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Som-it-upfrom Issue 6 - Summer 2013


Ronnie wins at the Adult Learners’ Awards Somerset Skills & Learning celebrated success with an outstanding win at the 2013 Adult Learners’ Awards. In 2008, Ronnie suffered a nervous breakdown, resulting in complete memory loss where she was unable to even recognise her own sons!

omerset County Council employees working within Health and Social Care have been awarded for their hard work at a special event in Wells. A total of 44 staff, including some apprentices, were presented with certificates at the Learning Disabilities Service and Somerset Skills & Learning achievement event held in the Portway Building.


They received a variety of awards including the new Health and Social Care Diplomas, NVQ certificates and apprenticeships. Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Councillor Christine Lawrence, joined Somerset County Council Leader Councillor John Osman to hand over the awards. She said: “I was honoured to be asked to make the presentations and I am proud of the achievements of these learners. Many of the employees have to juggle family commitments with studying and working. The County Council wanted to officially recognise their success which contributes to their valuable role in working with adults with learning disabilities across the whole of Somerset. Their achievements not only aid the individual learner but also result in improving the service to our users.” Councillor John Osman said: “It is fantastic to see so many employees within Social Care strengthen and develop their skills and knowledge. I am pleased at the commitment Somerset Learning Disability Services has in training and development, and the success of partnership working with Somerset Skills & Learning in introducing and delivering the new Health and Social Care Diplomas.”

She spent four years learning new skills, relearning 'old' skills and getting to know her family, home and belongings once more. Ronnie had lost all confidence and was guided towards a NLDC project, which offered courses for service users. She went along to a bread making session run by Somerset Skills & Learning. This inspired her and she was encouraged to attend a Sculpting workshop the following week. This was to become the start of her learning journey with Somerset Skills & Learning. She enrolled on a Sugarcraft course in Taunton, after finding out this had been a previous hobby and was keen to re-learn the craft. Ronnie told us, "This positive experience gave me the confidence to do further learning. " Ronnie has also now also completed a course in flower arranging and even a computer class and last year did a creative writing course – all with Somerset Skills & Learning, with a view to one day writing a book about her journey to recovery. "I cannot believe it all started with a one-day workshop making bread. I've gone on to do many things that have challenged me, like telling my story in front of a room of people and now radio interviews! Somerset Skills & Learning are very proud of Ronnie’s achievements and so pleased that we could be part of her road to recovery.

Family Learning offer help with Ofsted requirements Family Learning is keen to support more schools, Children’s Centres and Nurseries to work with families and provide valuable evidence to meet Ofsted requirements. Examples of workshops include:

Calling all Premises Managers New Level 2 Certificate in “Local Environmental Services Skills” This qualification offers a range of units for all staff involved in cleaning and general maintenance of premises and grounds including the paths, plant borders, general and routine repairs, food areas etc. Baring the mandatory units which promote the importance of communication, team work and following procedures to reduce health and safety risks in the workplace, managers and staff can select the most relevant training/units to meet the needs of their organisation. Increasing understanding of the latest legislation, providing real practical skills and sharing good practice has improved motivation in the workplace. The tutors on this course have been working in the cleaning and environmental services for many years, working successfully with the NHS and Bristol Airport Managers and other large organisations. For further information call 01458 830730.

STOP PRESS: New Diplomas and Certificates in Leisure Management

• Introduction to Early Years – for new parents or parents who want to find out more • Discovering Learning Through Play for parents of children starting school in September • Family Forest Fun – the benefits of outdoor learning • Family budgeting - to help families manage the weekly budget • Family English and maths- to help with homework • Imagine a day in the life of supernanny - time out for parents of teenagers, juniors and pre-school children • HENRY (Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the Really Young ) • Footy and maths – practical help to apply maths in sport • Family Fishing – fathers, mothers, grandparents and children learning to fish safely together For more details contact Ruth Maclennan on 01278 426828 or email:

and Facilitates Management……….

‘WILD Learning’ with Somerset Skills & Learning! Somerset Skills & Learning are pleased to be supporting the newly formed Neroche Woodlanders community enterprise to provide outdoor learning activities for disadvantaged adults. The activities are taking place at Young Wood in the Blackdown Hills, located on the Devon/Somerset border, and provide a fantastic opportunity for adults to become involved in woodland learning and volunteer days. Learners have the opportunity to undertake a range of active taster activities such as woodland management, building a fire pit and identifying trees and plants. A key part of the project is to support learners to progress on to the John Muir Award, which is an environmental award

scheme that encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration. The learners attending the project have been referred by a range of partner organisations such as Knightstone Housing Association, Taunton Deane Borough Council Community Development Team and Taunton Association for the Homeless. To generate interest in the project, the Neroche Woodlanders also ran a very successful ‘Pop-up Forest School’ day at Asda in Taunton. Jenny Archard, project leader said “People who would not have otherwise have been to the woods have had a chance to begin getting a positive experience of working together. The project provides people with

the opportunity to connect, enjoy and care for wild places in their local area.” For further details on Wild Learning please contact Jenny Archard from Neroche Woodlanders on 07541 080397, email or go to

What you need to know about employing young people and the Raising the Participation Age (RPA) ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR ALL EMPLOYERS 2013 Advice and information if you are currently employing or considering employing a young person aged 16-18 from the summer of 2013 and need to know about apprenticeship grants and training for your workforce.

Employing young people The law has changed. From the summer of 2013, young people will be required by law to remain in education or training for another academic year; from 2015 they will need to continue until at least their 18th birthday. What does this mean for an employer? There are no new legal duties for employers, but young employees, those aged 16 - 17, will be required to take some part-time training alongside their work. The basic requirement is at least 20 working hours a week plus 280 learning hours a year which is approximately one full day a week, but could be taken flexibly such as two evenings a week or a block release time.

Does an Apprenticeship count as training? Yes – and if you take on a 16 – 18 year old you will only have to pay their salary; their training will be free. The employment should be for 30 hours a week. The minimum wage required is £2.65/hour, although many employers pay more.

Will this extra training time cost the employer money? No – the government fully finds accredited training for 16 - 18 year olds. This includes training specific to your business needs as well as broader skills such as English and maths. The training can be taken at a local college or provided by a local accredited training provider. Employers are also free to design and fund training programmes of their own and can work with awarding bodies to get these accredited or consider becoming an awarding body themselves.

Apprenticeship Grant for Employers The Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds (AGE 16 to 24) aims to support businesses to grow by providing incentives to assist in offering young people employment through the Apprenticeship programme.

What difference does this training make? Young people and businesses see the returns on this training for many years. Increasing the proportion of trained workers in an industry boosts productivity. Studies have shown this adds more value than the increased cost of wages they receive.

The AGE grants are now available up until March 2014. Visit or email Alternatively call 01278 426828

Eligible businesses employing fewer than 1,000 employees will receive £1,500 for every apprentice aged 16 – 24 they take on, up to a maximum of 10.



Grow your workforce with Apprentices Growing your workforce with apprentices is a cost effective way to ensure a future skilled workforce and will show a return on investment of up to 25%.

Training reduces mistakes and waste, and lean working increases productivity, Apprentices are eager, motivated, flexible and e.g. a Somerset employer recently had to close the production line for a shift are with you because they want to be - they due to staff error. The cost of this downtime for one afternoon was in excess have made an active choice to learn on the job of what the training for the entire team would have cost. Training keeps your business competitive. It keeps staff up to date with new processes, technology and applications. English, Maths and ITC can be integrated into the training to boost essential skills. Qualified staff may reduce insurance premiums.

Your staff work while they train. Most, and in some cases all of the training is on-thejob, reducing downtime and maintaining productivity.

Your training objectives are met. SS&L will undertake a training needs analysis and skills audit with you, so that the training focuses specifically on the areas where your staff need to improve and together we will create an action plan to roll out.

and have made a commitment to a specific career.

SS&L will advise you on training grants, employer incentives and subsidies including the Apprenticeship Grant. SS&L will recruit the right apprentice for your team, saving you time and recruitment costs. You remain in control as you have the final decision on who you take on. Call our Business Development Team on 01278 426828 or email

What’s it all about…


A rtsthatandaimheritage courses to inspire! From the academic year 2013/14 loans are being introduced to support those who are aged 24 and over and undertake advanced and higher level courses. This covers all provision at level 3 and above including Advanced and Higher Apprenticeship frameworks. The reason for introducing loans is that Government grant funding is being prioritised on learning for young adults, those who need English and maths skills, and those seeking work. The introduction of loans will give people outside of these groups the opportunity to continue to access advanced and higher level training. All individuals aged 24 and over who want to undertake training at level 3 and above will be expected to contribute more towards the cost of their training. However, for the first time the Government will make loans available to those individuals, which will only be repaid following their training when they are earning more than £21,000 – in the same way as Higher Education (HE) student loans. Research shows that on average learners derive substantial benefits from undertaking advanced and higher level qualifications, so loans are being introduced on the basis that these learners should make a higher contribution to the cost of their learning in line with the benefits they receive. For more information please contact


Somerset Skills & Learning are developing some exciting new community heritage and arts courses in partnership with Glastonbury Abbey. Courses on offer include Silk Painting, Event Stewarding, Wildlife Digital Photography and Conservation Guiding. The Abbey makes a wonderful setting, in which to learn for enjoyment and personal development. In the 14th century the Abbey was one of the richest and most powerful monasteries in England and the ruins are now a grade I listed building, and a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The Abbey is shrouded in legend and mystery and is associated with King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea. Jill Blackie, silk painting specialist tutor, said “The Abbey offers the ideal environment to inspire creativity. I am very much looking forward to using the architecture, rich heritage and Abbey gardens as inspiration for the course”.

For further details on the Glastonbury Abbey courses please contact James Stone (01458 832267, email James.Stone@

Five excited learners have just received their certificates for an art and design course they have passed thanks to the help from Somerset Skills & Learning. The group included Felicity Hamm (top left), Linda Page (top right), Evelyn Rouse (bottom left), Maureen Urch (bottom right) and Debra Humphries (not pictured). Top middle is the tutor Ade Bowen. To pass the course, the learners had to produce portfolios of work that demonstrated their competence in a number of artistic skills and mediums, including drawing pens, pastels, charcoal, watercolour and acrylics. This was the first level 1 art course of its kind to be run in Burnham for almost ten years and people can have the opportunity to achieve a similar artistic qualification in a new course starting in September. Visit for more details, or call 0845 688 0488.

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