NE Online Magazine Issue 65 - Panto Magic with Louie & Steve

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Welcome Note.

It’s beginning to look a lot like like Christmas, well, now that we have done the Playhouse Panto Press Day it is. It has been a busy few months for us, as always, so getting this issue done has been a challenge, but we managed to get another packed issue...only just though.

As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then don’t forget to drop us an email to wayne.groves@neonlinemagazine. com

Plus remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for our regular updates on events and competitions.

Till next time

Take care


Wayne Groves


Peter Mann BSc

Inside Mann Media & PR

Madhouse Media


Playhouse Whitley Bay

Cineworld Boldon

The Theatre Royal Newcastle

O2 City Hall

Ocean Beach Pleasure Park

Quasar Elite South Shields

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P6 - Someone’s Gig at The Exchange 1856

P12 - Damian Lewis

P20 - Richard Stephenson

P26 - Ethan’s Arc

P32 - Panto Magic with Louie & Steve

P42 - Sunderland AFVBC with Chris Oliver

P46 - Cineworld Round-Up

P58 - Peter’s Book Tales

P64 - A Touchdown with Lisa Martin

P70 - Playhouse Whitley Bay

P76 - Northern Threads

P80 - Sweet

P84 - 2023 Durham Book Festival

P88 - Denise Angel Part 2

P94 - Tyne Theatre & Opera House Round-Up

P98 - Fresh North 24 Healing Fundraiser

P102 - Young Driver Darlington


Someone’s Gig was a fantastic fundraising event held at The Exchange 1856 in North Shields to promote the launch of the documentary film by award winning director Lorna Tucker; Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Son. The film aims to highlight the worsening plight of homelessness in Britain today, and create a movement to help end it. The host and organiser of Someone’s Gig is Earl John Charlton, a guy who has lived that life for real, and who is one of the main people featured in the film.

Earl truly is an inspiration to many, he has lived on the streets all over the UK, he was an addict and is now someone who has completely turned his life around. He is now clean and he works so hard to try and help others who are still struggling, be it from homelessness, addiction or mental health. In fact it was one of Earl’s Men’s Walk and Talk groups where I first met him, and what an incredible guy he is. Considering how much shit has been through, what he has seen, the fact he is one of the kindest, most well-spoken and polite people you will ever meet is testament to him. This is why so many people offered to

help, get involved, donate items for the auction and raffle, why people turned up to help and support him. If it had of been anyone else, I don’t think you would have gotten half as much help and support as he did.

The night itself really was incredible, so be there was one thing, but to be allowed back stage to chat and mingle with everyone was amazing. Hell, I even got stuck in helping with the unloading of the vans, helping the musicians set up, even running the entrance to the back of the stage and helping pass out the raffle and auction prizes. On top of that I got to witness Earl


open the show with his poetry, which really did hit deep with so many, either that or it was a very dusty room, because myself and so many others there were moved to tears, which I don’t mind admitting. His poems are featured in the book which is on sale called Someone’s Pages, Poetry to bring

about change, by Earl, Rob Taylor and Dean Jolly…I highly recommend it.

This followed by music from some incredible talent north east talent, Bear Park, Katie Cowie, Katie Gracie, Bugman were all superb. Another memorable moment was seeing two absolute musical legends in Ray Laidlaw and Billy Mitchell from the Lindisfarne Story, something which wasn’t lost on the headliner, Liam Fender, when he mentioned that he knows he’s made it when Lindisfarne are your support and not the other way around! Liam and Arthur Thompson finished the night off superbly with everyone singing along to songs from his new EP (available now to stream or you can pre order the vinyl from liam-fender-love-will-ep/). A big shout goes to Bertie Forster who

stepped in to host the night at the last minute, he was fantastic and really entertained the crowd.

The aim of the night was to raise money to get the film released, and the generosity shown was second to none. With some amazing prizes up for grabs, with


everything from booze to festival tickets, signed artwork, one of a kind items and even signed music memorabilia, the luck winners really did get something special, and they were more than generous with their bids with the items selling for hundreds of pounds. What was even more incredible was witnessing such a tight-knit community come together to support the project the way they did, it was a room filled with nothing but love.

The night was such a huge success, helping to raise £10,113, so that

means the kickstarter now stands at £18,697 so well over half way to the £30,000 needed. To find out more about the film or to support the kickstarter yourself you can pledge HERE

A big thank you to Megan Ramsey Photography for the images https://mramseyphotography. d=IwAR2evIJbZkaXaMVEs4wVcf


Facebook - Megan Ramsey Photography https://www.facebook. com/megramphotos/

Instagram - megramphotos

Love Will...


It’s been a long, and interesting journey for the now, 50-something, London born actor/musician, Damian Lewis, both trades in which he now enjoys to the full, having come to him early in life.

Although his acting, as a career, began fully when Damian was in his early 20s, during the earlymid 1990s, he’s gone on to enjoy roles in fil, television, and on stage, and with some iconic parts to match.

Best known for portraying that of Major Richard Winters in the hit 2001 mini-series, Band

of Brothers, or perhaps as Soames Forsyte in the 2002303 The Forsyte Saga series and television movie; maybe you know him from playing Charlie Crews in the 2007-09 series, Life, or there’s Nicholas Brody in the 2011-14 smash, Homeland, and even Bobby Axelrod in the more recent, 2016-21 blockbuster, Billions – Damian Lewis has been a staple of television screens, everywhere, for some time. And now, he’s reverted back to his first love, music, and the recent release of his debut album, ‘Mission Creep’ with

accompanying, UK tour. “Music, I took it up playing the guitar as a teenager,” began Damian, looking back at how it all began for him in the arts.

“That’s what I wanted as an accompaniment; I had my motorbike, a tent, and I went off around continental Europe performing.

“I listened to rockabilly when growing up, although I am a sucker for snyth-pop as well.”

Although music was his thing growing up, Damian soon found a calling, in the acting world, and, not only did it go from strength-


to-strength, irrespective of the medium he was in, he’s pretty well blown it out the water. Acting though, it’s a far cry to what his ancestry holds with his maternal grandfather being that of Lieutenant Colonel Sir Ian Bowater, Lord Mayor of London, whilst his maternal grandmother’s ancestry includes a doctor to the Royal Family, and an eminent naval shipbuilder and philanthropist – most certainly big shoes to fill.

“I’ve had a very jolly time, a good dose of luck, and worked with some wonderful people along the way,” continued Damian, discussing a little of his acting life.

“I’m lucky to have been a part of what is a really great industry to be in.

“Getting out on the road, with the band, it’s a total joy for me.

“I’ve always played music, but I wanted to act and it was something which I felt most confident about, something I take very seriously, and something which I became.

“The more you do something, the more you move away from other things, and with acting, you really do become a fixture, a mainstay on people’s televisions.

“I’m getting away with all, so far, but I’m also as sceptical as the next person.

“Although we’re naturally prejudiced as human beings so there’s the case of why have a

musical hero who’s an actor. “Yes, it’s confusing, but if you love the arts, then you can embrace it and, if they’re good enough, then you’ll come back for more.”

Now though, it’s very much about his debut album, and the tour for, Mission Creep, although fans of his acting will still get to see him in upcoming releases.


The music though, that came back to the fore during the early lockdowns with Damian taking to, and finishing the album off, overcoming personal hurdles

along the way.

He’s had great support as well though, that coming in the shape of a close friend, the muchtravelled, reputation-laden,

Giacomo Smith, or simply, G, to Damian (in case he pronounces the forename incorrectly, apparently).

“I hope that this record will make


people think old school, playing live in a room, because it’s taken, really, from my busking background,” he explained.

“The album name itself comes from military terminology and I like the idea of my mission (career path) creeping into music.

“Going off on this UK tour though, to places I’ve not necessarily been before, it’s great.

“People coming to the shows can certainly expect a fun night, tender, personal musical feels, with rootsy, jazzy, bluesy kind of music, although there is a chance my music will develop as it progresses.

“But for now, it has that rootsy, singer-songwriter to it and I’m with some talented, great musicians, an amazing band and hopefully, moving forward, we can continue producing more music (there’s a second album already in the pipeline).

“G (Giacomo Smith) is a brilliant clarinettist, saxophonist, and collaborator, he produced and worked with me on the album so it’s great to be able to have somebody like that alongside me, someone who is also a really

good friend as well.”

Appearing at Sage Gateshead, now knows as The Glasshouse International Centre for Music, on Saturday 7 October, and last-minute tickets can be purchased via the venue at

16 whats-on/damian-lewis/ - and he’s promised photographs and autographs, if people want them, afterwards.

Keep updated with Damian Lewis, the musician, via his Facebook damianlewisreallyofficial and Twitter lewis_damian

Image credits: Joseph Lynn (live shots), and Rhys Frampton (press shots)


Richard Stephenson

A little sci-fi, a little football, throw in some radio, and people may well think this is another interview about our NE Online writer; in fact he’s interviews local author and football fanatic, Richard Stephenson.

He is someone who seemingly likes things in threes, of a sort, alongside some 30 plus years as a (now retired) teacher, the following of some three football clubs (we all seem to really), and having also published a sci-fi trilogy.

Away from the teaching, his footballing love is that of Newcastle United, Whitley

Bay, and RC Lens (French Ligue 1), with a book and two blogs accompanying those; as for sci-fi, his Newcastle book was followed by a post-apocalyptic trilogy, The Tenebrian Chronicles trilogy entitled thus –

ALBIE I Fugitive of Tenebrian

ALBIE II The Progeny League

ALBIE III Uprising

Having stepped away from teaching however, Richard Stephenson now has his own, indie sports show, on his locallybased, First Choice Radio, as well as setting up his own business. Looking back though, and talking around his first, literary offering,

‘The 89th Minute: A Supporters

History of Newcastle United 1983 – 2000,’ is exactly that, with Stephenson saying of it that: “Newcastle, even during the days of the Entertainers, there wasn’t quite the same atmosphere for me (as it was in the 1980s), even though they were some great seasons.

“Since becoming a father, I’d always dreamt of taking the kids (to St. James’ Park), but I stopped again.

“Writing the book, The 89th Minute, it was a catharsis for all those years and it helped me to release my demons; although I


do still follow them.

“Instead of going to the football, we started going to the ice hockey instead and, any spare moments I was having, I was writing.”

As with most children though, growing up in say the 1970s and 1980s, it was all about those comics, magazines such as 2000AD, Commando, Match, Shoot, Roy of the Rovers, you know the ones, ones that would satisfy many a young mind.

For a young Richard Stephenson it was to be the former of those reads, 2000AD, which would catch his minds’ eye.

It’s quite understandable as well.

“I have hundreds of issues (of 2000AD) and started collecting them when I was what, 11-or-12years old,” added Richard.

“I would use my £1.50 pocket money to get hold of my copy back then.

“Then, when the football tapered, and through my teaching, I thought I’d start writing a sci-fi, which I began around 2001 when I was trying to help get my youngest off to sleep during the night.

“It’s took around seventeen years, on-and-off, to get the trilogy done, and I’ve had a couple of successful book launches, with live music, to celebrate.”

(Stephenson’s third scifi offering, Uprising, was unfortunately not afforded a launch due to both covid, and time restraints).

As he’s already mentioned, writing for Richard Stephenson is cathartic, and he’s been lucky in that he’s had his wife, and his mother, as proof-readers, throughout the journey. But, as anybody who writes, knows, the downside if there’s any, to being an author at all level, is that there’s nobody else who can do things for you; there is an element of loneliness to it. In writing books, Richard Stephenson added: “I just started writing and had a vague idea as to where I wanted things to go.

“I looked at how ‘proper authors’ did things and both the football, and the sci-fi books, they were all kind of a similar process. “The third of the sci-fi’s (Uprising) was probably the best one for me as I’d learned from the processes with the other publications.

“I actually thought of it like train tracks really, going off in different directions but sometimes with the same destinations; I was learning numerous skills as I went along and, overall, it’s helped me to progress as a writer, “However, we also have to contend with the ‘celebrity author’ as well.

“Albie though (The Tenebrian Chronicles), is all about being the underdog, something I’ve always felt myself as being.”

Then there’s the flip-side of his loves away from his family; Newcastle United is perhaps the obvious one, maybe as is that of Whitley Bay due it being his local, non-league club, and the fact that First Choice Radio gave him the chance to commentate on games: “They advertised at Hillheads (Whitley Bay’s home ground) and were very interested in promoting the club.

“Michelle and Rachel were very


keen to get football on-air and, with both that and music being a big part of my life, the show which I do quickly became something I really enjoy.”

But, ‘Le Racing Club de Lens,’ RC Lens, in France?

“I’m going back there in December for their UEFA Champions League game with Sevilla (12/12) and their league game with Reims (17/12),” added the football-fanatic, his French love having qualified for this season’s premier club competition due to finishing as runners-up in Ligue 1 last time around.

“The games in which we take in then will put it around 36 or so, since I started following them, and I guess the blogging (which he does on both the Bay, and Lens) has taken over from the book writing.

“It has been a journey, and one

which I’d like to turn into a book at some point, it’s just that other things have taken priority for me.

“As for my following Lens, I guess there’s two stories to that one really, but we’d gone to France on a family holiday and managed to take in a game, you have to, whilst we were there (Tours vs. Niort, August 2008).

“It was an enjoyable, chilled evening and, when we were looking at going back to France the following year, I started looking about to see how accessible, and where certain clubs were (Tours can be difficult to get to).

“Both Lens, and Lille, were close enough, but the yellow and red of Lens swing it for me; think Roy of the Rovers-esque, and I’ve gone on to make some incredible friends over there.

“Both Lens, and French football fans in general, they blew

me away with all the signing, shouting, enjoying themselves at games.

“That’s why I fell in love with the game anyway, all those years ago.”

Follow the journey of Richard Stephenson via his main website https:// richardstephensondotblog.; his Whitley Bay blog http://wbayblogger.; and his French travels with RC Lens http://


Ethan was a funny, caring, gorgeous, mischievous & cheeky little lad who lived for his football, loved school & loved entertaining everyone around him. At the age of 8 years old, on the 2nd December 2020, Ethan was diagnosed with parameningeal embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Ethan faced cancer, and his sub -

sequent treatment, as he did with everything in life, like an absolute warrior. Sadly, Ethan lost his life on 5th August 2021, just a week after his 9th Birthday.

Ethan was all about Friends, Family, and Fun, so while Ethan’s Arc has been created to

help raise awareness, along with vital funds to support research into finding more targeted and less harsh treatments for Rhabdomyosarcoma, it is also a way of keeping Ethan’s name alive by bringing people & communities together, through various fun and/or challenging opportunities & activities.


Ethan’s dad Mark had this to say about Ethan’s Arc… “we have raised £27,000 so far in the short time we’ve been going, from walking Coast to Coast along Hadrian’s Wall, riding ladies bikes from Berwick Upon Tweed to South Shields, charity Boxing matches, Great North Runs, Junior Great North Runs, Children’s Cancer Runs, Music events, Pub Quiz’s …….

Ethan’s school - Harton Primary, have also continued to remember him, and raise money in Ethan’s memory through a number of different events. They also surprised us recently by

naming their newly built Sports Hall in his honour

Ethan’s football team - South Shields u12’s, along with good friends from Hebburn Town u12’s, held a football match to remember Ethan, where both teams played for the Ethan Adams Memorial Cup. The idea is that this will become an annual event”

You can read more about Ethan’s arc at

Sadly Ethan isn’t the only child to have an Arc, find out more about the Arcs and what they are all about here https://www.

If you can donate, or would like to fundraise then please do, if not even just giving this a share would be a big help to Ethan’s family and others going through similar times.


As panto season fast approaches we were happy to be invited to the Playhouse Whitley Bay press day, this is something of a tradition with us now at NE, a day we never want to miss as we get to catch up with Blue Genie Entertainment’s Gary Telfer (Producer), Lee Casey (Marketing) and of course David Kirkland, our main man at the Playhouse and the legend behind another NE favourite, Ryton Retro.

This year panto fans are in for a real treat, as the ever flamboyant and outrageous Louie Spence will be appearing as the Fairy Godfather in this year’s panto, Cinderella…which you seriously do not want to miss.

We got to chat with Louie to see

what he is looking forward to the most about his stint treading the boards at Whitley Bays iconic Playhouse.

“I have been to Newcastle, though I haven’t been to Whitley Bay before so this is a first. Yeah, I

mean, it’s lovely. I love Northerners. I love being up here. It’s lovely. I really enjoy it. I haven’t done anything today. Literally, I come up yesterday, so we’re just doing press visits and this today, and then I have to be away later this afternoon to catch the train. So when I’m back up here for the rehearsal period and when the show is up and running and I get a day off, then I’ll go out into town or Newcastle and do some things you’re meant to do when you’re in Newcastle and the North East. Like the beaches, I’ve already seen some and they look beautiful here”.

Louie may not have been to Whitley Bay before, but he’s no stranger to doing Panto, saying… “Yeah, well, I’m starting to get set,


doing the press day, getting the costume on. Getting in the mindset. Yeah, then when you start rehearsing in November. That’s when you really get into panto mode”.

And when it comes to playing fairy Godfather, which is another first.

“I’ve done most of the other characters already, which suit my character as a personality, which suit the shows. Most of the characters I do are always fun anyway, and they suit me, so I can adapt them to myself”.

“ I love doing live theatre, which is great. Panto is great because you can just be a little bit freer with it. You can interact with the

audience a bit. Obviously, you’ve got to stick to your script, but you can have fun with the audience. When you do West End shows, you don’t break that wall. Whereas here you can, someone will shout something out; you can shout something back and get on with the show. The kids really enjoy it. There’s loads for the adults. The adults get all the innuendo and all that side of it. The kids get all the sparkle and the dance. It’s really something for everyone. It’s just nice. People are getting ready for Christmas. You can see everyone’s actually quite happy. And at the moment, if you can just bring a bit of happiness to a family with everything that’s going on in the

country, it’s just fun. It’s nice to look out there every day and have fun”.

Now away from Panto Louie has worked with pretty much everyone, so we had to try and get any gossip, like who his favourite person to work with is, or who he doesn’t like…

“I think the favourite person I have worked with, like, I’d say one of my favourite jobs was doing the Spice Girls World tour, and so one of my favourite people is Emma Bunton, because she’s ended up being a very good friend. She’s a lovely person. Yeah, I would say out of all the really famous people I know, I think she’s a very special


person. As for the worst, no, there are loads of really horrible people. You could tick them off a list, but no, I wouldn’t give them the air time”.

Another thing Louie is well known for is appearing on a host of reality tv shows like Celebrity Big Brother, The Jump and more recently Celebrity Help! My House Is Haunted’, so we had to ask about his ghostly experience, whether he is a believer or not and also if there’s any show he still wants to appear on…

“I’m still a bit of a sceptic. Do you know what I mean? It’s like, I believe there’s something. I don’t believe that we just die and that’s it. There’s got to be something. And sometimes, like where my mom has passed, sometimes you do feel as though you feel something. So I believe there’s something. Whether it is we go to heaven or we’re just turning into a flower or we’re just energy. I believe there’s something, but I’m not 100% sure that there’s ghosts and people who are stuck, do you know what I mean?”

“I’d like to do The Jungle, but I won’t ever do that because ITV don’t allow it if you’ve done Celebrity Big Brother, they won’t have anyone that’s done that to do... I don’t know what it is, but they just won’t. But I suppose that would be a show that would be fun… I say fun. It’d be very challenging because I’ve got quite a few phobias, so it would be challenging. But yeah, as for that one SAS and all of that, I don’t think that’d be for me. I don’t want to push myself that far. I don’t mind eating a few bugs, but do you know what I mean? I’d have a few snakes wrapped around me, but I’m not having all

them butch men throwing me in ice-cold water and then want me to march over a mountain. I’m far too busy baking a pie to do things like that”.

We really could have talked for ages with Louie as he really is a character, but one thing we can guarantee you, he will bring the show to the Playhouse, he will bring the energy, flamboyance and everything else with him when he performs as the Fairy Godfather this Christmas, so do not miss out. Tickets are already on sale and certain dates are already sold out, so be quick.


Now for anyone that regularly attends the Panto at the Playhouse, you will know that it just wouldn’t be the same without one man, a local legend, someone that has delighted families of the north east for 14 years at the Playhouse alone, even longer if you include other places, but it just wouldn’t be a Whitley Bay Panto without the one and only Steve Walls.

Catching up with Steve is like catching up with an old friend, we might not have seen each other all year (as he is a very busy and in demand man), but it’s just like continuing the conversation where we left off. Now if you follow Steve on the socials at all, he is always hosting shows, awards and more, so what has he got coming up?

“I’m working with my childhood hero on Friday. Rick Astley. Oh, yeah, I can’t wait. He was my hero when I was a young’un. I was only 18 when he was number one, so

that was my time. I had my hair like him. I used to dress like him, try and dance like him, with his little dancing”.

“So I’m doing Oyster Festival.

I’m on with a comic called Josh Daniels myself, the JJ Galway Band and the Emerald Thieves. So it’s a bit like an Ascot ladies day without the horses, you know? So it’s £200 a ticket, basically. But

once you get there, all the drinks are free and all the food is free and it’s like chief executives and people treating their staff and stuff like that. You know, it’s a lovely day mind. Though you have to go suited and booted and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, the last few years we’ve had Heather Small, Alexander O’Neal, Tony Hadley, Paul Young. So yeah, it’s going to be great”.

Steve has done all kinds throughout the year so I had to find out what has been the highlight for him do far…

“I’ve worked with Jane this year again because I do a lot with Jane McDonald and she’s absolutely fabulous. I love working with her. I worked with Peter Andre at the ICC in April, which was lovely. He was a really nice guy to work with. I worked with Kate Garraway again, and obviously I’ve been doing all the cruises that I normally


do, all the river cruises. I work with Paul Carrack and the Bootleg Beatles, you know, Paul Carrack from Mike the Mechanics and yeah, so I did a river cruise with him for a week. So I’ve been very fortunate. Though actually, there has been a real highlight for me actually, last Friday, believe it or not. So I’ve been hosting awards ceremonies for 32 years and a lot in the care sector, you know, care workers. So I hosted the great British Care awards and stuff,

Social Care, Top 30, the Kent Care Awards, and there I was hosting this thing. On Friday night, and I always do the 20 awards. And then at the end, the chair gets up and says a few words, you know, like, Thank you, good night. So he says we’re going to do one more award. And it’s for a young lad who’s got a massive empathy with the care sector. He makes everybody feel good when they come in. You know, he goes out of his way to make people have a great night.

And he’s the Peter Pan of panto. And I went and I just looked and she went, Yes, it’s you, Mr. Walls. And so I got an award. I’ve never had an award. I’ve hosted thousands and never received one. So it was a… it was weird actually, getting the award and walking out for a picture. Like I feel a bit like... it was just amazing”

“No, wait, I’ve another highlight, sorry, you’ve just made me think of something there. I got an email from this lady and they come


every year and I always stand at the front and I have photographs at the end of the show, I have done for years. And she sent me these eight photographs and it was a kid when he was six, seven, eight, nine up to the present day. And it was lovely looking and just thinking, Oh my God, you know? And one day, hopefully he might bring his kids along, if I’m still alive then

that is. But no, it’s those personal touches, isn’t it? That’s what makes it so worthwhile. You know what I mean? If it wasn’t for people like them, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. And I love what I do, so. Yeah…brilliant”.

And that to me is the measure of the man, he always wants to make sure people feel connected, that

they have a good time, he puts a lot of celebrities to shame with his attitude, how he makes time for each and every single person that comes to see him, he makes them feel special, which is why the award really is well deserved, which is why it just wouldn’t be a panto without the Peter Pan of Panto himself, the one and only Steve Walls.


It is always an honour to be invited to any of the veteran groups like the Sunderland Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club which is held at the Stadium of Light each month, though there are plenty of AFBC’s around the UK as well as other similar groups, if you can get along to one I really do recommend it. But the one thing I love is the camaraderie and getting to meet people who have served their country and sacrificed so much, from time with their family and loved ones and so much more, all to keep us all safe. The September meeting had a very special guest speaker, in north east’s very own Chris Oliver, born and bred in Sunderland but made in the Military.

Chris gave his time up to attend the breakfast club and share his experiences from growing up in Sunderland to progressing through the Royal Marines, SBS to TV work as the directing staff on channel 4’s ever popular program “ SAS: Who Dares Wins” (with the celebrity version currently on our screens every Sunday at 9pm). His story was told in a relaxed friendly environment created by the compare, BBC sports reporter Nick Barnes. Chris was very honest and open about how he started off not taking it very seriously at the start, always messing around and lacking discipline which resulted in him having to redo his training, whilst the rest of his group went on to progress without him. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise and helped to

shape him into the person he is today. This drive and determination has seen him push himself from being a Royal Marine to joining the SBS, after a chance encounter with a member of the SBS made him want to strive to do that himself.


Now Chris can be seen pushing the recruits and celebrities through a very gruelling training course on “SAS: Who Dares Wins” saying that it’s great to see them all realise that what you see on the TV is exactly what happens, there’s no playing up for the camera, no off camera breaks and food, or staged things, they literally are put through their paces. With being on TV comes the form of celebrity

he has to deal with, something he admitted is still strange. Like taking part in this year’s Great North Run, he was invited into the VIP paddock along with the other celebs, so to end up mingling with and running alongside his childhood hero Kevin Phillips was a very surreal moment for a true Sunderland fan.

Chris was fantastic, his stories

were brilliant and he was happy to chat and pose for photos afterwards. If you are a serving member of the forces, a veteran, a family member of someone who is, or even just a supporter like myself then I highly recommend popping along to one of the AFBC’s or similar groups and getting involved. For more info visit http://

We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited.

Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park

Five Nights at Freddy’s 25 October 2023

Running time: 120 minutes

A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. While spending his first night on the job, he realizes the night shift at Freddy’s won’t be so easy to make it through.


Josh Hutcherson, Matthew Lillard, Mary Stuart Masterson, Kat Conner Sterling, Piper Rubio, Elizabeth Lail


Emma Tammi



The Marvels

10 November 2023

Running time: 120 minutes

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe. When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan, Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol’s estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team-up and learn to work in concert to save the universe as “The Marvels.”

Cast:Zawe Ashton, Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris,

CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS OR WATCH THE TRAILER Iman Vellani, Seo-joon Park, Samuel L. Jackson Director:Nia DaCosta

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes

17 November 2023

Running time: 157 minutes


SNAKES follows a young Coriolanus (Tom Blyth) who is the last hope for his failing lineage, the once-proud Snow family that has fallen from grace in a post-war Capitol. With his livelihood threatened, Snow is reluctantly assigned to mentor Lucy Gray Baird (Rachel Zegler),

a tribute from the impoverished District 12. But after Lucy Gray’s charm captivates the audience of Panem, Snow sees an opportunity to shift their fates. With everything he has worked for hanging in the balance, Snow unites with Lucy Gray to turn the odds in their favour. Battling his instincts for both good and evil, Snow sets out on a race against time to survive and reveal if he will ultimately become a songbird or a snake. The film is based on the novel by Suzanne Collins and stars Tom Blyth, Rachel Zegler, Peter Dinklage, Hunter Schafer, Josh Andrés Rivera, Jason Schwartzman, and Viola Davis.

Cast:Viola Davis, Peter Dinklage, Jason Schwartzman, Rachel Zegler, Josh Andrés Rivera, Tom Blyth, Hunter Schafer

Director: Francis Lawrence




22 November 2023

Running time: 158 minutes

Napoleon is a spectacle-filled action epic that details the checkered rise and fall of the iconic French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, played by Oscar®-winner Joaquin

Phoenix. Against a stunning backdrop of large-scale filmmaking orchestrated by legendary director Ridley Scott, the film captures Bonaparte’s relentless journey to power through the prism of his addictive, volatile relationship with his one true love, Josephine, showcasing his visionary military and political tactics

against some of the most dynamic practical battle sequences ever filmed.

Cast:Ian McNeice, Ben Miles, Joaquin Phoenix, Tahar Rahim, Ludivine Sagnier, Vanessa Kirby

Director:Ridley Scott



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It’s been a somewhat rough couple of months since my last ‘Book Tales’ column; don’t worry, I’m alright, I just go through spells where me, and the way I’ve been for a number of years, has spells which affects areas of life, one of those being how much I read. That’s just happened and, in knowing I had a column to do for this issue, I guess I ‘forced’ myself to read an extra couple of books in which to talk about, otherwise there’d have been just the one since my last offering, and that was back in mid-August. So, back in mid-August, and a little family get-away to North Devon for my baby sister’s wedding (I know officially feel old), I took the usual, handful of books with me, and managed to blitz

off another from a new, favourite writer in Chris Carter, this being his classic, serial killer cat-andmouse offering, ‘Written in Blood.’ A serial killer who’s crimes had come to the fore by accident, following the theft of something close to him, sets about trying to retrieve it, and anybody in his way is a target; granted, it’s not as gritty and gruesome as the last of his I’d read, but it’s his usual fast pace, brilliant storytelling that sure makes you want to read more. Then it was a case of fast-forward for myself, I’d bought a couple, don’t I always; when I was away in Devon I’d added William Fortheringham’s ‘Racing Hard’ (cycling) to my sports collection, as well as a follow-up to the War of the Worlds (read it years ago)

in Stephen Baxter’s ‘Massacre of Mankind.’

In addition, and because I’m researching my family history (there’ll be a Book Tales relating to that in the near future), another two family history researchrelated books have been added with ‘Who Do You Think You Are Encyclopedia of Genealogy’ and ‘Tracing Your Female Ancestors’ the new pairing.

Now, when I started this column, I’d mentioned that I’d blitzed another couple of books in order to get this issue’s done, and with it another new author read in Richard Osman and one of his critically acclaimed Thursday Murder Club books.

How fun are they, very easy to read and, personally, has the feel


of an adult version of The Secret Seven or The Famous Five and, for those that know the run-of-thebooks, then it’s a group of elderly individuals who solve crimes down on the South Coast. I guess that, you can’t say too much about them without spoiling the storyline but think gangs, drugs, a little flirtation, and throw in a few old people, and you get the drift, maybe – definitely worth

a read though.

As for the other one, yes I somehow managed to turn one into three (I do have a tendency as mentioned previously to read a couple at the same time), I ticked off another football book, my first this year actually, and one which has been on the shelves for a couple of years now.

Arrigo Sacchi, former manager of the Italian National Team, and of course, the legendary AC Milan side of the late eighties, early nineties, penned this offering with Luigi Garlando, ‘The Immortals,’ about how his Milan side reinvented football.

Milan and their all-stars was a team I grew up idolising a teenager, Italian football was the staple of Sunday television, and the Milanese giants were already at the forefront of it all; this book, with that cast of legendary stars, is the story of how Sacchi succeeded, from his perspective, and includes extracts from his personal diaries,

logbooks of those years.

It starts, and finishes, with the European Cup finals, those of 1989 and 1990, and takes a bit-part look at Sacchi’s club managerial career, and what went on around it all –for a football fan, any football fan, it’s a great read.

Now though, for me, it’s onto the next, and the one after that….

Text or WhatsApp 07831279886, messenger, or by email Come with us to learn our superpowers! They truly are the secret to a more contented life, we run free to attend stress busting group sessions weekly, drop in and meet us!


Hi Lisa and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Lisa. I currently work in education. I live in South Shields.

You are part of the Northumberland Shieldmaidens American Football Team, tell us a little more about that?

I joined the Northumberland Shieldmaidens in February of this year. We are an inclusive women’s American football team. We are currently on our off season. We are all itching to get back into training. We train at Druids Park in Newcastle every Thursday night and Sunday morning. Absolutely

no experience is needed. We are open to all women 16 and over, no matter your age, size or fitness level.

American Football is increasing in popularity in the UK, but it’s still relatively unknown, so how

did you come to find out about the team and get involved?

One of my work colleagues, Ellen, had been involved with the team and is one of our amazing coaches. She has suggested I come along to one of the team’s rookie days. I was sceptical as I’m plus size and have never been particularly skilled in sports. I didn’t expect to enjoy it at all but will give most things a go once. I turned up and was immediately blown away with the warm welcome I received by everyone. I remember being told that I was perfect as I was “line shaped.” it was mind blowing to find that there was a sport I could play that didn’t involve running or throwing and that my physique


was actually suited to! After that one session I was hooked.

Why American Football rather than some of the other more known sports like Rugby and Football?

I like the look on people’s faces when I say I play American football, the slight bemusement. It is

something unique. I like that more women are getting involved in a predominantly male world. With each passing year interest seems to be growing. There are now 19 women’s contact teams across the UK.

What has been the best part about joining the Shieldmaidens?

For me the best part has been getting to know all of the team. We support each other on and off the field. I have never been a part of a team in this way before and getting to know all these amazingly strong women has been an honour.

How can people get involved and


join the team?

We regularly have rookie open days were you can come down and try the sport for yourself. Dates and times are published on our Facebook page Northumberland Shieldmaidens American Football or you can find us on Instagram shieldmaidens_afc. We also hold recruitment events across the North East, times and dates again will be found on our social media pages.

What advice would you give to someone interested in giving

American Football a try?

I honestly can’t stress enough how nervous I was going into my first rookie day. I had not really done anything sport related since school

and occasionally get out of breath running up the stairs. Once I tried it I was able to do everything at my own pace and was never made to feel bad or ashamed that my pace was sometimes a lot slower than everyone else’s. My main advice would be come down to a rookie day, your first three sessions are free and see if football is something you enjoy. You just might surprise yourself and find yourself at home on the field.

When you are not playing American Football what do you get up to


in your spare time?

In my spare time I love going to the theatre, I have seen about 22 shows this year alone. I have for the last few years been a part of a local pub quiz team. We are known as The Quizzard of Oz and can be found at The Malt-

ings in South Shields almost every Wednesday and Sunday.

Tell us three random facts about yourself?

My NFL team are the Indianapolis Colts, I picked my team as I vividly remember my Dad talking about how amazing they were during the Peyton Manning era.

I am very interested in the paranormal. I am currently reading I am Haunted by Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures. Staying the night at Chillngham Castle is on my bucket list.

My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and the BBC adaptation is superior, sorry not sorry Keira Knightley.

For more info on the Northumberland Shieldmaidens American Football team check out https:// shieldmaidens_afc/


Newcastle Match of My Life

Launch featuring Magpies


Date: Friday 24th November 2023

Time: 7.30pm

Official launch of the new, hotlyanticipated book, ‘Newcastle United Match of my Life’. Magpies greats including Lee Clark, David Kelly, Malcolm Macdonald and Frank Clark will take us into the inner sanctuary of the St James’ Park dressing room, with previously unheard stories from their favourite matches in the famous black-and-white stripes of Newcastle United.

Hosted by TalkSPORT’s Chief Football Correspondent Alex Crook, this is event is a must for any Toon fan.

As well as live interviews with four legends, there will also be four EXCLUSIVE interviews with some Toon cult heroes screened to the audience in the theatre.

There will be a chance for ticket holders to watch snippets from our interviews with Dan Burn, Jonas Gutierrez, Les Ferdinand and Papiss Cisse!


Friday 26th January 2024

Thursday 29th February 2024

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Overshirts from Marshall Artist, Weekend Offender, MA.Strum, Barbour International & Fred Perry with more still to arrive so make sure you pop in store or keep checking the website’s LATEST PRODUCTS


Hypnotherapy, but what is Viking Hynotherapy?

Viking Hypnotherapys’ business motto is having “The Strength to Conquer Anything”. Wherever

you are today this is just a situ ation you’re in now, this is not your life, we all have the power to change our lives and I am basically your guide for this. Utilising the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to your thoughts feelings and behaviours. NLP is an approach to communication, personal devel opment, psychotherapy and also Life Coaching.

How different is Hypnotherapy compared to a hypnotist, is it the same thing or is it completely dif-

physical conditions.

Have these comedy hypnotist shows, where they put you under and then get you to do silly things



Full Circle - December

2023 UK Tour

Sweet are back, and you’re not going to want to miss out come December as they go Full Circle!

A National Treasure and Glam Rock Royalty who have taken the world by storm for six decades, Sweet are at their best, performing all their iconic hits to audiences from every continent, all over the world. From the beginning to the end ... Full Circle!

Guitarist/vocalist Andy Scott, the

sole surviving original member at the heart of the band and the golden thread linking Sweet’s proud past to the present, is still fiercely protective of that legacy today as ever.

Understandably he knows better than anyone that the long tours can’t carry on indefinitely, with the band now looking to ‘wind down’ some of their live commitments.

Andy explained, “This could be our last tour, but that doesn’t mean to say we’re not going to do any more gigs, just that we might

not be doing 15-20 dates strung together. Then again, we might!”

Scoring 15 momentous top-40 hits in the Seventies, eight going topfive – including classic 1973 UK No.1 ‘Blockbuster’ – Sweet perfected the art of making memorable records in a highly-competitive era.

As well as the fire and steel shown in the recording studio and the glamour and excitement they transmitted onto our TV screens, there’s live passion too, something Andy plus bandmates Paul


Manzi (lead vocals), Bruce Bisland (drums, vocals), Lee Small (bass guitar, vocals) and Tom Cory (guitar, keyboards) are keen to ensure remains. The present line-up has made an impact in the charts with recent single releases too.

And you can witness that firsthand as they return to the road leading up to Christmas. Sweet’s Full Circle Tour of 13 dates opens in Wrexham (where Andy played his first gig at a church hall 60 years ago) and ends in Frome, Wiltshire (close to his West Coun-

try base of 30-plus years).

From the breakthrough hit ‘CoCo’ in 1970 to 1978’s ‘Love is like Oxygen’ and all points between and beyond. There is also the instant nostalgia of unforgettable classics such as ‘The Ballroom Blitz’, ‘Fox on the Run’, ‘Hellraiser’, ‘Little Willy’, ‘Teenage Rampage’, ‘Action’ and ‘Wig-Wam Bam’.

All in all, we’re talking 53 years of hit singles, 55 million albums and 34 No.1s, from a band that’s clearly stood the test of time. So

don’t miss out. Altogether now, “You better beware, you better take care ...”

THE SWEET’s ‘Full Circle’ – December 2023 UK Tour Dates include

Sunday 10 December

SUNDERLAND – Fire Station

Tickets for the above shows are available from - https://www. The-Sweet.htm


An interesting mix of literary personage heads to Durham later this month as part of the ‘2023 Durham Book Festival.’

The event, commissioned by Durham County Council, and produced by New Writing North, is fronted by a team of individuals which includes Rebecca Wilkie (Festival Director) and Kathryn Tann (Festival Manager).

Speaking ahead of the events which sees a host of writers and speakers head to venues (Gala Theatre & Studio, Collected Books, Clayport Library) of the

regions’ historic city, Rebecca Wilkie, Festival Manager, said: “We’re back in Millennium Place for a long weekend brining you a host of brilliant writers and speakers. We’re celebrating the history of Durham and St. Cuthbert, with a specially commissioned dramatic reading from Durham writer Benjamin Myers’ novel ‘Cuddy’ and an event with historian Janina Ramirez. We’ll be exploring themes ranging from north east politics, the NHS, and neurodiversity, to the joy and comfort of food. Climate change and

evolution are the themes of our little read picture book, MOTH by Isabel Thomas, which will be available for young reader and their families to pick up in libraries across County Durham.”

Running through a weekend in the middle of October, Friday 13 – Monday 15, the weekend begins with ‘Festival Laureate: Zaffar Kunial’ in the Gala Studio (13/10; 17:30-18:15), through to its finale with ‘Charlotte Van den Broeck: Bold Ventures,’ at the delightfully stunning, Collected Books (15/10; 17:30 – 18:30).


Personal standouts across the weekend include that beautiful and funny of restaurant critics (no, not Jay Rayner, sorry to disappoint), the well-loved Grace Dent, who ‘graces’ the Gala Theatre on opening night (tickets, £25 includes copy of the book/£35 for two people and a copy of the book/£5 live-stream ticket); she’ll regale with her latest offering ‘COMFORT EATING.’

At the same time(ish) in the Gala Studio, is the ‘Read them you writes Frights’ as writers in the region are encourages to meet and share new work.

Late Saturday morning sees ‘THE POWER OF THE CLASSICS with Edith Hall and Jennifer Saint,’ again at the Theatre, as this dynamic duo discuss an age-old question – why do the stories of the ancient world still ignite our interest? (tickets, £12/£10/£5 livestream).

Crime features at the Theatre on Saturday afternoon as Ruth Ware is joined by Nasheema Lennon (Nottingham) and Trevor Wood (Newcastle); and on the night it’s ‘Jeanette Winterson: Night Side of the River,’ the best-selling author looking at her latest offering with a collection of modern ghost stories. There’s some local offerings from Helen Rebanks and Pip Fallow on Sunday, whilst Melanie Sykes is also in town discussing ‘Autism and all the Things I’ve Left Unsaid,’

for short, her ‘ILLUMINATED’ publication (tickets, £12/£10/£5 live-stream).

At both Collected Books, and the city’s Clayport Library, there’s also a handful of events, the latter also seeing several workshops taking place on the Saturday and Sunday. With over thirty, differing events locked in over the two-and-a-half days, literature aficionados of both Durham, and across the north east as a whole, are certainly in for a treat.

Katie Lloyd; Festival, Events and Community Arts Manager, Durham County Council, added: “Durham County Council is delighted to be commissioning New Writing North to bring back Durham Book Festival for 2023. This much-loved festival is a central part of our events programme. Each year, the festival

brings incredibly exciting writers to Durham but also nurtures local talent. We are confident that there’s something for everyone with the wide variety of events and talks scheduled.”

Further information, and individual event links, can be found on the New Writing North website via durham-book-festival/ and the festival itself via their socials on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/DurhamBookFestival and X (Images courtesy of the New Writing North/Durham Book Festival)

Who knows, maybe one day I’ll find myself with a slot on my home-town book festival events listing – one can but hope; for now though, it’s work harder and strive to achieve.


Denise Angel Part 2 Denise Angel Part 2

In this, the second of two parts, and following up on our last issues’ NE Online’s Senior Writer, Peter Mann, gets up-close-andpersonal, again, with a local artist and photographer, a fashion designer by trade, who enjoys the finer things in life, living each day to its fullest, County Durham’s Denise Angel.

The mother of two, grandmother of one – don’t let that fool you, has certainly built a resume on which to match the work in which she does, both her art, and photographic work beginning back in her teenage years.

We’ve delved into her love of the outdoors, and for wildlife, as well as looking at her recent excursion into Northern Spain; now, with the festive season just around the corner (those cold, winter nights are coming), Denise sat down and chatted about what has been her

passion, her career if you will.

Art, it has been something which the County Durham native has found herself immersed in since her teenage years, and many moons on, is very much a part of her day-to-day life, including running classes from her home.

Iridescent Moon Gallery is what

she works under, producing stunning, commissioned work 9some of which are shown on these pages), whilst also teaching in 1-on-1 tutorials, A-Level/University students, and more – this lady is very much at ease with her easels, paper, paints, and pencils, and her trusted companion, her springer spaniel, Bracken, by her side.

“I’ve been painting and selling artwork since I was perhaps, in my late teens,” began Denise, looking back at those early years.

“As I mentioned in the last issue though, my degree itself was actually in fashion design and clothing technology, so that’s where my actual, working life begun, in the fashion industry.

“I spent a good seventeen years in that industry working for places like Dewhurst, Berghaus, Marks & Spencer and the like.

“I then went down the teaching


route; that was more suited to my then having started a family, and I ended up doing that for another, seventeen years as well.”

There’s no seven-year itch where Denise is concerned, although a seventeen-year itch could well be possible.

Art though, and through the use of a number of mediums, has been the mainstay of Denise’s life for decades now, it simmering away nicely in the background/foreground (depending how her mood takes), she continuing to produce masterpiece after masterpiece. No job is seemingly out of her skillset, she’ll give pretty much anything and everything a go, even if it does take her some time, but the end results are proof that she has the talent, and ability, when it comes to her line of work.

“I just love painting, and going big with them as well,” explained

Denise, beaming with her infectious smile.

“I love seascapes, landscapes, they’re really great things in which to capture; and what I enjoy doing also takes me away from the pet portraits (a popular staple in

Denise’s work).

“Bracken, my trusted and loving springer spaniel, was actually my first muse, more than a decade ago now, and there’s actually a really lovely story around him and the naming of him (that’s for another



One of her pieces of art that springs to mind (trust us, once you’ve seen it, you’ll be captivated), is amongst not only Denise’s favourites, but is also the piece

that perhaps took the longest to do – the kingfisher.

“That kingfisher, that took the longest for me to do,” contemplated Denise.

“I’d say it was close to two years, using both pencil, and acrylic paints; my work though, it’s done over time anyway as I put in a lot of effort, thought, concentration, and heart into each piece.

“I’m never fully satisfied though, with my work, and my son, he’s often quite good at critiquing what I do.

“I’m the same with my students as well, always critical of what is being, or has been done.”

Denise’s passion, her art, has been the backbone, a release if you will, throughout her life to date and, despite the qualifications in which

she’s attained – Teaching Certificate, PGCE, Foundation degree in Art & Design, BA Hons Fashion & Technology, that love for all things art, it’s never left her.

“Loving art as much as I do, and have done since I was a little child really, has actually helped me get into university on the merit of it,” continued Denise.

“Art, that was actually at the expense of my doing mathematics as well.

“My maths teacher told me that I should carry on with art as I didn’t maths.

“But then, when I was doing my PGCE, I realised that I needed a Grace C or above in Maths, just for the entry exam alone.

“I actually remember my sitting writing an essay on numerical patterns; my getting through maths though, that’s down to my mam.” Now, Denise is looking ahead to the festive season, and whatever lies beyond, and, we are delighted to say, is taking commission orders for Christmas so get it there and strike whilst the iron is hot –prices ranging from £65 upwards (depending on size and mediums used), Denise is available for wildlife, portraits, and landscapes, and it’s all original, high-quality artwork (NB – each commission is priced separately, please include a


clear, well-lit photograph). Now though, with plenty of artistic, and photographic ideas filling her beautiful mind, Denise is excited for what the near future at least, holds and, as she continues to flex her artistic mind, in any form, you can check out her works via her ‘Iridescent Moon Gallery’ petportraitsbydenise and ALL ENQUIRIES to be made via email or by private message on her art page. Maybe, just maybe, we’ve afforded our readers, ideas aplenty for the upcoming Christmas rush – her work is most certainly worth it.



Saturday 7th October 2023

A theatre company like no other, Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® takes a sevensome of professional actors, a Shakespearean script and throws a bucket-load of booze into the mix. Sounds classical to us…

Having performed multiple sell-out runs at Leicester Square Theatre, Edinburgh, Brighton, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Sydney, Boston, Austin, Atlanta and Minnesota, this merry band of drunkards have travelled the globe spilling pints of laughter wherever they hang their codpieces. They will be playing at the Tyne Theatre & Opera House on Saturday 7th October 2023.

Each night before the show, one designated actor is given four hours to “wet their whistle” by consuming as much alcohol as they can get their hands on. Already a smash-hit, internationally-acclaimed, award-winning phenomenon, the revolving cast will then give Shakespeare’s famous play their signature Sh!t-faced twist as they attempt to navigate this comic tale of misunderstandings, love and deception. This is Shakespearean

theatre as you’ve never experienced it before.

Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® have been making fools of themselves on stage since 2010 and are returning this year, more foolish than ever with one of Shakespeare’s most well-loved comedies; Much Ado About Nothing. Sh!t-faced Shakespeare®: Much Ado About Nothing is a spicy cocktail made up of mistaken identities, a pantomime villain, lovers left jilted at the altar, a renegade sword fighting mum who saves the day and a sex doll mixed in for good measure! Not forgetting a genuinely drunken actor having carte blanche to do whatever tickles their fancy and we can assure you the course of

love will NOT run smooth. After all, the most exciting cocktails are the ones you set on fire… right?

Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® seeks to introduce a new generation of theatre-goers to the works of the Bard by reviving and rewiring the raucous, interactive and vibrant nature of Elizabethan theatre with a mouthwatering twist – while still reminding them as we go, to always ‘enjoy Shakespeare responsibly’.

“We have been performing Sh!tfaced Shakespeare® for over 10 years and I still regularly ask myself at the end of a show… how the hell did we end up here? Thruples, whole cast massacres, audience marriages, dance offs


to the death. There is no formula and we genuinely have no idea how the show will finish on any given night. What I can be sure of is that everyone at Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® is a complete liability and takes great pleasure in watching their cast mates struggle…it’s the job of dreams!” Stacey Norris, Director.

Sky Sports Presenter Pete Graves to launch his exciting new book early at the Tyne Theatre & Opera House with Kevin Keegan & mystery guest Monday 23rd October 2023

Sky Sports Presenter Pete Graves will be unveiling his new book, Here to Compete, three days early in an exclusive book launch at the Tyne Theatre & Opera House on Monday 23rd October 2023. Avid Newcastle United fan, Pete Graves, will be joined by Newcastle United’s very own Kevin Keegan, which will include a Q&A with the legendary player.

Hexham’s very-own Pete Graves rose up the ranks to become the head commentator for Newcastle United matches, so many fans of the magpie football team are sure to recognise his voice. He is also currently the Sky Sports News Breakfast presenter, alongside being part of the team for the Transfer Talk podcast from Sky Sports News.

His brand-new book, Here To Compete, will give an inside story of Newcastle United and the era of Eddie Howe. Inside will have exclusive interviews with Alan Shearer, Kevin Keegan and Eddie Howe. The book is set to launch on Thursday 26th October, so fans can grab the book three days earlier at the exclusive Tyne Theatre & Opera House book launch. Joining Pete Graves is Kevin

Keegan, who needs no introduction for Newcastle United fans.

‘King Kev’ rose from renowned player to manager in 1992, becoming one of the leading forces after gaining promotion to the Premier League for 1993/1994. Keegan is a beloved figurehead of the team, and fans will get to ask him all of their burning questions in an endof-show Q&A. Fans also have the opportunity to meet the footballing legend by purchasing premium tickets, subject to availability. Another very special guest will be joining the stage, but fans will have to wait for this exciting announcement in the upcoming weeks.

As the Tyne Theatre is so close to St James’ Park, there truly couldn’t be a better venue for the book launch. As the event is happening in October, fans are urged to buy their tickets soon to avoid disappointment!

Theatre Director Joanne Johnson states “We are thrilled to be host-

ing Pete Graves for his brand-new book launch. With so many Newcastle United icons entering our building, such as Kevin Keegan and Alan Shearer, we just feel incredibly grateful to have such strong ties to our beloved football team. As a theatre for everyone, we’re excited to continue bringing world-class acts to Newcastle!” All tickets include a signed copy of Here To Compete, and tickets range from £92 - £39, plus fees. Platinum tickets priced £92 include a photo opportunity with Kevin Keegan and an item signed, Gold tickets at £67 include a photo opportunity with Kevin Keegan and standard tickets are £39. Tickets can be purchased here: To check out more recently announced shows, head over the Tyne Theatre & Opera House website:


We haven’t done the planned feature on The Red Bench Project yet, but we had to do this feature to thank Emily Owen and Beth Wyatt. These two incredible ladies love the idea behind the Red Bench Project so much so, that they decided on two weeks’ notice to hold a 24 Healing Fundraiser on the beach at the very first Red Bench in the hope of raising enough money in one day to be able to buy another much needed Red Bench.

Now if you are wondering what The Red Bench Project is then here is the short version. The aim is to have Red Benches placed in suicide hot-spots where people may go to contemplate ending it all. These Red Benches can act like a silent cry for help. It is hoped that if people feel so low,

they might use these benches to take a moment to think, to calm down and try and get their heads together. But if YOU see someone sitting alone at a Red Bench, maybe you could go sit next to them, say hello, see if they are ok. That little action can really make a big difference and really could save a life. Each bench will also have plaques on that direct people to help like The Samaritans, and the website, which once done, will feature all the help available to people and how to contact them.

So this is something that both Emily and Beth love, as they are all about healing and trying to connect again. Emily runs R.E.C Therapies and Beth runs The Botanical Apothecary, together they run Fresh North - The Outdoor

Reiki Experience, which combines both of their businesses and more. So they decided to do a 24 Healing Fundraiser which started at 6am on the Monday and lasted until 6am on the Tuesday. It started off with a fresh sea swim at 6am, then throughout the day they would do a variety of things including Reiki sessions, warm up & stretch classes, everything is energy workshop’s, Sound bath’s, a hit class with The Mean Body Project, 121 reiki energy healing, chats, catch ups, snugs and more before finishing the day with another 6am sea dip before heading home to bed.

Now this was an incredible day that I truly cannot put into words how incredible and amazing it was. We had family and friends dropping off supplies like


coffee’s and food, taking part in various activities, we had total strangers passing asking what was going on and getting involved or donating. People were seeing the different facebook live videos and posts throughout the day and wanting to get involved. We even had people come after work and when the nearby pubs kicked out. Even during the night it was like a big party on the beach with a campfire, chats and even a few buskers from the bar joined in and performed for everyone there. It was just incredible to see so much love and support from total strangers, to see our amazing little town of

South Shields come together and help us to raise £1661 in twenty four hours. Now this is enough to pay for another much needed Red Bench and could become an annual event, as so many people loved it and want more.

So I have to say a big thank you to everyone that came down or donated, you are all incredible, thank you. Please check out the following facebook pages for Emily and Beth, give them a like, have a look, you might event want to try some of the services or attend other events in the future, I honestly can’t recommend them enough.

Fresh North - The Outdoor Reiki Experience groups/422652739635922/ The Botanical Apothecary R.E.C Therapies https:// EmilyR.E.C.Therapies

The Red Bench Project https://


Back to (driving) school – Young Driver re-opens its Darlington venue for the first time since the pandemic

- Innovative lessons reduce accident rates for newly qualified drivers by more than a half

- Youngsters as young as 10 drive a real car around a specially created road system

- Young Driver will re-open at Mowden Park RFC later this year

A specialist driver training scheme, which allows 10-17 year olds to get behind the wheel in a bid to create a new generation of safer drivers, is re-opening its popular Darlington venue.

Young Driver ran at Mowden Park RFC from 2017 until the pandemic, when the site became a Covid testing centre. In the three years it operated, more than 7,000 driving lessons were given to under 17s keen to get a head start in their learning to drive journey.

Young Driver will once again utilise the car park at the site, with lessons re-starting on Saturday 18th November, and taking place on regular weekend dates throughout the year.

Young Driver is the UK’s largest provider of pre-17 driving lessons, having delivered over 1.3 million lessons at venues across the UK. Youngsters have lessons in dual controlled Vauxhall Corsas and other similar cars, with highly qualified approved driving instructors.

A road system is created, with

traffic signs, roundabouts and junctions, along with special areas to practice manoeuvres such as steering control and parking. The emphasis of the lessons is on safety and fun and encouraging youngsters to consider how to drive responsibly, giving them time to perfect driving skills such as gear changes, braking and steering without the pressures of public roads.

Shockingly, one in five newly qualified drivers crashes within six months of passing their test. But for those who have taken a Young Driver course, the rate of accidents in that worrying first six months drops dramatically, to fewer than four per cent.

Sue Waterfield, head of marketing at Young Driver, said: “We are really excited to be re-launching in Darlington after all this time. The venue was a really popular one before it had to close. It is a large

space so we can offer lots of different driving activities for young people, whether they’re a beginner or have already had lessons at any of our venues.

“Clearly something needs to be done to tackle the seriously high accident rates of our young drivers. Training drivers over a longer period of time allows youngsters to have a solid understanding of how to drive a car before they get anywhere near a real road. But the lessons are also lots of fun and they’re a great general confidence boost for teens and pre-teens, who take the responsibility very seriously.”

Driving tuition is available for disabled youngsters. Thirty or sixty-minute lessons must be booked in advance and prices start from £42.99.

For more information visit www. or call 0333 577 9010.


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