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BST Winner Cherish Barnes

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covered in cling film and pinned it in place. I then painted it all over with fabric glue and left it to dry. I then repeated to make sure the weave was permanently moulded. I then stretched another piece of fabric over the top to hide the glue. I created the brim with a circle of heavy interfacing sandwiched between two layers of the fabric and hand sewed the two sections together.

The competition was to create something using any of the Knitted Jersey range, how did you find the fabric to work with, and is it something you would use again in future projects? I am still quite new to stretch fabrics and have only worked with heavier Jersey so I was concerned how a lighter weight would handle going through the machine. I was very pleasantly surprised when it first arrived as it was very soft, drapes beautifully and has great stretch meaning no need for fastenings. I did the majority of the sewing on my overlocker and it went through smoothly with no slipping. On the normal sewing machine it didn’t stretch and distort under the presser foot which happens easily with jersey. I am very eager to use this fabric again for future products because it’s comfortable, easy to use and versatile. What advice or tips can you give to someone that might be thinking of using that fabric for a project themselves? All stretch can be tricky to cut, the best method for this jersey is to use weights rather then pins and a rotary cutter. With all knits there’s risk of snagging so wonder clips are recommended over pins.


How did you come to find out about BST Fabrics, seeing as they are based in the North East, whilst you yourself are not? Why do you use them rather than somewhere closer to home for you? I first found BST Fabrics on ebay many years ago, their prices were very competitive and it led me to look if they had a website. I was always using the same types of fabrics so I was happy to buy without being in the store to view them. A while later, I found their facebook page and I was completely hooked. The facebook lives were always so much fun and live sales were a new fun way for me to shop. Being able to see how the fabrics move and ask any questions about them made me want to try fabrics I had never worked with before. It genuinely feels like the owners and the staff care about each and every one of their customers. They are always happy to help and even show care and support outside of business matters.

As well as the website, BST are very active on social media, do you follow them on any of their group pages, if so why? At this time I only have facebook but I am a member of all of the

BST fabrics and beasties pages. What makes BST Fabrics so special is that they have built a community of wonderful, caring and talented people. We share ideas, giggle together and support each other in all aspects of life. If my confidence is low, if I need feedback on a design or just general advice I can always turn to the beasties to help me. They have helped me so many times and I can’t thank them enough. The BST Bargains page is guilty of frequently tempting me to buy new wonderful fabrics, because who can resist a bargain! The main page helps me keep up to date with what new designs are coming in and often reminds me of things I was meaning to buy.

You are a very arty and crafty person, how long have you been crafting and how did you get into it? I don’t remember when I first got into arts and crafts but I remember my first sewing project and was the start of my passion for design. At 7 years old my big sister helped me make a basic tube top and skirt using a hand held sewing machine. My aunty gave me my first experience of a real sewing machine not long after and even at that young age I just knew I would always make clothes. I have enjoyed making anything I can for as long as I can remember, from woodwork to diamond art. I used to paint and draw a lot when I was younger but gave up on it for a long time, I restarted just a year ago after encouragement from a friend.

Is it something you do for fun or is it a business for you, maybe even a bit of both? It was always my dream to have a business selling my clothes but after graduating from the London college of fashion I started working in retail management and my dream seemed to be moving further and further away. However while on maternity leave with my first son I was made redundant so I made some children’s clothes and put them on ebay in the hope of bringing in some money. Before I knew it I was getting messages asking for custom dresses and I became a full time business. Unfortunately life took a sudden change shortly after my second son was born, I became a single parent and my baby was in hospital frequently forcing me to close the business. I am now a full time carer to my additional needs children so all of my crafts are just hobbies at this time. However I have hope that in the future I will be able to design as a full time job again.

Do you have any advice that you can give to someone who wants to get into crafting? Have faith in yourself and try a variety of things to see what 15

excites you most. Even if life is busy there are things you can sit and do while watching tv and for relaxation. Don’t be scared to try something new and let your imagination run wild.

When you are not crafting what do you like to do in your spare time? Raising my two children leaves very little free time but I grab any moment that I can. In the day time I will always run to my sewing machine whenever possible. In the evenings while the children sleep I am nearly always sketching or painting in front of movies. Myself and my 10 year old son have a keen interest in space travel and exploration which does reflect in some of my work. This joint interest allows us bonding time watching spaceX launches especially of the starship prototypes. We love building space themed Lego kits together which is the only times he can sit calmly with me.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I love to learn so take random courses from time to time just because I can. I am dyslexic which is probably why my interests went towards crafts. I am one of eight children and although I’m in the middle I have always been the baby of the family.

Have you got any other projects on the go or in the pipeline? I tend to get sudden ideas and have to stop everything and make them, however I would like to continue working on sportswear designs. I also have about 6 paintings started begging to be finished.

Have you ever won anything like this before, with your crafting? I have never won before, I have placed 2nd or 3rd in smaller competitions and top 10 in larger ones. However two competition pieces I have made in the past and lost were then made and sold by big companies. Although I got no recognition for my work I am proud that my designs were worthy of being replicated.



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