Practical information eap youth policy academy

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Practical information for the training course: “EaP Youth policy academy”

As the project activities are coming closer and closer we are sending you the practical information. Dates of the Training course: 5th to 11th of June, 2016. Training course will start at 13:30 on the 5th of June. Arrival to the Training course For arrival you can have 2 options: a) arrive to Vilnius on the 4th of June in the evening. Organizers will provide boarding and lodging and transfer to the Venue. b) arrive to Vilnius on the 5th of June in the morning till 11:00. From Vilnius to the venue we will arrange a pick-up. Both on the 4th and the 5th of June the transfer to the venue will be arranged from Vilnius bus station. Exact place and time of pick up will be send on the 1 st of June. Departure from the Training course: On the 11th of June we will depart the venue at 12:00. We will arrive in Vilnius at 13:00. Plan your departure in the second part of the day after 14:00. As well you can stay for few more extra days. Please contact us before arranging your personal travel times. If there will no other options, we will arrange personal pick-ups and drop-off. Venue, board and lodging: You will be hosted in the Training centre “Daugirdiškės“ Daugirdiškės village is situated 45 km from Vilnius. Facebook event of the training course:

Practical information about rooms Participants will stay in rooms of 3 or 4 people. Each room has a separate shower and toilet. Everyone will get a small and big towel (and additional towels when we will go to Sauna, just bring your own slippers). Photos in the next page. In the centre there is Wi-Fi Internet connection so you can bring your computer or use the public computer that is provided in the training centre to be used by guests. In the venue there is a washing machine you can use. During the project you will be provided with 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), also 2 coffee breaks a day.

What to bring with you: - Bring personal hygienic things (shampoo, soap, tooth brush etc.); - Bring medicine you need; - Bring hair dryer. Venue does not provide a hair dryer; - If you have a photo camera, video camera, laptop you might take it with you. - The nearest shop is 5 km away (small one) so if you have special needs bring things with you. There will be 2 times in the program when you will have the opportunity to go to the shop. - We will have sauna evening, so bring your sauna’s equipment.

Cultural evening On the 6th and 7th of June we will organize a cultural evenings. Bring with you traditional snacks and drinks, some games for the evening. Venue does not provide opportunities to cook. Bring necessary ingredients with you, the venue cannot provide it (ex. specific type of bread). The cultural evening will have a theme; it will be introduced to you few days before the training course.

Travel reimbursement You will be reimbursed after the training course via bank transfer, not later than 5 th of July, 2016. Instructions what documents to bring to be reimbursed will be send to you shortly.

Study visit in Vilnius On the 9th of June we will have a study visit to Vilnius. If you plan to have personal meetings in Vilnius with colleagues, partners of friends, arrange the meetings between 17:00 and 20:00.

How much money to bring? Approx. 100 â‚Ź should be enough for your personal needs. Currency in Lithuania is Euro.

More about the country Vilnius airport: If your plain will be delayed, please contact: Nerijus Miginis (trainer)

Marius Ulozas (trainer)

+370 671 31780

+370 686 26 260

KÄ™stutis GaidukeviÄ?ius (techical assistant) +370 681 48 268

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