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Trinity Photography Studio

Hi Nicholas, welcome back to NE. Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?

"Thanks for having me back. I’m a photographer. I just graduated in July and now I’ve started my own photography business and taken over a studio in Gateshead. I thought it was a great opportunity to go self-employed and that I would kick myself if I didn’t go for it."


You were last featured back in 2015 when you were still doing your Foundation Degree, how did you get on with that?

"Well it seems like a lot longer than that! I managed to finish my degree and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. My final project was a series of images of comparing cosplayers in and out of their costumes which I am now looking to reboot in my new studio and possibly publish as a book hopefully next year."

What advice would you give to anyone that is either doing or thinking about doing a Photography Foundation Degree?

"Make sure you have the passion! There’s really no substitute for loving what you do. I never imagined I’d be a photographer. I took it as an alternative to Art at A-Level and ended up falling in love with it and 7 years later here I am. But even if you love photography, qualifications aren’t essential. It really benefited me because I was really interested in lighting and experimenting with new techniques and it gave me the security to do that. If you love photography just take photos then look at them and try to be critical and push yourself to do better. I’d say that’s how a hobby or an interest really becomes a passion. When you stop doing it for fun but apply a critical eye and push yourself to be better."

You have just taken the big step of taking over a photography studio, can you tell us a bit more about it and why you have taken that step?

"Well after I graduated I wasn’t sure what to do. Then the opportunity came my way. The previous photographer was leaving and wanted someone to take over the studio. He asked me if I’d be interested and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to push myself to try and become a professional photographer. As they say the rest is history!"

What has been the hardest part about getting the Trinity Photography Studio deal sorted and set up for business?

"So far it’s been quite easy and straight-forward. I managed to plan it out and do a little everyday so the business preparation has been quite relaxed. The hard part will be developing the business up now that it’s ready to go!"

What are your aims and goals for the Trinity Photography Studio now that it’s launched?

"My main aim is to get the studio off the ground and become profitable so I can support myself and pay off my start up loans. I’d also like to get better equipment and add some more decorations and furniture. Then if all goes well hopefully get a new car and ideally expand and upgrade the studio in a few years."

Will you be specialising in any type of photography at the studio?

"I tend to specialise in Portraiture but I’m experienced with most genres of portraiture and I am available for virtually all types of work for clients. That’s one of the great things about degrees; that they give you such a wide range of experience. One of my main personal interest is Cosplay though so I’d really like to expand my portfolio in that genre."

What services will you be offering, as a photographer and a photography studio?

"The studio is available for hire to other photographers and I am arranging some networking events and modelling and open days at the studio. I also offer Family and Child photography packages, modelling shoots and portfolios and professional and commercial headshots. I also cover events and weddings outside of the studio."

When you are not working hard what do you like to get up to in your spare time?

"Reading, playing on my Playstation, going exploring in the car and planning cosplay shoots whenever I find the time to do them."

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself?

"I’m pretty good at windsurfing when I find the time to do it. I’m good at fencing and archery so if I get sent back in time I should be ok. I write blogs about films, fantasy and sci-fi but I’m not very good at it."

You have been involved on loads of different shoots over the years, but what would you say has been your favourite shoot and why?

"I don’t think I have a favourite shoot. I don’t even know how many I’ve done. My shoot at Five Guys with Emma and at Manors with Jordan spring to mind because I love the photos from those shoots. Or my Pandora shoot because I really pushed myself and it worked out at the end. But I could probably list 2 dozen other contenders so I really don’t know!"

Do you have any offers or promotions going on at the moment with you just launching the studio?

"I’m currently offering 25% off for December so get your bookings in quick! I also offer discounts for longer and repeating books and I’ll be announcing more next year."

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