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Architecture Master’s Project

University of The Basque Country Zorrozaurre, Bilbao 2020


ZInE is an Audiovisual Cultural Centre designed for my Architecture Master Thesis for the University of The Basque Country in 2020.

This Cultural Centre is located in Zorrozaurre Island in the center of Bilbao. Having analized the scarcity of cultural spaces in the city, Zorrozaurre island is the perfect location to reuse old and abandoned factories to create contemporary cultural spaces.

This proposal brings awares to the needs and success of architectural restoration works can bring a solution to the scarcity of artistic space within the city.

ZinE is combined by the restoration of two old factories. One is a cultural centre specilized in visual arts, such as cinema and photography. The other one is designed as an artist residence for the guest incoming to study or develop their artistic pieces to the cultural center

1. Left. Graphic design for an artistic island concept, people listening to music, sharing visual communication.

2. Bottom. Cross section drawing of ZInE, showing from left to right: slow entrance expo-galleries, darkroom ateliers, image and audio editing rooms, arttherapy workshops, photography studio and cinema.

3. Right. Abandoned factory in Zorrozaurre Island. Picture 2020

1. Top drawing. Industrial and Cultural heritage in Zorrozaurre tuation of Zorrozaurre Islands’ Industrial and the island has been mainly industry focused, were left abandoned. Regardless, there is still odds they still want to see the island moving forward ral conditions.

Zorrozaurre Urban analysis of the current siand Cultural Heritage. In the last 60 years but after the gas crisis many factories 419 locals living there, and against all forward in better urban and architectu-

2. Top right. Built conditions. This inforgraphy shows the conditions of the buildings of the island. The shorter the arrow the worst is, the built conditions is.

The quality of the buildings in Zorrozaurre is quite different between housing and industry; most industrial buildings are in worse condition because they are abandoned and unmaintained.

The 419 neighbors of the island are living regular-good condition 186 dwelings collected into 45 different buildings. From these inhabited buildings some have renovated facades, but most are in bad condition. The 47% of the neighbors are adults between 27-50 years old 17% over 65.

1. Top left. Connectivity and recycling spots within Zorrozaurre island.

In terms of connections to the city of Bilbao, only one bridge barely communicates the island. Mobility within the neighborhood is limited to one side of the island, because the properties on the other side are completely private.

3. Bottom middle. Environmental Conditions. This inforgraphy shows the island. The shorter the arrow is, the worst the environmental

Since there is not much industrial production, the island But the only green space is in Olabarrieta Square and the are completely asphalted. Therefore, there is a great need the environmental conditions of the environmental conditions is. is not more polluted than the city other open spaces that can be found for more green spaces.

2. Top right.

Urban Conditions This inforgraphy shows the urban conditions of the island. The shorter the arrow is, the worst the built conditions is.

Sadly locals always need to drive up to the city to carry on with their after work errands, like groceries or other shopping activities. On a positive note, the local businesses and pop-ups people from the city and increases the queality of life for the residents of the island

The number of people coming will increase the need of better connections within the neighbourhood and towards the city.

Location. The project starts from the current situation, and therefore it is in favor of the rehabilitation of the local system and buildings.

A new urban plan is proposed, organizing the territory in 9 small quadrants.The one shown here is the main quadrant for the design were we locate the two industrial buildings meant to be re-designed for a cultural center and an artist residence.

The industrial island is designed to transform into the ‘island of creativity’.

Film and photography studios. These studios take the full height of the building, so that students can use the first level for light and prop manipulation in their own photography sessions.

Expo + open Gallery. The exposition venue also takes full height so that technical manipulation is allowed from the higher level. The rotatory panels make the surface to show the art pieces produced by the art students.

The exposition gallery is meant to provide a slower visitor-traffic at the moment of entering the building, this way, visitors can enter the building already catching a glimpse of the creators minds.

Individual artist room. The bedroom is divided in two layers. The first floor is totally open for the artist to use as a work space and the mezanine elevates the private space to provide some privacy for the guest, and that’s is where the ‘night area’ stays. The guests are always free to choose how to make space of their rooms.

Local abandoned statues, from a statue factory in the island.

Double shared room. This room works the same as the individual room, in this case there are two elevated mezanines which hold two different beds. But they both share the lower floor to use as their own personal atelier.

1. Top right

Original industrial building documents.

2. Middle right

Original picture of the artist residential building. The shape of the roof allows the whiring of the inside. Where the structure of the rooms are hanged from the roof’s metallic structure.

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