8 minute read

Chris Gee Photography


Hi Chris and welcome to NE, it’s great to finally get you in the magazine for a feature, so how about starting things off by introducing yourself to our readers? Hi Wayne, my pleasure. Well my name is Chris Gee, 37 from Durham. I’m originally a Jarrow lad but the last 7 years I’ve been residing in Durham. I’m a serving Staff Sergeant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery and that has been my job for the last 20 years. I’m also a very keen wildlife photographer in my spare time and dad to 2 amazing children, so a busy man. Before we start, I have to thank you for your many years of service, can you tell our readers a bit about your time serving your country? That’s very kind mate and I appreciate the kind gesture. As I said in the introduction, I have been serving for 20 years in the Royal Artillery. My role is in the surveillance department and my service has seen me deploy to a variety of countries (both good and not so good). I have deployed 3 times to Iraq, twice to Afghanistan, a United Nations tour of Cyprus and various training exercises in Germany, Belize, Canada, France and the USA.

For the last few years you have been involved with the remembrance services at the Stadium of Light, being a soldier and a Sunderland fan, how does it feel to be on the pitch representing both your country and your team? To be honest it’s the highlight of the year. This year (2022) was the fifth time I have had the honour of representing the military for the club I support and love. Walking

out in front of 38,000 fans this year was spine tingling. I was filled with pride, honour and sombreness as I marched out to the centre circle. The reflection on why we were there quickly hits when the last post plays. I remember in my younger days always wanting to be the soldier who marched out for remembrance and now I am that person!

In a very distinguished career, what has been the highlight or highlights for you? There’s too many to choose from to pick just one. A few highlights would be meeting Her Majesty the Queen on 2 occasions and making her laugh. Remembrance at Sunderland AFC, meeting president Obama during his state visit, seeing a lot of places around the world and meeting some great people from lots of backgrounds and cultures. This maybe not a highlight but one of my biggest things I have to pinch myself at is my medals. They are the one thing that represents your service and shows the wider public what you have actually achieved. They are my most treasured possession.

In recent years you have made quite the impact with your stunning photos, so how did you get started in photography? My photography started whilst I was on my first tour of Afghanistan in 2010. I bought my first proper DSLR camera and taught myself how to use it. I was taking a lot of photos of aviation and trying to capture expressions of people both military and civilian.

What was your aim when first starting out? I would say just to learn the skills and see if I had the natural eye for photography. It actually helped my mental state and motivation, especially whilst on tour, but as I got more experienced I set myself more targets and aims.

They say never to work with animals, yet that is exactly what you do, what are the biggest challenges you have found? Well for the last 4 years I’ve been a wildlife photographer and I actually, much prefer working with animals than people. The biggest challenges are learning the routines and gaining the trust of the animal(s) that you’re photographing but most importantly not disturbing them and thinking of the animals welfare. Nature is not predictable or sticks to timings like us, sometimes nothing shows at all. Another challenge is other photographers, wildlife photography seems to be very cliquey and competitive so now I mostly go out on my own.

What advice would you give to anyone that is interested in photography? Firstly it’s an expensive but rewarding hobby. Don’t break the bank to get all the gear and not use it. Secondly pick a discipline (landscapes, wildlife, people,

weddings etc) and get the gear to suit the discipline. Do your research, be flexible and always be ready for no shows, adjustments and learning curves.

If you could photograph any animal anywhere in the world, what would it be and why? Well, my fav animals to photograph in the UK are owls (all 5 species), kingfishers and foxes. The one animal I would love to photograph is the Harpy Eagle. They live in Central/ South America and Indonesia. One of the biggest eagles in the world and talons the same size as a bears, I would love to photograph a Harpy Eagle hunt. They prey on monkeys in the canopy and seeing that would be impressive.

Is it purely wildlife photography you are interested in or would you like to shoot in other fields too? Currently yes. I’ve done all the other fields and even photographed 5 weddings but wildlife is my passion. My love for animals has found this field my favourite. I have also joined the RSPB, Durham Wildlife Trust and a member of the Army Ornithological Society. Depending on what season it is depends on what animals I’m looking to photograph. I also try to keep my other photography skills fresh as I’ve done a few military portraits and group shots.

When you are not busy behind the lens what do you like to get up to? Firstly it’s family. I love being a dad to my two children. They are my world. Especially with Christmas approaching. As I said earlier I have a Sunderland season ticket so I love match days (although not the result on occasions), I love F1 and I’ve been to at least one race a season, including the Dutch GP this year which was the best atmosphere I’ve experienced to date.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? Well firstly you will remember the first one very well.

I have died twice on the side of the road after a cycling accident in 2014.

I’m like a human colouring book. I am covered in a lot of tattoos.

I have been locked inside Wembley arena due to a power cut when the PDC darts had the premier league final there so me and my mate played darts on a practice board and Phil (the Power) Taylor walked in and joined us for a game of round the world.

Where can people follow you and keep up to date with what you are doing? I have a few social media accounts both personal and photography Instagram - @chris_gee_wildlife_phot22 @chris_gee_85 Vero - @chris_gee_wildlife Facebook – Chris Gee Twitter - @Gee7128

Can people buy your images, if so how? Yes they can, I’ve been doing a couple of Christmas fairs recently and my images, calendars etc make great presents. People can get images by messaging direct on any social media platform. They come in all different sizes with framed or unframed and I have calendars, cups and coasters too.

Is there anything you would like to add? Yes, although I have given a couple of pointers about new starters to photography. If anyone has any questions or queries then please do get in touch via my social media accounts and I will do my best to help.

Secondly, Merry Christmas to you and your readers. Also a big thank you to yourself for this opportunity. Thank you to my family for their continuous support.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us and we look forward to catching up with you soon.

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