2 minute read

Tamsyn’s Malaysia

Hi Tamsyn and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi my name is Tamsyn, I’m 15 years old and from Jarrow.


You are currently fundraising for an incredible trip, can you tell us a bit more about it?

I am taking part in World challenge to go to Malaysia. In July 2024, myself and 10 others will be going over there to take part in a scheme to replant mangroves, which are plants that can help offset the carbon dioxide in the air. We will also be working at a turtle hatchery as well as participating in beach conservation with the local people. The trip will cost £4000 pounds which I have to raise myself.

What part of the trip are you most looking forward to?

I am so excited about working with the baby turtles as well as getting the opportunity to see Malaysia.

Is there anything you are not looking forward to?

I will have to live without my mo- bile phone for two weeks. I’m not sure how I will cope.

Fundraising can be fun, so what kind of things have you been doing so far to hit your target?

So far I have had a couple of cake sales, my brownies were particularly popular. My friends and family are participating a bonus ball game and I have had some generous donations from family and local businesses.

What other things have you got planned?

I hope to have some more cake sales as well as my big charity night.

You have your big Charity night at Armstrong’s Bar in South Shields on Friday 29th September, what can people expect on the night?

We are planning a fun family night. There will be entertainment from Absolute Cabaret, which is a cabaret group I perform with. They will be doing some great dancing and singing a few songs. We also have local singer Kris Howe doing a spot for us. I am looking forward to playing music bingo with everyone. We have pie and peas and well as a big prize raffle.

How can people buy tickets?

Tickets are £6 for adults and £1 for children. We have set up an events page on Facebook or you can call John Hambling on 07521273705

Will you be performing on the night?

I will be dancing with Absolute Cabaret.

How long have you been performing?

I have been a member of Starset Theatre for 9 years.

If you could be in any show what would it be and why?

I would love to be in Les Misérables as Epinine. I have loved the music for as long as I can remember, and I just think she is such a great character.

Tell us three random facts about yourself?

I was born in Scotland.

I have ridden an elephant in Africa.

I love rollercoasters.

How can people donate or sponsor you?

I have a just giving page www. justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ tamsyn-kennedy

People can also register through easy fund raiser. All they need to do is register on the below link and do their online shopping as normal. The companies will then add a donation to my fundraising. www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ causes/tamsyn-kennedy24/?utm_ campaign=raise-more

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KUZEY Turkish Restaurant

166 -170 Ocean Road, South Shields. Tel 0191 455 1600

Optimal Accountancy

301 Sunderland Rd, South Shields NE34 6RB Tel: 0191 455 2514

Radhuni Indian Restaurant

84-92 Ocean Road, South Shields, NE33 2JD Tel: 0191 456 4294

Newton MOT

Newtown Mot Ltd 40 Glen Street, Hebburn, NE31 1NU

Tel: 0191 428 5999

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