NE Online Magazine Issue 50 - NE Artist Of The Year Hayley McKay

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . L o c kd o w n 3 . 0 h a s g o t p e o p l e fe e l i n g l o w, b u t w e j u s t n e e d t o ke e p o u r s p i r i t s u p a l i t t l e w h i l e l o n g e r, t h e n hopefully things will start getting back to normal, plus with vaccines rolling out now surely the end is in sight. Keep the faith people. As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r & I n s t a g ra m fo r our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


O2 Academy Newcastle/City Hall Sage Gateshead Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine

CONTRIBUTORS Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR Madhouse Media SPONSORS Playhouse Whitley Bay Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle


{THIS} {ISSUE} P6 Cass King P14 Hannah Robinson P21 Mosque’s Fight Against Covid Vaccine “Fake News” P24 Lee’s Custom Woodwork P32 NE AOTY 2021 Hayley McKay P42 BST Fabrics In The Spotlight P51 National Business Women’s Awards P56 Playhouse Whitley Bay P63 Chart Topping David McGovern P66 Northern Threads P70 Save The High Street P75 WHO Do You Love More Than A Parmo? 5


Rock chick, Cass King, embarks on a new solo career The past twelve months have seen many changes for so many people, but for some it can easily be a case of the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Cass King and company brought forth the New Wave of Classic Rock group, Tomorrow Is Lost at the start of 2017 a rollercoaster ride ensued, appearing in these very pages later that year as they set about touring the country with numerous gigs and festival invites; they (Cass and former bass player Adam Clements) then made an appearance on this writers’ Midweek XOver show on Nova Radio North-East the following year. And still things, they stayed the same. Late in 2018 the undying support of the Shadowgang was rewarded as Tomorrow Is Lost released their Shadowman EP, followed up fifteen months later by Therapy, the band’s debut album. The album would see Cass leave

it all out there, it becoming her own therapy in many respects, with strong lyrical themes of domestic violence and mental health aspects featuring throughout. Two months later and she’d got engaged to her partner,

the former Tomorrow Is Lost guitarist, Joe Mac (wedding incoming), and by the end of the year, the pair had departed the band, looking for pastures new; Cass being ably replaced by Hazel Rogers. “That album was very personal


for me,” explained Cass. “It took a lot out of me creatively that’s for sure; it was so therapeutic on a personal level, and the writing process helped me to lay a lot of old wounds to rest, but it also left me feeling a little lost in terms of where things were heading. “I started thinking a lot about what the future held for myself, and ultimately I didn’t feel as though I could continue in the direction things were going, but I do wish the guys all the success in the world moving forward and I’m pleased that they’ve been able to continue. “I know that Hazel is going to do a stellar job.” Throughout a pandemic year in which 2020 brought not only the UK, but the world as a whole to a grinding to halt, something not seen for generations, Cass has been one of the fortunate ones, which she knows and readily admits. In stepping away from band life,

Cass is now embarking upon a solo career with which many will be paying particular attention to.

In doing so she’s also finding herself trying new and different things musically, including so much more behind-the-scenes, making her 2020 a little easier to traverse. “I spent over three years with Tomorrow Is Lost, it having been borne from a band that myself and Joe (Mac) were in prior,” continued Cass. “Those years gave me so many amazing experiences and happy memories with all of them. “We were really fortunate to get the opportunities that we did, but as it grew it became pretty intense, as these things often do, and, in life, I think we all periodically arrive at crossroads where people want different things and you look at taking new directions. “It’s a healthy and normal part of life, difficult as it feels at the time.”


Now though, in having stepped back from that rock n’ roll spotlight Tomorrow Is Lost have been in over the past few years,

she’s enjoying the challenge presenting itself ahead of her.

and really figuring out who I want to be as an artist.

defines me and I’m very excited about how it’s developing.”

Moving forwards though she’s still just as driven and focussed as she’s always been, it’s just that focus now has a new direction in which she’s very keen to explore.

“It’s different, and a bit daunting for sure, but I feel like I’m thriving,” beamed Cass.

“I’m having so much fun with it, keeping it light and breezy,” continued the 29-year-old, which has been witnessed in her recent, laid back, cover releases she’s been promoting on her socials.

“Right now it’s a case of getting used to a new kind of normal,

“It’s liberating to explore new directions for my music, and I’m learning so much about myself as a songwriter and about what

“But after a period of feeling a bit lost creatively, I’m definitely feeling like I’ve found myself again, I’m ready to stand back up on my own two feet, and it feels like I’m on the right path; it feels really good. “When we recorded Therapy I unlocked so many new dynamics to my voice and I feel like the whole process developed me so much as a vocalist and songwriter. “I’ll be forever grateful to producer Dave Boothroyd for helping me find my voice in that regard, so I’m looking forward to delving deeper into some of the pop influences that can be heard on the album and exploring that a lot more in my solo work.


“We’re working on a few things currently that are forming the basis for a new release.” Wait, what’s that Cass? Did you really just finish off by mentioning new releases? “Well it’s coming and the wheels are in motion,” she adds, smiling, “but yes, later this year we hope that a new release will be on the horizon!” In addition, and for those that didn’t know, Cass also has an alter-ego, one which hasn’t surfaced, publicly at least, for a while. On the flip side of Cass’s dayto-day life, there’s also a burgeoning, blossoming young artist, the rock chick also the proud owner of ‘Disigns By Cass King’ – well worth a look she produced artwork of stunning quality inspired by the works of Disney, Pixar et al…


With commissions and personalisation available up request, be sure to check out

her art page at https://www. you’ll not be disappointed (and if we can get that page over a thousand likes, I’ll feature her in the next issue talking all things Disney/Art). Keep up-to date with all things

Cass King via Facebook https:// and for a more politicallyminded conversation, join her on Twitter misscassking - she doesn’t disappoint on either. (Photo credits to original photographers)



Hannah Robinson

As beginnings of careers go, that of Tyneside’s Hannah Robinson, just 23-years-old, has been a combination of uniqueness, and special, rolled into one. The rhythm guitarist for indie alt band, Carabiniers, whom she’s been with since 2014, Hannah decided last year, of all years, to test those nerves, boost her confidence, and, in the midst of a pandemic, took flight, gracefully and with stunning effect. Alongside airplay from that of BBC Introducing in the North East (BBC Radio Newcastle) and on Nova Radio North-East,


Hannah’s year was topped with a double-award nomination from the latter. Having released two tracks, ‘Fool For Him’ in March, and ‘Confusion’ in August, the former was put up for ‘Track of the Year’ with Nova, whilst she was also nominated for ‘Female Vocalist of the Year’ for added measure. “I only really went solo last year,” began Hannah. “It took a lot of nerve and confidence-building for me to do so, and more when you consider how the past year has been as well. “I’ve wanted to do it for a while

though, but certain things always held me back, that and I was worried about my bandmates, in the Carabiniers, and how they would react about it, but I needn’t have worried as they’ve been very supportive of it and it helped with my confidence having that support.” An added bonus, well two in fact, for Hannah, is her ability to play the guitar, learning that technique when she was quite young, and that she is also a graphic designer and therefore able to cover a number of behind-the-scenes angles herself. But it’s the guitar-strumming

where Hannah’s musical path began in earnest.

At the tender age of eight, way back in the mid-noughties, that

journey would being when: “My parents took me for my first guitar, I had some lessons, and I really took to it. “I then joined the Carabiniers at fifteen and we’ve just blossomed ever since – but it was just a hobby to begin with, an enjoyable one, and has grown from there.” Well Hannah is certainly blossoming, and she most certainly needn’t have worried about flying solo either, more if 2020 was anything to go by. However, as we all know, it’s all about a combination of momentum, and support, and that will, that desire, to succeed, to make something of the talent in which an individual has at their disposal. In order for her to bridge the gaps between the success that last year brought through the release of those afore-mentioned singles, and this years’ expectant debut EP release, Hannah has released, and continues to, a selection of high-



quality covers. “I needed to do something to keep myself occupied, to keep entertained, until this all ends,” she added. “Then hopefully, we can get back out gigging, performing again, especially as I’ve only done a few solo gigs, and they were a few years ago now. “As for the two releases I put out last year, both of those were penned when I was younger. “They’re not about specific really, just my own emotions and how I was growing up – although in doing the video for the last track, ‘Confusion,’ I had so much fun doing it.” Now, in moving forward, Hannah’s focus is zeroed in on that debut

EP, although there may well be another cover or two in-between, but, with plenty in which to do around it all, one of her previous releases, and new tracks, are most certainly set to feature. Afterwards, and as mentioned previous, it’s about that momentum, for both herself as a solo artist, and for the band, Hannah concluding that: “I really can’t wait to be gigging again, add to those handful of solo outings. “I’m wanting to get back out there though and I’m happy to do my own things and to see where it goes from there. “I also want to be able to get back doing things with the band as well as I really enjoy doing that, we have a good time together, so we’ll

see what happens.” Keep up-to-date with Hannah Robinson’s musical exploits via her Facebook https://www.facebook. com/hanrobinsonmusic/, Twitter @han_robinson97 https://twitter. com/han_robinson97, and Instagram hannahrobinson_music/


The Beautiful South Founder Member Dave Hemingway announces October Release For ‘SUNBIRDS’ Debut Album. The Beautiful South founder member Dave Hemingway has announced that his new band Sunbirds will release their debut album ‘Cool To Be Kind’ on 30th October 2020 on the independent label Nectar Records. Having retired from the live scene at the back end of 2016, Dave has been keeping busy with guitarist, songwriter and collaborator Phil Barton, with Cool To Be Kind signalling the arrival of the new band, new songs and a new sound. The music Sunbirds make takes on board all of the bands and artists Dave and Phil have loved over the years. It chiefly blends the musical instruments of rural America with an occasional twist of grungy guitars and sets them against lyrics that remain very much at home in the towns and cities of England. “Although a lot of the songs have a Country feel.” says Dave. “They’re down honky-tonks when you live still about life in England. You’re in Yorkshire.” going to feel a bit daft singing about pick-up trucks and low Produced by cult producer Teo


Miller, who was responsible for Daisy Chainsaw’s breakthrough single ‘Love Your Money’ and subsequently worked with The Pretenders, Placebo and Robert Plant, the album captures truthful, open-hearted, funny and sometimes painfully honest songs, turning the page to a new chapter for Dave Hemingway and The Beautiful South story. The formation of Sunbirds also sees the introduction of new discovery Laura Wilcockson on vocals and violin. Laura comes from a classical/orchestral, as well as folk background. If you’re lucky, you might spot her busking around Mansfield. Completing the four-piece line-up is session drummer to the stars, Marc Parnell. His CV has way too many names to go into here. Cool To Be Kind is the result of a few transitional years in Dave and Phil’s individual personal worlds. It tells tales that cover contemporary themes as well as age-old matters of the heart and soul - all viewed through the bottom of a recently drained pint glass. “There’s no exact science here,”


Is your mental or physical health stopping you from moving forward? Moving On Tyne & Wear are here to help you address these issues and find employment, training or volunteering that’s right for you. For FREE one-to-one support call 0191 217 3206 visit email

This project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund

Hi Colin, welcome to NE, can



A MIDDLESBROUGH mosque is continuing to play a key role in the fight against coronavirus. The latest public health messages are regularly read out at Friday prayers at the Al Mustafa Centre. And Chief Imam Hafiz Mohammad Sajid is now tackling misinformation relating to the Covid vaccine. He said: “With the vaccination being rolled out, we hope and pray that in due course this will bring some sense of normality to our lives. “We have received guidance from The British Board of Scholars & Imams (BBSI), who have consulted various experts in infectious diseases as well as sought scholarly opinion on the issues of vaccination. “The Tees Valley Muslim Council members, on the advice of our national bodies, therefore give a clear and unequivocal message that individuals should take the Covid-19 vaccine on the advice of their medical practitioner following informed consent. “We are of the belief that this will protect the community members from a probable and considerable risk of harm from

Covid-19 infection. “There appears to be an abundance of ‘fake news’ on the subject of the vaccination and Covid-19, so it is important to verify any news you receive before acting upon it or forwarding on, as this can cause panic and easily spread during a crisis.” South Tees Joint Director of Public Health Mark Adams has thanked the Al Mustafa Centre for its support. “Sadly there is lots of misinformation relating to the Covid vaccine,” he said. “It’s really important that influential voices within all our communities do their bit to encourage people to come forward for their vaccine when it’s their turn. I’d like to thank the chief imam for helping to keep people safe.” The chief imam added: “The British Muslim community has been disproportionately affected by Covid-19 with excess cases and deaths. One third of those from minority backgrounds in the UK are Muslim, and these communities have had a similarly high burden from Covid-19.

“Mosques play a central role in our communities. They are essential for public life, not just as places of worship, but also as houses of Allah (God), which strengthen our faith and provide us with spiritual nourishment at a time of great distress. “All the mosques in the Tees Valley sub-region have been outstanding at protecting our communities, and have played a pivotal role in disseminating and amplifying the NHS guidance to ensure our communities stay safe and protected throughout the pandemic” Middlesbrough Council is working closely with community groups through its Covid Champions network. The network supports groups who may be at higher risk from Covid. For more information visit w w w. m i d d l e s b ro u g h . gov. u k / covidchampions The NHS is contacting people in priority groups when it’s their turn for the vaccine. Please don’t contact your GP surgery to inquire about appointments until you’re notified.


Synth sci-fi Sapien Trace




In supporting the Musicians Against Homelessness cause, Newcastle trio, Sapien Trace, and electro synth-rock band, are continuing their upward surge in sound, beginning with the release later this month of their new single, More Than I Can Give. Fronted by Mark Dickinson the trio also features that of Alex Brand (guitar, bass) and Dan Baldwin (drums) they came about somewhat accidentally between late 2016 and early 2017, performing a couple of gigs a month ever since, that’s alongside Mark and his solo sessions, just for added awesomeness. “Yeah, myself and Alex met at a Halloween party a few years back,” explained Mark. “Then, in the February the following year, Dan joined in the fun and we’ve been performing a couple of gigs a month ever since. “At the beginning we were more a heavier metal sound though due to the musical influences on Alex. We were more into your likes of Korn etc so that was pretty much at the forefront of what we did. “Fortunately we’ve calmed the sound down a bit since then.” Quietly moving along behindthe-scenes over the past three years, releases gaining mixed reviews they have seen The Crack labelling them as being ’Sci-fi rock at its finest,’ whilst NE Volume went a little crazy when

inviting music lovers to ‘Imagine Rammstein and The Prodigy meet at a party in space with Pendulum driving,’ “The last gig we performed (with Moodbay in mid-January) was one of the best we’ve done,” Mark continued. “It was a great experience with some new people. I will admit though, it has been a little difficult at times, doing all this, although we’ve also managed to ascertain some pretty decent reviews.” Now, with their impending new single, More Than I Can Give, set for mid-February release, the lads jumped in and recorded their new offering at Blast Studios, Newcastle, ready for the launch party at Beyond Vinyl in town. “The track itself is about your unrequited love,” added Mark. “It kind of shows how you rebuff that in a nicer way and is an idea that evolved from a few people that I know have experienced these types of situation and Twitter n over the years. “Going into Blast Studios, it was such an easy day as well. One which went quite quickly. “We all had a good laugh and had some rather bizarre conversations, something which we all wanted – we even found out that our drummer, Dan, is something of a pool shark! “We’ve gone through a lot though, but that’s good and we’re already working on some new material.” Along with the single launch party on February 21, Sapien

Trace enter the Battle of the Bands competition over Ashington way on March 5, then a week later head to The Globe in Newcastle to perform the Musicians Against Homelessness gig alongside AXLS, The Floral Detectives, and Holy Braille – an eclectic mix of musicianship. Expected to be “a mashup of deep house and synthwave pop” Sapien Trace have their single launch party at Beyond Vinyl, Westgate Road, Newcastle, on February 21, check the event page via events/1886579848152288/ More Than I Can Give will be available on all platforms and you can keep up-to-date with all their usual happenings via their website https://www. and social media platforms Facebook htt p s : / / w w w.fa c e b o o k . co m / sapientracers/ and Twitter (Image credits to Kai Eden, David Wala, and Paul Murray)



Mr Thompson, good to have you back in NE. How about a quick introduction for those readers who may not know you? Hey thanks for having me back mate. So I’m Lee Thompson and I’m the owner of Lees Custom Woodwork ltd Give our readers the lowdown on Lee’s Custom Woodwork. I create all sorts of custom projects for from bars and cinemas, to alcove units, tables and furniture. It’s pretty varied work to try and describe.

I started out a few years ago doing maintenance work for local bars and nightclubs and got pushed and pushed by a few good friends to start my own business … so I took the leap and started up on my own and never looked back. It’s the best thing I ever did, I’d tell anyone thinking about it to just give it a go, it drives you to push harder to make a success of your passion and the end result you do something you love for a job !! You have recently gone viral with one of your recent bar jobs; tell us a bit more about the job that has

blown everyone away? Ahh “Zanibar”. It went so crazy when I posted the pictures just before Christmas. My wife Jodie knows what it’s like when I post big jobs and how crazy my phone gets, so for this one we decided to post the pics then ignore the phone for an hour or two and let the dust settle ha ha, we thought let’s just see what people think of it and answer questions later. I knew from the first quote that this bar would be amazing. I really get a feel for people when I first go to quotes and can sense what kind of style they’re going to want.



I measured up for Paul and Gayle and had a bit of a chat while looking around the garden and home and could instantly tell the sort of thing they were after. I made a 3d mock-up of an idea using the area we had to work with. I had the idea of a cedar clad bar with grey framed windows and doors. I took the design and a few samples id been sent, along with colour charts and I think Pauls reaction was “this is exactly what we are after “. The bar took about a month or two which shows just how much goes into them. We had the frame up pretty quick then it was a case of getting the lads in ha ha. A mate of mine, Josh Dobson from M.Dobson Double glazing, was first in to fit some aluminium doors and windows which then meant we were free from the elements and let me tell you it was amazing getting some shelter from the cold and rain. Then it was over to John from Barber and Whale flooring. I first met John about a year ago while working on the cinema job and he immediately stood out from the

rest. I was trying to find carpet fitters who would (and I’m not even kidding here) carpet a wall and ceiling and John was the only one who accepted the challenge with ease and now I’ll always go to him. We opted for an lvt herringbone effect with a gold trim, although I did change this design literally hours before the install. Luckily John knows what I’m like and didn’t ask any questions and the finished result was amazing. Then it was over to Mickey Wright from MW Electricals, who is my

go to electrician. I think it’s just known that whenever we work together there’s going to be some amount of led strip light added so he just knows to ask where it’s going now ha ha ha ha. Mickey and the lads did an amazing job as always. We opted for a few different light sources to create so many different moods, from bright white led to low indirect lighting to keep it warm and cosy when the fire is roaring. The amount of detail that went into this bar is un-believable. I think Paul and Gayle opted for every mod con you can think of the bar has a double display fridge, wine cooler, 3 drawer freezer for ice, beer pump on the bar top, a bioethonal fir , a built in juke box, and of course sky tv and wifi as standard ha ha ha, I mean why not? Paul also added his input and expertise into the job too making us an amazing custom built solid brass wine bottle holder with name engraved from his company PDQ Engineering in Washington. My brother in law Gareth helped with this build and said to me on

day one “I’m excited to see how this turns out , I’ve never helped you on one of these big jobs before “ I think the end product was amazing to share with him. We also decided to keep this project hidden from Gayle, who didn’t want to see it until it was all done and I think hers and Pauls reaction was totally worth it. Why do you think it has gone so viral? I shared the post and it got picked up by a few different pages on Facebook and Instagram and think in the end got shared a few hundred times with thousands of likes and comments , it was a pretty nice seeing all the comments on it from all over the world What kind of response has it had? CRAZY!!! I’ve had people from all over the country asking me to drive down and stay while I build them a bar, a lot of people asking me to just design them bars so they can get their own builders to build them which is awesome as I do like the design stage so sitting designing bars is a dream job for me. You are known for some amazing

jobs, from bars to home cinemas and more, but which one has been your favourite job so far and why? Such a hard question to answer, it’s got to be split between the cinema and Zanzibar as they were both such unique builds. Zanzibar will be so hard to beat, it’s not just the bar or the build, its the time and experience you have, I’ve been known to say “pushy clients I just can’t work with” and it’s so true, you spend a lot of time with clients on these builds and I know a lot of builders etc always say ahhh there just customers at the end of the day, but I find that to be so untrue , I think you always end up with good friends after big builds.

What would be your dream project? A big tree house 100% I’ve always wanted to build one, I get a lot of my inspiration from my kids and my own childhood, building dens and random things when I was a kid, so when I go to a job and get a bit of a brief like ”I’m after a cinema” I think right what would an awesome cinema look like? How would I want it if it was mine? Then more than often the clients love the designs ha ha. If someone has an idea for a project how do they go about hiring you and making it come to life? Just facebook/instagram message, Call or email me


it’s always best for me to come out to the job or send as much detail as possible so I can get a feel for things. When you are not hard at work what do you get up to in your spare time? Family time! Once I’m finished on a Friday I generally close and leave messages until Monday as I find you need to have time off to reset and especially with 3 kids needing entertaining ha ha. You are also quite a regular down at Shields beach where you can be seen catching a few waves, how long have you been surfing? I don’t know about catching waves but I do try, I tried it out a few years ago about 2003 and really loved it so decided a few months back to get back into it and I’m really enjoying it. How did you get into surfing? In about 2003 I got into it by being at the beach with my mates Jonny and Marc who both surf and we


were just hanging out and they wanted to go surfing so I was like ahh cool ill just head up home, then peer pressure got hold of me ha ha ha “ahhhh no we will sort a wetsuit out for you” then bang !! wetsuit was on, board in hand, I think it was like some club board they gave me from South Shields Surf Club and off we went , first time out and some wave took me out spun me inside out and my leash came off so the board just got washed to the shore , there’s me first time in like a drowned rat and I’m sure as Jonny always says “in tears” but I think it was just water from the sea ha ha.

The most amazing feeling is when you catch a wave and stand up while feeling the power of the sea, it gets you hooked! 18 years later I’m back in, this time 3 times as heavy as I was then and a lot more aches and pains but again its totally worth it. Any advice for anyone wanting to give it a go? Give it a try!! There’s South Shields Surf School down at the beach where you can rent all the gear and get lessons from some great instructors. Not only will they teach you how to surf, they’ll also teach you water safety and surf etiquette! Where can people follow your projects and keep up to date with everything? Website - facebook - leescustomwoodwork1 instagram -@leescustomwoodwork


NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial


[ne 2021 artist of the Year]


[Hayley McKay]

In all honesty it was getting touchand-go as to who would be the ‘2021 NE Online Magazine Artist of the Year,’ after all, with the year just gone, this year was proving difficult to find ‘artists’ in which to honour.

Amongst the plaudits she’s been lauded with, The Telegraph have said she has a “beautiful voice &

moving lyrics, infectious pop melodies/country influences,” whilst Vents Magazine said “It’s undoubt-

And then along came the Darlington songbird that is Miss Hayley McKay. At just 29-years-old, it’s hard to imagine she has two decades worth of experience in music, and musical theatre, yet she has, and she’s made the most of every waking (and no doubt sleeping) second. On a more personal note, and having known Hayley and her music, myself for a number of years, and having promoted her on a number of occasions during that period, this is a personal honour.


edly Hayley’s vocal, delivered with depth and an amazing maturity, that sells the song,” the latter talking of a recent release, Breathe. For anybody, in any industry, the year that was 2020 and through into 2021, saw pretty much everything coming to a near standstill, or their having to readjust what you do to make some good of the harshest of hands being dealt. “I’ve just gone out and made the most of it really,” stated Hayley. “It’s been really productive as I could have just sat back and done nothing at all. “Doing that though would have


set me back quite a bit so I’ve kept myself busy and in many ways – writing songs, teaching,

workshops, and, as I’ve a love of musical theatre, classes and party celebrations there as well.” With all that productivity and success Hayley has managed to achieve throughout last year, that momentum has, understandably really, carried on into this. From her releasing three new singles in 2020 (she has aims to double that this time around) with ‘Thinking About Last Night,’ ‘Breathe,’ and, stepping out of her comfort zone in December, brought out a festive offering, ‘A Small Christmas.’ Those releases alone saw Hayley achieve success in other countries,

as well as at home, countries like Ireland, America, and Australia as the former of those releases claiming a number one spot in the Ignition Country Charts, her music being picked up by the coffee retail chain, Café Nero, BBC Radio recognition, and a virtual tour, in aid of the Music Venue Trust, with partner Dave Crabtree. Not bad at all out of a year that brought about unsureness and uncertainty all round, but, as she mentioned earlier, “I’ve just made the most of it really.” The traction produced by the first two singles, ‘Thinking About Last Night,’ and ‘Breathe,’ afforded great momentum, the latter, in being picked up by Café Nero, would see Hayley perform, virtually, for over 200 executives and staff members around the world. Speaking of around the world, it’s little wonder Hayley stepped away from the norm towards the years’ end with all that has been, and is still, happening, and set forth to release a Christmas single of her own. “That was produced by Jez Larder, who’s relocated up north and has worked with the likes of David Bowie and Amy MacDonald,” continued Hayley. “That also went down rather well and contained a message in it for those who didn’t have much at Christmas-time; it was very different from my usual material. “I wanted to be able to give people a lift and to release uplifting, happier songs, more with what we’re all going through. “Whereas with Breathe, that a

more sunnier release done in the early stages of the first lockdown and one I’m trying to get onto BBC Radio 2 with Bob Harris. “I wanted for people to be able to just go outside, and do just that, Breathe; it was a refreshing piece to do and was set in and around North Yorkshire.”

this and, just a month in 2021, and Hayley is already as busy as she was during the previous twelve. A television appearance, the prospect of a number of single releases, and the hope of a few festivals still later in the year means that the 29-year-old songstress continues that incredible rise with which she enjoys.

Above all, that success and pro“Yes, it’s been a really productive ductivity she has achieved last year start to the year even though so has most certainly rolled over into much has already been cancelled,”


continued Hayley. “I started off with a live-stream (from the Darlington Forum) for RTE1 in Ireland, I’ve been writing lots of music, and have a number of releases I’d like to try and get out this year. “I’m also hoping I can get over to Ireland for a tour in the summer maybe as I can hear Galway calling me, and it looks great – I get some fantastic support and appreciation from the people there.” As for those expected, half dozen music releases that 2021 are promising, music lovers are most certainly in for a treat.


“I’m thinking maybe the six

releases with the first, around March,” added the singer-songwriter. “The first, entitled ‘The Wild West,’ came about after I watched the film, ‘Calamity Jane’ for the first time, late last year, so I got out my guitar and it just flowed from there.” Mind, in Hayley wanting a vintage-style music video putting together, if anyone has access to steam trains, in an idyllic setting, then be sure to let her know. Keep up-to-date with all things Hayley McKay via her website, or check out her Facebook https://www.

sic, Twitter mckay_hayley and Instagram (Image credits – Tracey Kidd, Karen McBride, Wendy Carrig, and Richard Doney)

[ne 2021 artist of the Year]




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Meet Cherish Barnes, our very first crafter to feature in the BST Spotlight. Seen here wearing a stunning dress made from our Cheshire Cat fabric. https://www.


NE has teamed up with BST Fabrics in South Shields to showcase talent of another kind. We set a little challenge to all of BST’s

customers asking them to send in their creations made from the things they have bought from BST, so that we can show the people of

the North East that crafting is very much alive and well.

Her out of this world dress is using an old fabric we no longer stock, but we do have something similar in our new Crafty Cotton Space range which you can find here... https://www. bstfabrics.


Our second crafter in the Spotlight was Elaine Swan, who has made 2 amazing Faux Fur Coats. For Elaine’s Blue Faux Fur Coat


This is Maria Robert, who has shared a few pics of her mega comfy PJ Lounge Set, perfect for the situation a lot of us are in at the moment, if you are gonna be stuck at home you may as well be comfy and warm. We no longer have the Monkey pattern in stock, but we do have plenty of other great prints to choose from For plain fleece


We are all in love with Rona, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier x American Bulldog who is aged 6 weeks in these photos sent in by Laura Jones. Laura contacted us when she was making this rainbow collar and lead made with our rainbow hardware and glitter cotton. When she mentioned she was making it for a puppy she was getting we just had to see for ourselves. To make your own rainbow collar and lead for any size dog you will find the glitter cotton here


You will find all of the Rainbow Neo-Chrome items here in different sizes.


Ali Boxing & Fitness Gym. Local gym based in Darlington. Boxing classes for all abilities, box for fitness, mixed & ladies only classes. 1-2-1’s, small groups, fight prep & much more. Ali Boxing & Fitness Gym , Clayton’s Yard, Tannery Lane, DL1 1SH Darlington Follow On FACEBOOK htt p s : / / w w w.fa c e b o o k . co m / AliBoxingUK/





National Business Women’s Awards are back

pre-launch on Monday 1st February 2021 from 11am.

After being inundated with enquiries, organisers of the popular National Business Women’s Awards have announced they are now open for entries.

“Now, more than ever, we want to recognise the achievements of incredible business women and give them something to look forward to.”

The awards, which are organised by Events & PR, were first launched in 2018 to raise the profile of enterprising Business Women across the UK.

The 2021 awards will also see the continuation of our two new award categories - Lockdown Leader and Business Chameleon.

Over the last 12 months, many female business owners and managers have had to work even harder to keep their businesses going through a pandemic whilst facing personal challenges such as home schooling or caring for their parents. Damian Cummins, Awards Director at Events & PR, said: “After being blown away by the amount of enquiries we have received about this year’s awards, we decided to open up the entry process earlier than usual by hosting an online

“These two categories will recognise and celebrate those who have thrived and blossomed during the Coronavirus crisis,” adds Damian. “From providing job security and strong, decisive leadership to a team, to completely adapting a business service or creating a new product to meet a new need.

are now open at www.nbwawards. . The awards ceremony is scheduled to take place the Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington, London on Friday 29th October 2021. For more information on the awards, go to www.nbwawards. or call 01908 542720. Photo included L-R: Jonny Nelson (MC), Claire Webber (Liebherr GB) Bonnie May, Global Infusion Group (Overall Winner 2019), Sara Searle (Liebherr GB)

“We are excited that the National Business Women’s Awards are back to recognise the achievements of these women across a wide range of business categories.” The National Business Women’s







Lockdown live performances, home school activities, competitions, giveaways, helping local food banks, working together with local businesses, lighting up a our beloved theatre and St Mary’s lighthouse.... These past few months have been extraordinary and we really want to thank you all for your continued support. We will get through this and we will see you all again. Just a quick reminder to our customers that original tickets purchased for Playhouse Whitley Bay shows remain valid for all rescheduled events.






Hi Chris and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hello, I am Chris Morton, I live in Newcastle upon Tyne. I am the founder of Viking Hypnotherapy and I am a qualified professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Performance Coach. You are the man behind Viking Hypnotherapy, but what is Viking Hynotherapy? Viking Hypnotherapys’ business motto is having “The Strength to Conquer Anything”. Wherever

you are today this is just a situation you’re in now, this is not your life, we all have the power to change our lives and I am basically your guide for this. Utilising the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to your thoughts feelings and behaviours. NLP is an approach to communication, personal development, psychotherapy and also Life Coaching.

ferent? A hypnotherapist is completely different to a hypnotist. A hypnotist is using the tool of hypnosis to induce a trance state to an audience or part of a magical stage show but they are not licensed to practice hypnotherapy. A hypnotherapist is a certified insured professional who uses hypnosis to help a client overcome mental or physical conditions.

How different is Hypnotherapy compared to a hypnotist, is it the same thing or is it completely dif-

Have these comedy hypnotist shows, where they put you under and then get you to do silly things



Big Congratulations to David McGovern for his fantastic effort with his charity single “Stay”. What started out as just a bit of fun for two great causes, turned into something pretty special with him climbing the charts higher than he ever dreamed he would, reaching number two!! No.2!!!! Now that is not too shabby at all, being kept off the top spot by none other than Liam Gallagher!!! Well Last Christmas didn’t make it to No.1 first time around, so you never know! David commented “Well Official UK Charts are in for this week and though I’m not No.1 My single has moved up to No.2 in the Physical Singles Charts, Bloody Liam Gallagher leap frogging me this week to take the top spot again. Thank you for all your support and putting up with all my posts. It is still available to purchase on CD from

and to download and stream on all good download and streaming platforms. Supporting Mind & Batten Disease Family Association” So there you go folks, anything can happen if you try. We are looking forward to seeing what

is next from David, maybe even headlining one of his Beyond Sessions live in store. Keep an eye on Beyond Vinyl for any updates on the live sessions as well as other projects coming up.


Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8 the region’s Lucinda Grange (formerly of Hartlepool, now New York City) saw some of her finest work, from the project ‘Backwards and in High Heels,’ included in the Donna Karan – Urban Zen exhibition in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. Beginning on March 8 and running through until April 7, Ms. Grange’s most prized project, entitled as ‘Dancing with the Stars’ included in the exhibition ran by the ArtLead Her platform, a vision founded by Mashinda Tirfere. Supporting and promoting only female artists, ArtLead Her aims to help level the field in the art world, where the gender bias is very strong and, being part of what is Women’s History Month will help envelope that consensus. Speaking of her prized project, ‘Backwards and in High Heels,’ Lucinda said: “It is a quote in reference to Ginger Rodgers. “Fred Astaire, her male dance partner, would get more fame, fortune and attention than she did, yet she did everything he did, backwards and in high heels. “This project started with two selfportraits on the Chrysler Building (Midtown Manhattan, New York) and gradually grew as I photographed women I know and admire in places you wouldn’t expect


to see anyone - let alone a woman, looking strong and extravagant in a dress! “The aim of this project was to question stereotypes women are often subjected to, and instead highlight the strength and power

of these women.” To be included within the exhibition, for Lucinda, is something she is excited about and follows immediately after her solo exhibition, ‘City Cross-Section’ which was held at the Lyle O. Reitzel Contemporary Art Gallery and finished late-February. In the new exhibition at the Urban Zen Lucinda exhibited an image, ‘King Woman,’ which depicts Ingrid Silva, lead dancer for the Dance Theatre of Harlem. “In this picture, Ingrid is on point on the ladder of a water tower on a NYC rooftop. “Ingrid grew up in Brazil, a very humble beginning, and now she’s the dance company’s top dancer, traveling the world, following her passion. “She is now performing to crowds of thousands despite the many obstacles that have been in her way. “Not only is she Brazilian, she is also black and petite, very far from those who one might expect to see as the lead dancer. “Her sheer willpower, dedication and determination got her all the way from living in Brazil, to being one of the top dancers in this city. “My aim was to capture the feeling of this inspiring person and her story in this one single image.” Women’s History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. It is celebrated during March in the U.S. the U.K. and Australia, coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8.


With new items from your favourite brands inc Paul & Shark, C.P. Company, Hugo Boss, Emporio Armani, adidas Originals and more arriving daily make sure you keep checking the website














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ALL ROUND TO THE HAIRY BIKERS’ FOR A NIGHT OF COOKING CONVERSATION WITH SI KING AND DAVE MYERS TICKETS ONSALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 National Treasures Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers have announced a huge nationwide tour. With their irresistible enthusiasm, An Evening With The Hairy Bikers will be an epic night of cooking and conversation. Big hearted, down-to-earth cooks with a love of good food, Si and Dave have been cooking


together for more than twenty years. They have created haute cuisine dishes with Michelinstarred chefs and travelled the world in the pursuit of great food. They’ve also explored the length and breadth of the British Isles to discover brand new recipes and create their own fresh takes on cooking classics. The stars of several hit television shows, they are the UK’s most popular cookery duo with series including The Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure, The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Book; Best of British; The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure; Everyday Gourmets; The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of and two major

prime time series of Mums Know Best all drawing millions of audiences. No strangers to the live arena, The Hairy Bikers performed their sell-out Big Night Out show in theatres across the UK in 2010 and completed another ambitious nationwide theatre tour in April 2013. Tickets for The Hairy Bikers are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge).



Who do you love more than parmo? Teesside delicacy inspires Valentine’s fundraising link-up between historian and Middlesbrough Foodbank WHO do you love more than a parmo? Middlesbrough Foodbank and consultancy Heritage Unlocked have joined forces ahead of Valentine’s Day to create a parmoinspired card that will help raise vital funds for the charity. The idea for the ‘I Love You More Than Parmo’ card, commissioned by Heritage Unlocked consultant Dr Tosh Warwick, came about after the historian began exploring ways his project exploring the history of Teesside’s favourite delicacy might help those in the area requiring support with food supplies. Designed by fellow parmo-lover Ben Higgins, the parmo-box style card comes complete with a grease mark design on the back mimicking a familiar feature on the bottom of parmo takeaway boxes. The parmo card is part of a range of parmo-inspired merchandise Heritage Unlocked are launching ahead of this summer’s launch of

‘Parmo: The Definitive Guide’, the first ever book dedicated to the story of the notoriously calorific dish. And the parmo cards have already proven popular with Teessiders. TV’s Steph McGovern, who shared the cards with her 409,000 followers on Twitter, has snapped up ten but admits it might be difficult to find that many people who she loves more than parmo! Dr Warwick said: “Declaring love surpassing that for a parmo is surely the ultimate sign of affection by any Teessider.

“We hope the card brings a smile during these challenging times, helps raise vital funds for Middlesbrough Foodbank and heightens awareness of the work they do in our area.” Middlesbrough Foodbank Project Manager Alan Jones added: “Our mission of tackling food poverty is close to the hearts of many Teessiders. We were delighted to hear about Heritage Unlocked’s innovative idea and welcome their offer to support Middlesbrough Foodbank.” A donation of £1 will be made to Middlesbrough Foodbank for every ‘I Love You More Than Parmo’ card sold. The card is available to purchase at and selected takeaways. Visitors to the Heritage Unlocked website can find out more information about Middlesbrough Foodbank and also pre-order a ‘Parmo: The Definitive Guide’ book and ‘I Love You More Than Parmo’ card bundle, with a donation of £2 from each bundle sale going to Middlesbrough Foodbank.



ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)



ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)



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