NE Online Magazine Issue 36

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . Summer is finally over but that doesn’t stop the people of the North East as we still have loads of great e v e n t s c o m i n g y o u r w a y. O u r n e x t issue will be the last one of 2018 and w i l l b e o u t j u s t b e fo r e C h r i s t m a s s o i f y o u w a n t t o b e fe a t u r e d t h e n g e t in touch ASAP as the December issue i s a l w a y s p o p u l a r. As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r & I n s t a g ra m fo r our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


The Theatre Royal Newcastle & Newcastle City Hall Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine

CONTRIBUTORS Nicholas Dunn NJDunn Photography Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR SPONSORS Sergeant Clip Facebook - Sergeant Clip F.ound Digital Website: Cineworld Boldon


THIS ISSUE P6 Mike Giblin Illustration LTD P14 Beth Macari P18 Ben Warman Smuggling Duds P28 Rob Richings P38 All Saints P48 Cineworld Film Round Up P62 Washi-Con P70 Jon-Lewis Dickinson ‘Cruising to Glory’ by Peter Mann P76 Newcastle City Hall Round Up P82 Vulcan 7 – A New Comedy 5



Hi Colin, welcome to NE, can

you introduce yourself to our

Hi Mike, welcome back to NE, it’s been a while since we last featured you in the magazine. Can you introduce yourself to our readers? It’s great to be back Wayne! I’m a freelance illustrator based in Newcastle upon Tyne, specialising in caricature and cartoon illustration. I’ve been self-employed for coming up twenty years, during which time I’ve worked with hundreds of private and corporate clients both in the UK and internationally. The last time we spoke you were working on the ITV show Newzoids, how was the whole experience? Terrific! Getting a national platform for my work, especially in such a high profile Saturday night slot, really boosted my profile and opened doors for my career. It was a little disappointing when the show didn’t return for a third series, but I get that’s the nature of TV production. Rolling with the punches is all part of being a freelancer.

that drawing! I only visited the set once, and that was when they were deep in production on season 1. They did send me a crew photo album afterwards, which was a nice keepsake. What are your plans moving on from the show? If I’m honest, the Newzoids job was just one of many illustration projects I had going on at the time, and my schedule is just as varied today. So it doesn’t really feel as I have to “move on” from it, it was simply something fun and high profile which I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of. It may directly lead to other

things in future, or maybe not. In the meantime, it looks great on my CV. When we first met you it was at an event where you were doing caricatures, are you still doing events like weddings and corporate events, if so how can people book you? Yes, I still regularly perform caricatures at weddings and events, but availability is becoming slightly more limited by both the demands of family, and my increased illustration work. Nevertheless I’ve always felt any opportunity to get out of the studio and bring some

After 2 seasons, did you leave with any mementos from the show? Haha! Sadly, the only mementos I have are a stack of preliminary sketches about three feet high, and mild wrist strain from all


obvious to me now that using this passion to make connections and bring laughter and enjoyment to friends, family and other likeminded souls is my #1 reason to exist as an artist.

fun and enjoyment to folk is one worth grabbing. Most people seem to think I’m pretty good at it, too! However I intend for this aspect of my business to run alongside my main goal, which is to develop a reputation as a studio illustrator specialising in movie and pop culture art. (More about that later.) But absolutely, give me a shout and if I’m free, I’ll be honoured to bring some unique and hilarious entertainment to your special occasion with my ridiculous doodles! You can find further info on my live act and contact me via the following webpage: livecaricature. Alternatively, drop me a line direct at mike@ Another thing that has changed for you since we last spoke is your family life with the addition of a new member of the Giblin family, how is it going with all the sleepless nights and disruption, how is fatherhood treating you? That’s right, we welcomed our second bouncing boy into the family during the summer. He’s a really chilled little guy (mostly!) and has slotted into our lives pretty effortlessly. Touch wood, nights don’t seem to be too much of an issue right now either! I have always loved being a dad, and any minor disruption we do experience is, if I’m honest, a fair trade for the joy and happiness the boys bring us in return. We’re very lucky.


You mentioned a slight shift away from outright caricature to creating art with movie and pop culture themes. Can you tell us more about this? Certainly. It took me a long time to figure out that while caricature is a key part of my work, I don’t want it to define my work. To explain further, I can now put my caricature skills into context as something I have developed so I can pay tribute, in a shorthand visual form that makes sense to me, the characters and scenes from movies, TV shows, and other aspects of pop culture that I love, and which have had a major influence on my life. (Much of it stemming from the 80s.) This is the passion that keeps me creating art, and it’s

Was becoming a dad again one of the reasons you decided to change your artistic direction slightly? I suppose that when one hits a certain age, it’s natural to question what sort of impact you’d like to make on the world, and how you’d like to spend the second half of your life. This is especially true for me as an artist. Hitting forty last year, and becoming a dad again, definitely got me thinking about the direction of my art career, and whether I am where I envisioned being when I started out. In many respects, I’ve deviated from the reasons I became an artist in the first place, and I’m keen to get back on track on this respect. What is your working process? Everything I do starts with an oldfashioned pencil sketch on paper. I’ll usually rough a drawing out in colour first, exploring shapes and rhythms before refining with darker lines in graphite. If it’s simply a sketchbook piece the process often ends there. If I’m working on a client or portfolio illustration, I will scan my sketch to Photoshop CC, where I’ll make

further tweaks and adjustments before locking it down. Then one of two things happens: if the finished illustration is to be hand-drawn, I’ll print out a very light version which I’ll subsequently ink before shading and/or colouring with markers and perhaps some coloured pencil accents. If the illustration is to be realised digitally, I’ll simply digitally ink, colour and shade directly on layers above the sketch, using Photoshop’s vast collection of tools and options. I’m a huge fan of working digitally, as it enables me to replicate the look of a wide range of mediums in a fraction of the time, and results in a clean, polished look that compliments my work perfectly. In addition to this, I find the ability to make adjustments to the art, both during and after completion, invaluable as a 21st century Illustrator. If




character/person can they speak to you about getting a commission done? Yes, of course. I am available for both digital and hand-drawn commissions. Drop me a line and we’ll talk. Are your drawings available for sale? Absolutely. I am in the process

of compiling many of my original sketches, I am also in talks with printers about reproducing high quality art prints of my digital pieces. I will be offering both for sale online in due course. Keep watching my social media channels! When you’re not drawing what do you like to get up to in your



3. I loathe beetroot with a passion.

free time…that’s if you have any at the moment haha? Hahaha, you’ve hit the nail on head there Wayne - free time is something of a precious commodity round here at the moment! When I do find time to relax, it’s invariably just kicking back with Netflix and a beer. Westworld and Better Call Saul are recent favourites, my wife and I are also enjoying rewatching every episode of Friends for about the hundredth

time. It never gets old! I also enjoy reading, cinema and theatre, and running whenever I can. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? 1. When I was five years old, I won a drawing competition with Fenwick’s department store. First prize was a bunch of free clothes from the ‘Giranimals’ range. 2. I once jumped out of a plane over Byron Bay, Australia.

What are your plans for the rest of 2018 and moving forward into 2019? My focus right now is on building my illustration portfolio. This is the starting point for everything I want to achieve in future, and I am working on it constantly, alongside updating my website and social media presences. Longer term, I plan to exhibit my work at comic conventions and in pop culture art exhibitions, and build a thriving online shop offering original drawings and high-end prints of digital art. I would also love for my work to appear in movie and sci-fi magazines, which has been a long-held dream of mine. In the meantime it’s more caricature gigs, and whatever commissions happen to come my way! How can people follow you and keep up to date with your work and appearances? I love Instagram, and that’s where I post most of my recent work. You can find my feed at www. I also have a Facebook Page www., and a Twitter feed www.twitter. com/mike_giblin. Finally, my official website is www. Is there anything you would like to add? Yes! I’ll be exhibiting at the Sage Gateshead Elite Wedding Show on Sunday 7th October, between 12 and 4pm. Come on down and get a free caricature!






After a stunning summer of love for Beth Macari the stunning songbird is preparing for not only the winter festivities, but also a brand new single. Clone has been gaining mass traction on both sides of the Atlantic, and rightly so, whilst also being picked up by none other than BBC Radio 2 DJ, Gaby Roslin. Another outing with the Manchester Camerata was combined with a headline gig at The Cluny 2, a number of trips to London, and a few festivals


thrown in for added measure, including Bangles Music Festival and Hardwick Live among others. We honestly don’t think that things could have got any better for the singer-songwriter. “I had so much fun during festival season with my band and Hardwick Live was amazing,” began Beth. “I even got to see my favourite band Vintage Trouble (American Rhythm & Blues band from Hollywood, California) set the

stage alight. “I am in my element when I’m on stage so getting to be on so many massive stages during this past summer has been truly amazing. “I got to debut so many new songs and had a lush reception at all the festivals I performed and the one song that seemed to really get peoples’ approval is actually my next single so that turned out well. “I am loving working with the Manchester Camerata as well.

“It is a Motown and Northern soul show and is so much fun. “Hearing the sound of a 24-piece orchestra and a super-tight band never gets old, it’s just really amazing” Then there was the small of Gaby Roslin, Gemma and BBC Radio 2, Clone its stunning sound out masses.

matter Oaten, flexing to the

Gaby Roslin should need no introduction to anyone, the iconic presenter making her name in television with credits which include The Big Breakfast and Children in Need as well as having presented The National Lottery Draws and has been on BBC Radio for nearly a decade; Gemma Oaten meanwhile is a Yorkshire-born actress who spent four years among the cast of Emmerdale and has appeared in BBC medical dramas Casualty, Holby City and Doctors whilst also having a part-role as Lucy in Rise of the Footsoldier 3.

at the Assembly Rooms (Fenkle Street) on December 13, the end of 2018 could just as well work out as brilliantly as the rest has done. “I’ve a new single which is coming out in October and I am super excited” beamed Beth.

“Gaby (Roslin) is a beautiful human being,” continued Beth. “Being on her BBC London show was such a relaxed and enjoyable experience. “All of the guests were lovely and Gaby made me feel so welcome, although she did spontaneously challenge me and actress Gemma Oaten to learn a song in ten minutes to perform live on the show together (we did however get distracted eating cake so we only really had 5 minutes to practice) but it went pretty well considering.

“Gemma’s song choice was ‘Something Stupid,’ the Robbie Williams version, which was really fun and the harmonies really worked a treat. “Gaby and I have stayed In touch after the show and it’s thanks to her knack of bringing people together I then got perform with Gemma again at a show in London at a beautiful venue called ‘Live at Zedel’ a couple of weeks after appearing on radio, which was so much fun.

“The song is called ‘Stronger,’ and it’s about something which is personal to me, something that happened in my life but is also about empowerment and women building each other, supporting each other as opposed to knocking each other down.” Promo image Montana Lowery



“Just recently Gaby played my single ‘Clone’ on BBC Radio 2 which was a surreal moment for me and it means so much to have someone as influential and kind as she is supporting me and my music.” It all bodes well for Beth moving forward and, with a new single on the horizon, as well as a Christmas special on Tyneside,




Hi Ben and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? My name is Ben Warman, I was born and raised in Newcastle upon Tyne and still live here today. I’ve been lucky to travel to many wonderful places around the world but always look forward to coming home to Newcastle, it has a great balance of the relaxed urban lifestyle with a big city feel and getting from A to B is a breeze if you compare it to travelling around London. When it comes to underwear you are the man to talk to seeing as you are part of the Smuggling Duds team, tell us more about the wonder that is Smuggling Duds? Smuggling Duds is a men’s designer underwear brand with twist, each pair comes with our USP (Unique Selling Point) of a European Design Registered and US Design Patented stash pocket to keep your valuable or any other small items safe. Designer boxer shorts is one thing, but what is the stash pocket


and why do people need one on their duds? Firstly it’s our USP meaning we offer something different to other underwear brands in the market. However, I first came up with the hidden pocket concept behind the Smuggling Duds brand after

a friend of mine was mugged on holiday in Magaluf. During his ordeal the thief patted down his jean pockets to check that he had everything. This made me start to think of ways to keep your money or any other valuables safe when traveling, and came up with the

Ross Pearson UFC idea of boxer briefs with a secret pocket. The built in stash pocket concept was born, my thoughts being that nobody would check near your private area! The brand itself was started as my final year project whilst completing a Multimedia Design degree at Northumbria University in 2007. I created the branding, website and marketing material to help promote the idea as a business. You have some very bold and even colourful designs, so what makes a good looking pair of duds? With most things in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so we have both bold and discrete designs, making sure we have something to suit everyone’s taste. I personally enjoy creating the more complex designs, playing with different patens and colour ways to make something that suits the chosen theme.

You have become well known as the underwear of choice for many of the top UK fighters as seen on so many weigh in videos and pictures when you see the fighter step onto the scales in nothing but one of your pairs of duds, how did

that all come about and why are fighters a good choice for you as a brand? I’ve always been interested in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts, first coming across it at a very early age when I saw a documentary


they have to strip down to their underwear to make weight on the scales so saw it as the perfect opportunity to show off our underwear designs. The first weigh-in we were involved in was at UFC 105 in Manchester, England back in 2009 with Ross Pearson, Andre Winner and Nick Osicpzak all wearing our boxer briefs on the scales.

Dan Hardy UFC146 on Ian “The Machine” Freeman. I then used to watch the UFC whenever I could, normally most Sundays when it was on The Bravo TV channel. Then the sport saw a massive growth of interest in the UK after Michael “The Count” Bisping won the Ultimate Fighter and again when he coached the UK team in TUF United States vs United Kingdom. After that I knew the sport was on an upward spiral in the UK, even the weighins were getting lots of view and

Jimi Manuwa UFC Weigh in


It’s not only fighters that are wearing your products but many extreme sports athletes and even a few DJ’s and musicians, do you approach these people or do they come to you? I’ve tried to have some involvement in most areas I find exciting and have an interested in, our first endorsement was actually with two time British Motocross Champion Billy Mackenzie, I used to race against him in the British Schoolboy Motocross Championship so I had friends that turned pro which was obviously handy for the brand. It totally depends,

Dan Hardy UFC146 would say most I have approached but we had lots of Mixed Martial Artists approach us after we had some big names like UFC fighters Ross Pearson, Dan Hardy, Jimi Manuwa etc… wearing them. If you could have one person wearing Smuggling Duds who would it be and why?

Steve Peat Union Jack Smuggling Duds

I am pretty gutted we never ended up getting Bisping to wear them at a weigh-in even though we seemed to have a deal done for UFC 127 where he beat Jorge

Rivera, Mike wore them in his video blog on the run up but a main sponsor ended up shutting it down for the weigh-ins. However, outside of MMA or the other

markets we’ve been involved in it would either have to be either Tom Hardy (everyone’s favorite actor) or Travis Fimmel who does an amazing job of playing Ragnar Lothbrok in the TV series Vikings. You have recently launched the ladies stash thong, is that the first of many items to come, if so can you tell us what you have in the pipeline? We’ve actually had the female stash thongs for a long time, they havn’t sold great to be honest but we are looking to do a female brief soon that will suit our target market much better. What can people expect from you moving forward? For us to keep driving Smuggling Duds forward by producing the most innovative, comfortable and eye catching designer men’s underwear on the planet. I am also looking to start a new apparel brand soon that I am sure your readers will be first to hear about when it’s ready.


Max Anstie Carbon Digi-cam Smuggling Duds

self? I was stung by a Portuguese man o’ war when I was just a kid on Daytona Beach, I thought it was a toy in the sea so picked it up, quickly dropping it while I realised it was something dangerous after it stung me. Luckily it wasn’t fully grown and my dad was there to whisk me to the life guides station to have some chemical (think it was some kind of acid, maybe vinegar) poured on my hands to work against it. I am a member of the Northern Magic Circle (only went 3 time though as had to go early Saturday morning meaning I got no lie in with racing Motocross on Sundays.) I was asked to go train with the British Ski team when I was 12 but turned it down to keep racing Motocross instead.

When you are not hard at work what do you like to get up to in your spare time? When I am not working I enjoy training quite a bit these days, mainly Mauy Thai, Boxing with a


bit of MMA but can’t beat a good day out on the bikes, either a practice day on the Motocross bikes or some downhill mountain biking. Tell us 3 random facts about your-

Where can people follow Smuggling Duds and keep up to date with new releases or offers? Our website is the best place to start, join the newsletter on there but we are very active on Social Media so would follow us on both Facebook and Instagram (@SmugglingDuds) to keep fully up to date.






Rob Richings

Home comforts for songwriter Richings Think Angelo Bruschini and Andy Merryweather then you’re likely to come up with, either Massive Attack, or the band they were both on with a pair of brothers, Sleeping with Giants. Bruschini and Merryweather were joined on-stage nearly ten years ago by a pair of Swindon brothers, Rob and James Richings, the former of the pair returning to the industry a few years back following a serious bout of illness, a one that put paid to Sleeping with Giants. Fast forward to the re-birth of Rob and just three short years ago he would burst back onto the music scene with the EP, Half Way Up, immediately followed a year later by the eagerly-anticipated and mass acclaimed debut album, Parkas and Boots, a ten-track


masterpiece which draws upon his childhood years in Swindon, and teenage years in County Waterford, Ireland. “The health issues pushed me back towards pursuing a music career and it was because of that period in my life that you being to take stock,” began Rob. “You look at the world differently and as to how you live life. “It was to be the push over the

edge that I needed. “Then, completely out of the blue, I received a call from Chris Vallejo (Linear Recording, Sydney, Australia), I’d just released my debut EP and, around seven months later I was putting my debut album, Parkas and Boots, together down under. “Having a family though means you can’t just keep jetting off all the time but this, well it was a no-brainer and I spent a good four weeks in Sydney with him (Chris). “I see the album now as being a reminiscence, about those early friendships you think will last forever but fade away before progressing into adulthood. “When I write my songs I try to do just that, tell a story and tell it the best way possible. “I do it in a way which people can

relate to.” It was on the Emerald Isle, from the age of 12, that Rob would begin playing covers in the local watering holes, building a reputation early. Now, having recently returned from a support tour of Ireland with Tom Baxter, Richings finishes that bout right here in the north-east, Stockton to be precise. It’s not the first time he’s appeared up north either, late last year he was at Sage Gateshead supporting the iconic Hazel O’Connor having appeared at the same venue at the turn on ’17 when supporting West End star, Ramin Karimloo. Now promoting his second EP, Lately I’ve Been Wondering, Richings has enlisted the assistance of one of our PR Specialists, Peter Mann, to promote the next level for him, his music, and Crescent Records Studio, in his native Swindon. His new music brings a tasteful break from what music lovers are used to whilst staying completely true to himself, and his heart, and it shows. “It’s been a funny year for me and I was very unsure if I would be back with anything new but, with a few hefty slaps in the face and an awesome bunch of people to

work with we finally got there,” he added. “As a whole, my forthcoming EP is about the highs and lows of being a musician,” explained Rob. “There’s an unbeatable feeling of walking out onto a big stage, but then you’ve the other side of months of silence, not knowing of your next pay cheque or gig.” Lately I’ve Been Wondering was recorded in a new studio set up by

Rob with his brother James and Engineer/Producer Damon Sawyer close to home in Swindon. The opening song ‘Be Alright’ is vintage Rob Richings, deceptively simple with a killer chorus that’ll be skipping around your head for ages, it’s a wonderful way to be told we’re doing fine. By contrast, the gentle, reflective ‘Paperback Books’ finds beauty in darkness and reminds us not to judge a man until we can walk a


mile in his shoes.

I sing them.

The jagged electric guitar figure of ‘Burn Like Fire’ adds an uneasy edge to the smooth finishes of Rob’s signature sound to which he returns on ‘Lately I’ve Been Wondering’ with its acoustic guitar, carefully considered melody and achingly personal lyrics: ‘Lately I’ve been wondering why I’m worrying when I’ve got it all.”

“It’s the only way I know.”

Now, ain’t that the truth? “Setting up the studio has taken the pressure off so we can record without having one eye on the clock. “The business is changing all the time so now we can respond almost instantly. “The plan is to keep putting out EPs and changing up sounds while staying true to what I believe in – simple, honest songs sung the way


Rob Richings will be supporting Tom Baxter at ARC Stockton on Wednesday 17 October with tickets available from the venue via (pre-show dinners are also available).




NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial


NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids reliving their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be


a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday.

All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.


or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out.

regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial

More details can be found at Machines are announced on a



NE’s Editor Wayne was lucky enough to be given time to interview all four members of ALL SAINTS ahead of their TESTAMENT TOUR date at the O2 Academy in Newcastle on the 12th of December, so here is what Melanie Blatt, Shaznay Lewis, Nicole and Natalie Appleton had to say… Wayne - Testament is the fifth album as a group but it’s the second album since you reformed, so how has it been for you all second time around working together? Nicole - It’s just a breeze really, it’s like, it’s not like work . Shaz has written an amazing album. We’ve been in the studio and we recorded it and had an absolute riot in the studio. It’s just a fun process and we came out with this album in the end, so that’s really what it’s like. Wayne – It is a great album, mind,


I’ve been listening to it today as well while I’ve been getting prepared while thinking of questions to ask, you know. You’re gearing up for your big UK tour which ends in Newcastle obviously where I’m from, so what can fans expect from the tour. Why should they buy tickets to come see you? Shaznay - I think you know, not just for the fans but for everybody some of the songs from the first album people were probably at school or at Uni, those are the kinds of songs where it’s nice to come along to see and to take a trip down memory lane and also I suppose it’s just a moment in time isn’t it? I mean if I think about the people I grew up listening to and being able to kind of go watch them now, at the age that I am to be able to take a little time out and go back a moment in time and have a really good night out. There’s nothing wrong with that really, is there?

Also touring was one of the things we did the least so actually having the opportunity now to just focus on putting our shows together with our band and also actually injecting new life into some of those old songs, we have a really

good time creating our show. Even when I think about it now going into rehearsals just to create our tour was a really exciting thought, we loved it the last time we went on tour with our own band and had a ball putting that show together and it’s also given us all more confidence for the next tour coming up. Wayne – definitely, 100% it’s all about having fun , I mean, you are known as a fun band anyway so for you to come to the North East the fans onto a winner, I mean old songs and new. For your new songs, for the new album you have some stand out tracks like...After all, No issues, Don’t look over your shoulder, Who do you Love. They’re all great songs but do you think they will stand the test of time like some of your older songs like Pure Shores? Shaznay – I could not answer that. We would never have known that old songs like Pure Shores and Never Ever would stand the test of time. So who knows? So the only thing at this point that you can be pleased about is that people who liked your old records like your

new ones too. Wayne – You’ve had 5 number ones so far but how important is it for you to get a number one now? Now that you are a little older and things have changed, is it a big thing for you now or is it just to get your music out there? Shaznay - The thing is what we first came back into this, it was literally just every step along the way it’s been a case of “ok let’s do this, let try this and see how it goes” and every step of the way we’ve been pleasantly surprised. I mean, we had like with this last album, we got really good reviews on it and we weren’t even thinking about it and its only when you come across these reviews, we think to ourselves, oh actually, my god, we did great. But I don’t really want to think too far into that. I think we really do just take each step as it comes. Wayne – Out of all the songs that

you’ve done which would you say are you favourite song, and why? Melanie - That is the hardest question ever to ask us. I think all of us, so it doesn’t matter who says it I think we are all in agreement that it’s really hard to pick a favourite off this album. It’s just a fantastic album and we’re proud of all the songs. Wayne – as a DJ I know how hard that is to pick a favourite song but it was worth a try, you never know, I may have gotten and answer. Obviously music changed since you first started, I mean bloody hell, 21 years ago. I mean these days you’ve got downloads, you’ve got streaming, Social media obviously is a massive thing. Do you see that as a good thing these days for you or was it easier before, how has that affected you in regards to online presence? Shaznay – I’m not too sure. I think it’s a little bit confusing. I don’t think we quite understand


it all properly. For people making music it’s great because people can literally release what they want and get it out there but I can’t quite tell what any of it means just yet. Because there are just so many things, even with the way that you can purchase music on Apple and then you’ve got Spotify that do their thing and all these other ways of actually purchasing music. And I’m quite old school because I’d much rather go into a shop or go online and buy an album and physically be able to open it, read it like just physically be able to own it. So I’m just not too sure yet. At the end of the day it’s the way forward, the future, the way things are. Wayne - I totally agree. I’ve actually got your new album on vinyl, which is how I prefer my music and my daughter prefers vinyl as well. My other daughter has everything downloaded and streamed, so I totally get that. I also asked the readers of the magazine to put some questions forward for you all. So the first one is from Diane Knott and it’s for Shaznay. What she’d like to know is “would you consider do-


ing more film roles like when you did Bend it like Beckham”? Shaznay – Yeah I would but it would have to be the right film, the right role. Like when I read that script I had to read it from beginning to end and was really chuffed to be a part of it. I mean I really thought Gurinder Chadha was and amazing director and the

way she tells stories, you know I really admired. So yeah it’s one of those things I wouldn’t just do something for the sake of it,It would have to be something that I felt was right for me to do. Wayne – Question from Stephen Sullivan and he would like to know “who is the most famous

person that you have met and that had you all star struck, either individually or as a group”? Natalie – I’d have to say when I met Whitney Houston. I met Whitney Houston with my sister Nic. I think that we saw her across the room and even just being in the same room we were just like beyond giddy. And then we actually got to meet her, and then she put her arms around us and it was just crazy. And then the second person would be Janet Jackson. Wayne - Wow! Big names. Natalie – Yeah haha, anyone else? Oh yeah, we went to the G8 Summit and met the president and went around the world with him, Bill Clinton and Hillary, (Mel) yeah that was definitely a scenario that we never would have expected. (Natalie again) That was a group experience, though we are still more powerful than them



Wayne – a question from Lucy Walker and she said “do you think your new songs will have an impact on youngsters today the same way that your older songs had an impact on her and her friends when they were going through some tough, crappy teenage years. Melanie – I don’t think so. Ha ha

Wayne – The last question is a strange one from Andy Barron but I had to ask it anyway, so “would you rather be chased by a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse? Mel - Hahaha, brilliant Wayne - It was a very random question but I couldn’t resist it. At this point I couldn’t make out


who was answering and who was still laughing but they debated this one more than the other questions, then one of the Appleton sisters said “A Duck sized Horse, it would be cute, a little duck sized horse” Wayne – We arere looking forward to catching you when you do come to Newcastle on the 12th of December at the O2 Academy. Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans? Shaznay - We’re just looking forward to coming and doing a live date there, it’s going to be our finale gig so it’s going to be a great gig. Wayne – Thank you all so much for speaking to us, we really appreciate you taking the time to fit NE in, also good luck with the tour, I know plenty of people going who can’t wait and we hope you have a great time here in Newcastle. Natalie - Brilliant, thank you so much! Nicole – Thank you. Mel - Thank you so much for the support! Shaznay – Thank you Wayne. All Saints - Byyyyyyeeeeee







AND HERE FOR INSTAGRAM Thanks to Lisa Wakeham for the transcription.






We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park


Hunter Killer 19 October 2018

is a high-stakes thriller that unfolds both by land and sea.

Stephens Director: Donovan Marsh

Deep under the Arctic Ocean, American submarine Captain Joe Glass (Gerard Butler, Olympus Has Fallen, 300) is on the hunt for a U.S. sub in distress when he discovers a secret Russian coup is in the offing, threatening to dismantle the world order. With crew and country on the line, Captain Glass must now assemble an elite group of Navy SEALs to rescue the kidnapped Russian president and sneak through enemy waters to stop WWIII. Also starring Oscar winner Gary Oldman (Best Actor, Darkest Hour, 2017), Common (John Wick: Chapter 2), Linda Cardellini (Avengers: Age of Ultron) and Toby Stephens (Die Another Day), HUNTER KILLER

Cast: Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Common, Linda Cardellini, Michael Nyqvist, Toby



The Grinch Release date: 9 November 2018


For their eighth fully animated feature, Illumination and Universal Pictures present The Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss’ beloved holiday classic. The Grinch tells the story of a cynical grump who goes on a mission to steal Christmas, only to have his heart changed by a young girl’s generous holiday spirit. Funny, heartwarming and visually stunning, it’s a universal story about the spirit of Christmas and the indomitable power of optimism. Academy Award nominee Benedict Cumberbatch lends his voice to the infamous Grinch, who lives a solitary life inside a cave on Mt. Crumpet

with only his loyal dog, Max, for company. With a cave rigged with inventions and contraptions for his day-to-day needs, the Grinch only sees his neighbors in Who-ville when he runs out of food. Each year at Christmas they disrupt his tranquil solitude with their increasingly bigger, brighter and louder celebrations. When the Whos declare they are going to make Christmas three times bigger this year, the Grinch realizes there is only one way for him to gain some peace and quiet: he must steal Christmas. To do so, he decides he will pose as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, even going so far as to trap a lackadaisical misfit reindeer to pull his sleigh. Meanwhile, down in Who-ville, Cindy-Lou

Who, a young girl overflowing with holiday cheer, plots with her gang of friends to trap Santa Claus as he makes his Christmas Eve rounds so that she can thank him for help for her overworked single mother. As Christmas approaches, however, her good-natured scheming threatens to collide with the Grinch’s more nefarious one. Will Cindy-Lou achieve her goal of finally meeting Santa Claus? Will the Grinch succeed in silencing the Whos’ holiday cheer once and for all? Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch Director: Peter Candeland, Yarrow Cheney CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Robin Hood Release date: 23 November 2018 Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) a war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander (Jamie Foxx)


mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling actionadventure packed with gritty battlefield exploits, mindblowing fight choreography, and a timeless romance.

Cast: Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, Eve Hewson, Tim Minchin, Jamie Dornan CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Release date: 30 November 2018 INTO THE INTERNET – In Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, Vanellope von Schweetz and WreckIt Ralph leave the arcade world behind to explore the

uncharted and thrilling world of the internet. In this image, Vanellope and Ralph have a breathtaking view of the world wide web, a seemingly never-ending metropolis filled with websites, apps and social media networks. On a quest to save Vanellope’s game, how will these two misfits ever succeed in this

vast new world? Cast: Alan Tudyk, Jack McBrayer, James Corden, Jane Lynch, John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman Director: Phil Johnston, Rich Moore CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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new premises Unit 4, maurice road ind est Newcastle upon Tyne, Ne28 6by




Hi Graham and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Thanks for having me. I’m Graham, and I’m one half of Blue Eyed Devils Comic Shop. Some of our readers will know you from Blue Eyed Devils Comic Shop from when you have traded at various conventions and events around the North East, but this time you are actually getting involved with the running of the event with the upcoming Washi-Con, tell us more about the event and how you came to be involved? Myself and Andrew (Gibbon business partner) discussed putting on our own con for some time now. We visited Northumbria University, had provisionally booked it but cost began to spiral well above our budget. We pushed this idea to back end of September 2019. I then received a message from Sarah (Forster, Events Team at The George Washington Hotel) asking to assist in helping the hotel to put on a con at the venue which I agreed too. Planning and running an event is hard work, what has it been like for you putting Washi-Con together?


Hard work as you said. Balancing full time job, my 6 year old little boy, family life, as well as running own business. Not enough hours in the day at moment. It’s been pretty demanding but its coming together nicely….I hope. What made you want to swap running a stall to actually putting on the event? We, and by we I mean a collective

we (BEDCS, George Washington), just want to put on a reasonably priced con for both traders and fans of the genre to come and have fun, and spend their hard earned cash on the stalls we have in store. BEDCS will be there trading so haven’t fully swapped the stall for events. What makes Washi-Con different to other events, why should

people buy a ticket? I’d like to think that we have priced it reasonably low to get into. £2 for adults, £1 if they are in cosplay and 50p across the board for children 13 and under. We will have plenty going on throughout the day to keep all ages busy. So what can customers expect on the day? 99th Garrison will be there. ARC will be there (as you well know). We have guest cosplayers attending and are holding Cosplay competitions for adults and children with great prizes available (vouchers to spend on the day. No set figure as total will be taken from cosplay door charge – the more that come the greater the prize) Michael Hardie (E-dojo Gaming, The CTRL pad) will be bringing gaming consoles and there will be a Dragonball Z Fighter tournament held. Full details of this will be released very soon and registration will be opened by the end of September. We are just putting the finishing touches on that. There’ll be an arts and crafts

table (Tinkers Corner) where children can decorate their own superhero/princess money box

for a fee. SFX Makeup demonstration By Jade Christal Q and A session with writer of Project Saviour Comic, Craig Johnson. He’s a local-ish lad as well, and the comic is pretty good so check that out. He’ll be also selling his work also so come grab a signed copy before he makes it to the big time. Theres a create a superhero competition on for juniors and infants (Age categories are juniors 7-11 years and infants 6 and under), also entries must be in by Sunday 28th for judging to commence at 1.30pm. If you want any more info on this feel free to drop us a message. Plus the usual traders stalls, raffle & tombola (both raising money for 2 worthy charities) and a general great and happy atmosphere.


traders, so the list is not finite. If anyone is interested get in touch and we will find you a spot. I would advise folks to check out the event page on facebook for further details or contact Blue Eyed Devils direct and we will be happy to help. Where can people follow WashiCon and keep up to date with the event and any announcements? You can see our Washi-Con events page on Facebook here. Or our BED Facebook page here

I must stress that for the latter we need attendees ;0) You will also be raising money for 2 amazing charities, you are helping us raise money for Arthritis Research UK and your chosen charity Cystic Fibrosis Trust, tell us more about the charity and why you chose it? Cystic Fibrosis was chosen for my step daughter who suffers from this. I recently ran the Great North Run for Cystic Fibrosis and hope to raise lots more on the day. Anyone who doesn’t know the work these guys do please check out their websites. What traders do you have attending Washi-Con? Blue Eyed Devils haha we have roughly 25 different stalls but still have room to add further


You have early bird tickets available, what’s the difference between those and standard tickets? Early entry of course! we are throwing in a free strip of raffle tickets into our main raffle, entry into the EBT raffle for For those wanting to first choice of the items available or to grab photos etc its an ideal opportunity. How can people get tickets for Washi-Con? They go on sale Friday 28th September. They can be purchased from Blue Eyed Devils (myself and Andrew), The George Washington Hotel NE37 1PH, The CTRL Pad F3 The Gate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 5TG, via Tinkers Corner 1-2 Reilly Street Jarrow NE32 5SU or via Scented Moments in Jarrow Viking Centre. We have only printed 300 early bird tickets and we have no current plans to release more. But that could change so stay up to date via the event page. Is this the first of many, can we

expect more Washi-Con events? Personally yes, I want this event to be an annual event for years to come. We are in discussion regarding next year already. Is there anything you would like to add? We are excited to announce that we will be working in partnership with #scentedmomentsbytmt and will have a residency at their store for purchases, collections and orders. Link to Scented Moments by TMT Ltd, share the love and give them a like on Facebook here. I would like to say a thank you to The George Washington Hotel and Sarah, Michael and all the guys at The CTRL Pad, Tinkers Corner and Gemma and Scented Moments and Tammy and Dan. Also to everyone who is attending we hope you have an awesome day. This is the first Washi-Con and without you guys coming there won’t be a WashiCon II. Cheers Wayne and NEOnline Magazine and we will see you at Washi-Con



Probably the toughest edition we’ve produced yet - but when you strive for the stars, you have to climb those stairs Savour: Issue 7 is finally here with a complete NEW REDESIGN. Celeb chefs, The Artisans, recipes, top restaurants, the best hotel stays and lots of local talent too. Alain Ducasse, Gordon Ramsay, James Martin, Savour: The Cook Off (where we’ve challenged four chefs to cook dishes using sustainable food) and, of course, THE GIN EDIT. Well, it wouldn’t be my little (it’s becoming a monster!) magazine if I didn’t include my favourite things would it? Nothing short of blood, sweat and tears has been put into this one. Massive thanks to all involved. I couldn’t do it without you. Y’all know who you are. Georga Spottiswood




[Jon-Lewis Dickinson ‘Cruising to Glory’] [by Peter Mann] Tyneside boxer set to have life story published At present (2018) he is the only Tyneside boxer to have won the British (Lord Lonsdale) title outright as well being the only professional boxer to have claimed the Prizefighter trophy, Area, English and British titles. Having won the 2007 cruiserweight ABA title (two years after losing the heavyweight final against Tony Bellew) as well as representing his country where he earned a Four Nations Gold medal, County Durham boxer, Jon-Lewis Dickinson is preparing to have his life story put to print. A decade after making his pro debut (against Paul Bonson in November 2008, Wigan), Dickinson’s story, ‘Cruising to Glory,’ will be published by regional book publishers, Britain’s Next Bestseller, and penned by local journalist/ author, Peter Mann.


“I’ve known Jon for a number of years in a professional capacity and his was one of the first interviews I conducted (for American combat sports website, Real Combat Media, back in early 2012),” began

Peter. “At that time, I began running the social media for Jon, then his brother Travis, and in turn Fighting Chance Promotions, which was formed around the time he won the British outright. “Through that Dickinson connection I’ve got to know the likes of Ronnie Rowe and Gary Barr, both of whom have been with him since the amateurs, and numerous others as well – Lewis Pendleton, Martin Nugent, Steven White.” With that connection having been built up and the foundations laid, Peter continued working with Jon after the former had left Fighting Chance and has been ringside for several of his fights in the pairs native north-east. It was towards the latter stages of Jon’s career which Peter came up with the idea of penning the former British cruiserweight

king’s life story. And what a journey that career has been. Amateur success was turned into professional glory but not without cost for Dickinson. Winning the Prizefighter (2010) put the Durham fighter firmly in the public eye however consecutive losses to Tyrone Wright and Richard Turba, both through injury, curtailed that career somewhat. An in-ring return against local rival David Dolan, for the Northern Area title, set Dickinson on his way through an unbeaten run of seven victories in just shy of three years, culminating in winning the British outright against Neil Dawson at Newcastle’s Metro Radio Arena in March 2014. Although Jon would suffer consecutive losses, to Ovill McKenzie and Courtney Fry, in the aftermath of that title success, a stunning stoppage of the Scotsman, Stephen Simmons, for the WBC International, ensured Dickinson was still a force to be reckoned with. Finances and time though seemingly transpired against the cruiserweight and, following defeat to Tommy McCarthy in May 2016, the leather gloves were finally hung up for good.

On the other hand, Peter, who released his first two books at the beginning of 2018, both on music, returned to pastures old with the outcome set to be ‘Cruising to Glory.’ “I’d initially spoke to Jon prior to

his retirement, in fact a good few fights beforehand, and there was interest, from both sides, it just wasn’t the right time,” added Peter. “After he retired from the sport we kept in touch, and yes, he still uses the nickname he and his brother made for me, and, following the release of my first two books (via Britain’s Next Bestseller) I was looking for something else to get myself in to. “Other people were asking what was next and, as I was looking through my own archive material, one name kept cropping up more and more. “Jon-Lewis Dickinson; so, I gave him a call, we met up, had some food, laughed, and thought, why not? “At the end of the day he’s a


popular guy, a good champion, and a great ambassador, alongside that of our two world champions Glenn McCrory and Stuart Hall, for sport in the region. “Whilst putting his story together I’ve managed to speak to his nearest and dearest, those who knew him best in the fight game, several former opponents, journalists, and, for a rather enjoyable two hours, Kellie Maloney, Jon’s former manager & promoter.” Although a publication date is still to be confirmed it is expected that ‘Cruising to Glory’ will be out at some point in November. Publisher’s Britain’s Next Bestseller have numerous authors, at home and abroad, on their roster, and have published books such as Toxic City (Dangel Angello), Cupidity (Lucinda Lamont), Swimming with Stingrays (Les Clayden) Shattered Spirits, Broken Hearts (Ursula Matthews) and many more…





ALL ROUND TO THE HAIRY BIKERS’ FOR A NIGHT OF COOKING CONVERSATION WITH SI KING AND DAVE MYERS TICKETS ONSALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 National Treasures Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers have announced a huge nationwide tour. With their irresistible enthusiasm, An Evening With The Hairy Bikers will be an epic night of cooking and conversation. Big hearted, down-to-earth cooks with a love of good food, Si and Dave have been cooking


together for more than twenty years. They have created haute cuisine dishes with Michelinstarred chefs and travelled the world in the pursuit of great food. They’ve also explored the length and breadth of the British Isles to discover brand new recipes and create their own fresh takes on cooking classics. The stars of several hit television shows, they are the UK’s most popular cookery duo with series including The Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure, The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Book; Best of British; The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure; Everyday Gourmets; The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of and two major

prime time series of Mums Know Best all drawing millions of audiences. No strangers to the live arena, The Hairy Bikers performed their sell-out Big Night Out show in theatres across the UK in 2010 and completed another ambitious nationwide theatre tour in April 2013. Tickets for The Hairy Bikers are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge).

ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)









‘YOUNG ONES’ ADE EDMONDSON AND NIGEL PLANER REUNITE FOR NEW STAGE COMEDY Stars of cult 80s TV comedy The Young Ones Ade Edmondson and Nigel Planer will reunite on stage next month in a brand new comedy written by themselves. Audiences can join the comic legends on the Icelandic wastelands of Vulcan 7 for one week only at Newcastle Theatre Royal, 8-13 October 2018!

reunited on the set of a fantasy movie. Hugh has landed the role of Vulcan’s butler and he’s making his seventh film for the franchise. Gary is a one-time Hollywood A-lister playing a guest monster with four hours in make-up and one word in the script. Sparks fly inside the trailer as old wounds are opened. Leela, a runner (played by Lois Chimimba),

attempts to keep the peace, but outside the trailer things are not going to plan either: the director’s gone AWOL, the catering truck’s on the wrong side of a ravine, and the volcanic activity is growing more lively by the minute… Adrian Edmondson (Gary Savage) is well known for his role in TV sitcom Bottom which he wrote and starred in with Rik Mayall.

British actor-comedians Adrian Edmondson and Nigel Planer rose to fame playing iconic characters Vyvyan and Neil in the BRIT award-winning TV classic The Young Ones and The Comic Strip Presents…and have performed together in Filthy, Rich and Catflap and in the spoof band Bad News. In their latest comedy Vulcan 7 the long-time off-screen friends will co-star as former drama students Gary Savage and Hugh Delavois, one a plodding actor, the other a struggling Hollywood star, both in their 60s who are


Other television credits include Jonathan Creek, Blackadder and the BBC adaptation of War & Peace. On stage he has appeared in The Rocky Horror Show in the West End and Twelfth Night at the RSC. Film credits include Captain Peavey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Pan and Other theatre credits include Pitcairn with Shakespeare’s Globe and Chichester Festival Theatre and Nightingale and Chase at the Royal Court. She has appeared on television in the drama series Trust Me and on film in The Proposal.

Nigel Planer (Hugh Delavois) is an actor, comedian, novelist and playwright who has worked extensively in the West End with leading roles in original productions Evita, Chicago, We Will Rock You, Wicked, Hairspray, Feelgood and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for which he received an Olivier Award nomination. Other credits include the spoof actor character Nicholas Craig and Doctor Who: Live tour. He has been nominated for numerous awards and won the BRIT award for Best Comedy Record in 1984 for his appearance in The Young Ones.

Vulcan 7 is written by Edmondson and Planer and directed by Steven Marmion. It is presented by Jonathan Church Productions and Theatre Royal Bath Productions in association with Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

Lois Chimimba (Leela) has appeared with the National Theatre most recently in Common, and previously Peter


Steven Marmion (Director) is currently Artistic Director at Soho Theatre where he has been at the helm since 2010. Productions include Only The Brave and the award-winning Madam Butterfly’s Child and Mad Margaret’s Revenge. He has directed workshops for the National Theatre, Hampstead Theatre, Royal Court and the RSC with whom he is an Education Associate Practitioner. Associate director credits include Rupert Goold’s production of Macbeth

and its Broadway transfer. Vulcan 7 is at Newcastle Theatre Royal between Monday 8 and Saturday 13 October 2018 at 7.30pm and matinees on Thursday at 2pm and Saturday at 2.30pm. Tickets from £14.50 can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge) or book online at www.




When you think of Bare Knuckle Boxing I’m sure most people will think of travellers fighting in car parks or some of the call out videos, both of which you often see popping up on youtube and facebook. What people don’t realise is that over the last few years a company called UBBAD have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring BKB out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

fight defeating Cowboys Michael who was undefeated in 200 BKB fights. There have been a few occasions where Terrill was due to face current UBBAD Champion Michael “The Real Deal” Ferry on other promotions but it has yet to happen, hopefully now that they are both signed to UBBAD there’s nowhere to hide and this eagerly awaited fight won’t be far away. It will be a fan favourite fight when it happens seeing as Ferry’s fans think there is no competition left for him to face, whilst Terril’s fans think Ferry is ducking Terril because he knows that he will lose his title and has been avoiding the hard fights to keep it. With this kind of talk there can only be one outcome and that is for the fight to take place, which will be great news for neutral BKB fans.

They already have some top level fighters on their books, but in recent months they really have pulled out all of the stops with signings like North East fighter Michael Terrill, who is a Champion Kickboxer and who this year won his first ever Bare Knuckle

Another of the big name signing is former UFC fighter Melvin Guillard who is a well-known striker and a massive household name to be added to the UBBAD roster. He will be taking on the winner of the upcoming Jimmy Sweeney and Dann Henry-Welsh fight. Sweeney



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