Nerinx Hall High School 2011-2012 Annual Report
Dear Friends, It’s not often that we are able to commemorate a 200th anything, but celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Loretto was one of the highlights of the 2011-2012 school year. During the year, we strengthened our connections with the Loretto Community in St. Louis and around the world. - Each homeroom adopted one or two Loretto “buddiesâ€? who joined us for Mass, helped their homerooms wrap gifts for needy families at Christmas, and enjoyed lunch with students and faculty on Founders Day in the spring. - Many classes invited Loretto Community members to share their experiences and expertise with students, in person or via Skype conversations; some students interviewed Loretto Community members and recorded their stories. - During SHOUT Week (Students Helping Out), we raised money for St. Albert School in Faisalabad, Pakistan, Loretto’s newest educational venture. - Loretto Community members joined the Select Women’s Choir for the spring concert, which had a Loretto theme and included Loretto Poets Suite, composed by one of our music teachers, and several songs written to commemorate important events in Loretto’s history. But, the year was not all about the past. It was also an opportunity to renew our commitment to carrying the Loretto Values into the future. At Nerinx, students - Live out their faith by planning and taking an active role in liturgies and prayer services throughout the year. - Build community in their advisory families and by actively participating in school activities - Work for justice through community service and outreach projects - Demonstrate their respect for each other in class discussions and by supporting their classmates and for the earth through recycling and cultivating an organic garden. Your support is critical to continuing Nerinx’s mission to educate caring and empowered young women DQG ZH DUH JUDWHIXO WR \RX IRU DOO WKDW \RX GR :LWKRXW \RXU ÂżQDQFLDO FRQWULEXWLRQV ZH ZRXOG QRW EH DEOH to provide the outstanding faculty, the technology and the resources that challenge our students to grow in NQRZOHGJH VHOI DZDUHQHVV DQG FRQÂżGHQFH On a personal note, I also observed a special milestone this year‌25 years at president of Nerinx. I want to express my gratitude to all who made that celebration very special and memorable. Thank you for your loyalty and your commitment to Nerinx. Barbara Roche, SL President
Dear Parents, Alums, Alumnae Parents and Friends, 7KH VFKRRO \HDU LV ZHOO XQGHUZD\ DV , ZULWH WKLV OHWWHU $IWHU DOPRVW ÂżYH ZHHNV RI FODVVHV freshmen navigate the halls with ease. Sophomores can hardly believe how young the freshmen look. -XQLRUV DUH MXJJOLQJ ULJRURXV DFDGHPLF VFKHGXOHV ZLWK LQWHQVLÂżHG FROOHJH VHDUFKHV 7KH VHQLRUV DUH keeping college admissions deadlines in the fronts of their minds as they look toward graduation and the new chapters in their lives. Fall athletics are well under way, and the theatre is buzzing with preparations for the musical, Legally Blonde. With these activities, study groups and club meetings, the school day hardly ends at 3:05 PM. In the last twelve months the faculty, staff, administration, parents, students and the board have worked hard to prepare the Nerinx campus for this hustle and bustle. We have transformed the gym with airconditioning, fresh paint and new lighting. The Fathers Club installed a new sign in back of the school and replaced concrete in front of the gym entrance. The Mothers Club provided new furniture for the IURQW RIÂżFH OREE\ DQG OLEUDU\ 7KHVH LPSURYHPHQWV ZRXOG QRW EH SRVVLEOH ZLWKRXW \RXU JHQHURXV VXSSRUW ,Q DGGLWLRQ PRUH WKDQ SHUFHQW RI 1HULQ[ VWXGHQWV DUH UHFHLYLQJ ÂżQDQFLDO DLG PDGH SRVVLEOH E\ \RXU generosity. To learn more about all the exciting things happening at Nerinx, visit our updated website: Your gifts to the Annual Fund provide the means for us to give Nerinx students the best education in a ZHOFRPH DQG QXUWXULQJ HQYLURQPHQW QRZ DQG LQ WKH IXWXUH :H DUH KXPEOHG E\ WKH VDFULÂżFHV \RX PDNH and the trust you place in us to develop young women into tomorrow’s world citizens. Our school is strong and secure thanks to your continued involvement and support and the dedication of our wonderful faculty and staff. Thank you! Sincerely, Gina Heagney ‘71 Chair, Board of Directors
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Board of Directors
Secretarial Staff
Gina Heagney ‘71, Chair John Scott, Vice Chair
Carol Amad Carol Swanston Devanny ‘55 Eileen Kersgieter, SL Sheila Roche
Mary Bannister ‘78 Michael Boland Steve Brendle Joyce Bytnar Jim Clanahan Susan Ryan Frane ‘84 Kathleen Hart ‘82 Chriss Nick Hill ‘95 Virginia Brown Isom ‘86 Susan Johnson ‘68 Jeffrey Kalinowski Marcia Pfeiffer Kevin Reardon Michael Sawicki Julie Cassin Sheridan ‘67 Annie Stevens, SL Larry Valenza Kathy Wright, SL Barbara Roche, SL ’64, President
Nerinx Hall Administration Barbara Roche, SL ‘64 President Jane Wynne Kosash ‘71 Principal Angela Fischer Zinkl ‘97 Associate Principal Mary Schmittgens, OP Registrar Mary Ann Gentry Admissions Director Pauletta Reed, CFRE Director of Advancement Angela Barrale Barrow ‘97 Advancement Associate Jessica Teska Advancement Associate Margie Harper Business Manager Marty Balfe Bookkeeper Patricia Garner Facilities Manager Sara Moore Landscaper Debbie Dudenhoeffer Bookstore Manager
Faculty Kimberly AdyMcDonald Penny Avgerenos Ashley Bailey ‘94 Nancy Bailey Michael Bartz, PhD Ross Bell Sylviane Bonino Duane Bridges Beth Buchek Kevin Budd Deborah Casias-Noonan Chris Clark Julia Clements Janet Csloak Winnie Stauder Docter ‘65 Maggie Doyle Ervin Jean Fry Eileen Fuchs, BVM ‘77 Susie Fugate Laura Gallo-Moore ‘95 Mary Wappelhorst Gasch ‘78 Cathy Hartrich Mike Heinicke Betty Henerey Regina Hermann Linda Howard Roberta Hudlow, SL Thomas Hunt Lori Hunt Karen Johnson-Budd Bill Kwapy Mary Leopold, PhD Noeli Lytton Nancy Milward ‘77 Maire Murphy, PhD Mary Helen Neill Laura Newsham
Danielle Nygaard John O’Brien Sharon O’Brien Patrick Panozzo Jody Patterson ‘95 Deborah Price Jill Quinlan-Briceno Gary Quinley Louise Rothermich Jenni Ryan ‘84 Maggie Ryan Mary Jude Schmitz Mary Fran Schroeder Charlotte Simcox Jennifer Staed Becky Swofford Kevin Toben Amy Tricamo Alice Turk David Weinkauff Carol Winkler Judie Winters
Varsity Coaching Staff James Belle Cathy Chirco Tammy Deschler Brian Haddock Paul Jacoby Mark Macias Huntley McNabb Nancy Milward ’77 Jody Patterson ’95 Gaylerd Quigley Craig Tapperson Vicki Wheeler
Maintenance Staff Ann Baddley Nick Corley Michelle Gordon Richard Lubbers Tim Moore
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
FINANCIAL REVIEW INCOME Tuition & Fees $7,094,151 Contributions & Fundraising $763,944 Athletic & Drama Income $72,916 Auxilliary Enterprises $258,933 Interest & Other $120,839
EXPENSES Instructional & Co-Curricular $4,819,762 Athletic & Drama Expenses $115,802 Student Aid $694,366 Administration $1,405,394 Facility Operations $646,825 Auxilliary Expenses $192,159 Fundraising Expenses $86,395 Capital Expenditures $441,475 Bond Payments $118,931
* Consecutively given 5 or more years
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Gift Clubs were established as a way of saying thank you for your investment in educating tomorrow’s women leaders. Membership in a particular gift club is based upon donations to the annual appeal between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Matching Giftsw have been credited to the donor. Names with an asterisk have given consecutively for 5 or more years.
ANNUAL APPEAL GIVING LEVELS Father Nerinckx Society $1500 or more
President’s Circle $700-$1499
Loretto Scholar Society $350-$699
Hallmarker Society $100-$349
Nerinx Hall Friends Society Up to $100
Father Nerinckx Society Anonymous – 1 John and Mary Hejlek Alessi* Mary Bannister* Daniel and Georgina Bauman Jeff and Sara Biskup Jane Rombach Bronson* Joyce Bytnar* Jim and Lynne Clanahan* Timothy and Linda Dudenhoeffer Peter and Susan Ryan Frane* Janet Frane* Joan Robert Grasso Barbara Speas Havira Jim Tobin and Virginia Heagney* Rob and Chris Hunter Paul and Amy Inman Jeanette Steube Jacobs* Susie Schmidt Journagan Jeff and Mary Kalinowski* Julie Cavanaugh Lohr* Pam McIntyre Kathy Manganaro* Patricia Nooney* Barbara Wingbermuehle O’Flynn* David and Carolyn Parmer Mary Ellen Marschel Pearson* Marcia and Ed Pfeiffer* Jeffry and Jennifer Quinn Kevin and Lora Reardon Barbara Roche, SL* Paul R. Schimmele and Jill Ellen Carnaghi Christopher and Lisa Suntrup Mike and Sarah Vargon* David and Cristina Walden Karen Lee Johnson Zachry
President’s Circle Anonymous – 2 Dave Augsburger and Gina Baruzzini-Augsburger Mary Bickel* Ellen Bonacorsi* Barbara Buettner* Jim and Bobbie Caldwell
Joe and Beth Moloney Cantalin* Jeff and Linda Caul Tod Clarno Steve and Julie Council Kathianne Knaup Crane* Steven and Mary Ann Crump Dianne Schmitz DeLaurier Vicki Fraser* Phyllis Bayer Fresta* Gwen Lavin Greenbank* Robert and Susan Hayashi Rick and Kathleen Heagney Sarah Kellett Henry Gregory Hesser Charles Hof* Tom and Toni Hunt* Timothy and Jana Jensen Larry and Janet Jin Susan Johnson* Mary Nast Kisling Christine Wende Knoll* Joe and Elaine Komos Fred and Elaine Kotcher Dan and Susan Krupp* Timothy and Catherine Kutz Paul and Kris Hart L’Ecuyer* Sally Dierkes Laurentius Gary and Ann Maassen Jim and Dee Mazzio Gregory and Peggy Nilles Suzanne Pawlow David and Kathy Rehmer Barbara Salsich Richter* Victoria Ries* Kent and Jayne Schultz* Jerry and Betty Seliga Alayne Green Sertl Jennifer Staed Timothy and Kathleen Thompson Joan Harrison Valenta* David and Christine Vollenweider Diana Watson* Albert Webster and Kristina Stierholz Mary Jo Tripi Welch Daniel and Sarah Wessel Steve and Kathleen Winborn Carol Winkler* Carolyn Reis Woods
Loretto Scholar Society Anonymous - 6 Joan Maruska Arthur* Laura Baalmann-Mangano Mike and Cathy Zimny Barry Tom and Tina Bergmann 'U 0DU\ %RO¿QJ Joseph and Belinda Bommarito Steven Brendle and Jean Carey-Brendle* Dan and Susan Brennan*
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Liz Crowe Brown James and Virginia Buckles Kevin Budd and Karen Johnson-Budd Polly Burtelow* Joan Dickhaus Burtelow* Linda Cady* Chris Clark* Bill and Jan Connors Mary Cradock Edward and Eileen Croghan Ken and Aimee Domash Michael and Sharon Rainbolt Duggan Dr. Catherine Eberle William and Patricia Ellis Julia Frane Katherine Moehl Gauthier Jim and Sue Gerker Mike Smith and Paula Godar* Randy and Cynthia Grass Tom and Marjorie Green* Nicole Grimm Mary Jane Strub Hall* Dot Henderson Heagney Ted and Diane Hellwig Beverlee Bopp Henry* Don and Cyndi Hesse Dorothy Franke Hitt* Rose Gioia Hogan Catherine Link Hohn* Mary Beth McCormack Hughes Rob and Chris Hunter Suzanne Day James Linda Sands Jenkins Deborah Johns Bob and Pam Johnson Christine Copple Johnson Dr. Landy Weis Joy* JoAnn Meyer Kelly* Elisabeth Huelskoetter Klug* Joan Baumann Kofron* Mary Beth Boubek Kohlberg Alicia Seibel Konstantinovich Jane Wynne Kosash* Joan Lafferty and Jane Levdansky Katherine Kuna Martin* Barbara Mecker* Tom and Joan Metzger* Jacqueline Pfeffer Miller* Linda Young Mueller Pat and Ellen Murphy* Gerry and Judy Murphy* Kevin Myers Dick and Virginia Navarro Mary Howard Paletta Sylvia Pautler* Bob and Julia Poelker* Mary Fitzsimmons Powers* Lynn Nurre Rawlings* Pauletta Reed* Willy and Cheri Reh
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Michael and Sarah Richter Ronald and Carolyn Bulte Riggle Don and Linda Roe Mary Elizabeth Rombach William and Dina Rowe Mark and Mary Russo* Jack and Sally Ryan Mary Sack Tony and Jean Sandifer Mary Lou Helmsing Schicker Susanne Finley Schroer* John and Sharon Scott* Marty and Kitsy Sheahan Paul and Karen Sinak Caroline Preissler Smith* Greg and Suzanne Smith Paul and Bernadine Sodko Joseph and Tracy Steiner Sue Weniger Sullivan Robert and Sally Tague James and Diane Tegethoff* Dr. Jane Willman Turner, Ph.D. William and Janet Ulivi William and Karen Vespa Madelyn Dennis Visconti* Michael and Kathleen Wagner Daniel and Cynthia Lunneman Wasowski* Katie Etzkorn Wedding Jeffrey and Mirga Whittaker Greg and Kari Yess* Steve and Laura Cova Young Jeffrey and Julie Ziegler Lisa Zoia*
Hallmarker Society Anonymous – 18 Jackie Adamec Amy Loftus Agostini Ashley Ahlemeyer Blake and Denice Ahrens Mary Anne Struckel Allen Beth Anderhub* Rob and Mary Anderson Heather Backes Bruce and Elizabeth Backus Ashley Bailey Marty Balfe* Susan Waldschmidt Banks* Kevin and Mary Barker Angela Barrale Barrow* Michelle Hammond Basi* Clare Krueger Baumgardt Scott Bean Mary Kay Beck-French* Patricia Smith Berry* Randy Berzon Mikolas Christie Hull Bettale Simonie Bieber Chuck and Kathy Billings Dianne Winkeler Bishop Carla Shearer Blomo Eileen Nelson Boehme*
Sandra Maloney Bosse* Tim and Jamie Bosslet Jill Tegethoff Boulanger James and Diane Bowe Ann Geis Boyce Mary Ann Armbruster Brannen* Matthew and Lisa Bretscher Lucy Burtelow Brown* Mary Alice Krings Bruemmer* Susan Mueller Bub* Beth Buchek* Craig and Jayuni Buescher Louise Cassilly Bullock Mary Ellen Leach Burns Elizabeth Burtelow* Barbara Busch* Kathleen Checkett Buttici* Bill Campbell and Julie Pearigen Kari Daus Carson* Gerald and Mary Cavanaugh Joseph and Linda Cavato Anne Hammond Cavedine Ann Fuegner Cerutti Jean Sandbrink Chavaux Deanna Schaefer Chott* Tracy Scheer Christian Teresa Garcia-Otero Clabots Jennifer Manley Coles Amy Cooper Comiskey Mary Gail Frane Compton* Mary Margaret Burnes Connolly Inez Conrad Karen Coughlin Marilyn Lively Curry Mary Jane Bangert Cusumano Kathy Roach Day Nancy Jarzemsky deBettencourt Rene DeFiore* Steve and Cecy DeHekker Joan Deimeke Betty Walter Diehl Jean Luebbers Digby* Mike and Linda Dillon Winnie Stauder Docter* Susan Bright Done* Joan Darby Dougherty Maggie Doyle Ervin Gary and Elaine Dreher Judy Reinhart Dreyer Kelly Walsh Dulle* Pamela Oliver Dziuba* Sean and Rachel Rankin Ebeling Colleen Eichhorn John and Ginger Eichhorn John and Kristine Eickhoff Nancy Logger Etling* Barb Brockland Fetter* Joanne Milford Finnegan* Rocco and Ann Snyders Fiordelisi Ron and Sandy Fischer
Josephine Fischer John and Margaret Fisher James and Karen Flavin Deborah Flores Marianne Senkosky Fournie Andrew and Lori Franke Eileen Franke* Richard and Mary Fuegner Michele Dennis Fuerst* Patty Fuhry Laura Gallo-Moore Jane Irwin Garvin Mary Wappelhorst Gasch Sue Hohenberger Gauthier Laura Geiser Melissa Freiner Gelner Mary Ann Gentry Bryan Gerard Karlah Ambrose Gibbs Joseph and Teresa Gier Bob and Joan Glosemeyer Tiernan Fehling Good Lucinda Storr Graham Nada Hunter Granberry Marlene D’Alto Grant* Mary Ann Winkelmann Gray Carol Springer Greco* Beth Bright Green* Mary Arnoldy Grundel Roger and Kathleen Guillemette Mary Coleman Gunther Mary Ann Hahn Margaret Nies Hale Ed and Cheryl Halveland Patricia Fitzgerald Hannum* Eric and Margie Harper* Cathy Hartrich Kathy Hartrich Kathleen Dunne Hass Carl and Eileen Hausmann Janet Cummins Hayes Adele Heagney Sandra Heaton Robert and Joyce Herleth Regina Hermann* Robert and Linda Herron $QGUHD .HQH¿FN +HUWHO Marla Busby Heyduck Dr. Clare Heyne Ph.D. Nancy Stough Hillhouse Gay Kruszynski Hillman Carol Krings Hodes* Alison Hoehn Michael and Leeny Hoffmann* Mary Kate Hogan Jillian Hoge Pat Sanders Hohertz Marlene Holtgrewe* 0DU\ .UHEV +RS¿QJHU Joan Hopkins Sally Aubuchon Horner Cynthia Kriegshauser Hruby Monica McKinnie Huddleston* Jeanie Geiser Huelsman
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Graduates in the Class of 2012 were accepted to 149 different colleges/ universities and enrolled in 56 different institutions. 81% of the Class of 2012 received one or more scholarship offers, totaling more than $17.5 million in scholarships over a four year period.
DONOR GIFT CLUBS NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Brennan Delsing was named Nerinx Hall’s St. Louis Post Dispatch Scholar Athlete. The Fine Arts Department successfully produced Phantom of the Opera, Pride and Prejudice, and Quilters.
Thomas and Lori Hunt Aimee Hammond Imo Jessica Imo Jennifer Irby Kathryn Krings Jacobsmeyer* Katherine Jecklin =XO¿NDU DQG 7KHUHVD -HHYDQMHH Thomas and Lynn Jegle Kathleen DeSutter Jordan* Ed and Carla Kaiser Anne Marie Behnen Kaufmann* Patricia Sullivan Keating* Karen Rhoades Keefe Sue Burke Kellett* Ken and Cindy Kempf Paul and Julie Kennedy John Kerans and Mary Cox -DQH 6FKODÀ\ .HUQHQ Joyce Faherty Kesting Thomas and Nancy Kickham Kathy Gilmore Kilcoyne Suzanne Disch Klevorn* Richard and Margaret Koch Melvin and Catherine Klump Edward and Laveeda Knobbe Kerrie Knoll Marilyn Koncen Art and Meg Korte Emily Kosash Patti Toolen Kratschmer* Lucy Karst Kreh Steve Kuensting Laura Umbach Kuensting Donald and Florence Kueser Mary Ellen Arnold Kulawiec Joan Brinkman Kutz* Betty Wendt Lackey* Glenn and Joan LaMarche* James and Kathryn Landolt Martha Lane Bobby and Lesley Lane John and Mary Frances Lang* Stephen and Kristina Larsen Claire Laurentius Kathy Moffatt Lawler* Joseph Laws and Mitzi MacDonald Laws
Jeanne Niedermeyer Layton William and Lisa Leonard Stephanie Martinez Lodewyck Barb Lombardo Michael Looney Steve and Karen Lucash Henry Luepke Marge Quinn Lundgren Noeli Lytton* Jane Mug Maher* Thomas and Kimberly Osterman Malone Mary Lou Hubbard Mareno Robert and Mary Marino Mike and Diane Marshall Barbara Heinrich Marshall Carl and Eileen Mastis Bob and Chris Mathias Marty and Debbie McCabe Maureen Murphy McCann Anne Swetnam McCarthy* Karen McKinley Rita Lang McMullen Mary Jo Agnello Meitl* Rachel Ohmer Meyers Emily Tinker Milford Patricia Miller Nancy Milward Kevin and Julie Moloney Sara Moore* Mary McDonald Morrison Linda Young Mueller Patricia O’Connell Mullins Cheryl Tielke Nankivil* Harold and Marge Nash Mary Helen Neill* Sandra Bentley Nelson* Laura Newsham Lisa Nooney Christine Hohenberger Novalis John O’Brien* Sharon O’Brien Blanche Mittelberg O’Donnell Nicole Irovic O’Keefe Janet Oberle* Theresa Docter Obert* Bobbie Cassulo Ohmer* Terry and Jill Orr*
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Catherine Painter Catherine Koch Patti Jim and Madonna Pelechek* Alessandra Falcone Pennycuick Iris Dickhoff Peper Bruce and Michele Perrin Todd Eberhardt and Ann Piazza-Eberhardt Colleen Walsh Pijut* Greg and Janet Poelker Larry and JoAnne Polley Gloria Gayou Pulliam* Colette Kaiser Purcell Milton and Jill Quinlan-Briceno Julie Quint* Carol Ann Dorlac Radovich Raymond and Debra Ragsdale Florence Parnell Rahubka* Ron and Gail Ramspott* Carl and Vicki Ratermann* Carol Greco Rauh Patricia Maloney Redshaw Christine Reh Christopher and Janet Reifsteck Carol Reinhardt Charles and Shelby Reneski Shirley Kinsella Rheinberger* Roxanne Rhoades Elizabeth Richter Ann McCoole Rigby Beverly Arri Rombach* Kristin Roques Ann Marie Skinner Ruhlin* Gregory and Adrienne Rusbarsky Mallory Rusch Bridget Scheve Rutledge Amy Tucker Ryan* Jenni Ryan Maggie Ryan* Steve and Julie Rygelski Dr. Shirley Sahrmann* Michael and Michele Sawicki Mary and Phil Schenkenberg Gina Lombardi Schlatter* Scott and Mary Schmidt Mary Jude Schmitz
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Thomas Schoenle and Deborah Mihic Leo and Dorothy Schott Mary Frances Schroeder Margaret McManus Schu* Kay Korbecki Schumert* Mary Ellen Mack Schuppe* Matt and Patty Sciuto Martha Ruthmeyer Seidenwand Pat O’Toole Seitz* Mary Louise Rockeman Selzer Chris and Judy Shamel Kelly Shamel Maria Piccione Shields Brent and Tara Shreeves Laura Sicking Isabel Fernandez Siedband 0DUN DQG /\QHWWH 6LHOÀHLVFK Terry Bradley Signorelli* Charlotte Simcox* Michael and Ellen Skinner Helen Gerwitz Skoff* Nikki Smith Carol Lynch Souhan Eric and Lee Ann Spalding Anne Spillane Claire St. Jean* Gregory and Joan Stark Gregory and Jill Starrs John and Mary Stecher* Julie Johnson Stein* Phil and Marisue Stoll Kate Hermann Stone Clara Banocy Stone Mary Ann Strubert* Jamie Sullivan Dennis and Joan Sullivan Erv and Rita Switzer* Lisette Trafton Sztukowski* Jon and Jeanne Thayer Judy Wolff Thoele* Kathryn Winter Tolle Jim and Pat Tornatore Libby Snyders Travers* Robert and Roxanne Trebus Jim and Jill Tuxbury Cynthia Vahlkamp Dianne Hauck Valenza* Joan Bayot Vatterott* Sally Buettner Wagner* 0DU\ 0DQV¿HOG :DOGVFKPLGW David and Corinne Walentik* Janet Ludwig Wallis Colette Barclay Walsh* Terri Ambach Walters Carol Raack Watkins Susan Mueller Wehmeier David Weinkauff Ellen Weis* Caroline Flavin Wenberg Maureen Kelly Werner Marion Kromm White Dianne Wickenheiser Sue Guhman Wilkes*
Stuart and Teresa Williams Maureen Winter Judith Winters* Mariann Menendez Witkowski* Greg and Renee Witte Ellen Maloney Wittenbrink Kathleen Wright, SL Maureen Wulf Marge Gioia Wyatt Marjorie Schenk Young* Tim and Sally Zetzman Mary Pautler Ziegelman*
Nerinx Hall Friends Society Anonymous – 16 Edmond Abrahamian and Jacqueline Batanian Dorothy Auberry Adlon* Kimberly AdyMcDonald Marguerite Milford Allan Julie Schwarz Allman* Jeanne Lodewyck Andrews Renee Berger Angeli Frank and Jackie Antoine Barbara Bopp Astle-Chambers Dennis and Pat Augustyniak* Penny Avgerenos Kathleen Davisson Baalmann Carol Hirth Baker Judy Berard Balsarotti Margaret O’Hara Bannister Lindsay Barnes-DuCharme Penny Worthington Barnicle* Margaret Irwin Barnidge Maureen Walsh Barron Michelle Barron Jennifer Cammarata Beavers Joan Deichmann Beck Teresa Unterreiner Berg Erin Berger Joe and Mimi Berry Kate LaBoube Billings Kenneth and Michele Bland Lesley Block, OP Kathleen Herning Boebel Philip and Paula Boeckmann Bob Boehm and Stephanie Morgan Andre and Anne Bourdet Brad and Linda Brauer Molly Brendle Dana Travis Brennan Margaret Brockland Mary Grace Bruntrager Ron and Darlene Budd Mary Ellen O’Herin Buddy Frank and Mary Bufe Sara Bularzik Marianne Voss Burnes Eileen Wilson Burns* Bill and Mary Burton Erin Burton Joan Charlier Butcher Marie Gorman Buttice
Ruth Ann Bazzetti Calloni Lynne Lampertz Campbell Angela Casey Colleen Caul Michael and Jackie Chehval Peggy Walsh Childress* Anna Chott Rita Compton Claypool* Megan Clifford Sally Cody Elizabeth Colombo Elizabeth Ann Compton, SL Katherine Hardesty Connaughton Suzanne Rehder Connors Sherry Conohan* Marilyn Cooper Maureen Corley Josephine Corley Marie Vogan Cox Eleanor Craig, SL Joan Brauer Crane Christine Matula Cressler Marianne Kirchner Croghan Janet Csolak Lisa Dabski Lynn Tedoni Dale Katherine Davenport Mary Bytnar del Monte* Mimi Tully Denes Carol Swanston Devanny* Judy O’Brien Diani Mickie Dissett Pete and Angelica Dopuch Jackie Drier Jacqueline Schutte Dubuque* Deborah Dudenhoeffer* Karen Moran Duffy Carol Curtin Dufresne Judie Rabbitt Elfrank Amanda Elliott Brian and Linda Ellsworth* Jeannine Riordan Emerson Nancy Spillane Findley* Stefanie Fischer Alicia Fischer Julie Ferranti Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming Patricia Nestor Flynn Caryl Jo Arendes Follis Barbara Priesmeyer Forst Margaret Frane Dawn Friedmann Katie Krieger Frisella* Eileen Fuchs, BVM Chris Clark Fuller Jessica Gasch Julie Bouchard Gau* Katherine Moehl Gauthier* Barbara Philpot Georges Jacqueline Murray Gerth* Courtney Glenn Mel and Paula Goldberg Mike and Cathy Graham
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Ted and Mary Faith Green George Green Edward and Elizabeth Greubel Ann McSorley Gunn Denise Guntli Maureen Gamp Guzy Katherine Haggans Eileen Hahn Sarah Hampel Georgeann Hanson, SL Sandy Phillips Harris* Kathleen Kempka Hart* Elaine Hartrich* Katy Hartrich Janet Hayes, RSM Joe and Cathy Hejlek* Diana Hemkens Nancy Broadhurst Hennelly* Matthew and Mary Herries Lauren Hieger* Scott and Rebecca Hill Kathy Hofer Blair Hood Rosemary Hopkins Scott and Kathleen Hummel Haley Hunter Mary Spearing Huss Tracy Tegethoff Huster Kelly Doherty Iffrig Ann Etzkorn Ivester* Ann Nuelle Jaggie Mary Micotto Kalchbrenner Claire Kalinowski Katy Cuddihee Kapilla* Maureen O’Connor Kavanaugh Maureen Moder Keating* Maureen Kelly Mary Joan deCoster Kenny* Katherine Kerans Barbara Steger Killius Susan Jolley Kisling Rebecca Kisling Elizabeth Kisling Kristen Kloeckener Jennifer Knox* Mary Ann Giudici Kochanski Barbara Cummings Kreikemeier Barbara Kuehl Charlene Ladd Lange Ellen Lawson-Gilgovan Sally Klein LeBlanc* Jessa Lee Mary Leopold Allison Leverenz* Katie Metzger Lindmark George and Patricia Lodes Angela Lombardo Wendy Hopkins Lubbe Kelcey Meadows Lucas Janet Doyle Ludewig Ken and Cindy Luecke Kathy McDonough Luepke Robert Lynch
Mary Lee Grace Maloy Terry and Christine Maltzman* Morgan Mance Maureen Kelly Marion* Kathleen Duffy Marsh Kitty Arendes Martin Don and Jean Mascare Kari McAvoy and John Williams Joseph McCanna Joellen Gamp McDonald Julie Christanell McLaughlin* Diane Mecker Carole Schmaltz Meyers Kathy Kaenter Michel Elizabeth Modde Sharon Savage Moshure Carolyn Mueller Joan Besand Mueller Melissa Muller Maire Murphy Colleen Murphy Melissa Murphy Cynthia Coburn Muth Jackie Naunheim Rosemary Nestor Gregory and Maureen Neukirch Teresa Fitzgerald Neuner Julia Niehaus Missy Norcini* Terry Manganaro Norman Meghan Winter Norman John and Julie Lawder O’Brien Elizabeth O’Brien Myra Mabry O’Brien* Patsy O’Connell Joan Berberich O’Rourke Catherine O’Sullivan Peggy Jones Odgers Bernie and Patti Ottenlips* John and Lori Padberg Jody Patterson Susan Pennington Frank and Ulana Perry Mary Michenfelder Phelan* Susan Drace Phillips Michael and Kathleen Pisarkiewicz Lois Schaeffer Pollard Ruth Positan Peggy Pettey Powers Deborah Price Tom Pulliam Gaylerd and Ann Reis Quigley Brad and Susan Racette Diana Birner Radek Judy Nast Rallo Dorothy Slager Reger Joanne Stoughton Reif Janice Meyers Richter Marvin and Barbara Ringer Mary Alice Harter Robben Elizabeth Hunter Ross* Louise Rothermich
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Maggie Ryan Timothy and Mary Ryan Peter and Barbara Salsich Mary Anne McDonough Salsich Baldev and Teresa Sarai Rebecca Pfeiffer Scalzo Erin Schaeffer* Todd and Georgia Scheibe Virginia Golden Schnarr* Janet Besand Schulte Lisa Baker Schuppan* Brian and Jamie Will Schwartz Mary McWay Seaman* Pat Widmann Seiler Peggy McDaniel Serra Nicole Shamel* Mike and Jeanne Shepherd Scott and Amy Dierkes Shipley* Laurie Perkins Shocklin Darby Siempelkamp* Leah Brandenstein Skosky Diana Dickman Skubic James and Susan Slattery Mary Soto Kathleen Stecher Shannon Stecher Suzanne Corkery Stevens Mary Ellen Dunn Stevenson* Jennifer Stone Sally Fischer Studley* Mary Elizabeth Young Sullivan Monica Wehner Sullivan Jennifer Sultz* Julie Sundermann* Joan Suntrup Mary Etzkorn Suntrup* Becky Swofford* Jim and Mary Thoele Kimberly Tissi Anne Blanton Tlapek* Jovita Hamtil Tripi Mary Anne Murray Troy Katie Trueman Demetrios and Jackie Tsikalas Alice Turk Katherine Turnure Elizabeth Tuxbury Ray and Josephine Uram Cynthia Vahlkamp Gene and Carolyn Vasel Lois Krater Vogel Darlene Diel Wagner John and Carol Waide Cathy Clifford Walker Barb LaVenture Wedekind Robert and Marilyn Werner Maureen Whelan Werner Barbara Fischer Wetzel* Wade and Victoria Wheeler Bette Karst Wilbers* Alan and Dolores Wilson Jeanne Wilson Tom and Marla Wohldmann*
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Judie Knetzger Wolfe Janet Sinclair Wroughton Catherine Giordano Young George and Rita Zimny
Board of Director Donors Mary Bannister Steven Brendle Joyce Bytnar Jim Clanahan Susan Ryan Frane Virginia Heagney Susan Johnson Jeff Kalinowski Marcia Pfeiffer Kevin Reardon Barbara Roche, SL Michael Sawicki John Scott Kathleen Wright, SL
Faculty & Staff Donors Kimberly AdyMcDonald Penny Avgerenos Ashley Bailey Marty Balfe Angela Barrale Barrow Beth Buchek Kevin Budd Chris Clark Janet Csolak Carol Swanston Devanny Winnie Stauder Docter Maggie Doyle Ervin Deborah Dudenhoeffer Eileen Fuchs, BVM Laura Gallo-Moore Mary Wappelhorst Gasch Mary Ann Gentry Margie Harper Cathy Hartrich Regina Hermann Lori Hunt Thomas Hunt Karen Johnson-Budd Jane Wynne Kosash Steve Kuensting Mary Leopold Noeli Lytton Nancy Milward Sara Moore Maire Murphy Mary Helen Neill Laura Newsham John O’Brien Sharon O’Brien Jody Patterson Deborah Price Jill Quinlan-Briceno Barbara Roche, SL Louise Rothermich Jenni Ryan Maggie Ryan
Mary Jude Schmitz Mary Frances Schroeder Charlotte Simcox Jennifer Staed Becky Swofford Alice Turk David Weinkauff Carol Winkler Judith Winters
Parents, Class of 2012 Anonymous – 4 Blake and Denice Ahrens Daniel and Georgina Bauman Scott Bean Jeff and Sara Biskup Craig and Jayuni Buescher Jeff and Linda Caul Mike and Linda Dillon Joseph and Teresa Gier Bob and Joan Glosemeyer Carl and Eileen Hausmann Rick and Kathleen Heagney Rob and Chris Hunter Bob and Pam Johnson Alan and Jennifer Jonagan Anne Marie Behnen Kaufmann Ken and Cindy Kempf Joe and Elaine Komos Dan and Susan Krupp Barbara Kuehl Bobby and Lesley Lane Ken and Cindy Luecke Gary and Ann Maassen Marty and Debbie McCabe Gregory and Maureen Neukirch Tom Pulliam Kevin and Lora Reardon Steve and Julie Rygelski Scott and Amy Dierkes Shipley Mike and Sarah Vargon Barb LaVenture Wedekind Daniel and Sarah Wessel Steve and Kathleen Winborn
Parents, Class of 2013 Anonymous – 5 Daniel and Georgina Bauman Tom and Tina Bergmann Philip and Paula Boeckmann Brad and Linda Brauer Dan and Susan Brennan Kevin Budd and Karen Johnson-Budd Joe and Beth Moloney Cantalin Pete and Angelica Dopuch Gary and Elaine Dreher Andrew and Lori Franke Randy and Cynthia Grass Ted and Mary Faith Green Roger and Kathleen Guillemette Eric and Margie Harper Thomas and Lynn Jegle Larry and Janet Jin
E.J. and Christine Copple Johnson Paul and Kris Hart L’Ecuyer Stephen and Kristina Larsen William and Lisa Leonard Don and Jean Mascare Kevin Myers Gregory and Peggy Nilles John and Julie Lawder O’Brien Michael and Kathleen Pisarkiewicz Raymond and Debra Ragsdale David and Kathy Rehmer Don and Linda Roe Gregory and Adrienne Rusbarsky Mark and Mary Russo Paul R. Schimmele and Jill Ellen Carnaghi Kent and Jayne Schultz Jerry and Betty Seliga Mike and Jeanne Shepherd Brent and Tara Shreeves James and Susan Slattery Robert and Sally Tague Jim and Jill Tuxbury Albert Webster and Kristina Stierholz Wade and Victoria Wheeler Dianne Wickenheiser Stuart and Teresa Williams Tim and Sally Zetzman
NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Nerinx Hall has 13 sports teams; more than 60% of the students are involved in the Athletic Program. Taylor Hammersmith was awarded the Sweeney Marker Award for excellence in Athletics. The Marketing Class was once again VXFFHVVIXO ZLWK WKH 6KRSSLQJ 5DIÁH LQ support of AuctioNerinx 2012, raising more than $10,000.00.
Parents, Class of 2014 Anonymous – 6 John and Mary Hejlek Alessi Rob and Mary Anderson Mike and Cathy Zimny Barry Scott Bean Kenneth and Michele Bland James and Diane Bowe Jim and Bobbie Caldwell Jim and Lynne Clanahan Tod Clarno Timothy and Linda Dudenhoeffer Peter and Susan Ryan Frane Dawn Friedmann Mike Smith and Paula Godar Edward and Elizabeth Greubel Carl and Eileen Hausmann Robert and Susan Hayashi Matthew and Mary Herries Gregory Hesser Scott and Rebecca Hill Thomas and Lori Hunt Paul and Amy Inman =XO¿NDU DQG 7KHUHVD -HHYDQMHH Bob and Pam Johnson Ed and Carla Kaiser Thomas and Nancy Kickham James and Kathryn Landolt Michael Looney Steve and Karen Lucash
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Eight Seniors were named National Merit Commended Scholars. The Foreign Language Department continued to have numerous students achieve high scores on National Language Exams.
Robert and Mary Marino Bob and Chris Mathias Jim and Dee Mazzio Kevin and Julie Moloney Lisa Nooney Bobbie Cassulo Ohmer Todd Eberhardt and Ann Piazza-Eberhardt Gaylerd and Ann Reis Quigley Milton and Jill Quinlan-Briceno Christopher and Janet Reifsteck Charles and Shelby Reneski William and Dina Rowe Tony and Jean Sandifer Baldev and Teresa Sarai Todd and Georgia Scheibe Marty and Kitsy Sheahan Scott and Amy Dierkes Shipley Eric and Lee Ann Spalding Gregory and Joan Stark Joseph and Tracy Steiner Jon and Jeanne Thayer Timothy and Kathleen Thompson William and Janet Ulivi Diana Watson Steve and Kathleen Winborn Greg and Kari Yess Steven and Laura Cova Young
Parents, Class of 2015 Anonymous - 8 Edmond Abrahamian and Jacqueline Batanian Bruce and Elizabeth Backus Matthew and Lisa Bretscher James and Virginia Buckles Frank and Mary Bufe Matthew and Ann Fuegner Cerutti Edward and Eileen Croghan Steven and Mary Ann Crump Ken and Aimee Domash Michael and Sharon Rainbolt Duggan John and Kristine Eickhoff Rocco and Ann Snyders Fiordelisi Robert and Susan Fleming Tom and Marjorie Green
Roger and Kathleen Guillemette Robert and Linda Herron Don and Cyndi Hesse Jennifer Irby Timothy and Jana Jensen Deborah Johns Paul and Julie Kennedy Timothy and Catherine Kutz Joan Lafferty and Jane Levdansky Glenn and Joan LaMarche Joseph Laws and Mitzi MacDonald Laws Henry Luepke Kari McAvoy and John Williams John and Lori Padberg David and Carolyn Parmer Suzanne Pawlow Larry and JoAnne Polley Jeffry and Jennifer Quinn Brad and Susan Racette Ronald and Carolyn Bulte Riggle Thomas Schoenle and Deborah Mihic Paul and Karen Sinak Michael and Ellen Skinner Nikki Smith Christopher and Lisa Suntrup Robert and Roxanne Trebus Demetrios and Jackie Tsikalas William and Karen Vespa Michael and Kathleen Wagner David and Cristina Walden Daniel and Cynthia Lunneman Wasowski Mary Jo Tripi Welch Jeffrey and Mirga Whittaker
Class of 1939
Joan Charlier Butcher Jacqueline Pfeffer Miller Mary Etzkorn Suntrup
Class of 1930 Blanche Mittelberg O’Donnell
Class of 1935 Dot Henderson Heagney
Class of 1937 Janet Cummins Hayes
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Rosemary Nestor 0DU\ 0DQV¿HOG :DOGVFKPLGW
Class of 1941 Marguerite Milford Allan Marianne Kirchner Croghan
Class of 1943 Gloria Gayou Pulliam Dorothy Slager Reger
Class of 1945 Mary Ellen O’Herin Buddy Anne Spillane
Class of 1946 Mary Howard Paletta
Class of 1947 Elizabeth Ann Compton, SL Anne Swetnam McCarthy Anne Blanton Tlapek
Class of 1948 Marianne Voss Burnes Joan Dickhaus Burtelow Eileen Franke Patricia Sullivan Keating Janet Besand Schulte
Class of 1949 Joan Deichmann Beck Jean Sandbrink Chavaux Gwen Lavin Greenbank Mary Jane Strub Hall Dorothy Franke Hitt Shirley Kinsella Rheinberger Mary Anne Murray Troy Janet Ludwig Wallis
Class of 1950
Class of 1951 Georgeann Hanson, SL Joan Besand Mueller Carol Ann Dorlac Radovich
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Class of 1952 Rita Compton Claypool Nada Hunter Granberry Marlene D’Alto Grant Maureen Kelly Marion Sandra Bentley Nelson Catherine O’Sullivan Maureen Wulf
Class of 1953 Anonymous – 1 Mary Ellen Leach Burns Katherine Hardesty Connaughton Joan Brauer Crane Jacqueline Schutte Dubuque Jeannine Riordan Emerson Eileen Hahn Mary Beth McCormack Hughes Charlene Ladd Lange Emily Tinker Milford
Class of 1954 Anonymous – 2 Margaret O’Hara Bannister Lesley Block, OP Mary Alice Krings Bruemmer Marie Gorman Buttice Joan Deimeke Joanne Milford Finnegan Nancy Broadhurst Hennelly Mary Joan deCoster Kenny Mary Ann Giudici Kochanski Janet Doyle Ludewig Barbara Wingbermuehle O’Flynn Mary Michenfelder Phelan Shirley Sahrmann Diana Dickman Skubic Judy Wolff Thoele Maureen Whelan Werner
Class of 1955 Carol Swanston Devanny Beverlee Bopp Henry Clare Heyne, Ph.D. Rose Gioia Hogan Suzanne Day James Florence Parnell Rahubka Patricia Maloney Redshaw Mary Lou Helmsing Schicker Jovita Hamtil Tripi Joan Harrison Valenta Colette Barclay Walsh
Class of 1956 Anonymous – 1 Dorothy Auberry Adlon Carol Hirth Baker Judy Reinhart Dreyer Carol Springer Greco Sally Aubuchon Horner Barbara Steger Killius Mary Nast Kisling
Joan Brinkman Kutz Mary Ellen Marschel Pearson Lois Schaeffer Pollard Janice Meyers Richter Virginia Golden Schnarr Peggy McDaniel Serra Helen Gerwitz Skoff Barbara Fischer Wetzel Bette Karst Wilbers Sue Guhman Wilkes
Class of 1960
Class of 1957
Kathleen Davisson Baalmann Mary Bickel Suzanne Rehder Connors Mary Ann Winkelmann Gray Kathleen Dunne Hass Barbara Speas Havira Ann Etzkorn Ivester Kathy Gilmore Kilcoyne Barbara Salsich Richter Judie Knetzger Wolfe
Sherry Conohan Carol Krings Hodes Pat Sanders Hohertz Patti Toolen Kratschmer Mary Ellen Arnold Kulawiec Mary Fitzsimmons Powers Clara Banocy Stone Madelyn Dennis Visconti Sally Buettner Wagner Marjorie Schenk Young
Class of 1958 Barbara Bopp Astle-Chambers Eileen Nelson Boehme Mary Ann Armbruster Brannen Deanna Schaefer Chott Marilyn Lively Curry Caryl Jo Arendes Follis Phyllis Bayer Fresta Jacqueline Murray Gerth Sandy Phillips Harris Jeanette Steube Jacobs Ann Nuelle Jaggie Linda Sands Jenkins JoAnn Meyer Kelly Betty Wendt Lackey Marge Quinn Lundgren Carole Schmaltz Meyers Peggy Jones Odgers Sylvia Pautler Mary Anne McDonough Salsich Gina Lombardi Schlatter Susanne Finley Schroer Terry Bradley Signorelli Ellen Maloney Wittenbrink
Penny Worthington Barnicle Barbara Busch Eleanor Craig, SL Ellen Lawson-Gilgovan Patsy O’Connell Joan Berberich O’Rourke Sue Weniger Sullivan Cathy Clifford Walker
Class of 1961
Class of 1962 Anonymous – 1 Judy Berard Balsarotti Mary Jane Bangert Cusumano Jane Irwin Garvin Kathryn Krings Jacobsmeyer Colette Kaiser Purcell Elizabeth Hunter Ross Joan Bayot Vatterott Lois Krater Vogel
Class of 1963 Patricia Smith Berry Carla Shearer Blomo Kathianne Knaup Crane Karen Moran Duffy Mary Arnoldy Grundel Kathleen DeSutter Jordan Mary Micotto Kalchbrenner Joellen Gamp McDonald Mary McDonald Morrison Patricia O’Connell Mullins Joanne Stoughton Reif Suzanne Corkery Stevens Dianne Hauck Valenza
Class of 1964
Class of 1959 Anonymous – 1 Dianne Winkeler Bishop Barbara Buettner Ruth Ann Bazzetti Calloni Judie Rabbitt Elfrank Lucinda Storr Graham Landy Weis Joy Joan Baumann Kofron Kathy McDonough Luepke Barbara Heinrich Marshall Cynthia Coburn Muth Judy Nast Rallo Roxanne Rhoades Sally Fischer Studley
Mary Anne Struckel Allen Ann Geis Boyce Lynne Lampertz Campbell Judy O’Brien Diani Jean Luebbers Digby Barbara Philpot Georges Sandra Heaton Gay Kruszynski Hillman Christine Wende Knoll Martha Lane Mary Lou Hubbard Mareno Barbara Mecker Barbara Roche, SL Mary Ellen Mack Schuppe Mary McWay Seaman
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Natasha Main received the Evelyn Donohoo Award for Excellence in Social Studies. Amanda Jerry received the Ruth Burgett Fine Arts Award. Katie Cruz was awarded the English Department’s Sister Mary Louise Vandover Award.
Mary Louise Rockeman Selzer Julie Johnson Stein
Class of 1965 Anonymous – 2 Kathleen Checkett Buttici Winnie Stauder Docter Barbara Priesmeyer Forst Nancy Stough Hillhouse Peggy Pettey Powers Ann Marie Skinner Ruhlin Pat O’Toole Seitz Marge Gioia Wyatt
Class of 1966 Louise Cassilly Bullock Linda Cady Mimi Tully Denes Betty Walter Diehl Nancy Spillane Findley Barbara Cummings Kreikemeier Mary Lee Grace Maloy Ann McCoole Rigby Janet Sinclair Wroughton
Class of 1967 Anonymous – 1 Susan Waldschmidt Banks Maureen Walsh Barron Clare Krueger Baumgardt Joan Darby Dougherty Carol Curtin Dufresne Michele Dennis Fuerst Ann McSorley Gunn Maureen Gamp Guzy Kathleen Kempka Hart $QGUHD .HQH¿FN +HUWHO Maureen O’Connor Kavanaugh Suzanne Disch Klevorn Missy Norcini Beverly Arri Rombach Mary Elizabeth Young Sullivan
Class of 1968 Anonymous – 1 0DU\ %RO¿QJ Dana Travis Brennan Peggy Walsh Childress Sally Cody Kathy Roach Day Dianne Schmitz DeLaurier Nancy Logger Etling Chris Clark Fuller Joan Robert Grasso Margaret Nies Hale Susan Johnson Christine Copple Johnson Karen Rhoades Keefe Joyce Faherty Kesting Pat Widmann Seiler Darby Siempelkamp
Class of 1969 Anonymous – 1 Sandra Maloney Bosse Eileen Wilson Burns Patricia Nestor Flynn Karlah Ambrose Gibbs Sue Burke Kellett Kathy Moffatt Lawler Kathy Manganaro Claire St. Jean
Beth Bright Green Joan Hopkins Patricia Nooney Myra Mabry O’Brien Colleen Walsh Pijut Julie Quint Laurie Perkins Shocklin Mary Ellen Dunn Stevenson Marion Kromm White Carolyn Reis Woods
Class of 1970
Class of 1976
Marianne Senkosky Fournie Janet Hayes, RSM Stephanie Martinez Lodewyck Kathy Kaenter Michel Carol Greco Rauh Victoria Ries Libby Snyders Travers Mary Pautler Ziegelman
Maureen Corley Paula Godar Teresa Fitzgerald Neuner
Class of 1971 Beth Anderhub Margaret Irwin Barnidge Polly Burtelow Pamela Oliver Dziuba Barb Brockland Fetter Mary Ann Hahn Virginia Heagney Kathy Hofer Monica McKinnie Huddleston Maureen Moder Keating Jane Wynne Kosash Jane Mug Maher Susan Drace Phillips Lynn Nurre Rawlings Carol Raack Watkins
Class of 1972 Ellen Bonacorsi Teresa Garcia-Otero Clabots Katherine Davenport Cynthia Kriegshauser Hruby Terry Manganaro Norman Bobbie Cassulo Ohmer Diana Birner Radek Kay Korbecki Schumert Lisette Trafton Sztukowski Cynthia Vahlkamp Cynthia Lunneman Wasowski
Class of 1973 Elizabeth Burtelow 0DU\ .UHEV +RS¿QJHU
Class of 1974 Nancy Jarzemsky deBettencourt Susan Jolley Kisling Diane Mecker Linda Young Mueller
Class of 1975 Catherine Eberle Julia Frane Vicki Fraser
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Class of 1977 Lucy Burtelow Brown Eileen Fuchs, BVM Patty Fuhry Anne Marie Behnen Kaufmann Mary Beth Boubek Kohlberg Sally Dierkes Laurentius Katherine Kuna Martin Nancy Milward
Class of 1978 Anonymous – 1 Mary Bannister Mary Kay Beck-French Beth Moloney Cantalin Mary Gail Frane Compton Susan Bright Done Mary Wappelhorst Gasch Patricia Fitzgerald Hannum Mary Spearing Huss Jeanne Niedermeyer Layton Margaret McManus Schu
Class of 1979 Ann Reis Quigley Mary Alice Harter Robben Lisa Baker Schuppan Amy Dierkes Shipley Jamie Sullivan Joan Suntrup
Class of 1980 Barb LaVenture Wedekind Laura Cova Young
Class of 1981 Joan Maruska Arthur Cathy Zimny Barry Lisa Dabski Sue Hohenberger Gauthier Adele Heagney Laura Umbach Kuensting Cheryl Tielke Nankivil Maria Piccione Shields Jane Willman Turner Ph.D. Terri Ambach Walters Mary Jo Tripi Welch
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Class of 1982
Class of 1990
Mary Hejlek Alessi Julie Schwarz Allman Liz Crowe Brown Rene DeFiore Kris Hart L’Ecuyer Maureen Murphy McCann Mary Jo Agnello Meitl Carol Lynch Souhan
Ann Fuegner Cerutti Lucy Karst Kreh Nicole Irovic O’Keefe Alessandra Falcone Pennycuick Amy Tucker Ryan
Kate LaBoube Billings Marie Vogan Cox Kelcey Meadows Lucas Sharon Savage Moshure Christine Hohenberger Novalis Kelly Shamel
Class of 1991
Class of 1998
Jeanne Lodewyck Andrews Nicole Grimm Alison Hoehn Karen McKinley Isabel Fernandez Siedband Susan Mueller Wehmeier
Anonymous – 1 Erin Berger Karen Coughlin Jennifer Knox Monica Wehner Sullivan
Class of 1992 Tiernan Fehling Good Katherine Jecklin Katie Metzger Lindmark Wendy Hopkins Lubbe Morgan Mance Julie Christanell McLaughlin Janet Oberle Theresa Docter Obert
Anonymous – 1 Angela Casey Anne Hammond Cavedine Kathleen Duffy Marsh Martha Ruthmeyer Seidenwand Jennifer Stone Kimberly Tissi Kathryn Winter Tolle Katherine Turnure
Class of 1993
Class of 2000
Jennifer Cammarata Beavers Melissa Freiner Gelner Marla Busby Heyduck Rita Lang McMullen Bridget Scheve Rutledge
Heather Backes Jane Rombach Bronson Colleen Caul Amy Cooper Comiskey Kelly Doherty Iffrig Iris Dickhoff Peper
Class of 1983 Susan Mueller Bub Mary Cradock Susan Ryan Frane Jeanie Geiser Huelsman Mary Ann Strubert Lisa Zoia
Class of 1984 Catherine Koch Patti Carolyn Bulte Riggle Jenni Ryan Jennifer Sultz
Class of 1985 Amy Loftus Agostini Tracy Scheer Christian Kelly Walsh Dulle Ann Snyders Fiordelisi Aimee Hammond Imo Sally Klein LeBlanc Julie Lawder O’Brien Ellen Weis
Class of 1986 Jill Tegethoff Boulanger Jennifer Manley Coles Mary Margaret Burnes Connolly Christine Matula Cressler Julie Bouchard Gau Laura Geiser Mary Coleman Gunther Kimberly Osterman Malone
Class of 1994 Renee Berger Angeli Ashley Bailey Kathleen Herning Boebel Susie Schmidt Journagan Kerrie Knoll Erin Schaeffer
Class of 1995
Sharon Rainbolt Duggan Rachel Rankin Ebeling Jamie Will Schwartz Caroline Flavin Wenberg
Michelle Hammond Basi Kari Daus Carson Lynn Tedoni Dale Katie Krieger Frisella Laura Gallo-Moore Katherine Moehl Gauthier Sarah Kellett Henry Tracy Tegethoff Huster Katy Cuddihee Kapilla Meghan Winter Norman Jody Patterson Katie Etzkorn Wedding Maureen Kelly Werner Mariann Menendez Witkowski
Class of 1989
Class of 1996
Class of 1987 Christie Hull Bettale Julie Ferranti Fitzpatrick Catherine Giordano Young
Class of 1988
Laura Baalmann-Mangano Deborah Flores Catherine Link Hohn Julie Cavanaugh Lohr Catherine Painter Alayne Green Sertl Darlene Diel Wagner Karen Lee Johnson Zachry
Jackie Adamec Simonie Bieber Katy Hartrich Elisabeth Huelskoetter Klug Caroline Preissler Smith
Class of 1997 Angela Barrale Barrow Teresa Unterreiner Berg
Class of 1999
Class of 2001 Ashley Ahlemeyer Colleen Eichhorn Elaine Hartrich Lauren Hieger Alicia Seibel Konstantinovich Emily Kosash Rachel Ohmer Meyers Rebecca Pfeiffer Scalzo
Class of 2002 Megan Clifford Katherine Haggans -DQH 6FKODÀ\ .HUQHQ Jessa Lee Kitty Arendes Martin Melissa Muller Leah Brandenstein Skosky Kate Hermann Stone Julie Sundermann Katie Trueman
Class of 2003 Sara Bularzik Mary Bytnar del Monte Courtney Glenn Denise Guntli Diana Hemkens Blair Hood Allison Leverenz Angela Lombardo Christine Reh
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Mary Elizabeth Rombach Kristin Roques
Class of 2004 Lindsay Barnes-DuCharme Elizabeth Colombo Jessica Gasch Claire Laurentius Mallory Rusch Maureen Winter
Class of 2005 Jessica Imo Carolyn Mueller Elizabeth Richter Laura Sicking Jeanne Wilson
Class of 2006 Michelle Barron Erin Burton Mary Kate Hogan Katherine Kerans Kristen Kloeckener Colleen Murphy Elizabeth O’Brien Nicole Shamel Kathleen Stecher
Class of 2007 Alicia Fischer Sarah Hampel Claire Kalinowski Maureen Kelly Rebecca Kisling
Class of 2008 Josephine Corley Stefanie Fischer Jillian Hoge Julia Niehaus
Class of 2009 Margaret Brockland Mary Grace Bruntrager Amanda Elliott Melissa Murphy Shannon Stecher
Class of 2010 Molly Brendle Haley Hunter Elizabeth Kisling Elizabeth Tuxbury
Class of 2011 Anna Chott Margaret Frane Elizabeth Modde
STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Kevin Toben Pi Day Nerinx Hall Mother’s Club
Class of 2012 Ann Abbott Rachel Ahrens Kathryn Bauman Megan Bean Allison Berndt Alexa Besch Livia Biskup Ashley Brendel Rachel Brobeck Hannah Bruins Katherine Buescher Katie Caul Peyton Chaney Alexandria Clemens Alexis Cochran Dana Cruz Katharine Cuppett Brennan Delsing Elisabeth DeWoskin Candice Dussold Mary Fedora Alexandra Ferry Caroline Fischer Jenna Flater Grace Floros Lydia Frank Rebecca Franke Maureen Gaines Colleen Garvey Sheila Garvey Alissa Gibbons Elizabeth Gier Aurelia Gillespie Sara Glosemeyer Devani Gonzalez Jaclyn Halaz Tayler Hammersmith Rachel Hansen Brittany Hausmann Kaitlin Heagney Kristina Helm Hsiao-Fei Hok Jessica Hudson Gabrielle Intagliata Abigail Jansen Amanda Jerry Shelby Joern Tracy Johnson Emily Jonagan Grace Jost Katherine Kaufmann Emily Kempf Elizabeth Knocke Megan Komos Caroline Krupp Alexandra Krus
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Ellen Kuehl Hayley Kuehner Amanda Ladd Courtney Lane Isabelle Laposha Taylor Lindwedel Abigail MacDonald Emily Mancuso Eve Maret Haylye Markway Cecilia Marten Alexandria Maus Kelly McCabe Brianne McIntyre Morgan McLain Emily Meitz Claire Minnick Amanda Mollett Meghan Moloney Emma Nash Alexis Neukirch Mary Newhouse Kayla Nienhaus Madison O’Toole Lauren Oexeman Marylouise Elizabeth Pabello Abigail Pestka Shannon Peterson Alice Philips-Roth Madison Polk Elise Postol Emily Reardon Madison Roach Laura Roustio Mikaela Rygelski Maria Sanchez Megan Sheehan Mary Shipley Emma Sikora Paulus Claire Springer Katherine Straughn Madison Stuart Lily Sullivan Emma Todd Molly Trevathan Rebecca Vargon Kristina Vidovic Cathryn Vilbig Ryan Walker Madison Warren Elizabeth Wedekind Amy Welin Megan Winborn Madyson Winn Hannah Wobbe Devin Wood
Class of 2013 Courtney Anglo Sarah Bauman Caroline Blazevic
Mary Boeckmann Emily Boston Anne Brauer Madeline Brennan Margaret Brennan Ashley Breuer Mary Brown Jenna Burgess Mary Burwinkel Kathryn Buss Colleen Cantalin Justice Carpenter Vivianna Carter Elizabeth Carthen Margaret Connelly Carolyn Cowling Abigail Crimmins Colleen Crutsinger Mary Devereux Victoria Dipiazza Elise Dopuch Rachael Dreher Brianna Duda Amanda Eshelman Sylvia Evers Melissa Fandos Rachel Faraci Adrienne Franke Abigail Frick Marisa Gearin Hannah Graf Mary Ellen Green Cole Griesedieck Madeline Guillemette Molly Haug Abigail Hebenstreit Emily Heintz Claire Henleben Katherine Herries Maggie Hogan Lauren Holder Sarah Hundelt Jo’Lissa Ingram Alexandria Isom Lauren Jin Katherine Johnson Caroline Jost Deni Kamper Megan Kastner Amanda Koebbe Madeline L’Ecuyer Sydney Larsen Margaret Lenger Emily Leonard MaryClare Lodes Kimberly Lorbert Megan Lorbert Allison Magoc Lacy Majors Abigail Marshall Madison Mascare Madison McArthur
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Kelly Meyer Rachel Miller Kathryn Mimlitz Maria Mohler Caroline Mosby Sarah Myers Courtney Naunheim Lauren Nilles Jasmine Noble Teresa O’Brien Kelsey O’Leary Ellen O’Shea Jacqueline Ott MaryLynne Pabello Ellen Park Sydnee Picha Deanne Pisarkiewicz Hannah Polk Julia Quade Rachel Ragsdale Gabriele Randall Emma Raterman Megan Rehmer Lauren Remspecher Stephanie Ruck Kristen Rusbarsky Madeline Russo Allison Satkowski Cameron Schaefer Rebecca Schamel Sarah Schimmele Kathleen Schmidt Allison Schultz Madeline Seliga Emma Sheerin Rachel Shepherd Kaitlyn Shreeves Madeline Simonds Hannah Sitek Darby Slattery Allison Smith Abby Smith Nhi Tang Sonia Trojahn Ellen Tuxbury Mary Katherine Uttendorf Guadalupe Vargas Elizabeth Vasel Elizabeth Wall Mollie Walsh McKenzie Wayant Lillian Webster Grace Wenkel Andrea Wheeler Mary Whelan Kaitlin Wickenheiser Juliette Williams Briana Wilson Madeline Wise Rose Zetzman
Class of 2014 Alexis Abernathy
Maria Alanis Meghan Albrecht Maggie Alessi Kathleen Anderson Caroline Arnold Noelia Artigas-Herrera Sawyor Ashley Abigail Baker Mary Grace Barry Sarah Beachem Melissa Bean Jasric Bland Jordan Bommarito Rachel Booth Rebecca Bosch Peyton Bowe Maria Briceno Vyctoria Brooks Molly Burton Chelsea Caciano Adeline Caldwell Caitlin Cantwell Maggie Carey Kristine Clanahan Natalie Clarno Alyssa Clausen Claire Conners Alexandra Council Claudia Covelli Allison Crecelius Kelly Cumiskey Abigail Cunningham Caroline Devereux Barbara Doheny Allie Dudenhoeffer Olivia Ellis Madeline Erger Elizabeth Etling Abigail Ferguson Mary Frane Elizabeth Friedmann Natalie Fry Morgan Gammon Emily Gaus Bailey Godat Berklea Going Sarah Harness Sydney Hausmann Anna Hayashi Madeline Herries Riley Hesser Madison Hetlage Tess Hill Jacqueline Hirlinger Sarah Hoffmann Lauren House Christina Hummel Natalie Hunt Rachel Hyland Julianna Inman Kiran Jeevanjee Shelby Johnson Sallie Jones
Emily Kaiser Margaret Kickham Addison Kobie Gabrielle Kramer Carly Kraska Korey Krodinger Erin Kuttler Mary Landolt Lucy Laughlin Erin Looney Allison Lucash Mary Malloy Abigail Marino Valerie Massmann Susan Mathias Allison May Jaclyn Mazzio Genevieve McDevitt Mary Kate McGraugh Mary McLafferty Maggie Mehan Chloe Millikan Abigail Mitchell Annelise Moloney Kelli Moore Casey Muckler Rachel Myers Madeline Nathe Abigail Nelson Kim Nguyen Faith Niebling Mary Niehaus Kristen Nooney Victoria Oakes Rebecca Ohmer Alexandra Peebles Julia Presnell Erin Quigley Molly Quinn Natina Racanelli Claire Rainford Katherine Reed Theresa Reifsteck Charlsie Reneski Claire Robben Mary Rowe Claire Rzonca Haley Sandifer Eva Sarai Taylor Scheibe Caitlin Schmitt Breanna Schneider Christan Schoemehl Kaellin Sheahan Julie Shipley Emma Simon Tessa Smith Christina Souvannarath Erica Spies Camille Stallings Julia Stark Paige Steiner Duncan Stewart
Caroline Stockglausner Jessica Thayer Ellen Thibodeau Miss Kaitlin Thompson Hannah Toczylowski Maria Trujillo Morgan Uetrecht Catherine Ulivi Megan Unterberg Megan Vollenweider Nancy Vu Haley Walter Elizabeth Watson Lauren Werkmeister Claire Wilke Emily Winborn Elizabeth Winter Elizabeth Worland Mackenzie Yess Clare Young Madeline Zoll
NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Megan Komos received the Marcella Sweeney Science Award. Katie Buescher received the Dorothy Day Award for Committed Christian Service. Megan Winborn was awarded the highest award from the Theology Department, the Sophia Award for academic success and wisdom.
Class of 2015 Carolyn Backus Shannon Besch Gretchen Boxdorfer Morgan Bretscher Megan Brickler Amy Buckles Jane Bufe Emily Carmack Andrea Castro Katherine Cerutti Gabriela Cervantes Kori Chettle Beatrice Connaghan Sarah Connolly Maria Conway Chlotte Crim Molly Crimmins Claire Croghan Diana Crump Sophia D’Agrosa Breanna Davis Mariah Davis Emily Donald Maura Duggan Margaret Dummitt Morgan Einwalter Einwalter Laura Erb Katherine Ferriss Joni Fielder Audrey Fischer Miss Marie Fleming Hope Gassmann Molly Gier Alexandria Godat Rebecca Green Kimberly Griesenauer -HQQLIHU *ULI¿Q Gabrielle Guillemette
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS SENIOR AWARDS Father Nerinckx Award Claire Minnick
Julie Sheridan Leadership Award Peyton Chaney
Archbishop May Service Award Claire Minnick
Morganne Haegele Margaret Hagerty Stephanie Harrison Kathryn Hatches Elizabeth Hereford Anna Hesse Gabrielle Hogan Jenny Hua Vivian Hulsey Hulsey Morgan Jensen Rachael Jernigan Jennifer Johns Mary Meehan Kellett Hannah Kennedy Katherine Kickham Madison King Corinne Klump Madeline Knapp Katerina Koenigs Anna Kozlowski Caroline Kraus Claire Kretschmer Greta Kutz Mei Huan Lafferty-Levdansky Cecelia LaMarche Christine Lane Holly Laws Angela Lemakis Michelle Lewis Audrey Lodes Emma Lohman Grace Luepke Nguyen Luong Rebecca Marcolina Brooke Masterson Katherine Maus Lucy McCanna Morgan McChesney Rachel Miazza Kelsey Mika Abigail Miller Claire Mitchell Kathleen Moloney Jessica Niewald Melissa Normington Brittany Olden Hannah Ossola Katherine Padberg Katherine Parmer Alexandria Pawlow
Lily Polley Erika Preusser Mariah Pugliese Mariah Pugliese Sarah Quinn Sophia Racette Ireland Reeves Melissa Riggle Taylor Robinson Kyla Rotty Meghan Royer Timlyn Runiewicz Monica Schmittgens Carlee Schnack Nora Schoenle Alicia Sikorski Marissa Sinak Emma Sitek Abigail Skinner Cheryl Smith Allison Smith Caroline Springer Shannon Steurer Audrey Suntrup Payton Syberg Hannah Thebeau Gabrielle Trebus Anna Trojahn Lydia Tsikalas Clare Turley Hailey VanDerLeest Katherine Vespa Caroline Wagner Sara Walden Ellen Walsh Claire Wasowski Nicole Welch Rasa Whittaker Colleen Williams Abigail Wobbe Claire Woods Allison Ziegler Emily Zoernig
SCHOLARSHIPS Anonymous – 8 Dot Millman Bannes Penny Worthington Barnicle Joan O’Connell Barrett Joan Deichmann Beck Barbara Bubany Berkmeyer
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Barbara Kotovsky Bugg Deanna Schaefer Chott Donna Nast Curtin Joan Clancy Dailey Sharon Ryan Davisson Amanda Elliott Gloria Gilmore Essma Nancy Finneran, SL Mary Ferrara Fitzgibbons-Clarkson Phyllis Bayer Fresta Mary Beth Spillane George Mary Ann Winkelmann Gray Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann Clare Heyne Ph.D. Patricia Willey Hutchison Kathryn Krings Jacobsmeyer John and Laura Buchanan Jost Penny Van Wie Kelly JoAnn Meyer Kelly Theresa Kinealy Mary Kilcoyne Lucas Cecelia Zilliken Luecking Marge Quinn Lundgren Carol Beck Martin Ann Elizabeth Price Mullally Sandra Bentley Nelson Catherine O’Sullivan Kevin and Melissa O’Toole Kay Schinzing Peck Eileen Savage Petros Marian Gray Pfeiffer Colette Kaiser Purcell Florence Parnell Rahubka Lucille Borgschulte Rodden Alice Stapleton Rodgers Mary Basso Rose Elizabeth Hunter Ross Sharon Reay Schulte Mary Clare Kirchmer Sheridan Sylvia Albers Steffen Karen Fanchi Sutton Judy O’Donnell Taylor Bernadine Thien Anne Blanton Tlapek Mary Kay Luepke Tonsi Janet Rosenthal Tremblay Louann Rapp Voss Patricia Reid Wagstaff David and Cristina Walden Colette Barclay Walsh Sue Guhman Wilkes
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Mary Anne Grant Scholarship Fund Joseph and Jo Govreau Steve and Kathleen Winborn Mary Simon
O’Hara Scholarship Fund Margaret O’Hara Bannister
25th Anniversary Fund to Honor Sr. Barbara Roche Anonymous - 1 Kimberly AdyMcDonald Blake and Denice Ahrens John and Mary Hejlek Alessi Mary Anne Struckel Allen Carol Amad Terry and Rita Andres Lou Anglin, BVM Phil Apprill Nancy Graham Arnoldy Penny Avgerenos Pat Dignam Azar Nancy Ott Bailey Ashley Bailey Anne Bannister Catherine Bannister Margaret O’Hara Bannister Mary Bannister Angela Barrale Barrow Michael Bartz Brian and Anne Bearden Joe and Mimi Berry Mary Bickel Chuck and Kathy Billings Patricia Donohoo Bohn Mike and Deb Boland 0DU\ %RO¿QJ Ellen Bonacorsi Ann Geis Boyce Bob and Katie Brandenstein Steven Brendle and Jean Carey-Brendle Dan and Susan Brennan Jane Rombach Bronson Beth Buchek Barbara Buettner Louise Cassilly Bullock Cathy Burgett Polly Burtelow Elizabeth Burtelow Joan Dickhaus Burtelow Barbara Busch Kathleen Checkett Buttici Jim and Bobbie Caldwell Ruth Ann Bazzetti Calloni Kimberly Kruger Camenzind Lynne Lampertz Campbell Deborah Casias Noonan Jeff and Linda Caul Joseph and Linda Cavato Deanna Schaefer Chott Jim and Lynne Clanahan Chris Clark
Josie Clark-Curtiss Carol Colligan Mary Gail Frane Compton Elizabeth Ann Compton, SL Suzanne Rehder Connors Inez Conrad Steve and Julie Council John Cowling and Kate Godar Mary Jo Knaup Crosby Evelyn Hughes Dagenais Barbara Linhares Dannan Katherine Davenport Kathy Roach Day Rene DeFiore Steve and Cecy DeHekker Mary Louise Denny, SL Carol Swanston Devanny Betty Walter Diehl Mickie Dissett Winnie Stauder Docter Susan Bright Done Julianne Dueber Kelly Walsh Dulle Kerry Koob Dyer Cadey Devereux Eastman Sean and Rachel Rankin Ebeling Thomas Edelmann Terry Edelmann Dave and Maureen Everding Gerry Eyerman Joseph and Alison Falcone Chuck and Susie Fandos Kathy Berra Ferriss Josephine Fischer Ron and Sandy Fischer James and Karen Flavin Alfred and Ann Flynn Marianne Senkosky Fournie Eileen Franke Phyllis Bayer Fresta Eileen Fuchs, BVM Patricia Garner Laura Geiser Mary Ann Gentry John and Jackie Gibbons Suzanne Lutz Gill Mary Ann Winkelmann Gray Frances Grebel Nicole Grimm Maureen Gamp Guzy Beth Dougherty Harlan Eric and Margie Harper Larry and Peggy Harris Patty Hart Kathy Hart Kathy Hartrich Robert and Susan Hayashi John and Diane Heagney Virginia Heagney and James Tobin Ted and Diane Hellwig Frank and Mary Hellwig Jodi Scherrer Henrekin
Beverlee Bopp Henry Maureen Herrmann Don and Cyndi Hesse Steve and Michelle Hieger Chriss Nick Hill Gay Kruszynski Hillman Dorothy Franke Hitt Gabriel Mary Hoare, SL Linda Enrico Hodge Carl Hoelting and Kay Calceterra-Hoelting Rose Gioia Hogan Catherine Link Hohn Sharon Horn Roberta Hudlow Lili Huelman Roseann Hughes Tom and Toni Hunt Thomas and Lori Hunt Rob and Chris Hunter Daniel and Virginia Brown Isom Mark and Jean Jackson Kathryn Krings Jacobsmeyer Jim and Chris Jacobson Christine Copple Johnson Susan Johnson Kathleen DeSutter Jordan Dr. Landy Weis Joy Ed and Barb Juettemeyer Peggy Kaiser Jeff and Mary Kalinowski Patricia Sullivan Keating Bob and Barbara Kelley Judith Kemner Patricia Kennedy Pamela Bouckaert Kennedy Richard and Marion Kerckhoff Eileen Kersgieter, SL Susan Jolley Kisling Larry Kist Marianne Knaup Richard and Margaret Koch Jill Koenen Lisa Mueller Komp Marilyn Koncen Kate Bickel Kopriva Art and Meg Korte Emily Kosash Jane Wynne Kosash Tom and Sue Kraska Steve and Mary Krchma Barbara Cummings Kreikemeier Dan and Susan Krupp Bill Kwapy Paul and Kris Hart L’Ecuyer Martha Lane John and Mary Frances Lang Katherine Larson Sally Dierkes Laurentius Jeanne Niedermeyer Layton Siobhan McLaughlin Lesley Mark and Karen Leverenz
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
DONOR GIFT CLUBS Kay Sanders Lewandowski Stephanie Martinez Lodewyck Marge Quinn Lundgren Rosa Lyons Terry and Christine Maltzman Mary Manganaro Kathy Manganaro Mary Lou Hubbard Mareno Patrick and Rosanne Mathis Marian McAvoy, SL Jan McCurley Stephanie Stumpf McCutcheon Joellen Gamp McDonald Mary Ann McGivern, SL Kathy Clark McSorley Barbara Mecker Kathleen Meek Marge and Red Menius Nick and Joan Metzger Bill and Sandy Meyer Liz Ohlendorf Moore Terry Reichardt Morrow Gerry and Judy Murphy Cynthia Coburn Muth Gregory and Peggy Nilles Michael and Mary Noetzel Patricia Nooney Christine Hohenberger Novalis Myra Mabry O’Brien Colleen O’Brien Patsy O’Connell Barbara Wingbermuehle O’Flynn Bobbie Cassulo Ohmer Mary Ellen Marschel Pearson Marcia and Ed Pfeiffer Marilyn Ohlendorf Pfotenhauer Colleen Walsh Pijut Colette Kaiser Purcell Jeffry and Jennifer Quinn Julie Quint Mary Catherine Rabbitt, SL Francis and Georgia Rankin Pauletta Reed Dorothy Slager Reger Jack and June Reilly Julie Reitinger Barbara Salsich Richter Ann McCoole Rigby Willie and Denise Rivers Beverly Arri Rombach Mary Elizabeth Rombach Christie Amacher Rose Louise Rothermich Ann Marie Skinner Ruhlin Tony and Gayle Russo Mark and Mary Russo Bern and Marty Ruthmeyer Bridget Scheve Rutledge Maggie Ryan Steve and Julie Rygelski Shirley Sahrmann Peter and Barbara Salsich Peter and Alice Sargent
Michael and Michele Sawicki Kathy Hughes Schaeffer Mary and Phil Schenkenberg Paul R. Schimmele and Jill Ellen Carnaghi Edward and Mary Dee Schmidt Scott and Mary Schmidt Mary Jude Schmitz Mary Frances Schroeder Lisa Baker Schuppan Mary Ellen Mack Schuppe John and Sharon Scott Bob and Annie Seal Karen Lordo Segrist Ben Senturia Marty and Kitsy Sheahan Julie Cassin Sheridan Victoria Tully Sherman Mark and Teresa Sicking Caroline Preissler Smith Anne Spillane Teresa Spillane Julie Johnson Stein Phil and Marisue Stoll Christopher and Lisa Suntrup Mary Etzkorn Suntrup Erv and Rita Switzer Becky Swofford Barbara Stone Taute Mary Melin Thurmond Jay and Gina Todd Addie Dorsey Tomber Marsha Kohler Trammell Cynthia Vahlkamp Dianne Hauck Valenza Joan Bayot Vatterott Joseph and Lisa Vonder Haar Daniel and Cynthia Lunneman Wasowski Bob and Linda Waugh Diane Zika Weber Matthew and Susan Weis Caroline Flavin Wenberg Maureen Whelan Werner Joan Dierker West Tim and Patty Wommack Kathleen Wright, SL Tom and Kathy Yacovino Mary Pautler Ziegelman Angela Fischer Zinkl
HONORS & TRIBUTES Class Gifts Class of 1952 Class of 1962 Class of 1966 Class of 1986 Class of 1994 Class of 1996 Class of 2001 Class of 2011
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
Class of 1950 Marlene D’Alto Grant
Class of 1971 Reunion Marilyn Ohlendorf Pfotenhauer
Class of 1996 Caroline Preissler Smith
Class of 2001 Lesley Beck Laughlin
Joan Dickhaus Burtelow ‘48 Mary Jo Knaup Crosby
Gabriel Mary Hoare, SL Barbara Buettner Inez Conrad
Jane Wynne Kosash ‘71 Parent Network
Martha Lane ‘64 Gregory and Joan Stark
Norman and Claire Phillips Eddie Roth and Jeanne Philips-Roth
MEMORIALS Erculine Barnis Marlene D’Alto Grant
Mary Bryant ‘92 Janet Oberle
Suzanne Coburn Phyllis Bayer Fresta
Helen Crane Joy Kruszynski Miltenberger Mary Jo Knaup Crosby
Bette Ann Saum Duesing ‘43 Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Pixie Kaletta Etzkorn ‘67 Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Karl Eyerman Chuck and Susie Fandos
Rosemary Kehoe Foote ‘43 Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Meghan Gates ’97 Memorial Randy Berzon Mikolas Michael and Karen Diehl Roseann Hughes
Scott Dennis Hanlen Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Bill Hartrich Mary Taylor Birkel
Matching Gift Companies
Roseann Hughes
Anheuser-Busch Companies Bank of America Matching Gift Program Boeing Corporation ConocoPhillips Express Scripts Foundation Gannett Foundation GE Foundation Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation HMCO Hudson Electric Division JPMorgan Chase Foundation Laclede Gas Company Monsanto Sprint Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Mary Ellen Hyde Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Grace Heidenreich Kieffer ‘43 Marifran Tivy Heiligenmann
Jean Toolen Linhares ‘55 Patti Toolen Kratschmer
Georgette Mabry Carol and Dan Ahillen Mary Taylor Birkel Mary Book Molly Bosch Denise Breeden Susan Burke Pam Follen Patti Harren Maureen Heitmann Jan Johnson Sue Kendrick Pat Koke Laclede Gas and Co. Purchasing & Materials Management Dept. Debby Marshall Carol McGuire Kathy Mercer Dan and Colleen Pijut Belinda Ryan Judy Schokmiller Kathy Schoor Barbara Stone Taute Sue Will
Mickey Mackle Class of 1952
Jackie McDougall Elfriede Jerry
Kitty Toolen Pisciotta LA ‘49 Patti Toolen Kratschmer
Lesley Ostapowicz ‘07 John and Sharen Burns
Mary Thoele Young ‘52 Class of 1952
Restricted Gifts Joyce Bytnar Larry Kist Bob and Chris Mathias Susan Naert Nerinx Hall Fathers’ Club Nerinx Hall Mothers’ Club Video Yearbook Webster Groves School District
Corporate Gifts AT&T PAC Charity Consignment Store Good Works Health Inc. GoodSearch McCarthy Schnucks Markets
Auction Fund-A-Marker Anonymous - 2 Edmond Abrahamian and Jacqueline Batanian John and Mary Hejlek Alessi Dave Augsburger and Gina Baruzzini-Augsburger Chris Ayala Angela Barrale Barrow Bruce and Ruth Barth Jeff and Sara Biskup Joseph and Belinda Bommarito Matthew and Lisa Bretscher Tim and Mary Ann Breuer Craig and Jayuni Buescher Joyce Bytnar Joe and Beth Moloney Cantalin Patrick and Kathleen Cantwell Paul and Susan Chaney Edward and Eileen Croghan Mike and Linda Dillon Winnie Stauder Docter Ken and Aimee Domash Gary and Elaine Dreher Michael and Sharon Rainbolt Duggan William and Patricia Ellis Peter and Susan Ryan Frane Mike Smith and Paula Godar Eric and Margie Harper Virginia Heagney Rick and Kathleen Heagney Chriss Nick Hill Colleen Hogan Rob and Chris Hunter Paul and Amy Inman
Timothy and Jana Jensen Rosalind Johnson Denise Buchanan Jost Jeff and Mary Kalinowski Kenneth and Mary Klump Marin and Roberta Kollef Jane Wynne Kosash Mark and Heather Kotcher Fred and Elaine Kotcher Tom and Sue Kraska Peter and Kelly Lane Sally Dierkes Laurentius Sally Klein LeBlanc Pete and Susan Lemakis Michael and Kathleen Lodes Bob and Leslie Maus Marty and Debbie McCabe Pam McIntyre Ray and Julie McIntyre Nancy Milward Tim and Karen Moloney Gregory and Peggy Nilles Greg and Phyllis Noelken Jared and Laura Normington Theresa Docter Obert Jeffry and Jennifer Quinn Pauletta Reed George and Lou Ann Reed Charles and Shelby Reneski Barbara Roche, SL Jack and Sally Ryan Henry and Beth Rzonca Baldev and Teresa Sarai Paul R. Schimmele and Jill Ellen Carnaghi Richard and Sharon Schmitt John and Sharon Scott Julie Shanahan Scott and Amy Dierkes Shipley Greg and Suzanne Smith Kimberly Roeslein Sneed Paul and Bernadine Sodko Christopher and Lisa Suntrup Joan Wahl Albert Webster and Kristina Stierholz Steven and Laura Cova Young Terrie Young
NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS The Sister Thea Bowman Award for Liturgy and Ministry went to Isabelle Laposha. Sister Ann Manganaro was a woman of the Gospel who had the power to evoke love and was dedicated and focused on Mission. This award was given Amy Welin.
Auction Dinner Underwriters Jim and Lynne Clanahan Peter and Susan Ryan Frane Mike and Martha Hogan Loreto Literary and Benevolent Institution Jack and June Reilly Christopher and Lisa Suntrup Joyce Wood
Nerinx Hall Annual Report
NERINX HALL 530 East Lockwood Avenue Webster Groves, MO 63119
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