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Student Pick-Up Procedures
A. Authorized Persons
The person picking up a child has to be the parent or guardian of the child, someone listed on the child’s carpool list, or a person authorized in writing or by email by the parent and must present a valid form of identification such as a driver’s license. Verbal authorizations over the phone are not acceptable.
B. Early Pick-Up
If you must pick up your child before the established dismissal time, you must sign your child out of school in the office by 2:30 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and no later than 1:30 PM on Wednesdays.
Drop-off Policy
Students may not be dropped off earlier than 7:30 AM. Students will be dismissed to their classrooms at 7:45 AM. Chapel will begin punctually at 8:00 am. Please keep in mind that chapel attendance time is mandatory.

Tardy Policy
Please make arrangements to arrive on time daily. School starts promptly at 8:00 AM, and is important that students are punctual as tardiness greatly impacts your child’s instructional time. Please note that 3 tardies will result in 1 absence as per our attendance policy.