تلاق/ Talaq

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#1st Issue 19th of Nov, 2019

Educating Children about Sexual Abuse/Assaults

The outsider, by Colin Wilson The book is structured in order to mirror the Outsider's experience: a sense of dislocation, or of being at odds with society. These are figures, like Dostoyevsky, who seem to be lost to despair and non-transcendence with no way out. Characters are then brought to the fore. These are presented, as examples of those who have insightful moments of lucidity in which they feel as though things are worthwhile/meaningful amidst their shared, usual, experience of nihilism and gloom. from: Wikipedia.

From time to time, we might feel like we are trapped in a vicious circle of misery. We feel helpless, hopeless and even suicidal. Feeling sad is normal, but sometimes we need to get help to get through it. So what may indicate the need of asking for help? 1- Marked changes in personality, eating or sleeping patterns 2- An inability to cope with problems or daily activities 3- Feeling of disconnection or withdrawal from normal activities 4- Excessive anxiety 5- Prolonged sadness 6- Extreme mood swings




A book to Read


Illustration by: Angelica Alzona.

However, how can one bring up and open a discussion on a heavy topic to a child? A general rule of thumb: it is never "too early" to teach a child about sexual abuse. A parent can start by labeling body parts that are 'private' so that a child may be able to better describe an account to their parents. Teaching children about boundaries and maintaining them as well as the power of saying 'no' is key for a child to prevent and escape an unpleasant encounter. A parent may also inform the child that inappropriate touches are not necessarily painful; even light touches are still considered inappropriate. A parent must also inform the child that any person, even ones the child may trust, is still not allowed to cross boundaries. Lastly, parents must ensure that it is completely okay and safe for a child to open up to them and that they will not get in trouble as a lot of abusers weaponize this fear of parents getting angry against them as well as explaining to children that secrets regarding this subject should never be kept away from their parents.


The natural parental inclination drives all parents to protect their children from every potential danger. However, they might not be present at all times to fulfil such a task wholly. Hence, children must be made aware of potential dangers surrounding them. Teaching children about sexual abuse will help them in protecting their bodies from people who could hurt them.

As a student of KSAU, you might’ve known that we have a special place where we can get professional help. WSC is a small clinic made for students who need help with many different things, including anxiety, depression, academic and relationship-related issues. To book an appointment: Email: WSC@Ksau-hs.edu.sa Contact number: 011-4295161

November is the designated domestic violence awareness month.

Content Children And Sexual Abuse Education. A Book of Interest A Message to Students Management of Anxiety Gifted Students Physics: Time Can Creativity Be Taught? A Child of A Miracle Gaming Disorder Eating Disorder: Anorexia The Story of The Earliest Blood Transfusion Attempts If you are interested in joining Talaq’s family, feel free to send us an email with your work (writing, photographing, graphic design, or any other form of art!) Email: TalaqMaga@gmail.com All drawings included in t h i s p l at fo r m a re student made, unless stated otherwise.

How to Reduce Anxiety

1- Keep a journal and try to list what triggers you. For example, I get anxious whenever I have a test. 2- Try to control the triggers. I study day by day and make mind maps that help me to save extra time. 3- Get rid of the clutter. That doesn’t only include the place where I study, but also everything that isn’t important. 4- Organize your priorities. I love hanging out with my best-friends but my essay is due tomorrow.

Gifted students “ I was once doodling in class when an idea just popped into my head “why don’t I learn to draw?”

I got home and started watching tons of YouTube videos on the basics I wanted to learn and looked up a couple of books of artists I admired as well. It inspired me so much that I started practicing day and night and experimenting with different styles. The great thing about it all is that it started as a hobby but with enough time and effort my drawing went from random doodles, to cartoons, to now scratching the surface of realism. Instead of filling my notes with scribbles, I’m finally filling sketchbooks” — Nadeen Albarqy.

3rd year dentistry student.

Does time actually exist? Time has always been a mystery that is trapped in scientists’ heads. A lot of questions have been asked, and many answers were served. To start off, we need to understand the nature of time. Is it an entity or an illusion? Infinite or limited? And how could we be so uncertain about something so familiar? To answer these questions, we must first analyse time from a physical perspective. Time ticks the same for all humans in all different poles. The concept of time was tackled by Isaac Newton, father of classical physics, who thought that time is constant to all perceivers throughout the universe. However, Albert Einstein looked at physics with a different eye, and discovered that there is a connection between space and time, he found that time is relative. The details in this theory are many but, in our case, it is enough to know that the relationship between space and time is reversal, which means the faster you are moving, the more dilated time will be. But why don’t we feel that? It is simply because the impact of motion on earth time is so tiny that we don’t notice it. In 1971, scientists tested this theory by flying an automatic clock around the world in a jet plane, and after landing they found that the clock gained 0.15 microseconds compared to the ground-based clock. Again, the effect is tiny, but it is still there. On that basis, let us have a different scenario on the same phenomenon but on a universal slant. Let’s assume that there are 2 people, one is on earth and the other is near a black hole. The second person is under the influence of a gravity that is a billion times stronger than that on earth, which will have a huge effect on time. Time will dramatically slow down; by way of illustration, for the person on the ground, 50 years is equal to merely 10 minutes for the person near the black hole. This fusion of space and time led us to the most mind-blowing realization: the sharp distinction we experience between the past, present, and future may only be an illusion. Another way to question the existence of a ‘timeline’ is that light carries information about events. We use it to determine what’s happening now, but because it has a speed limit, everything we see actually took place in the past, so is there actually a “now”, or it is just an illusion?

“ The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. To him… a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create – so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, his very breath is cut off from him. He must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is creating. ” — Pearl S. Buck

Can Creativity Be Taught? Many believe that creativity, the art of creation, is something that only some are blessed with. However, I believe that creativity is not a mere blessing, but a form of selfexpression attainable by all. All creatives agree that when it comes to art, it can only be found beneath; beneath all the world’s hate, spite, and all the good and bad that stained one’s soul. Art is clear of bias, gender, and segregation. It shows the true colors of a soul’s journey through life. Creativity can be taught, but not by a teacher, instructor, or influencer. Creativity is taught by feelings and life’s knives and patches. People can help guide the person to learn and process thoughts thoroughly enough to create salient expressions that build whatever piece the person wants to express. Creatives can go through many drafts, which proves that they want the piece to be precise and reflective of what’s within. The work put in takes time, time many people hoping to become creatives

A child of a miracle

don’t plan for, which leads to frustration or trashing of the project as a whole. Patience is the most vital aspect of creation. Creatives can be both amazing in expression or terrible, depending on the form of expression. The inability to express verbally is never a reason not to express at all. Many are only able to express through paintings, sculptures, sketches, or songs. There are infinite ways to express a thought or a feeling.

Biography of Stephen Wiltshire

Stephen Wiltshire, a British artist who was born in London on the 24th of April, 1974. He was only three when he lived the tragedy of his father’s death. At the same age, he was diagnosed with autism. It didn’t take Stephen that much time to outshine the world with his amazing talent. By the age of 5, he started drawing; “the best child artist in Britain” said Sir Hugh Casson describing the noteworthy virtuosity of a young boy.

Stephen did not speak until the age of five after returning from a field trip. The first word he said was “paper”. Then he was asked to say something else, and what he said was “pen “. At first, he started drawing animals, but suddenly later on, he showed interest in London landmarks. This made His teacher , Chris Marris, decide to take him out for trips to discover these buildings.

People just have to find where they are most comfortable, a little faith within can go along way in creating a masterpiece. We all have the potential to create, we just need to care for it and feed it to flourish. Written by: Eyad Tawfeeq Edited by: Faten Khayat

Stephen is known today for his ability to sketch the tiniest details of a landscape from memory after looking at it only once. Today, after being featured in many documentaries, Stephen has a gallery named after him, in which his artworks are exhibited.

In an interview with Stephen, he described his teachers, especially Chris Marris, as the greatest inspiration that led to discovering his extraordinary talent.

Gaming Could The world of gaming and the mainstream phenomenon of “gamers” turn into A are getting more and more popular, and hours spent a day playing video games is not as looked down upon as it used to be. the WHO Nightmare! (World Health Organisation) has now classified gaming addiction in their International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), the international standard for diagnosing and treating health conditions.

Gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of behavior characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences. Since this disorder is a new classification, there is no clear treatment in place yet. However, it’s likely to be managed like other addictive behaviors with counseling, medication, and group therapy. Although gaming disorder is not widespread, some gaming behavior remains problematic, and we should be aware of the time we spend playing video games and their effects on our everyday life.

Anorexia Nervosa In textbook definitions, anorexia is defined as an eating disorder, characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight. However, it has no specific body shape, as it is explained by the habits rather than the weight and shape, and it mostly comes hand in hand with body dysmorphia. Experiencing anorexia first hand is torturous. It could be best explained as the gnawing hunger at every hour of the day.

This modern disease has gained much controversy as not all behavior experts agree on whether excessive gaming has addictive patterns, and some say there isn’t sufficient data to support people’s reliance. It's every thought transforming into self hatred that slowly rips you apart. It's the constant condemnation for every attempt at survival, when everything you eat becomes one more reason to despise your own being. It's every prominence of bone and the false sense of satisfaction it withholds. That being said, if you or any loved one experience any symptom of anorexia, do not hesitate to seek help. Concerning symptoms: Physical: 1- Extreme weight loss 2- Fatigue and Fainting 3- Absence of mensuration 4- Dehydration 5- Low blood pressure

Emotional/Mental: 6- Denial of hunger 7- Guilt 8- Fear of gaining weight 9- Avoid looking at the mirror

Written by: ˝ Bsma Algarni ˝ Noof Hakami


February, 1669

The Royal Society of London

Only for £1 26th issue

A Revolution in Medicine Crazy News! ˝ Animal blood is now used to save humans from


"...towards the end of February 1665, selected one dog of medium size, opened its jugular vein, and drew off blood, until its strength was nearly gone. Then, to make up for the great loss of this dog by the blood of a second, I introduced blood from the cervical artery of a fairly large mastiff, which had been fastened alongside the first, until this latter animal showed... it was overfilled... by the inflowing blood." This is what Richard Lower, a physician who is heavily influencing the development of medical science. He wrote in his journal about the first reliably documented successful transfusion of blood from animal to animal in front of his distinguished medical colleagues.

What he did opened doors for many others. Two years after the first experiment, in June 1667, Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, a notable physician to King Louis XIV of France, administer the first animal to human blood transfusion. He transfused blood of a sheep into a 15 years old boy who -thankfully!- survived. Of course after his first successful transfusion attempt, he performed another one on a labourer who also survived.. You probably think “how did they survive the transfusion?” Well, most likely both cases came out of the experiment alive due to the small amount of blood that was actually transfused, which resulted in them withstanding the allergic reaction. The story did not end here, after the two successful attempts, which were more than enough for them at that time to approve the method, Dr. Denys repeated the procedure on two patients several times which lead to the death of both. Finally, in 1668, after so many random Dr Lower, in London, was doing his blood transfusions and deaths - as we all o w n e x p e r i m e n t , w h e r e h e expected from the beginning of this transfused blood from a sheep to a s t o r y - t h a t p r o v o k e d a h e a t e d man. At that time, it was suggested controversy in Britain and France, the that “blood from a gentle lamb Royal Society and French government might quiet the tempestuous spirit both banned the procedure. The Vatican of an agitated person and that the condemned these experiments in 1670 shy might be made outgoing by and then blood transfusions fell into blood from more sociable creatures.” obscurity for the next 150 year. References used: 1- America Red Cross 2- A. M. Rivera; K. W. S. Trauss; A.Van Zundert; E. Mortier (2005). "The history of peripheral intravenous catheters: How little plastic tubes revolutionized medicine”

Talaq’s Team Founders


Noof Hakami

Children and Sexual Abuse Education: Noof Hakami Deemah Asiri A Message to Students: Sarah Alfraih Management of Anxiety: Noof Hakami Gifted Students: Nadeen Albarqy Sahar Alruhaimi Physics: Time Rose Almadi A Child of A Miracle: Noof Hakami Jumana Alraddadi Gaming Disorder: Sahar Alruhaimi Anorexia: Noof Yaqoub Sarah Alfraih The Story of The Earliest Blood Transfusion Attempts: Basma Algarni Noof Hakami

co-Founders Macheal Alabdali Lulu Alyahya

Design and art Chief designer: Noof Hakami Organization: Basma Algarni Sarah Alfraih

Editors Faten Khayat Deemah Asiri

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