Cross-sectoral cooperation presentation

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CROSS-SECTORAL/ CROSS-DEPARTAMENTAL WORK  Well defined and synergic cooperation between

sectors or departments;

 Coordinate activities between each other;  Aims are reached in more efficient, coherent and

systemic way, then one institutions would reach.

CROSS-SECTORAL COOPERATION  Cross - sectoral Cooperation- a complimentary

cooperation, which includes representatives from different sectors such as government, government institutions (healthcare, education, environment, culture, sports and etc.,), public, NGO, business and the media.

CROSS-DEPARTAMENTAL COOPERATION  Cross-departamental Cooperation- a complimentary

cooperation, which include representatives with different specialization from one of the sectors (public, business and non-governmental) yet from different agencies/institutions.


Various institutions

Education Education

Culture Culture

Sport Sport

Heath Heath

other. other.

Formal / non-formal working groups: programs / tools / common actiity planing, initiation and implementation; other

FORMS  Non-formal, personal, eye to eye;  Partnership between local government and NGOs;  Contract based cooperation;  other.

BASIS FOR COOPERATION  Common policy;  Territory;  Problems;  Activity sphere – sphere dependence;  And etc.

TYPE OF COOPERATION  Formal or non-formal;  Economic;  Legal;  Social;  Permanent / lasting / short term / project

(need) based;

 Flexible or strictly defined.


PRINCIPLES  Planning;  Division of roles and functions;  Holistic approach;  Informing;  Optimizing human and material resources.

BENEFITS: partners:  Commitment to create a common vision;  Creation of new communication channels;  Commitment to plan together;  Share risks, results and reward.

WHY COOPERATION IS NEEDED?  Political reasons;  Inevitability;  One institution can have impact on all the


 Financial reasons;  Aims of your organization are reached

better with help of other organizations;

 Lack of knowledge or experience of one


EXPECTED CHANGE / IMPACT  From competition to cooperation;  From individual work to involvement of


 From thinking about activities and

programs towards wider definition of expected result, strategic planning;

 From short term activities towards long

term impact and change in policy field;

 From I towards WE.

CHALLENGES Different organizations:  Aims;  Structures;  Culture;  Activity places.

SPECIFICS OF PUBLIC SECTOR In public sector hierarchical cooperation is dominant. To be able to cooperate it is important to answer the following questions:  Were the power and influence is allocated?  How efficient implementation can be


 What is the role of each partner?  Do all partners have equal chance to be


 To whom we report?


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