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Chris Hill, Dan Starkiss and Stuart Bicknell – the Neroche Apprentices

P roject Aim

To enable a small group of local young people to develop their skills through involve ment wit h the Neroche Scheme, in order to qualify t hem for a career in local countryside management.

P roject Objectives

1. To rec ruit a team of three Apprentic es for an 18 month training pac kage. 2. To provide the Apprentic es with prac tic al training in forestry, and a range of other countryside management ac tivities. 3. To equip all three Apprentic es with NVQ qualific ations in Forestry and Environmental Conservation.

P roject Outputs

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3 apprentic es employed and trained for 18 months 3 apprentic es given prac tic al experience of countryside management with two partner organisations, and given tasters of 5 more 3 apprentic es with suc cessful NVQ Level 2 in Forestry, and selec ted Units at Level 3 in Environmental Conservation

Working together to conserve a nd celebra te the herita ge of the northern sca rp of the Blackdown Hills AONB The Forestry Commission, Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership, Natural England, Somerset County Council, Devon County Council, Taunton Deane Borough Council, Mid Devon District Council, South Somerset District Council, The National Trust, Somerset Wildlife Trust, Butt erfly Conservation, Somerset Art Week Ltd

G a v in S a un d e r s – P r oje ct M an a ge r T : 01 8 2 3 6 8 0 8 46 M : 0 7 7 6 0 3 5 5 00 9 E : gav in . sa u nd e r s@f or e st r y. gsi. gov . u k c / o B la c k d ow n H il l s A ON B , S t I v e l H ou se , S t a t i on Ro a d , H e m yoc k , C u l lo m p t on , D e v on E X1 5 3 S J

Context A key issue for a rural area like the Blac kdown Hills AONB is the retention of young people able and prepared to pursue c areers in heritage management. Many fac tors contribute to the draining away of many young people from the area: lac k of affordable housing, reduc tion in the agric ultural and forestry workforce, the downturn in farm inc omes, the unattrac tiveness of financ ial returns from working in countryside jobs, and the lac k of training and entranc e opportunities into countryside management. While most of these fac tors are beyond the scope of a Landsc ape Partnership Sc heme to address, the latter question of training is one that c an be tac kled. The Neroc he Apprentic eship Projec t offered a bespoke training framework to enable a small number of loc al young people to become a part of the Neroc he Landsc ape Partnership Sc heme. The Projec t served to develop skills in tandem with the restoration of the heritage of the Blac kdown Hills AONB, allowing trainees to inherit a landsc ape at the end of the Sc heme whic h requires people with exac tly their skills to c arry forward its stewardship. This Programme offered an 18 month full time course of prac tic al learning for a team of three Apprentic es, employed on short-term c ontrac ts by the Forestry Commission. The core programme was based in the Neroc he forest, and overseen by FC staff. Under the guidanc e of an assigned Forest Works S upervisor, Apprentic es contributed to environmental restoration projec ts within the FC managed estate, learning prac tic al forestry skills supplemented by formal training courses. Alongside this core ac tivity the Apprentic es also spent a period of the Programme based with other partners in the Neroc he Sc heme, developing their skills and understanding in aspec ts of countryside management pursued by those partners. These inc luded nature conservation management, livestoc k management, outdoor educ ation, tree surgery, public interpretation and ac cess management. The bespoke training programme was run for the Neroc he Partnership by Ambios Ltd, a loc al not-for-profit environmental training company based near Crediton in Devon. Ambios has a strong trac k record in plac ing trainees with environmental organisations and developing bespoke training sc hedules to NVQ level to enable partic ipants to gain long term employment in this sec tor. Ambios worked with the FC to deliver prac tic al voc ational qualific ations to industry requirements within the workplac e alongside context-spec ific numerac y and literac y competenc ies. Individual learning plans derived from training needs analyses guided the Apprentic es through relevant units from both the Forestry and Environmental Conservation Level 2 NVQ award, followed by units of Level 3 Environmental Conservation, all geared to equip partic ipants with prac tic al skills required in c ountryside management. The Projec t also provided S kills for Life support and tutoring to develop literac y and numerac y, and coac hing in employability skills.

Neroche Apprenticeship Project – Summary

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The Programme allowed partic ipants to learn how countryside agenc ies, loc al organisations and private farming businesses operate in looking after the countryside, as well as delivering spec ific prac tic al skills through formal training. This provided a unique insight into the countryside sec tor for individuals who might plan subsequently to work for these bodies. Through the Programme the Apprentic es will become part of an empowered loc al Blac kdown Hills workforce who c an make the countryside work for them in a sustainable manner into the future.

Project Budget Apprentices - recruitment Apprentices - salaries Apprentices - NI Apprentices – superannuation Apprentices - on-costs Vehicle and travel costs for apprentices team Training package administration (Ambios) NVQ assessment Skills for Life/Key Skills coaching Other vocational courses Partner rotation Placement coordinator Employment skills tutor Selection/team building Events and contingency


1,218 51,273 3,367 8,739 12,818 9,750 10,678 17,136 5,600 6,572 1,200 1,800 1,800 5,000 2,341 ÂŁ139,292

Project Funding In c ommon with other projec ts within the Neroc he LPS, this Projec t receives 68% funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, with the balanc e from partner matc h funding. Leader + funding through the Blac kdown Hills LPS provided the major element of this matc h funding, alongside contributions from the county and dis tric t counc ils, Natural England and the Forestry Commission.

Neroche Apprenticeship Project – Summary

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