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The 6th Asia-Pacific Region Messenger of Peace National Scout Organization Coordinators Meet was held in Kathmandu Nepal from March 25-28, 2023, with representatives from 15 NSOs attending. The objective of the meeting was to create 3-year plans for National Scouts Organizations for 2023-2025 and to enhance the capacity of newly appointed NSO MoP Coordinators. The participants had a diverse mixture of experienced and new MoP NSO and Local Province Coordinators from Nepal Scouts as observers. The Meet provided information on World Initiatives, including Four Thematic Areas of Education (Better World Framework), applying for grants, SDG Hub, and Storytelling, along with Scout Donation Platform. The event facilitated collaboration between NSOs and Provinces to build a cohesive Network of MoP Coordinators. The Meet also encouraged teamwork and communication among members, taking into account their strengths, limitations, and expertise. A project plan was drafted, and MoP project 2.0 was discussed.


Membership In Numbers

Total 74594

Total Male : 39,803

Total Female : 34,791

Affiliation : WAGGGS, WOSM

Partners : UNICEF, FNPP

Operational Updates

Total 2037 Volunteers were mobilizing during month of March 2023 in all 7 Provinces:

Koshi 250 Madesh 243 Bagmati 585 Gandaki 552 Lumbini 71 Karnali 70 Sudurpaschim 266

Volunteering on different social and cultural program:

✓ 113th International Women's Day Celebration

✓ Earth Hour 2023

✓ President Running Shield Sports Tournament

✓ Sanitation and Plantation

✓ Free Health Camp

✓ Free Eye Check Up Camp

1. 266 volunteer services on activities like Sanitation and Plantation program in Kailali and Kanchanpur, President Running Shield Sports Tournament in Dadeldhura, 1 day Free Health Camp and Eye Check Up Camp in Kailali of Sudur Paschim Province.

2. 552 Volunteers have been mobilized on 113th International Women's Day Celebration in Baglung and Cleaning Campaign program in Gandaki Province.

3. Earth Hour 2023 has been celebrated in presence of Minister of Physical Infrastructure Development and Minister of Home Affairs and Communications in Madhesh Province.

4. 250 Scouts volunteers have been mobilized in providing services on social and cultural program in Koshi Province. International Women's Day were celebrated in partnership with Social Development Ministry of Koshi Province.

5. Mask Campaign has been conducted with support of Scouts Volunteers in Bagmati Province.

Nepal Scouts:

001 : National Headquarters

007 : Provinces

753 : Local

6. 71 Scout volunteers were mobilized in Blood donation, traffic awareness and different social issues in Lumbini Province.

7. Nepal Scouts and Finland Guides and Scouts collaborated to conduct Training of Trainers to 72 participants in regards to “Scout, Peace and Security” from 2nd – 5th of March at Kakani International Scouts Center.

8. 6th APR Messenger of Peace (MoP) NSO Coordinators Meet took place at Hotel Park Village by KGH, Kathmandu, Nepal on 25-28 March 2023 for capacity strengthening and collaboration of MoP NSO coordinators.

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