5 minute read
Frances McLaughlin (Belfast
The one thing that people should know about Roberta is that growing up in poverty and only having an elementary education had a profound effect on the person she was to become.
I have selected this fact about Roberta Hewitt’s life because it was one thing that may have held other women back at this time. Due to her own experiences, it is as though she can empathise with others and wants to right wrongs that had happened to her, so that others would not need to go through it. It also shows Roberta’s tenacity and thirst for knowledge as well as her keen sense of justice. Her diaries, letters and evidence from her letter of recommendation for work show that she was a dedicated and hard worker. She also had a keen social conscience and sense of justice.
I had initially wanted to investigate Roberta’s work with the Nursery School association as I have worked in a nursery in the past. In using the Index that Roberta has very helpfully made, I looked up the references to the Nursery School Association. However, I found myself heartbroken for Roberta as, even though she was good at the work and she was good with children, she could not be given the paid position. This was because she had only an elementary formal education as she had to go out to work at an early age — she left school at 14 to work in the Flax Control Board. The people in the setting assumed that Roberta had a secondary education, presumably due to how she interacted with those around her. Despite feeling let down by this episode, Roberta continued to stick with the committee as she was interested in establishing Nursery School Education in Northern Ireland. The Roberta that emerges from her diary is a woman who is well-read, cultured and articulate. She has her own views on art, music and literature and a very sharp wit. She and John discuss the books that they have read, and he remarks that he likes when Roberta notices something that he had not. Her working-class background sowed the seed for her interest in the Socialist Cause and she was willing to stand up for what she believed in.
Quotes from Roberta Hewitt’s 1947-1950 Diary (D3838/4/2/1)
“At some stage my father became an alcolic [sic] & we were in great poverty. He died about 1915.” (p.2)
“Wed 7th January ’48. I am a bit disappointed not to have heard anything about my going everyday to School FOR PAY. I suppose it is because I have had nothing but an elementary education. The committee, I presume, took it for granted that I had a secondary education. I feel a bit ashamed of the fact, that is foolish

YHA Membership Card Photo 1955. PRONI: D3838/1/1/21
of me, but I would have liked an education. However I will not worry about it. I phoned Miss A. McCready, our Chairman of E.N.S. & she is a member of Ed Committee - she was very tactful & said it had been discussed by Local Authority who were in favour of my appointment, but I would have to be paid by ministry of Ed. & probably they will require the qualified person in spite of the fact I am pretty good with the children. They are right, of course, only they cannot get the qualified person at the moment. I went to the school this morning to take charge of Mrs. Pritchard’s group while she was with the Dr. at medical inspection. It was lovely & some of the children ran to meet me & didn’t want me to go home.” (p.36)
“I heard by chance that another girl was appointed to the school & still I have no official word. I was deeply hurt & came home & wept - It rubs in my lack of Education & now the committee must know that I have none. I felt humiliated. Johnny was kind & took me to his heart. This was on Friday night. Today it is healed I know it doesn't matter about these snobs really - if they think less of me, they are less in themselves. I will go to the committee on Wed. & I may say that I think it was not courteous to keep me a month & not decide & then not let me know when they had appointed someone else. But I may say nothing. But they shouldn't treat people like that - so much for an Education committee - it argues their attitude to human beings is wrong.” (p.44)
“Sunday 18. On Wednesday 14th I went late to committee - I made a protest over the representation of mothers on our committee They should be made a stable part of our committee as it is important that they have the Right to attend our committee as it is we only allow them to come.” (p.45)
"Mrs Pritchard has had poisoned hand & ministry asked me to take her place in school for two weeks - I confess I was pleased they had to come to me after their treatment God preserve us from small victories.” (p.53) “I worked in the school from Wed 28 Jan till 13th officially - & had to get a medical certificate & fill in hours of training etc which was blank in my case. So wrote ‘Voluntary work in Nursery School for 10 years’ back on Monday & Wednesday to give Mrs. P a chance to try out new assistant which Mr Bass, Peggy Roberts & myself interviewed & appointed.” (p.54)
“I have felt Britten rather too clever & blamed him for just arranging old songs & claiming too much credit.” (p.233)
“I then read what I'd written about the book to him & he said he had missed what I find in it & was very pleased with my perception of the meaning of the message it held. He said he always admires a job done that he couldn't do.” (p.243)
Quote from Letter of Recommendation from The Blackstaff Flax spinning & Weaving Co. Ltd (D3838/4/1/2/1/3)
“During that time she attended to her duties in a very satisfactory and with conscientious care. In our judgement, she is an intelligent young lady of trustworthy character, possessing a tactful and agreeable disposition, and would be sure to give satisfaction to anyone engaging her for almost any kind of General Office Work. Unfortunately she leaves us due to sickness at home, and we are sorry to lose her.”
Letters of Sympathy to John Hewitt upon the death of Roberta (D3838/3/19)
“ I always regarded Mrs Hewitt as a very ‘human’ person and a ready listener to other people’s troubles, however trivial." (Henry Williamson)
“I have many happy memories of the work Ruby did to establish Nursery Education in Northern Ireland.” (Peggy Roberts)
“She developed from being pleasantly intelligent to a near-intellectual.” (Elsie Patton)

Employment Letter. PRONI: D3838/4/1/2/1/3