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Talk Like Tigers

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Here, NE Online Magazine catch up with a super-busy duo, twins in fact, who we’ve admired from afar for some time now; Charlotte and Stephanie Walker recently celebrated their birthday, and they released a Debut Double EP to celebrate. You may not know them much as Charlotte and Stephanie, but you will know them, as Talk Like Tigers, a dreamy, alternative pop pairing who, just this past month, gave the world ‘Passion Fruit & Feminine Power.’ Hailing from Tyneside, Charlotte and Stephanie soon caught the eye of BBC Radio producers, including Huw Stephens on Radio 1, and their debut single being spun on Radio 6; often seen supporting Elvana (Elvis Fronted Nirvana) around the country, this pair can utilise their stunning harmonies just as well as they can switch between synths, drums and guitar. We caught up with them, with an interview in three parts, talking about Talk Like Tigers’ origins etc, that recent, Debut Double EP release, and about themselves as individuals. So, without further ado, we queried as to how things have been going, and what keeps the pair going: “It’s definitely a rollercoaster!” began Charlotte. “There’s lots of highs and some lows, but it’s worth it. “What keeps us going is our love for music and the people who enjoy our music; we also love travelling and performing! “We just couldn’t not do music, it’s our life,” continued Stephanie. “It’s something we have always wanted to do. “There’s no choice, it’s who we are


and what we absolutely love to do! Creating and performing brings us happiness.” With their saying that ‘there’s no choice’ in they being in the world of music, the past two years or so could well have had a number of differing effects, on anyone. To have that pretty much taken away, for Talk Like Tigers, infectious as they are, the being around people, to nothing, is one such scenario. Turning such a negative, into any kind of positive, will have taken some doing, so, how did they cope, react, and traverse the ongoing pandemic. “At first I think, like most people, we were in shock,” stated Stephanie. “We had so much planned for the first year of the pandemic; we were supposed to travel in Australia, before performing there, and we had literally just booked our tickets. “There were so many cool gigs coming up. “We were actually in Ireland performing as session musicians when we realised how serious everything was getting. “But more importantly it was, and still is, so heart-breaking to hear people’s stories about what they have gone through during covid and people they have lost due to it.” “Yes, so we felt like we had to turn our situation into a positive and spent our time writing songs, producing and learning more about production and Ableton (hardware and software used in the production, creation and performance of music),” continued Charlotte. “We feel like our song-writing has become even stronger! “We also did some home workouts, online gigs, and lots and lots of walks; we had no parties though, unlike some people (nice dig at certain ‘people’ there). As Stephanie says however, “You only live once,” which is apt really, because that is how they took themselves into the world of music, using that very mantra, whether it be at the forefront, or the back of their musically-beauti-

ful, talented minds. Speaking of taking things back, how did it all begin, musically, for the Walker twins, as Talk Like Tigers? Charlotte takes up that story, saying “We were stuck in a contract and decided to get out of it. “Talk Like Tigers was a new fresh start for us and we wanted to be braver and fierce and above all, be ourselves and create magical music for people to enjoy. “We’ve met some dodgy characters along the way and feel like we know who we can trust now. “It’s really important to surround yourself with positive people and that’s what we always try to do. “Our expectations have always been high though, aim for the stars/go hard or go home! “It’s also now, so exciting to release our Double EP! “We definitely know who we are a lot more as songwriters, musicians, performers and as producers. “We know where we are heading and we are working hard to get there! “At the same time, we are enjoying the journey and love meeting new people along the way. “One of the best things about creating music is when people really feel your songs and sing your lyrics back to you. “That’s definitely an amazing experience.” Now that’s a little background of Talk Like Tigers out the way, what about the ladies themselves. Who are, Charlotte and Stephanie Walker? “Well we both studied music at uni, the same uni, same course, same halls,” smiled Charlotte. “We were always together and we loved every second of it.” Suppose that’s what you get for being twins, yes, maybe.... “Keeping fit though, it’s so crucial and it really helps us to create,” she continued. “We love films and books, they can take you somewhere completely different, just like music can.” “Tommy, our cat, is so adorable and regal, and he knows it!” giggled Stephanie. “We also love fashion and enjoy window shopping, and like to envisage owning such beautiful pieces. “The way we dress can really change the way we feel, so why not try to dress in happiness.” But if they were to describe each other, using just three words, what would they be –“Stephanie is a colourful harmonising Queen,” complimented Charlotte, “Charlotte is determined, intelligent and kind,” shot back Stephanie – we wonder if they ever argue, because with compliments like those... We guess this means we’re now left with just one more thing to discuss. Charlotte and Stephanie’s Debut Double EP masterpiece, ‘Passion Fruit’ and ‘Feminine Power.’ “We had written and recorded songs that stylistically and lyrically compliment each other well and we thought, a double EP, why not?” adds Charlotte. “The songs on ‘Passion Fruit’ are about love, lust, vulnerability, possibilities and love games,” continued Stephanie. “Whilst ‘Feminine Power’ is a collection of songs about following your dreams, femininity, power

and strength. “The lyrical themes are quite different but go nicely alongside each other.” “We are perfectionists though, so actually saying yes, this is finished, is the hardest part for us,” explained Charlotte. “But, it was so good when we decided it was ready for release!” As for which one is the better of the two, if they could split, the answer was a shrift one from Charlotte; “Both of them are! “I’ve loved every second creating them and I can’t choose a favourite. “That would be like asking someone to choose between their parents or children... or cats.” Then there’s the future, the hopes and dreams for Talk Like Tigers, for Charlotte and Stephanie, moving forward: “We want to tour the world through music, that’s always been our dream,” states Charlotte, Stephanie adding: “We also aim to write some absolute classic and iconic songs!” Well, the future is already being well-doused in the imaginative, ‘Passion Fruit’ of Talk Like Tigers, and you can better believe that this pairings ‘Feminine Power’ will be around for many years to come. ‘Passion Fruit’ and ‘Feminine Power,’ the Debut Double EP, is very much OUT NOW, and you can find out more about this, and keep up-to-date with all things Talk Like Tigers via their socials on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/talkliketigers and Twitter https://twitter.com/TalkLikeTigers and their stunning website at https://www.talkliketigers.com/ Images courtesy of Rob Irish.

After a few delays due to Covid, it was great to finally see the return of Ryton Retro. Now for those unfamiliar with this event, it is a retro gamers idea of paradise that takes place at Ryton’s Masonic Hall. This 5th instalment was entitled “Wrestlefest” and there was a full room dedicated to those classic wrestling games and even a full display of old school wrestling figures and memorabilia. Getting to play the Royal Rumble again after about 25 years was fantastic and brought back so many memories. As always it was a complete sell out, so be warned, when event 6 is announced don’t hesitate in

getting your tickets, as every single show has sold out and we expect number 6 to be no different.

Ryton Retro consists of 5 rooms full to the brim, you have the bar area and tuck shop with some classic old school sweets on offer, the main room which had several stalls and a mix of original arcades and pinball machines as well as the customary tombola. The final room on the ground floor was the wrestling themed room which held a host of original games consoles all with various versions of wrestling games. Upstairs there were two more rooms both full of various games consoles and even a few old school computers too, there was even a few consoles on the landing, so every bit of space is used to to its fullest. There really was something for everyone, all your favourite consoles, from Sega Master Systems and Mega Drives to NES, Super Nintendo’s and Gamecubes and more.

It was great to see the parents turn into kids again as they rolled back the years playing on those old school games, then showing their children how to play the

games they grew up playing. That is a magical sight indeed. Seeing the younger kids play games like Pacman, Space Invaders, Paper Boy, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Royal Rumble to name just a few was fantastic, they really got into them, even if they did think the graphics looked a bit funny. Seeing people of all ages all having fun is what the event is all about and Ryton Retro 5 did not disappoint.

The stalls that were at Ryton Retro were Magical BubbleSuds, selling lots of funky bath bombs and soaps, Radgie City which stocks a mix of prints, t-shirts and hats all with a North East twist (Sam Fender is a big fan and has been spotted wearing their clobber), Wrestle HQ which sells everything to do with wrestling and finally Sweet Surprise with a collection of retro treats. As always Studio 8 were on hand with their custom arcades and controllers for people to play on and even buy. Food wise you had the Fire&Dough with their awesome fresh Pizzas. If that wasn’t enough there was the customary big Raffle, which had so many fantastic prizes, and the tombola, all helping to raise funds for Ryton Retro’s chosen charity which this year was Marie Curie Newcastle.

So it’s fair to say, it was yet another fantastic, sold out, fun event, we really can’t thank David Kirkland enough for not only putting in the graft to make sure the event is packed full of arcades, pinball machines, games consoles and stalls, but also for making it such a great day out. Everything from the online build up on the facebook page (give it a follow, you won’t be disappointed) to the posters and facts that he had dotted around the venue. He even had several standees for fans to get photo’s with, one guy even got to take the Kylie standee home, he certainly was “lucky, lucky, lucky”. As always we appreciate the invite and we cannot wait for Ryton Retro 6!!!!

Find them on Facebook here @ rytonretro

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