2 minute read

Virtual MOP Local Coordinator’s Meet


The International Day of Peace is observed around the world every 21st of September. The United Nations declared this day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace through observing 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire, both within and among all nations. The Asia-Pacific Region, under the umbrella of Messengers of Peace Programme, has taken this initiative for six years to encourage and inspire young people and leaders to make this day a commitment day for year-round peace actions. Nepal Scouts also celebrated International Day of Peace through undertaking peace actions based on the Scouting aims to “Create a better World” with the theme “Shaping Peace Together”.


The Scouts celebrated the day by spreading compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the pandemic. This year had brought the nations together, in combating common enemy the tireless virus that had threatened our health, security and the very way of life. The COVID-19 had thrown our world into turmoil and forcibly reminded us that what happens in one part of the planet can impact people everywhere. The United Nations assigned 2020 for listening and learning. In these difficult times of physical distancing, the International Day of Peace dedicated to fostering dialogue, creating solidarity and engaging in creativity.

The main aim was to involve as many young people as possible in peace actions/activities with the objective of creating massive awareness on the roles they can play as global citizens leading to positive changes in their respective communities with particular focus on uniting and sharing thoughts in healing and changing the planet for the better.


Peace Photo Peace Run Peace Video Peace Cycle Rally Tree for Peace Tik Tok Video


Virtual meeting of MOP Local Coordinators took place on 6th June 2020 via Zoom platform. It was the first ever gathering conducted through digital platform in Nepal Scouts.

Over 50 coordinators had actively took part in the meet and shared the activities that they had done during the COVID19 pandemic in their local communities across the country. The most highlighted and appreciated response during crisis was also elaborated by Mr. Rajesh Gainju. Rajesh and his team had served in hospital since early period for Corona Patients and Awareness Campaign.

Likewise, Prakash Raj Pandey Scout Leader and Everest Summiteer detailed on his experience on his MOP Project. NSO coordinator and Director of Nepal Scouts Mr. Ram Prasad Bhattarai shared the updates and encouraged them to involve in MOP activities and World Scouting recent announcement on Earth Tribe.

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