9 minute read

David Garrick Community Barbers

Hi David and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi, so my name is David Garrick, “professionally” known for the last 5 years as the barber Short Hair Dave, friends and yourself, Wayne, know me more unprofessionally as simply Garrick. I am born and raised for the last 36 years in South Shields and now own and run Community Barbers on Westoe Road.


You have recently opened Community Barbers in South Shields, which is not your typical barber shop, tell us a bit more about it, what exactly is Community Barbers? Community Barbers is my take on the modern barber shop. A locally ran barbershop focused on community building with the goal to help the surrounding communities come together with a place in common by supplying and promoting a safe LGTBQIA+ inclusive environment. Where anyone with short hair can walk through the door feeling safe that they won’t be turned away for how they present themselves or identify.

So, what makes your Barber shop different to the other ones around you, why should people come to you? A barbershop to me should be a safe environment free of judgment and prejudice, something unfortunately in my experience they are not. People confide in barbers, friendships are made, a community is given life. I want to supply a space where you feel safe and comfortable to come, knowing that the attitude of the barber is as good as their work. A place that leaves you feeling good and looking good.

You’re all safe in the knowledge that all the products stocked in the shop are Vegan and Cruelty free, I am vegan myself and I am proud of the fact I stock these options, but don’t worry I’m not going to lecture about it. Ill happily have a conversation about veganism with out and answer any questions but quickly ill answer the first one you have, no I don’t miss bacon.

When did you first get into barbering? February 2017. Is the short answer. In 2016, I had my hair cut properly for the first time in approximately 15 years. Emma Knox who runs Artful Barber in Tynemouth done the deed and their shop really showed me things had changed. They had a one seat little barbers in the Green and Ginger in Tynemouth with a real punk rock vibe. Barbering was an old man’s game to me, dark dingy unwelcoming places where to sit for 15 minutes hearing them go on about their prejudices and football, and walkout with a haircut you didn’t ask for. I started looking into the industry and how it has moved and changed with the times in at least certain ways. Around the same time my partner was training to be a dog groomer and my self being unhappy in the call centre job I had for 9 years made the joke I should become a hairdresser and I could cut the customers hair while she does the customers dog… 5 years later I opened Community Barbers, I’m still waiting for the punchline to that joke. What has been the hardest part about opening Community Barbers? Finding the right property, writing out a business plan and loan application, telling my previous employer I was leaving to open my own place are all high up on the list. Honestly the hardest part was genuinely believing in myself that I could do it, that I could really see through the vision in my head and bring it to fruition. Trying to push aside the thoughts

of failure, money and finances or will I even have customers to cut once I open? Am I over those thoughts? Not at all but I am glad that I managed to really push myself and take the leap and get as far as I have.

And what has the response been like so far? Fantastic. Any business, especially new businesses have their ups and downs, teething problems but I take each day as it comes I don’t let the slow days hinder my momentum and as long as I lock up at the end of the day and look back at that shop, as cheesy as it sounds, with a smile on my face I know I’ve done the right thing, it’s all good. A lot of my old customers from various shops previously have followed me and have had nothing but praise for the shop. New customers, local and even not so local have come to me and praised what I am doing with the place they love the fact that it is so laid back and welcoming and are happy just to chill out watch tv play some dominoes waiting for a cut knowing that they are welcome in the shop.

What kind of things do you offer? I’ve kept it super simple, at the moment as of writing this I’m a one-man band. Haircuts, skin fades, beard trims and a nike tick here and there if asked to. Unfortunately shaving at the moment is off the cards it isn’t feasible for a one-person shop to take the time to do a wet shave and make it worth their time and not grift the customer’s pocket Things may change in future as I have the space and set up to expand but for now keeping it simple.

You have quite the theme going with the skateboards and of course the record player and vinyl collection, so the question I have to ask is what are your top 5 albums or songs to cut hair to? Skateboarding, although I don’t skate anymore (I am old), has been a constant in my life. The videos the culture and the music influenced by the movement have followed me through my life.

I say I am of the Tony Hawks Pros Skater generation and the games and soundtracks in no way ironically changed who I was and shaped how I am. The record player is just cool really! I got in to Record collecting just before the first Pandemic lockdown and like anything I get in, I took it too far! It’s hooked up to a 300watt Ashdown Mag III bass amp and trace a 2x10 trace Elliot speaker cabinet … for people who don’t know what that means it’s a geet big bass guitar amp…its actually the Bass amp I used to use live on stage in the many bands I’ve played with over my time. Top 5 albums to cut too, I’m really going to shame myself here with my love of Ska punk but here we go –5. Dissidente – War On Two Fronts 4. Abraskadabra - Make Yourself at Home 3. Tied 3rd – Anything by Jeff Rosenstock, The Skints or The Interrupters 2. Bad Operation – Bad Operation 1. Tim Armstrong - A Poets Life

I also have a record bin under the till labelled “too heavy for customers” … Those records are for bad moods and cleaning! Surely you have a favourite cut or style? Sure do, I have a soft spot for old school 1950’s pomps and side parts. But if I have to choose one I LOVE a mullet. A long mullet. A short mullet. A curly mullet... Mullets love them.

What makes the mullet so special? I have no idea, it’s 2022 not 1970 and the mullet is such a dividing haircut but it is still around which has to say something. I just love cutting them they are challenging in every way. I have to use different cutting techniques I don’t get to use on a daily basis. I have to really think about how the hair is going to fall and make sure that the shape is held in the cut in a very non-traditional way really tests my skills... Plus they look class. Anyone who has the confidence to rock a mullet is good in my book.

When you are not cutting hair, what do you get up to in your spare time? Spare time consists of Dog

walking, long walks on the beach, hiking… I joke it’s not a tinder profile, I’m taken ladies and gents. Mostly Roller derby… Although I don’t Skateboard anymore, I do play Roller Derby and train with Sunderland Roller Derby team I’m no.29 Barbarrick. Don’t ask me to explain the rules its complicated, I once explained to a taxi driver, mix the films fight club and rollerball together, remove the ball and bingo. He looked at me weird but got the jist.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? Well I’ve already outed myself to the fact I love ska punk so… 1. I can play mandolin, and played mandolin in a band The Railway Club for several years 2. I know the offside rule and that’s as far as my football knowledge goes, and often have to text friends to fill me in on important games just in case I’m asked about them while cutting 3. I may or may not have, I’m not sure, cut David Miliband’s hair. 4. Bonus fact, I don’t skateboard but I can fingerboard, for the record I’m 35.

How can people follow you and keep up to date with all things Community Barbers? Facebook, instagram, unfortunately tiktok and all the usual places. Search Community Barbers and I’m sure you will find me! Facebook @ communitybarberssouthshields Instagram @community_barbers tiktok @community_barber

Do you have to book an appointment or can you just walk in, how can someone get a haircut with you? Walk-ins mostly, on a Wednesday I offer appointments through www.communitybarbers. nearcut.com … I call it Wed TENS Day, I’m the only one that finds the pun funny but I only charge £10 on a Wednesday, wed tens day. The only thing I ask is you book in to get the discount. Tuesday 9-5 Wed-TENS-day 9-5 Thursday 9-7 Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-5

You may be new but what’s next for community barbers? Who knows, I really want to knuckle on down and really make the shop the best I can I’m always looking for more things to do. I want to look at taking community barbers to events and things like that and looking at more being involved in the community really bringing the essence of the local community into the shop. Who knows though, maybe small acoustic gigs, I have a tv maybe an event premiering skate video’s I’ve been to a few of them they are good fun. But honestly as each day goes by, I’m closer and closer to running a Tech Deck skate shop, remember them? Why a Tech Deck or finger boarding skate shop? Why not, it’s a laugh!

Is there anything you want to add? Be nice to people and call your mam and see how she is.

Cheers for talking with us and I’ll be popping in soon for a trim. Can’t wait to see you, come pick up those comics too they are taking up space.

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