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Sneaky Blinders

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NERD Arcade

Welcome to NE, can you please introduce yourselves to our readers who might not know you? Hi we are Sneaky Blinders – rock/ pop covers band. We are Neil (Drums), Mike (Bass), Dave (Guitar/Vocals), Maggie (Keys/Vocals) and Dionne (Lead Singer)

I have to ask about the name, Sneaky Blinders, so where did that come from? The name came from everyone throwing suggestions on the Facebook page and Sneaky Blinders won. So how did Sneaky Blinders come to be? Mike and Neil were originally in another band who were looking for a guitarist. Dave came for an audition just at the time we were thinking of forming a new band. Dave introduced Maggie and that followed by Maggie introducing Dionne


Are you a covers only band or do you play original material too? We are a covers band

You recently played the Scoop Festival at the end of July, wias that your first big festival, or have you

played festivals before? We have played at the Druridge Bay campout in 2020, so it’s not our first, but we were all really looking forward to the Scoop as it’s our first real post lockdown festival.

We were there on the Friday evening, some of us even camped out that night too after the gig so it was a great time had by all!

If you could play with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why? NEIL – Prince, I’m a great fan MIKE – AC/DC, again simply due to being such a fan DAVE – I learned to play guitar listening to punk records and have always dreamed of being in The Clash MAGGIE – It would have to be the late great Freddie Mercury for me DIONNE – I have a wide taste in music so hard to pick. I love great singers so would pick a classic such as my namesake Dionne Warwick but could also jump to a more modern performer like Becky Hill (love her at the minute) Tell us a random fact about each of you? NEIL – I’m a Manchester United fan (unfortunately haha) MIKE – I’m a member of the Sherlock Holmes fan club DAVE – There is literally nothing interesting about me (hahahaha) MAGGIE – I’m an identical twin DIONNE – I was once caught in a hurricane and have stood in the eye of the storm

When you are not busy gigging, what do you all do, either for work or in your free time? NEIL – I watch other bands, spend time with family and have a young sproodle called Heidi who takes some tiring out MIKE – watching NUFC and listening to music DAVE – outside of the band I’m a chartered accountant and have a guitar build and repair shop MAGGIE – Time other than gigging is spent primary school

teaching, running the Glee Club, swimming, knitting, playing the church organ and painting portraits. DIONNE – Gigging in another (all girl) band, renovating my house and for work I own a Pizza Hut delivery so spend a lot of time making pizzas (haha)

How can people follow you and keep up to date with all things Sneaky Blinders? You can find us on Facebook as Sneaky Blinders we’ve been trying to build the page over the last year or so and would love to get to 1000 followers (currently at 866!!!) All our gig listings are on there, plus a few live videos and photos etc.

Is there anything you would like to add? Have a look on our facebook to see our gig list as we’d love you to come and see us when you can and also a shout out to any Newcastle venues who are looking for bands. We play a lot of venues in other areas but not as many in this area so if you are looking just contact us via our FB page https://www.facebook.com/SneakBlinders

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