which was a nice touch. Game also teamed up with other businesses within the Metrocentre so people had something to do while they waited till midnight for the game to go on sale. Greggs Moments had some of the FIFA 13 Game Pods so customers could play on the game while they waited plus they gave away 500 free cupcakes in limited edition NUFC and SAFC colours! Zizi’s offered 20% off to all Game customers and also handed out free Pizza to people while they watched the 4 lads take on Ryan Taylor, 360 Circle Champagne Bar stayed open later and put on some fantastic Cocktail and Beer promotions for the adults and Namco Arcade were doing 2 for 1 bowling for all Game customers all day. On top of that Game had the legend that is Jamie Knight, who is the world champion Football Juggler, who

really impressed the crowd with his tricks and skills with a football, even Ryan Taylor was impressed with his skill. There was also FIFA 13 Competitions and tournaments on during the night with special EA prizes up for grabs and then instore was Game’s resident event DJ Wayne Groves playing all the football songs and plenty of big dance tunes getting everyone pumped for the launch. Over all the event was a massive success for both Game and the Metrocentre, so now they are busy putting together the midnight launch for Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 released on the 13th of November 2012 so make sure you are there for that one as it will be epic and even busier that it was for FIFA 13!!! Check out the video of the FIFA 13 launch on the Sun website here… http://www.thesun. video/lifestyle/ gaming/4561807/FIFA13-Huge-queues-atmightnight-launch.html#o oid=g4bGkxNjpjQoQuvbk moyrHMexA4Zsoxe



Who are you? Static Soul

Where are you from? Newcastle Upon Tyne

Who does what in the band? Jane Walker – Singer / Songwriter Jaimie Johnson – Singer / Songwriter / Producer Mark ‘LivesForMusic’ Thompson – Drums David Black – Bass Alex Campbell – Guitar / Synth

Where did the name come from? Pretty much from Jane’s hair and voice and the electronic sound of our music. Put them all together and you get Static Soul.

When did you form and how did it come about? This full band set up has been together and gigging for a couple of months now but Jaimie and

Jane have been working together for about a year. Band members have been recruited along the way but everyone already knew each other in one way or another.

Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? We take pride in the fact that we write, record and produce all of our own tracks especially because it involves a lot of production. We also like to do our own versions of covers although we only have one at the minute, which is called ‘City Boy’ by a band called Donkyboy and we are working on revamping a song called ‘I Can’t Go For That’ by Hall & Oates.

What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? …probably shooting the music video for our

first single, ‘You Can Do Better’. It was such a great experience; we can’t wait to launch it! Keep an eye out for it…

Who inspires you? A lot of people inspire us not just necessarily in music - anyone who is doing great things and are pushing boundaries really.

If you could make 1 person disappear for good who would it be and why? (famous) I don’t think it would be fair to out just one person. There are a lot of people deserving of this title it would be silly to pick one…

What would your rider be if you were playing a huge gig? A sound check? Some Ribena? Maybe some food? Nothing much really…


If you could travel back in time when would you travel back to and why? [Jaimie] I would never want to go back in time, what would be the point? I would only want to go forward. Unless I went so far back in time I ended up in the future or a different dimension. That would be cool.

If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present who would it be and why? [Jaimie] I can only speak for myself and say either Sting or Will.I.Am. I think I could learn so much from either of them. In my opinion they are both so great at what they do it could only benefit me. [Mark] – Van Morrison – he’s an absolute genius (we all have very eclectic tastes in music as you can see)


What’s the most embarrassing thing that you have ever done at a gig? I can’t really think of anything, probably forgot a vital piece of equipment or something along those lines.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? Don’t listen to anyone’s advice. Make your own mistakes and learn from them on your own otherwise you miss out on that vital experience that makes you a better musician or band. There are no rights or wrongs in music.

Share a secret with us? We are all just one huge accident, the product of natural selection. Nothing was ever planned.

If you were not playing in a band what would you be doing instead? [Jaimie] Probably writing music for other bands / artists to play.

Where is your favourite place in the North east? To play? Probably ‘Barloco’ in Newcastle…. To live... Probably Tynemouth.

Have you had any funny/weird fan incidents? No, all of the people who come to see us or follow us online only ever seem to have nice things to say about us, but I’m sure there will be one day soon.

What’s your aims for the rest of 2012?

Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you?

To finish off our album complete with music videos, write more songs, play bigger gigs and continue to improve at what we do.

You can find us by following any of these links

Why should people come and listen to you? Well, because there is something for everyone. You have electronic beats with real instruments, male and female vocals, catchy hooks, meaningful lyrics and complete dedication to our craft.




Jack Dee has been away from stand-up for six years, so why is he so eager to return to touring now? JAM Marketing’s Ayesha Marston, catches up with the comical genius on the approach to his new tour at the Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th November 2012, where Jack tells us why he has started touring again: “I want to spend less time with my family. I think a little bit of absence from your family is actually a good thing; there are far too many diligent parents out there overdoing it and putting us to shame!” Yes, Jack is back – and he couldn’t be happier about it. After spending the last six years making his BBC2 sitcom, Lead Balloon, and writing his hilarious memoirs, Thanks for Nothing, which he modestly dedicated to himself, the comedian is returning to his first love; stand-up. The comedian, who has been very happily


married to Jane for the past 23 years and is the proud father of four children, admits that he was initially nervous about his return to standup. But the moment he stepped onstage once again, his love for the genre was rekindled. Jack reveals: “At the first warm-up gig I did after that six-year break, I felt like a complete novice. I didn’t know where to begin. But almost immediately it came back. I’ve never taken it for granted – to do it well takes real application. But I have been gigging all year now, and it’s felt really good.” Jack, a very deserving past winner of the British Comedy Award for Best Stand-up Comedian, goes on to articulate the sheer thrill he gets from performing live: “You don’t have to consult any other people – you get immediate feedback from stand-up.

“When stand-up goes well, it’s almost as if you can fly – that’s how exciting it is for you and for the audience. There is so much risk involved that the tension can become very addictive. During the warm-up shows, I have been thinking, ‘wow, why have I been away so long?” Jack tells us the downside of touring: “When I come home, Jane notices that it takes two or three days for me to come down from the stand-up cloud. I have been in the mindset of constantly trying to find the funny, and it takes a while to shake that off. I’m sure she finds it very tiresome and is quite glad when I’m not around.” Jack, who was a team captain on the superbly daft Reeves and Mortimer BBC2 panel game, Shooting Stars, discloses that he will mainly focus on observations about home

life and living with teenagers: “My take on it is that adolescence should really be regarded as a form of mental illness. Once you’ve accepted that, everything makes more sense. It’s very alarming when adolescence happens to your children. Most parents don’t believe it will happen to them. But overnight, you lose the person you been living with for 10 years and someone else entirely emerges. Suddenly you’re living with someone who’s metamorphosed into a lunatic.” Jack, who was also appeared on such TV shows as Have I Got News For You, Q I, Never Mind The Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats, reflects on why this crotchety persona works so well. At the conclusion of what is bound to be a hugely successful journey around the UK, Jack is aiming to tour Australia.



Details about Jack’s tour can be found at www.offthekerb. and tickets can be found at www. millvolvotynetheatre. or by calling 0844 493 9999. Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre is situated at 119 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 4AG.

Special thanks to Andy Hollingworth for cover photo and poster.


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No booking fee and mycineworld ticket prices valid until further notice.

Drive In Movie Nights Ocean Beach Pleasure Park will be giving families the chance to enjoy some spooky movies at the Halloween Drive-In Movie. As part of the Halloween events happening at Ocean Beach Pleasure Park, a large screen will be erected in Bents Park, Sea Road and visitors can drive into the Park and watch movies from the comfort of their own car. Movies will be projected onto the screen and audio will be transmitted through an FM radio signal. Tickets can be purchased at £20 per car, from Ocean Beach Pleasure Park and via the website movie as well as payment on the door. Maxwell Sheeran, said “We are looking forward to introducing something new to South Tyneside with movies being shown for families and adults. There will be some fantastic giveaways and offers for people purchasing tickets via the website. We hope to be able to make this an ongoing event with special movie nights being held throughout the year.” Movie start times range between 6:30pm – 8:00pm. For information contact 0191 456 1617 or visit


Between Thursday 1st November Saturday 3rd November you can see kids movie Monsters v Aliens and scary movies Shutter Island and The Devil Inside. Pull up your car, tune in your radio and enjoy the show. Hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and drinks are just some of the food and drink available to purchase on the night. Venue Address Bents Park, Sea Road, South Shields, NE33 2LD For more information; 0191 456 1617

YOUR TICKET’S A BARGAIN ON TUESDAYS Every movie, every Tuesday – just £4.40 *

*Additional charge will be applied for 3D films.


E L Y T S S E INDIANA JON S E M O C E R U ADVENT H T R O N E H OUT OF T rt un e: Th e Tr ea su re of Fo s e’ hi p So r fo y ad t G et re ar d ab ou t th is fi lm ye he t n’ ve ha u yo If l. Q ue tz al co at It ha s b ee n ta ki ng g? in d hi n ee b u yo th en w he re ha ve t of th is is d ow n to ar p ig b a , m or st y b th e in te rn et l m ac hi ne A d am na io ot m ro p d an r to lo ca l N or t Ea st ac m in th e ne xt is su e) Ba ro ni (m or e fr om hi


ux le as e fr om G en es is Fl re w ne e Th e un rt Fo , So p hi e’ s sh ju ng le la nd sc ap es lu s ha s on ti uc od Pr an d D iv id ed b us te r sp ec ia l ck lo b ic at m ne ci s, in sp ra w lin g A zt ec ru ac ke d m ay he m . -p on ti ac of es en sc ef fe ct s an d no e fi lm w as m ad e on th g in er d si on c e, iv Im p re ss ol to n, La nc as hi re B in y el iv us cl ex ot , b ud ge t an d sh In le ss th an 24 h ou rs e. ir sh rk Yo t es W , ey an d Ba tl nt ur e sh or t fi lm ve d /a on ti ac e th r th e tr ai le r fo l” su re of Q ue tz al co at ea Tr e Th e: un rt Fo s “S op hi e’ hi ts an d cr ea te d a e lin on of s nd sa ou ge ne ra te d th se ri ou s in te rn et b uz z. yl e of a su m m er st ic at m ne ci e th ng C ap tu ri fa th er ’s tr ea su re hu nt a s w lo ol f lm fi e th b lo ck b us te r, n ar ty w he re im ag in at io p ay d th ir b s n’ re ild at a ch an ep ic In d ia na J on es to in it g in m or sf an tr ta ke s ov er, e ac k to fu n cl as si cs lik b g in rk ha e, ur nt ve st yl e ad oo k’ . ‘T he G oo ni es ’ an d ‘H

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I’m Dave Lynas, singer, songwriter, guitarist and performer. I also go out just under “Lynas” for my original work.

Where are you from? Originally I am from Hendon in Sunderland. Those of you who know it will be having a little shudder right now!

How long have you been performing? I’ve been performing for around 15 years in various formats. I started out as a bass player in a local band called Dr Delta. After that I moved onto acoustic guitar and started singing and writing songs and playing local showcase gigs and open mic nights. Professionally I’ve been


performing around 4 years to earn a living.

Do you always play solo or do you play in a band? I’ve played in many different bands and projects and currently play with a cover band “Captain of Audio” although most of my work is solo.

Do you play covers or do you do your own material? I do both. Cover gigs I’ll usually include my own songs and original gigs under the name “Lynas” I usually play the odd cover.

Tell us a bit more about the Open Mic UK Regional Finals and how you came to be involved with it? I entered the competition a few years ago but didn’t turn up to my audition due to a huge hangover and admittedly a large dose of self doubt. If you don’t try then you can’t fail kind of thing. I’ve wondered since though and now have added peer pressure from family, friends and supporters.

How can your fans support you and get you to the next stage? They can follow me on twitter @davelynasmusic and on Facebook for updates and the option to take part in various publicity stunts. I also

post where and when I am playing on there too. Finally they can come along to The Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre for the regional final. The show will take place on Saturday October 27th and tickets are available from myself and the theatre. They are £8 each, however if you buy them direct from me you get a free demo CD and some merchandise free. To buy them direct you can contact me through the above sites or email

What would it mean to you to win? Obviously to win would be amazing but I think the most important part for me would be to achieve a platform where I’m able to get my original songs heard by as many people as possible. I want to eventually get to a stage where I can rely on my won work and do less covers.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself Hmm... 1.I tend to be away in my own little world all too often which leads to being distracted way too easy. I call it “coasting”. 2.I hate authority and being told what to do. I’ll do most things for most people as long as I’m not told! Suppose that’s why it’s good to be my own boss.

3.Before music I wanted to be a graphic artist/ cartoonist.

Who inspires you? Mostly I am inspired by the people close around me. I have my favourite bands like everyone but I love hearing a good song and the romanticism that surrounds that. Like a musician who has a story to tell, has felt something that I’ve felt and worked hard to write about it, then probably played it a million times at a million gigs just to get noticed. Without all that effort and dedication then some of my favourite songs would have never of made it to my ears. Now that’s inspiring!

If you could make 1 person famous disappear for good who would it be and why? Glad you said famous or I may get in to trouble! Probably Simon Cowell. With his efforts to line his own pockets he has been a major player in changing the face of popular music so all we hear on the radio is throw away nursery rhymes. He convinced the nation that musical talent revolves around an hour long show that has 6 minutes of music. Bob Dylan would never have won X-Factor and with the likes of Cowell, we lose our songwriters and get … Jedward.

Where would you like to gig the most? I would probably say at a festival somewhere because I love playing an outdoor gig and they are few and far between with our weather! I love the way sound travels outdoors too. I’d also love to play the Sage in Gateshead!

If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be and why? Probably Newton Faulkner. I love his style of playing. I went to see him at the 02 in Newcastle and I see how he hits his guitar to make drum sounds. Since I went to that gig I went straight home and started to learn that myself which I now use at gigs.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? I was hosting an Open Mic night at Sunderland Uni. I introduced someone playing and as I walked away I tripped over some leads and fell straight into a table at the front, sending said table and drinks everywhere. Yes it was now my round! Since then I don’t really seem to suffer embarrassment any more!


What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start up singing or playing in a band? Go for it! Find an instrument that you love and practise as hard as you can. Never think you are better than what you are (I’ve seen this and it always ends in someone not getting any better) and always look for something you can improve on. Most of all have fun!

If you were not performing what would you be doing instead? Usually writing songs, practising, promoting, recording, booking gigs, tweeting, there’s loads to do however away from music I love cooking and experimenting with food. Although haven’t done much of it lately.

What is your favourite place in the North East? I love the beaches we have and the sun coming over our coastline on a clear day is amazing.

Have you had and funny/ weird fan incidents? All the time, although it usually involves a drunk kicking my mic stand into my teeth. Funniest has to be at the Rattle in South Shields. It was Easter Friday and a load of people were up dancing. One woman stopped for a rest against a fire door. She leant on the pushbar, the door flew open and she did a backward roley poley into the railings outside. I couldn’t play for laughing!

What’s your aims for 2013? I hope by then to have at least 2 EPs released and be doing more


original high profile gigs. Hopefully play an introduction stage at one of the festivals too.

Why should people come and listen to you? I believe I do something a little different. I keep my covers to date and current so no old songs that you hear everywhere. Also my original songs are unique to me and can’t be heard anywhere else and I’m a bit modest but people say they enjoy my voice and guitar playing style. I hate saying that bit!

Where can people follow you/ keep up to date with you? They can tweet @ davelynasmusic, like my Facebook page, also there is a website coming soon which will be advertised on the previous sites.

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Who are you? SKYFIRE! Sean, Shifty and Danny. Three cool dudes..

Where are you from? Sean’s from South Shields, Shifty’s from Blyth and Danny is from Cramlington. Sean used to live in Blyth, so we say Blyth / ‘the north east’ to make it easier - NE24!

Who does what in t he band? Sean - guitars, noises and vocals, Shifty - bass, dance moves and vocals and Danny’s the drummer. We call him “Sampla” cause he can play anything and he’s constantly providing the beats. All three of us ‘colaborate’ on the songs.


Where did the name come from? Sunsets look nice, don’t they..

When did you form and how did it come about? We all came from various bands in the local scene and Sean and Shifty were friends through their old bands and had talked about starting a band for a while. Shifty knew Danny and Darren (ex guitarist) from a band in Ashington and he asked if they wanted to try something out basically, and it went from there. We hung out, jammed and it took off from there.

Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? We do our own material more but when we first started we just jammed covers out to get used to playing together and we do include some live still while we’re finishing writing more of our own material.

3 Random facts about each band member? Sean and Shifty enjoy showers together on a regular basis (not even joking) - Shifty’s parents think they’re in a relationship.. Danny is a HUGE dubstep fan and he’s absolutely fantastic at remixes.

‘Shifty’ is gonna be his real name next time we get drunk and decide to browse the deed pole website.

them out on it – some guy came in with a cleaver off the bbq.. we bailed not long after that.

Who inspires you? We’re not that good at that question..

What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? We were gonna pick something else but on Thursday (16th of August 2012) we headlined the Blyth and Tyne and it was absolutely amazing. The place was jam packed and everything about the night was exactly how it should be every time. The other time was when we played a gazebo in Stanley and everyone sat outside and Shifty called

Sean: I started because of Green Day and Blink 182.. now it’s bands like the Lawrence Arms and Brand New, and Danny’s random drum beats in practice and Shifty’s insane ability to take any lyrics and fit them to anything. Shifty: Various things that go on around you, happenings and Sean and Danny too. Danny: Travis Orbin cause his time signatures and playing style are unique to any other drummer and my awesome band mates.

If you could make 1 person disappear for good who would it be and why? (famous) Sean: That’s a good one – right now I’m gonna go with Justin Beiber because I’m jealous of his thick head of hair. Shifty: I’d rather not say. Danny: Nicki Minaj, she mimes on stage and has absolutely no sense towards anything.

What would your rider be if you were playing a huge gig? Monster, Rockstar, Jack Daniels, some form of chicken.. other than that we’re not used to anything past a few pints and a trip to Morrisons.


If you could travel back in time when would you travel back to and why? Shifty: 1970’s to watch the first Clash and Sex Pistols gigs. Sean: I’m gonna roll with Shifty on that one.. other than that probably see the Mayans and find out this 2012 end of the world idea.. Danny: The 1950s cause the scene was awesome.

If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present who would it be and why? Sean: The Lawrence Arms.. Green Day (they started it all for me..).. I could pick Elvis and that could be my claim to fame.. the list is endless and when I read back over this I’ll have changed my mind. Shifty: 30 Seconds to Mars or Anti-Flag. Danny: Parkway Drive, everything about them is awesome.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? Sean fell off the stage once.. randomly forgetting words / chords.. the usual us amateurs do!

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? I always read in magazines or interviews with people in bands who’ve ‘made it’ and it’s always the same thing – do it for yourself with people you


enjoy doing it with. This is true but also don’t do it for the wrong reasons like you wanna impress a vagina-laden member of the opposite sex or you wanna look cool. You sacrifice so much time for very little in return for a while, you might miss going out with your friends for band practice or something or your other half may have wanted to do something cause it’s a nice evening and you have band practice – be prepared to make sacrifices, put effort and time in and don’t expect anything back other than good times and memories – anything else is a bonus (Sean)

Share a secret with us? Now that would be telling…

If you were not playing in a band what would you be doing instead? The same as we do outside of the band anyway! Working, hanging out, football, basketball, pubs, gigs, Xbox..

Where is your favourite place in the North east? Sean: It depends on my mood as weird as that sounds.. The Coast usually but I love those grubby back streets too. Blyth Harbour. Shifty: South Shields coast and Newcastle city center.

Danny: Newcastle in general.

Have you had any funny/ weird fan incidents? None yet thankfully, with this band anyway.

What’s your aims for the rest of 2012? Keep writing and playing, networking and seeing as many local bands as possible – support the scene! And stay alive past December 21st...

Why should people come and listen to you? We’re fun to watch, energetic and there’s usually a story or two thrown in so you can have fun, and you might even like us after it. We try not to sound like any of our ‘influences’ or bands we like so writing is always interesting and that reflects on us live too.

Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you? Facebook: www.facebook. com/skyfireband Twitter: @_SkyFire

If there’s anything you want to add feel free? That’s probably covered it! Thanks for taking our interview virginity...

N U F E M O S E V A H S A M T S I R H C S I TH WITH This year LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics has really been celebrating the fun of Christmas! These new festive, limited edition products really conjure up the thrill and excitement of Christmas time - there’s all the traditional LUSH offerings, along with many new inventions to keep you looking, smelling and feeling your very best right into the New Year!

The Melting Snowman luxury bath melt (£1.95) ... pop him in the water and watch him melt like a real snowman, leaving the water silky and moisturising for the skin. Includes cocoa and shea butters and almond oil, with a beautiful, comforting, spicy and warming hot toddy fragrance of cinnamon oil, clove leaf, lime oil and sweet orange oil. Mr Punch (£3.75 for 100g) ... with a concoction of fruity essential oils, this soap certainly packs a puch. With juniperberry oil, blackcurrant absolute lime oil and coconut oil. There’s even a dash of gin to help tone the skin, well it does look a bit like a puch bowl, there’s whole bits of fruit in there and everything! Sandy Santa sugar scrub (£2.95) ... a festive scrub to use in the shower, work in circular motions all over the body (paying particular attention to the problem areas such as thighs and bum). Allow the sand and sugar combination to buff, polish and banish winter skin, revealing the brighter and smoother layer underneath. Contains orange, rosewood and sandal wood oils.

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T E G T I F With Ant Clennan

I would also like you to meet the staff from South Tyneside Kettlbells, all have been hand picked by my wife and I based on their ability to stand out during the classes that they have attended over the last couple of years. Nicola and I believe they all have their own unique brand of Instructing to offer anyone who may be fortunate enough to attend their class. This month It’s the Staff who take the Hebburn mixed and Ladies Only classes. Hebburn STK Staff

Ant Clennan Every workout at every STK venue is wrote by me and through experience I can say that anyone attending any venue will have the opportunity to gain the same aggressive tough workout as any other member as we know ourselves that if your going to train, you should do it to the best of your ability and use your time in the best possible way, and we all


believe that if you can only find a couple of hours a week to devote to your fitness then you should try and experience one of our classes. Hopefully if you haven’t attended one of our venues already, we may see you soon. We endorse hard training and sensible eating and make sure you enjoy that weekend as if training with us, we promise you that you will earn it!!!

After once again an increase in demand I discussed possibilities with my wife and we both decided that a ladies only class at 09.30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays would be ideal for so many local mothers/ women. I have often witnessed my wife in the past, after dealing with the stresses of the day, kids etc being full of good intentions to go and exercise at night to simply sink into the chair and think I will go tomorrow. Naturally we thought if it was possible for ladies to exercise straight after the school run then it would mean that regardless of what the day throws at us, it really doesn’t matter as it is done and out of the way. Allowing so many women the opportunity to keep up with such an effective time economical form of exercise. The ladies only class is up and running and already off to a great start and using the same workouts that are used by the early morning and evening classes. As always if you are a new starter, for safety reasons please be 15 minutes early.

Nicola Clennan Hi I am Ant’s wife (I prefer to be referred to as the ‘Boss’s Boss) and to fair although I am very proud of him and how the business has grown, I really didn’t expect it to take off as well as it did. Ant realised as numbers in the classes grew that he was going to need help so made me do the course as he wanted someone he could trust (that’s right he made me do it even with a really bad case of flu) I have always had great attention to detail and Ant hoped that whilst helping out in the classes I would

be able to draw on this talent in an effort to spot bad posture with our clients and help them to correct it. I simply don’t have the confidence to stand in front of a class of 30+ clients and shout instruction the way Ant does but I really enjoy helping out in the classes and providing a more of a one-one attention for anyone who requires it during the classes. I have always trained hard in the past and was a sprinter in my youth and have always tried when possible to train as hard as I can, kettlbells has allowed me to do just that.

If you want to get in contact you can reach me on facebook http://www.facebook. com/ant.clennan and http://www. I started kettlebells in February 2011, when a few of my mates were going on about trying it. My mates started and said how good it was, at the time I was trying other forms of exercise just to help keep me fit. After my friend went and said how good it was I tagged along and instantly got the bug. Within weeks of starting I moved up from using an 8kg bell to a 10 then not long after I was using a 12kg bell without any trouble. I have always been a big girl but try to maintain a steady weight and kettlebells has helped me do this. I have never been fussy on going to the gym or bootcamps so when I found kettlebells I was well pleased to find something I enjoyed doing, also everyone was really friendly and I couldn’t have asked for 2 more qualified instructors than Ant and Nicola. After Ant gave me the opportunity to take a kettlebells instructors course I have now qualified and surprised myself at how fit I must actually be to endure the torture I endured that day, even managing to swing a 32kg kettlebell which was torture but very rewarding, so thanks again Ant for giving me that opportunity.

Margi Mckenna




Chloe Chadwick – Lead Vocals and Guitar Adam Beddow – Lead Guitar John Foster – Drums Dan Pietruszka - Bass

Where did the name come from? As we are living in the North East near the coast we wanted something to represent this and not just any made up name. We felt this had a certain flair about it which is what we feel our music has.

When did you form and how did it come about? We formed back in November 2011, Chloe moved up to the North East to better her music career and seek out professional musicians to back her new Country style songs. After recruiting the band we then locked ourselves away in rehearsals to perfect the set and work on a sound and style that


we were all happy with. In March 2012 we made our first appearance at a local venue in Sunderland called Hastings Hill and so the story begins.

Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? We are an originals band, although we do believe it’s good to throw in the odd cover every now and then so people can relate to it. We’ve tried a few different covers in our own style like Lady Ga Ga and Johnny Cash and they seem to work really well.

What makes you different to the other Bands performing around the North East? We wanted to bring

something different to the North East as we feel everything seems to fall under Rock or Indie. Country music is a challenge but yet something we are all passionate about, we all really enjoy performing it and its music everyone can enjoy.

You have a very Country sound, does that help you get gigs or does it hinder you? It does both really, but that’s what makes it exciting and challenging. Whenever we do a gig, whether it be one of our own or a festival, we always seem to go down really well and get invited back. We must be doing something right


when we performed at a Rock festival and we got the biggest cheer of the night! However, sometimes we feel our music is frowned upon being classed as Country and we feel more venues should give us a chance, we aren’t a typical American Country band, we’re very different to American music, it’s original, toe tapping and feel good music that we want the North East to hear more of!

What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? Probably performing at one of the biggest Country festivals in Britain, Rockfied in Wales! We were one of the main acts on the Sunday evening and there were a thousand die hard Country fans line dancing, drinking Whiskey and all having a great time. The atmosphere was amazing and considering we are not the average American Country sound we received a great response! We are in talks with the festival for next year so fingers crossed.

Who inspires you? I think we would all say different but Johnny Cash would certainly be at the top of the list in regards to our music which is certainly influenced by his genius song writing.


If you could perform with anyone in the world, past or present who would it be and why? Johnny Cash, you know he would fit in well with us! His music lives on through us and the success he had is what we are trying to work towards everyday, whether it will happen is unpredictable but as a band we certainly have the passion and the drive to progress and we hope we can make an impact in the North East with our music.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? Certainly an embarrassing thing for our drummer John, whilst playing at the Rockfield festival, John had a few too many Whiskeys and accidentally ended up in the river with embarrassing consequences the next morning including losing his phone. Our song Big River has never been the same since and has constant reminders of this when performing it on stage.

believe in what you do you can do anything!

Share a secret with us? Dan likes Bananas. Adam secretly thrusts to the song “Fill Me Up” when performing, which is actually rather funny when seen live. John is really Elvis in disguise!

What’s your aims for 2013? To become a well known originals band in the North East, to gain some respect for what we‘re trying to do. We just want our music heard and although things are going well so far, things could also be better, however things take time and we’re a very new band still. We are also hoping for an album in 2013 which we are really looking forward to.

Why should people come and listen to you? Because we are fun, exciting, fresh and different plus we don’t bite. Anyone is more than welcome to come and see us perform, the more the merrier!

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up?

Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you?

Before anything you must have 100% commitment, passion in what you do and determination, it’s not always easy and not everyone will like you and your music. As long as you

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If your looking for something special to do this festive season then why not see a live performance at the Sage in Gateshead. From the begining of December this year until new years day there will be performances from stars like Katherine Jenkins to renditions of classic christmas music like The Snowman.

Katherine Jenkins - An Evening Of Christmas Classics. Friday 21st December, 7.30pm

The Gruffalo. Friday 28th December, 2pm & 5pm The Snowman. Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th December


Inspiration Choir – Believe. Sunday 2nd December, 3pm and 7.30pm

QuoFestive featuring Status Quo and Special Guests. Wednesday 12th December, 7.30pm.

For more info on any of these events or to book tickets visit festive-events-2012 Or find us on facebook thesagegateshead twitter and even youtube TheSageGateshead



DAVID MEETS GOLIATH AS NORTH EAST KICKBOXER TAKES ON WORLD CHAMPION … A NORTH East student will take on a nine-times kickboxing champion in a world title fight to be held in the region this autumn. The David and Goliath style fight will be the highlight of the World Kickboxing Federation World Championship show being held in the North East for the first time in November. The event, organised by Jarrow-based Action Promotions, will consist of 20 individual bouts between amateur and professional kickboxers, including K1, semiprofessional boxers and MMA fighters from across the UK. However, the main attraction will be the Light-Cruiserweight title fight between Northumbria university student Jamie Bates, 21, from Stanley and current nine-times

world champion Marlon ‘the Game’ Hunt from Ipswich.

a full-contact World Championship has been held in Newcastle.

The World Championship will be staged at the Northumbria University’s prestigious new ‘Dominion’ conference & exhibition room, in Newcastle upon Tyne, and is expected to draw crowds of up to 1000 fans of all ages.

The event will start at around 2pm and is expected to last until around 8pm and refreshments will be available within the Lightfoot Centre.

Tickets are on sale now and Action Promotions is keen to hear from businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring either the event or individual competitors or fights. Event promoter David Weild, 33, who founded Action Promotions 15-months-ago, said: “Small scale kickboxing shows are organised occasionally throughout the region but this will be the first time

Mr Weild added: “Kickboxing events at this level provide a great day out for the whole family and we are confident of a high turnout.” For further information and to enquire about sponsorship opportunities and ticket availability and prices, call 07967 398 709 or visit

The event is copromoted by Showdown at Sundown Entertainment – 07939031380 and Lisle Style Promotions – 07926470707.


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