3 minute read

The G SpoT The mystery of the socks!

IS it me or are our socks living their best lives somewhere? I know that this is probably a really infinite and pick the fluff from your navel subject and you are possibly thinking, “has this woman been on the happy pills again?“

BUT alas, it is a real dilemma, and I believe that through my security investigative training I have possibly found a loop hole, the answer, the sign?


You see, the other day I placed 6 pairs of socks into my front loader, lovingly drenched the in-tray with softener, lavender of course, washing liquid and some other crap that’s supposed to thicken, soften and keep the colour.

Yes I know, you are saying to yourself, “They are just frigg’n socks for God’s sake,” but wait there’s more. They are not merely just that, they are a piece of clothing that is a vital part of our everyday living, particularly like me if you have ugly toe nails (sorry to those eating).

Now before you throw a chair and burn this news article at the stake, continue reading because

Larvae – the hatched eggs release larvae which move away from light, deeper into carpets and under furniture before developing into pupae. The larvae feed on organic debris and at this stage can consume tapeworm eggs, allowing them to become an intermediate host for the development of tapeworms.

This lifecycle can take as little as two to three weeks and as long as 12 months. To rid your pet and household from fleas, you must break this cycle!

How do I protect my pet from fleas?

Prevention is the key to flea control. There are many different flea products available to purchase, so choosing the right one for your pet type and age is essential. Preventatives come as ‘spot on’ applications are easy to use and last three to four weeks or oral tablets that work as an effective birth control for fleas, interrupting the lifecycle. It is sometimes necessary to treat both the pet and the environment.

The team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital can assist you in choosing the product most suitable for your pet.

With Gina Field, Nepean Regional Security

I think I have found the answer to a century-old question.

So, I was standing and watching the cycle go around and around and around and around and aro… I think you get the drift, and I wondered what actually goes on in the mind of a sock in the washer? Does it think, “holy sh*t balls I hope she hasn’t got this on 155 minutes – with a 1200 spin at the end, as I may spew up a fur ball, or does it think wow this is great finally I get the heel crack skin out of my cavities?

So at the end of the cycle, I pulled the socks out and there it was …. (jaws music) two socks missing!!!!!!!! What the? and not the same colour or set. It’s like the switch internally goes from zero to 100 in 3.2 seconds and you are a crazed person looking for the socks, second guessing, did I or didn’t I? You are almost calling a lost pussy cat, “here socky socky sockeeeeee.” Pulling a rubber thingy from every area of the washer.

Then I realised, there must be a secret sock pipe that the socks escape from, end up in Sydney Harbour and they swim to the Maldives to an island where, of course, other socks are roaming aimlessly.

The great news is that, no sock is the same, you have stinky footy socks and holey socks, all drinking at a bar with the gym socks, short socks, fluro, striped and, of course, the pilates rubber bottomed socks (apparently they are not that approachable so I have heard).

I finally realised that the 30 something years of security and investigative training that I have endured, had finally answered and conquered, the why and where of socks.

Yes folks they are at the Maldives on an island, bouncing around and drinking cocktails on the beach.

Now I do realise that this is probably 2 and bit minutes that you won’t get back of your life, but you can say you read here first …at the Geespot! Bottoms up, or should I say feet up!

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