NE Online Magazine Issue 45

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . I t ’s s a fe t o s a y 2 0 2 0 h a s t o o k a t u r n fo r t h e s t ra n g e a n d w e n o w a l l fe e l l i ke w e a r e i n a n e p i s o d e o f t h e t w i g h l i g h t zo n e ! B u t o n e t h i n g t o come out of it all is how amazing people can be. A big thank you to all of our Front Line staff and Key Wo r ke r s , y o u a r e a l l a m a z i n g . N o t A l l Heroes wear capes!!! As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r & I n s t a g ra m fo r our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


O2 Academy Newcastle/City Hall Sage Gateshead Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine

CONTRIBUTORS Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR Madhouse Media SPONSORS Playhouse Whitley Bay Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle



P6 Holly Goodwin P12 Fine & Dandi P18 Jamilah P24 Shaun Ryder P32 NE Artist Of The Year Zoe Gilby P40 Cineworld P44 He Knows She Kows P50 Middlesbrough Reads P56 Coming to Playhouse Whitley Bay 5


Holly Goodwin Hi Holly and welcome to NE, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself? My name is Holly Goodwin. I am from South Shields and I am 14 years old. You are getting yourself known around the music scene already, which is great for a newcomer, but how did you get started in music and what made you want to perform? I first started getting into music when I first joined secondary school. I loved to watch and listen to new types and genres of music, and new artists and up and coming bands. I enjoyed getting involved in any musical activities such as school concerts. I started of singing and later learned how to play guitar. Have you ever had any kind of guitar or singing lessons, or are you self-taught? I took guitar lessons for a short while when starting off, however later just taught myself how to learn and pick up songs after learning the skills I was taught at guitar tutoring. Being so young and playing in front of a packed venue can be pretty daunting, how did your first ever performance go, where you nervous or did you just savour the moment? At first I think I was nervous with one of my first performances with guitar being quite a public place. However with having experience singing on my own in school concerts from quite early on during secondary school, I think that the nerves weren’t as bad as if it was first time performing in front of a crowd. From then on I rarely get nervous before and during performances as I love to express my music and love to just take in the atmosphere it creates for people.

2020 has already been a great year for you music wise seeing you play several gigs on your own as well as playing support, so as a newcomer to the music scene how has that been for you? The opportunities I have been given in 2019 into 2020 have been just amazing. I count myself extremely luck and grateful to be offered everything I have. I love that people see me as a good person to perform for and please a crowd. When first getting into music I recommend seeking out any opportunities to express your music possible! It’s definitely a great way to start of when being early into the music scene. You play the guitar and sing, but

do you wright music yourself, will we be hearing any original songs in the future or are you happy to just play covers? Being completely honest, I love to try and write music when by myself in my room. It’s really just a case of trial and error when it comes to writing your own music as it’s just what fits best into the actual foundations of a song. Possibly when ready, I would love to share my original music with other people. With original music, I feel you have to just keep trying until over time it starts to flow. Do you prefer being solo or would you like to play as part of a band in the future? I really love performing with


friends every now and then and sharing the atmosphere with other performers just like me, and have in the past invited one of my very talented friends on stage. Although I love singing with other people my goal is to just become a solo performer as I just find it easier and feel that it flows better with me. If you could perform with anyone past or present, who would it be and why? Freddy Mercury! Definitely, as I love all of Queens music. I think Freddy Mercury was just a worldwide idol. I feel he would have been just the most amazing person to create music with. What advice would you give to anyone reading this who is interested in performing for the first time? The best advice I could give is just throw yourself out there and take any possible opportunities your given. And practice! If you play any sort of instrument or sing, practice helps, I promise. Really just follow your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, practice makes perfect and always be yourself, you will grow your music by just

being you. When you are not singing to the public what do you like to do in your spare time? I really just love spending time with the people close to me. I play sports such as netball and

I do dance. I just enjoy being sociable and active and in any time I have I dig in into my music. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? -In year 7 I won the David Milliband award for overall academic achievement. -I have 2 cats, Princess Tinkerbell Flowerpot and Mitchell Chikowski. [I was three!] -I have a very expressed interest In science. What are your aims for the rest of 2020 and beyond? To basically just carry on the way I am. Carry on doing gigs and taking as many opportunities as I can. I am still further expanding my skills of guitar as there are many things you can do with the instrument. I feel there are also spots to improve on however it’s definitely always a good thing to give yourself areas to be better.


Where can people follow you and keep up to date with gigs and appearances? I have an instagram @ And also a facebook page @ Please feel free to message me

at any time!



Former photographer turns blogger to highlight mental health issues far and wide – life isn’t all Fine & Dandi, but let’s make it that way! #itsokaynottobeokay


The past eight months or so have seen former professional photographer, Steven White, of Bedlington, hang up the lens, and take a new focus in life. Fine & Dandi is a blog which shares people’s stories, real stories, about life with mental illness. Here, NE Online Magazine journalist, Peter Mann, caught up with Steven, the pair having known each other for the better part of a decade, to discuss things they have in common – football, boxing,

friendships, and mental health…. Picture the scene, two grown men, sat in a Costa at Washington Galleries, mulling over the best decade of life which has seen the respective careers intertwine on

occasion. Both interviewer and interviewee have worked in and around football, the former as a writer, the latter a photographer, and the same occurred within the north-

east’s boxing scene where, at one point, they would be seen together at Fighting Chance Promotions, the former home of owners Lewis Pendleton and Ronnie Rowe, and a plethora of fight talent including that of its champions Jon-Lewis and Travis Dickinson, and Craig Dixon. The interviewee is Steven White, former press photographer and owner of Images by SW who, not that long ago, took a turning on his path in life and became a champion for mental health, the photography now a thing of the past with his focus now being on Fine & Dandi, a mental health blog on a rapid rise. Not quite a brief sojourn in the world of photography, after all Steven was a sports photographer for a national sports photography agency and was pitch side on the hallowed turf of St. James’ Park for many an afternoon of Newcastle United’s successes, and failings, and there’s been trips to Wembley, six in fact. “It all began at Hillheads, the home of Whitley Bay, the last season of their three-in-a-row FA Vase successes,” began Steven. “I think it was the (fifth round) home game against Dunstable Town (Whitley Bay won 5-1 with goals from Lee Kerr, 2, Paul Chow, 2, and the ever-mercurial Paul Robinson) and I finished that season with a trip to Wembley (The Bay defeated Coalville 3-2).” Following an incredible run in the competition which saw the Seahorses only lose one match, the 2008 semi-final first leg away to Lowestoft Town, between the start of the 2008 competition, and the 2011 final, by which time they won the trophy three times (2009, 2010, 2011) and for Steven, covering the Bay certainly gave him many highlights, at home, and away.

Even after those successes Steven’s rise continued in the beautiful game, going on to cover the next two FA Vase finals at the home of football. “I went back to Wembley the following season for the all-Northern League affair between Dunston UTS and West Auckland (Dunston won 2-0), and again when Spennymoor won it in 2013 (against Tunbridge, 2-1). “After that I was there for Sunderland’s League Cup final loss to Manchester City, and Gateshead’s play-off final defeat to Cambridge in the same year. “I remember I had the League Cup final booked up for months in advance, you have to because the prices for travel and accommoda-

tion sky-rocket closer to the time. “I was in the City end and Sunderland opened the scoring early in the first-half (Fabio Borini after ten minutes) which wasn’t that fun for me being a Newcastle fan (City went on to win 3-1 with second half efforts from Yaya Toure, Samir Nasri and substitute Jesus Navas). “Then there was Gateshead’s playoff final against Cambridge, before everything turned sour for them. “I was good friends with a few of the Heed players, including Jon Shaw, and it’s true what footballers say, and it’s not just for them, it’s the same for me and you as well, people only see that ninety minutes on the pitch and not everything that goes on behind-



the-scenes.” Although the football photography continued, as did the boxing, and they were special times, for all involved. The first fight covered ringside for Steven was at the Rainton Meadows Arena where, with Fighting Chance, he was on the canvas edge as Jon-Lewis Dickinson successfully defended the British cruiserweight strap against Mike Stafford in April 2013. Steven has also photographed the likes of Josh Warrington and Brain Rose, Anthony Joshua and Luke Campbell, an endless list to match that on the football field, but away from the limelight, things weren’t quite so rosy, with thoughts heading in other directions. That’s another similarity thrown up between interviewer and interviewee, except the former made his own move away from the fight scene four months earlier, both though finishing with a Lewis Rit-

son fight (he had to get in somewhere). “Yes, I covered a lot of fight nights, both in the region and further afield,” admitted Steven. “I believe the last one I covered though was (Lewis) Ritson against (Francesco) Patera (the only blot on Ritson’s 21-fight record). “I kind of knew inside, when covering the FA Cup final a few

months earlier (at Wembley between Chelsea and Manchester united, the former winning 1-0 courtesy of an Eden Hazard penalty), that I was walking away from sports photography, in fact photography in general. “The only photography I do now is of the wife and kids on my phone (Steven has two young sons) and I guess, looking back, I had muted

feelings going into the final as I should have enjoyed the occasion much more than I actually did.” So, with family, and work, taking an understandable priority in Steven’s life, a somewhat newer challenge would present itself and, over the past six to eight months, Fine & Dandi’s, Steven’s mental health awareness blog, has begun its rise. “It’s kind of weird how it all came about really,” continued Steven. “I was covering the Newcastle United versus Luton Town game in the FA Cup in January last year and Olly Lee (son of ex-Magpie legend, Rob Lee) was in the Luton line-up. “He was messaging me on the night as I was sorting out some photos for him from the game and, as I was coming offline, with my phone battery flat, I checked Facebook (as you do), I received a private message on Facebook from somehow I know who was really struggling, mentally. “That’s really when I knew what I wanted to do next. “I had the platform, the website, and if you look at them properly, the logos between then and now are actually similar as well, so there wasn’t much of a changearound to be honest. “It’s now kind of, naturally, progressed from there really and, although it hasn’t been as tough as I expected having completed mental health courses through work (Mental Health Awareness and then Mental Health First Aid), there has been some stories that whilst tough to read and publish, having been involved with something so serious earlier has helped. “It allowed me to turn a negative into a positive and create a way to help others who maybe struggling.” Moving forward, and with no future goals for the blog, not even

sure there can be anything placed against it other than continuance and progression, it’ll be a case of see what happens, and whatever will be will be, Steven is just trying to cover as much as is humanly possible, around family and work that is. “What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another, so sharing as many experiences and ways to live with mental illness as possible shows how broad the subject is” he added. “And through this, what people read on the website, they may well see in themselves, in fact it’s already happened a few times I just want to continue with it, and continue to raise awareness as

much as possible.” If anyone who would be interested in talking about, or even sharing their story (you can do anonymously if you wish) can email Steven, in the strictest confidence, via – to know more, check out the Fine & Dandi website and socials below…. FINE & DANDI SOCIALS WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER FineDandi




Hi Colin, welcome to NE, can 80s


R&B Artist goes ‘After 10’ with hot, new release North-east R&B artist, Jamilah, drops her new single, After 10, and it is set to sizzle into the summer as she prepares for her maiden EP later in the year. Hailing from Jarrow, the songstress, who divides her time between Newcastle and London, is returning from a six month sabbatical of sorts, time which she used to both take stock, and prepare herself for the new project at hand. Now, looking ahead to what 2020 will surely bring, one of the

BBC Introducing NE Top Tips said of her break, and what to expect from her that: “I did so in order to rejuvenate and to focus on this new project, this year. “There’s some new, fresh music which is taking shape nicely and it’s been really refreshing, empowering for me to take that time away from the stage. “I’m now ready to release a whole new package of content, and then start gigging again, with fresh material.” Scheduled for release at the end of the month, and, with a music video shot in and around

Newcastle, it’s certain to light the blue-touch paper for Jamilah who lights up any stage with her endearing presence and glamour. “You know me, it’s always R&B,” beamed Jamilah when discussing her new offering, “it’s been sat there for a while now but it had to be the first release (of my new project). “All of my music has meaning to me, as does this one, and this is a story about being stuck in a magnetic friendship, relationship with someone who you keep being drawn back to. “It’s just a page if you will, a


snippet from my diary to which people will only know me through that, and that’s how my music flows – that and it has to pass my ‘car-test’ as well!” The past eighteen months or so have seen the singer-songwriter release a number of tracks including classics like What If, and Low Life, among others. Her brief hiatus did however afford the time to recuperate with After 10, as she mentions, undergoing her strenuous ‘car test’ to see whether it’s ready to be unleashed on the general public. “I knew this had to be first and yes, it’s undergone my ‘car-test,” she smiles, “I do it with all my music, something on constant repeat.


“This one has been played repeatedly from London to Newcastle, that’s what I do with music and not just my own but other musicians as well; it’s how I know if I’ll like something.” Continuing to build upon her previous successes Jamilah’s pending offering has been produced to Footsteps, alongside Brook, two Londoners with whom she’s previously worked and is the first of four throughout this year. “My music is the story of my life,” she adds, “and everything I release this year will be different to each other, no one track the same.” ‘After 10,’ the first release of R&B star Jamilah’s upcoming, debut EP, is available via all major platforms NOW, download

it HERE Keep up-to-date with all things Jamilah via her Facebook h t t p s : / / w w w.fa c e b o o k . com/JamilahOfficial/ and Twitter JamilahMusic as well as YouTube jamkin80/ Images with permission Chris Sharp/Chris D Photos htt p s : / / w w w.fa c e b o o k . co m / chrisdphotouk/





SHAUN RYDER You’re twistin’ my melon man As an innovator of the Madchester music scene you would certainly expect some quirkiness, some madness, when chatting about over four decades in the music industry. When you add to the mix that he rolls with the likes of Rowetta and Bez, then Happy Monday’s frontman, Shaun Ryder, can reel off stories with the best of them. But then, yes, there’s a but then, as you’re about to find out when he spoke to ourselves at NE Online

Magazine about his appearance at The Playhouse, Whitley Bay, on September 5, Ryder is probably as quirky and mad as they come – even more than Bez, if that’s possible. Although a Q&A, Evening With styled event, Ryder, who, back in 1980, formed the legendary band, the Happy Mondays, following it up over a decade later with Black Grape, the two combined have seen some life for all involved. But this tour, these nights, it may

well be crazy, but it won’t quite be Mondays/Grape kind of crazy. “You know me, we’ll be keeping this all pretty much real and, although I’ve still got to do the specific questions, I don’t do that whole Q&A scenario,” began the Madchester pioneer. “In fact I very rarely sit and chat to the guy who’s interviewing me, I’d rather keep things raw and what I’m being asked can end going, well, pretty much anywhere really.


“It is how I like to do things, and certainly keeps the interviewer on his toes that’s for sure.”

When You’re Straight…Yeah’ and ‘Stupid Stupid Stupid’ landing in 1995 and 1997 respectively.

The Mondays crashed the music scene in the eighties, taking it by storm, and became a powerhouse juggernaut the more they were about, somehow changing with the times by keeping things the way they like them.

Both acts are an integral part of Ryder’s and in turn Bez’s, respective, musical lives, but for Ryder, that popularity actually rose more in the north-east, and Tyneside, before the north-west city of Manchester.

Prior to the formation of Black Grape, the Mondays released five of their six albums, including the epically named 1987 debut offering of ‘Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Can’t Smile,’

“We love the experience that we get when in the north-east, the people and places there,” continued Ryder.

The bands third album, in 1990, ‘Pills n Thrills and Bellyaches’ which contain the tracks Kinky Afro, and Step On, whilst Black Grape meanwhile would burst onto the scene with a couple of albums in as many years, ‘It’s Great


“To be honest, when we started off the Mondays, we had more fans in Scotland and Newcastle than we had here in Manchester, then, bizarrely, when we released the first 12” single, we sold more here in Manchester.” Since then Ryder and company have been on one immense, never-

ending, rollercoaster ride. A ride which has taken them everywhere and where they’ve seen pretty much everything. Although for Shaun you could well sum him in skinny jeans, I’m A Celebrity, UFO’s, and how he’s still alive – yes, you did read that right!!! A RANDOM FACT ABOUT SHAUN RYDER “I’m finding it really hard to find a pair of jeans that I like these days, only seeing lots of fashion victims wearing these skinny jeans because, to me, they should all be loose fit ones. I mean really, skinny jeans and pointy shoes, man, that’s a crime against fashion…” NOVEMBER 2010 WOULD SEE SHAUN RYDER FINISH AS

RUNNER-UP (to Stacey Solomon) IN I’M A CELEBRITY GET ME OUT OF HERE “Yeah, but I’m on television all the time now but lived in a real reality first. I’ve doing all sorts but that’s how you pick up new fans these days, through all these reality shows and you’d probably be picked up more because of reality shows now than back in the day because there’s no shows like your Top of the Pops or shows like that. But this is how you pick up new fans, you do shows like that, and it’s how the kids of today, on their ipads and computers, get to know their music from. Yes, you still get a lot out of doing things old school but, the thing is, now, you don’t have to do the things that we did.” SHAUN RYDER ON UFO’s (and aliens) (In the late seventies, 1978 to be

precise, Ryder claims to have seen a UFO, and, upon leaving the jungle a decade ago – they aren’t connected, honestly) “I was offered different shows, whatever I wanted really, when I emerged (as runner-up). I was asked as to what I wanted to do, so I said I wanted to head off with some aliens somewhere; that’s how it started (Shaun Ryder on UFO’s ran for four episodes back in 2013). “We don’t teach them (aliens) anything as we were probably genetically engineered by them anyway and it’s those who let the other aliens in. We’re not even sure what’s real and what isn’t and the stuff I’ve seen, and witnessed, when I was 15 (Ryder claims to have been abducted in ’78 https://www. nov/02/shaun-ryder-ufos-impossible-not-to-believe) and I began seeing something buzzing around at something like 15-20,000 miles an hour so now, the more you see,


and the more you talk about it, the more you actually do sound like a numpty but they, those aliens, they know all about us.” HOW ON EARTH (not an alien abduction question) ARE YOU STILL ALIVE

“I’ve actually been lucky enough to live a really mad existence since I was young; I’ve travelled all around the world, doing those drugs and getting stoned, shagging loads of birds and lived in a totally different world. But when you think about it, I never had to make those important decisions (it was always about the gear) so to me, that’s how I’m still alive – and in all honest, Fleetwood Mac lived a much better life.” Now, with the Mondays as strong as they’ve ever been, still touring left, right and centre, still twisting their melons everywhere they go, but what is next for Madchester’s finest, with Ryder set to embark on what promises to be a quite exhilarating, eye-opener, of an ‘An Evening With’ tour. “Well the Mondays have like ten years’ worth of unreleased material right now so there’s loads of stuff still to come out; and then


there’s to be a new Black Grape album as well as a movie.” So, there you have it, Shaun Ryder in all his ‘glory.’ And if you want to know more, as I’m sure everyone does, whether you’re a Mondays, Grape, or just a music fan in general, then head to The Playhouse in Whitley Bay on Saturday 5 September 2020. The evening kicks off at 8pm with some live music, followed by the Q&A with Shaun Ryder, then the Meet & Greet – tickets are available now via venue website https:// events/shaun-ryder/ Photo credit: Paul Husband.


NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial


[2020 Artist of the year]


The music of a jazz musician These are, quite suddenly, tough times for anybody, anywhere around the globe so in starting we’d like to send our love, and pay for safe times to us all. In music, as is pretty much everywhere, life has changed and work has all but disappeared, the same is said of the NE Online Magazine Artist of the Year, Tyneside’s award winning jazz musician, Zoe Gilby. The end of March alone has seen two major festival appearances postponed with a trip to Belgium and the Leuven Jazz Festival, and much closer to home the Gates-

head Jazz Festival where Zoe had two appearances allocated at Sage Gateshead, these coming alongside the cancellation of gigs, and with it the postponement until later in the year of her Aurora album launch – Zoe was scheduled to release both that, and Living in Shadows. Who knows what the future holds, for all of us, but for now we try to carry on as best we can and, with that in mind, we take a look at Zoe’s previous releases, three albums and an EP (and maybe a little insight into Aurora) – Now That I Am Real (2007); Looking Glass (2010), Twelve Stories

(2013) and the Voice & Bass EP (2018). NOW THAT I AM REAL – released in 2007, is a twelve-track, debut album and features the arrangements of Tony Faulkner… “My very first album release, way back in 2007! “This really does feel like a lifetime ago and was a self-published release of my favourite jazz songs, some of which, when I think back to it now, does show the early signs of my “going against the grain,” because I didn’t want to (and still don’t) be like the generic


jazz singers. “I guess I was still figuring out what I wanted to do and still establishing my sound. “I had a fabulous arranger in renowned drummer and first-class musician, Tony Faulkner.

“My father (famed trumpeter and jazz arranger of more than four decades, Mike Gilby) was quite poorly by this point but was there with me in the recording studio the whole two days and he never tired, even though he was physically so weak, it was like the music powered him on. “Quite emotional really when I think back. “The biggest influence for me in these early days was the 1968 Nancy Wilson album ‘Welcome To My Love;’ If you listen to that you’ll definitely hear where I started from, and that’s the very beginning for me.” LOOKING GLASS – released in 2010, a fifteen-track offering which has its ten-year anniversary this September… “My second release, on the jazzaction label and from those heady days of Arts Council funding; if only we knew how lucky we had


it! “(Back then) there was a small portion of finances set aside for independent artists to be able to record and that’s exactly what we did! “This time I’d buddied up with my now husband and forever partner in crime, the unstoppable double bassist that is Andy Champion, trumpet/flugelhorn player Noel Dennis who is phenomenal and always so enthusiastic with everything I did and still do, my old mucker and guitar hero who always makes me sound great, the unstoppable Mark Williams, and a seriously talented drummer in Richard Brown. “This was my first proper foray into writing my own compositions. “Fuelled, encouraged, and generally egged-on by Andy, I put my songbook pen-to-paper and never looked back. “The album was literally a sell-out on the jazz services touring fund and I’m forever grateful to Adrian Tilbrook’s advice and support with this whole project, it really paved the way for me.”

TWELVE STORIES – released in 2013 and Zoe’s last album release, is just that, a twelve-track offering of stories. The original material composed by Zoe Gilby, her husband and double bassist Andy Champion, and guitarist Mark Williams, is an engaging repertoire of story-telling and atmosphere. The contemporary covers are an adventurous blend from Kate Bush to Pink Floyd and the sensitive treatment to a couple of jazz standards, completes this particular “story-book.” “This is a more mature, third release for the same line-up quartet but with my old (still quite youthful) mug fronting it. “My confidence had grown and my approach to jazz (and music as a whole) had developed. “The song-writing had taken a new angle in the form of stories, it’s something I have always felt that I had a kindred spirit to and I love to write and to paint a picture with words, tell the story with my own design and this album was the vehicle for it. “I still couldn’t resist adding in an unusual cover version which

were inspired by Andy’s ingenious choice of Kate Bush and Pink Floyd; contemporary, unique, and in my eyes forever classics that still tingle my spine and are a sparkling joy to perform live at even our most recent of live performances.” VOICE AND BASS EP – released in 2018, and Zoe’s last release as a whole (this alongside husband/ double bassist, Andy Champion), a five-track offering with a somewhat beautifully artistic cover… “A stripped back to the bare bones with this duo, five-track EP. “This was recorded old-school style in our home studio. “Everybody wonders how Andy and I, as a married couple, can both work together and be together, it just works so don’t overthink it. “We selected these five tracks, and the interplay I feel spells out succinctly in the five tunes what our duo is about; improvisation, inter-

action and of course story-telling. “This EP is the beginning of many homemade, DIY recordings for us and the simplicity of it all is what makes it magic for us.” What’s next for Zoe Gilby; well it was intended to be the release of Aurora, a project that has, due to global pandemic, been shelved until later in the year. The release of Living in Shadows will be discussed/announced in due course because the show, surely, must go on. “This is a brand new album of material and we are so excited to be augmenting the exciting instrumental compositions of US trumpet player and composer Tom Harrell with my own lyrics.” Having sought out permission of both the artist himself, and his wife/manager Angela Harrell, Zoe is, understandably, excited for what is to come, more when: “As a songwriter, I have always composed the melody and the lyrics myself.


“This however, is an entirely different beast, and a one I have loved rising to the challenge of. “I’ve loved illustrating Tom’s music further with my own lyrics, absorbing his intricate ideas, his serene delivery and portraying it sensitively with my own, awesome musicians, who help bring my words and these compositions to life.” For Aurora Zoe has teamed up with trumpet/flugelhornist Noel Dennis, double bassist Andy Champion, guitarist Mark Williams, and drummer Russ Morgan. So, that’s Zoe’s back catalogue and, as the show must surely go, please support our musicians during this tough time (and anyone else that may need support) if you can. Keep up-to-date with all things Zoe Gilby via her website http:// and social media outlets Facebook https:// and Twitter ZoeGilbyMusic To purchase her music visit or the shop on her website…

GILBY GOES ALL PATREON In light of a current, ongoing viral pandemic, a lot of artists, across the world, are taking to social media and doing gigs from their home studios, even living rooms. For most this is a major source of income and Zoe is no different; with that in mind she has set up a Patreon account for her followers, jazz lovers, in fact anyone who likes good music, to check out her and double bass playing husband, Andy. Living Room Gigs on Patreon. A lot of artists are trying to keep themselves financially and creatively solvent in these difficult times, whilst providing our lovely audiences with regular live music. This is how it works * One gig (creation) per week in our living room * Audience (patrons) choose to


pay £5 or £3 or £1 per gig. Maximum once per week * Safe PayPal set up * Song requests * Patrons can cancel anytime and set their own financial cap * Unlimited viewing. Once Patrons have paid for that gig (creation) They can enjoy it again and again. I won’t take them down * Discounted merchandise Sign up here and become a Patron zoegilby?fan_landing=true





Unlimited Card Love Cinema. Join the club - £17.90 a month. You will receive... Preferential Discounts Unlimited members get 10% off all food and drink bought in-cinema at any time of day, every day!* Plus, you’ll also receive discounts for all nonfilm screenings such as Live Opera in HD, Live National Theatre, Live sport in 3D and live gigs etc. (All discounts subject to terms) Get access to Exclusive advance screenings

As an Unlimited member, you can be among the first to see great movies at our special screenings. Just keep an eye on our Unlimited newsletter for your invitation. Discounted Meals & Shopping Unlimited members benefit from exclusive deals set up by their local cinema*. These offers vary from cinema to cinema, but are a great way to save pennies. (All deals are subject to terms) *Until further notice

Watch as many films as you like Are you mad about movies? Feed your fascination by watching as many films as you like at Cineworld every month from just £17.90. There’s literally no limit to the number of times you can visit! Apply for your card now at www.unlimitedcineworld. com/uk/pages/apply. aspx?step=1 using promo code RAF-63KG-29XM-00SB31WU.


NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial




Urban pop duo, He Know She Knows, to release new single AND debut album Urban pop duo, Silvar and Sharna Laidlow, better known as He Knows She Knows, are to release both their new single, AND debut album, within four weeks of each other. Officially crashing onto the music scene courtesy of an appearance on the X Factor a few years back, HKSK have wowed stages up and down the country ever since, bringing their own, imitable style to the masses and creating a cult

following. First up will be the debut single, Like You’re Famous, on April 4, followed by four weeks late the long awaited, eagerly anticipated, debut album, The Past Was Tense, on May 2, with a scheduled album launch (ongoing pandemic depending) at HMV Newcastle. “The album itself has been a good while in the making whilst the accompanying single, it’s about escaping to your happy place,” began Silvar. “So, being in your happy place, it’s a feeling that can’t be beaten, and, when you’re in there, lost in that

bubble with someone, then you’re lost in that moment – the verses of the single are the story of our own lives.” In sync with music the people know and love produced by the urban duo, the album is a certain contender for ‘Album of the Year,’ delivering style, class and bounce – a feel good factor (not X Factor, they’ve been there and done that one) delivered any time of the day or night. A sixteen-track masterpiece, the album leads with the new single, Like You’re Famous, alongside that of Toxic, When We Were Young,


As for their favourites of the sixteen on offer, what would they say to tune into. “I’m a big fan of this album but I have to say When We Were Young,” continued Silvar. “It’s the one I listen to and smile about and has a nostalgic feel about it.” The nostalgia obviously runs deep with the pair, especially with all they’ve been through, Sharna adding: “I’d say it’s a toss-up between When We Were Young and Can’t Take That From Me. “I get those nostalgic feels when I listen to both of these songs.” Like You’re Famous, the new single from He Knows She Knows, will be released to the masses on April 4, whilst the debut album, The Past Was Tense, a few later on May 2; available across all platforms check their socials for continued updates.


and Runaway, an offering for pretty much anybody. Following on from their debut EP, Light It Up, two years ago now, Silvar and Sharna have performed that of Northern Pride, and the Sunderland Air Show, as well as the SADS UK ball, and, late last year, headed to Japan, yes Japan, and the Kansai Music Conference. Finishing 2019 it would see the pair also claim a National Entertainment Award for Best Band/ Vocal Group, adding to previous UBeat Awards, their stock continually rising. Speaking of the NEA and Japan, Sharna added: “It was all amazing, life-changing, and mind-blowing, I really could go on. “In all honesty if someone had shown me my life know, back in

2015, I’d laugh them out the door. We feel in love with Japan and no doubt will be returning very soon. “As for the album, it’s everything we’ve been through from being kids to now really; the good, the bad, the sad, the mad. “It really is a good listen. Meanwhile Silvar added that: “It is a solid piece of work that we’re really proud of and there’s lots of songs that people want to hear. “We’ve just been building and learning each other’s respective ways and the reason is that the past was just that and we both tell separate stories and end up in the same place – but there’s something there that everyone can relate to, no matter what people like, and with a little bit of hot sauce on top.”

In relation the expected album launch at HMV Newcastle on Saturday, and upcoming tour dates, again, check socials for announcements.... HE KNOWS SHE KNOWS SOCIALS FACEBOOK TWITTER HKSK_Music WEBSITE https://www.hksk.


Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8 the region’s Lucinda Grange (formerly of Hartlepool, now New York City) saw some of her finest work, from the project ‘Backwards and in High Heels,’ included in the Donna Karan – Urban Zen exhibition in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. Beginning on March 8 and running through until April 7, Ms. Grange’s most prized project, entitled as ‘Dancing with the Stars’ included in the exhibition ran by the ArtLead Her platform, a vision founded by Mashinda Tirfere. Supporting and promoting only female artists, ArtLead Her aims to help level the field in the art world, where the gender bias is very strong and, being part of what is Women’s History Month will help envelope that consensus. Speaking of her prized project, ‘Backwards and in High Heels,’ Lucinda said: “It is a quote in reference to Ginger Rodgers. “Fred Astaire, her male dance partner, would get more fame, fortune and attention than she did, yet she did everything he did, backwards and in high heels. “This project started with two selfportraits on the Chrysler Building (Midtown Manhattan, New York) and gradually grew as I photographed women I know and admire in places you wouldn’t expect


to see anyone - let alone a woman, looking strong and extravagant in a dress! “The aim of this project was to question stereotypes women are often subjected to, and instead highlight the strength and power

of these women.” To be included within the exhibition, for Lucinda, is something she is excited about and follows immediately after her solo exhibition, ‘City Cross-Section’ which was held at the Lyle O. Reitzel Contemporary Art Gallery and finished late-February. In the new exhibition at the Urban Zen Lucinda exhibited an image, ‘King Woman,’ which depicts Ingrid Silva, lead dancer for the Dance Theatre of Harlem. “In this picture, Ingrid is on point on the ladder of a water tower on a NYC rooftop. “Ingrid grew up in Brazil, a very humble beginning, and now she’s the dance company’s top dancer, traveling the world, following her

passion. “She is now performing to crowds of thousands despite the many obstacles that have been in her way. “Not only is she Brazilian, she is also black and petite, very far from those who one might expect to see as the lead dancer. “Her sheer willpower, dedication and determination got her all the way from living in Brazil, to being one of the top dancers in this city. “My aim was to capture the feeling of this inspiring person and her story in this one single image.” Women’s History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. It is celebrated during March in the U.S. the U.K. and Australia, coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8.


FREE BOOKS TO BE SENT TO MIDDLESBROUGH CHILDREN MIDDLESBROUGH’S most vulnerable children will receive free books to read during the Coronavirus lockdown. Staff from Middlesbrough Council’s Prevention department (Early Help), Children’s Social Care and Property Services have worked in partnership with the National Literacy Trust Middlesbrough Reads to gift books for the town’s children.


Thanks to an on-going partnership between the National Literacy Trust and the publishers Penguin Random House, Middlesbrough Reads has been able to donate 1,800 books, worth over £11k, for this initiative. The books have been sorted into age specific titles and will be sent to the town’s most vulnerable children in the coming weeks. Cllr Barrie Cooper, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive Member for Education, said: “I want to say thank you to everyone who

has come together to make this happen - it has shown really quick thinking and even quicker acting and thank you to the National Literacy Trust and Penguin Random House for their huge generosity. “Reading has huge benefits for everyone and I hope these books are enjoyed by all who receive them.” Research by the National Literacy Trust has found the single biggest impact on a child’s independent reading is whether a parent reads to them. The more children are

read to, the greater the impact. Allison Potter, Manager of National Literacy Trust Middlesbrough Reads, said: “We have been fortunate to receive regular donations of books from Penguin Random House over the past few years and I was delighted to be able to work in partnership with the various council departments to ensure these children receive a book during these worrying times. Books won’t save the world, but will hopefully help worried children take their minds off these scary times and escape into another world.” Sheila Marley, Middlesbrough Council’s School Readiness Team Manager, said: “As part of Middlesbrough’s Early Years Literacy pathway, we work with the National Literacy Trust, Book Start and colleagues to help parents understand how important their role is in developing their children’s love of books, and we hope this will encourage families to pick up a book and read together.”

The book gifting is part of the Middlesbrough Reads Literacy Hub’s response to the Convid-19 outbreak, which has also included launching a new Facebook page to provide families with fun activities and educational resources during these unprecedented times. Families can access the page by searching for Middlesbrough Reads on Facebook or by visiting https:// and liking the page. Businesses based in Middles-

brough seeking updates on the latest Government and local advice and support should visit https:// For the latest local updates and information, visit The latest advice from Government and Public Health England can be found at uk/government/topical-events/ coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response


ALL ROUND TO THE HAIRY BIKERS’ FOR A NIGHT OF COOKING CONVERSATION WITH SI KING AND DAVE MYERS TICKETS ONSALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 National Treasures Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers have announced a huge nationwide tour. With their irresistible enthusiasm, An Evening With The Hairy Bikers will be an epic night of cooking and conversation. Big hearted, down-to-earth cooks with a love of good food, Si and Dave have been cooking together for more than twenty years. They have created haute

cuisine dishes with Michelinstarred chefs and travelled the world in the pursuit of great food. They’ve also explored the length and breadth of the British Isles to discover brand new recipes and create their own fresh takes on cooking classics. The stars of several hit television shows, they are the UK’s most popular cookery duo with series including The Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure, The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Book; Best of British; The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure; Everyday Gourmets; The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of and two major prime time series of Mums Know Best all drawing millions of audiences. No strangers to the live arena, The Hairy Bikers performed their sell-out Big Night Out show in theatres across the UK in 2010 and completed another ambitious nationwide theatre tour in April 2013. Tickets for The Hairy Bikers are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am


and can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge). ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him.


Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it.

Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)





It is our intention to re-commence the holding of events as soon as possible, following further government advice. The team at The Playhouse is working hard to provide alternative dates for these events and, where possible, we expect rescheduled dates to be confirmed over the coming weeks. Tickets will automatically be transferred to the rescheduled event date. Where an event cannot be rescheduled it will be cancelled and tickets will be refunded in line with the promoter’s ticketing policy. Thank you for your continued understanding and support during these extraordinary times. Affected events: The Fureys - Friday 20th March 2020 - new date: Friday 28th August 2020 The Leonard Brown Show - Sunday 22nd March 2020 - new date: Sunday 19th September 2021 Friends The Musical Parody – Tuesday 24th March 2020 – new date: Friday 19th March 2021 St Thomas Moore presents High School Musical – 25th-26th March


2020 – cancelled Havana Nights – Friday 27th March 2020 – cancelled Marian Lane Dance School – Saturday 28th March 2020 – new date: Sunday 20th September 2020 Wannabe: The Spice Girls Show – Sunday 29th March 2020 – new date: Friday 14th August 2020

Illegal Eagles – Friday 3rd April 2020 – new date Thursday 27th August 2020 Agnes Obel - Saturday 4th April 2020 – new date: Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Woman Like Me: The Little Mix Show – Monday 6th April 2020 – new date: Tuesday 18th August 2020

The Take That Experience - Thursday 14th May 2020 - new date: Saturday 12th September 2020 A Vision of Elvis - Saturday 16th May 2020 - new date: Friday 21st August 2020 Only Fools & Boycie - Sunday 17th May 2020 - new date: Monday 24th August 2020. George Hinchcliffe’s Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - 28th May 2020 - new date: Saturday 12th September 2020 Wilko Johnson & Special Guest John Otway - 22nd May 2020 new date: Thursday 11th February 2021

All Our Yesterdays – Tuesday 7th April – new date: Wednesday 7th October 2020

Big Girls Don’t Cry - Thursday 7th May 2020 - new date: Thursday 4th February 2021

You can keep up to date with everything happening at Playhouse Whitley Bay on Facebook Here playhousewb/ and also the website https://www.playhousewhitleybay.

An Audience with Cannon & Ball – Wednesday 8th April – new date: Friday 5th February 2021

Mercury - Friday 8th May 2020 new date: Thursday 5th November 2020

We hope you all stay home, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all as soon as this is all over.

The Carpenters Story - Saturday 11th April 2020 - new date: Thursday 15th April 2021 Wizard of Oz Pantomime - 13th14th April 2020 - new date: 31st March - 1st April 2021 Menopause the Musical 2 - 22nd April 2020 - new date: Tuesday 23rd March 2021 Banff Mountain Film Festival - 23rd-24th April - new dates: Tuesday 24th - Wednesday 25th November 2020 WBOS presents Annie - 28th April - 2nd May 2020 - new dates: 27th - 31st October 2020





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