June 2024 Computing
004.6 EVE
Everett, M. and Stuart, S. (2023) Digital production, design and development. T level. Core. London: Hodder Education.
005.3 ROU
Rouse, G. (2023) Digital production, design and development. T Level. London: Hodder Education.
005.369 PAL
Pallant, J. (2020) SPSS survival manual: a step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. 7th edn. London: Open University Press.
006.3 MOL
Mollick, E. (2024) Co-intelligence: living and working with AI. London: WH Allen.
Early Years
155.413 GAR
Garvey, D. (2023) Little brains matter: a practical guide to brain development and neuroscience in early childhood. Abingdon: Routledge.
371.102 PEN
Pendrey, A. (2022) The little book of reflective practice: a practical guide to the early years. Abingdon: Routledge.
371.3340833 SAV
Savage, M. and Barnett, A. (2017) Technology-enhanced learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. St. Albans: Critical Publishing.
371.78 BUC
Buckler, R. (2023) Developing child-centred practice for safeguarding and child protection: strategies for every early years setting. Abingdon: Routledge.
371.90472 MUR
Murphy, K. (2022) Supporting the wellbeing of children with SEND: essential ideas for early years educators. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.1102 GRI
Grimmer, T. (2022) Supporting behaviour and emotions in the early years: strategies and ideas for early years educators. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.1384 WAT
Watkins, S. (2021) Outdoor play for healthy little minds: practical ideas to promote children's wellbeing in the early years. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.21 BUR E-book
Burnham, L. and Tassoni, P. (2023) Education and early years. T level. London: Hodder Education.
372.21 CAM
Campbell, J. C. and Mainstone-Cotton, S. (2023) Building positive relationships in the early years: conversations to empower children, professionals, families and communities. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.21 DAN
Daniel, V. (2023) Anti-racist practice in the early years: a holistic framework for the wellbeing of all children. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.21 KIN
Kingston-Hughes, B. (2022) A very unusual journey into play. London: Corwin.
372.21 MOX
Moxley, K. (2022) A guide to mental health for early years educators: putting wellbeing at the heart of your philosophy and practice. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.21 PEN
Pendrey, A. (2023) Reflection and reflective spaces in the early years: a guide for students and practitioners. London: Routledge.
372.21 TAS
Tassoni, P. (2010) Penny Tassoni's continued success with the EYFS: presenting Penny's EYFS makeover DVD. Harlow: Heinemann.
372.21 TAS E-book
Tassoni, P., Burnham, L. and King, J. (2023) Education and early years. T level. Early years educator. London: Hodder Education.
372.5 MAI
Mainstone-Cotton, S. (2023) Creativity and wellbeing in the early years: practical ideas and activities for young children. Abingdon: Routledge.
372.6 MUR
Murphy, L. (2023) Supporting the wellbeing of children with EAL: essential ideas for practice and reflection. Abingdon: Routledge.
Research Methods
300.72 BES
Besen-Cassino, Y. and Cassino, D. (2023) Social research methods by example: applications in the modern world. 2nd edn. New York: Routledge.
300.721 INC
Procter, C. (ed.) and Spector, B. (2024) Inclusive ethnography: making fieldwork safer, healthier and more ethical. London: Sage.
Teacher Education and Pedagogy
004.071 HAR
Harrison, A. J. (2021) How to teach computer science: parable, practice and pedagogy. Woodbridge: John Catt Educational Ltd.
004.0712 SIM
Simmons, C. and Hawkins, C. (2015) Teaching computing. 2nd edn. London: SAGE.
302.14 DEV
McPhee, S. and Pugh, V. (eds.) (2024) Developing quality PSHE in secondary schools and colleges. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
374.012 ALL
Allan, D. (2017) Teaching English and maths in FE: what works for vocational learners?. London: Learning Matters.
374.012 KAY
Kay, J. (2021) Improving English and Maths in further education: a practical guide. London: Open University Press.
379.26 MAJ
Major, L. E. and Briant, E. (2023) Equity in education: levelling the playing field of learning: a practical guide for teachers. Melton: John Catt.
420.712 TEA
Evans, C. et al. (2009) Teaching English: developing as a reflective secondary teacher. London: SAGE.
428.007 TEA
Paton, A. and Wilkins, M. (eds.) (2009) Teaching adult ESOL: principles and practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press in association with the National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy.
428.00712 NEE
Needham, T. (2023) Explicit English teaching. London: Corwin.
428.13071 BRO
Brown, A. (2019) Understanding and teaching English spelling: a strategic guide. New York: Routledge
428.2 FUN
Meed, J. and Rossetti, A. (2013) Functional skills English in context. Entry 3 - Level 2, Childcare workbook. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
428.20712 WEB
Webb, J. and Marcello, G. (2023) Essential grammar: the resource book every secondary English teacher will need. London: Routledge.
Boaler, J. (2022) Mathematical mindsets: unleashing students' potential through creative mathematics, inspiring messages and innovative teaching. 2nd edn. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.
510.7 PER E-book
Pershan, M. (2021) Teaching Math with examples. Woodbridge: John Catt.
510.712 ANS
Dillon, F. L. et al. (2022) Answers to your biggest questions about teaching secondary Math. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
510.712 CHA
Chambers, P. and Timlin, R. (2019) Teaching Mathematics in the secondary school. 3rd edn. London: SAGE.
610.730711 HAL
Halstead, J. A. and Billings, D. M. (2023) Getting started in teaching for nursing and the health professions. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
700.71 HOW
Zmijewski, A. et al. (2022) How to teach art?. Zurich: Diaphanes.
700.71 JAF
Jaffe, N., Barniskis, B. and Cox, B. H. (2013) Teaching artist handbook.vol.1: tools, techniques and ideas to help any artist teach. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
700.71 LEA
Addison, N. and Burgess, L. (eds.) (2015) Learning to teach art and design in the secondary school: a companion to school experience. 3rd edn. London: Routledge.
700.71 LOG
Logan, R. (2018) Approaches to learning and teaching art and design: a toolkit for international teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
700.71 PRA
Ash, A. and Carr, P. (eds.) (2024) A practical guide to teaching art and design in the secondary school London: Routledge.
700.71 SAL
Salazar, S. (2021) A guide to teaching art at the college level. New York: Teachers College Press.
700.71 TEA
Hetrick, L. (ed.) (2018) Teaching art, (re)imagining identity: a collection of articles from Visual Arts Research. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
709.71 JAM
James, V. (2022) Teaching art history: engaging the adolescent in art appreciation, cultural history and the evolution of consciousness. Hudson, NY: Waldorf Publications.
796.071 MIT
Mitchell, S. A., Oslin, J. L. and Griffin, L. L. (2021) Teaching sport concepts and skills: a tactical games approach. 4th edn. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Food Sciences
344.04232 THO
Thomas, I. (2021) Practical guide to food law in the United Kingdom. 2nd edn. Minehead: Law Brief Publishing.
613.2 MCC
McCance, R. A. et al. (2015) McCance and Widdowson's the composition of foods. 7th edn. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
Health and Social Care
361 WAL
Walsh, M. (2011) BTEC National health and social care. Level 3. London: Collins Education.
610 HOA
Hoare, S., Adams, J. and Riley, M. (2024) Health. T level. Core. 2nd edn. London: Hodder Education.
610.72 UND
Bowers, D. et al. (2021) Understanding clinical papers. 4th edn. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
Health and Safety
363.11 HUG
Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E. (2021) Introduction to health and safety at work: for the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. 7th edn. Abingdon: Routledge.
363.11 STR
Stranks, J. (2016) Health and safety at work: an essential guide for managers. 10th edn. London: KoganPage.
363.110973 REE
Reese, C. D. (2017) Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach. 3rd edn. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Study Skills
370.1534 COT
Cottrell, S. (2022) Mindfulness for students. London: Bloomsbury.
371.2011 BUS
Bush, T. (2020) Theories of educational leadership and management. 5th edn. London: SAGE.
371.30281 COT
Cottrell, S. (2019) 50 ways to boost your grades. London: Red Globe Press.
378.170281 COT
Cottrell, S. (2019) 50 ways to manage time effectively. London: Red Globe Press.
378.170281 HOP
Hopkins, D. and Reid, T. (2024) The academic skills handbook: your guide to success in writing, thinking and communicating at university. 2nd edn. London: Sage.
378.1971 COT
Cottrell, S. (2019) 50 ways to manage stress. London: Red Globe Press.
378.1982691 COT
Cottrell, S. (2019) 50 ways to succeed as an international student. London: Red Globe Press.
808.042 COT
Cottrell, S. (2022) 50 ways to excel at writing. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
510.76 LIN
Linksy, J., Marwaha, N. and Smith, H. (2016) Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) mathematics. Foundation, Practice papers plus+. London: Pearson Education.
510.76 SMI
Smith, H. (2015) Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) mathematics. Foundation. Revision guide. London: Pearson Education.
519.502415 DAN
Dancey, C. P. and Reidy, J. (2020) Statistics without Maths for Psychology. 8th edn. Harlow: Pearson.
616.8914 STA
Stark, M. (2000) Modes of therapeutic action: enhancement of knowledge, provision of experience and engagement in relationship. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Conservation and Ecology
576.84 KOL
Kolbert, E. (2024) The sixth extinction: an unnatural history. 10th anniversary edn. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Animal Care
591.51072 BAT
Bateson, M. and Martin, P. (2021) Measuring behaviour: an introductory guide. 4th edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
636.0889 SEC
Shepherdson, D. J., Mellen, J. D. and Hutchins, M. (eds.) (1998) Second nature: environmental enrichment for captive animals Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
636.089 BSA
Cooper, B., Mullineaux, E. and Turner, L. (eds.) (2020) BSAVA textbook of veterinary nursing. 6th edn. Gloucester: British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
636.0892 ASP
Aspinall, V. and Cappello, M. (2020) Introduction to animal and veterinary anatomy and physiology. 4th edn. Wallingford: CABI.
636.0892 CUN
Klein, B. G. (ed.) (2020) Cunningham's textbook of veterinary physiology. 6th edn. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
636.7 KEN
Kennel Club (2017) The Kennel Club's illustrated breed standards: the official guide to registered breeds 5th edn. London: Ebury Press.
613.71 PEA
Adams, M. et al. (2016) Pearson BTEC National sport and exercise science. Student book. London: Pearson.
796 PEA
Forsdyke, D. et al. (2017) Pearson BTEC National sport. Student book 2. London: Pearson.
796 PEA
Crane, R. (ed.) (2016) Pearson BTEC National sport. Student book 1. London: Pearson.
650 BTE
Phillips, J. et al. (2016) BTEC National business. Student book 1. London: Pearson Education.
650 PHI E-book
Phillips, J., Richards, C. and Smith, J. (2016) BTEC National business. Student book 2. London: Pearson Education.
650 REV E-book
Jakubowski, S. et al. (2017) Revise BTEC National Business. Revision workbook. London: Pearson Education.
650.14 COT
Cottrell, S. (2019) 50 ways to boost your employability. London: Red Globe Press.
658.4038 EVE E-book
Everett, M. and Stuart, S. (2022) Digital support and business services. T level. Core. London: Hodder Education.
658.4038 ROU E-book
Rouse, G. (2023) Digital support services and digital business services. T levels. London: Hodder Education.
658.7 CHO
Chopra, S. (2019) Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation. 7th edn. Harlow: Pearson.
Art and Design
724.6 GAU
Funes, A. G. et al. (2005) Gaudi X Gaudi. [no place]: Triangle Postals.
745 EDW
Edwards, S. (1998) Folk art style: traditional and contemporary painting for everyday objects. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.
746 MEE
Meech, S. (2009) Connecting art to stitch. London: Batsford.
746.92 KIP
Kiper, A. (2011) Fashion illustration: inspiration and technique. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.
751.4 LEA
Learn to Paint and Draw: from a simple sketch to a beautiful painting (2007). Sywell: Igloo Books Ltd.
751.426 FRE
French, S. (2007) Acrylics. London: Collins.
759.05 UIT
Uitart, E. van, Tilborgh, L. van and Heugten, S. van (1990) Paintings: Vincent van Gogh. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori.
759.0663 CLA
Clavero, J. J. (2002) Fundacio Joan Miro: guidebook. Edited by R. M. Malet. Barcelona: Skira.
759.2 KYT
Kyte, D. (1998) The botanical footwear of Dennis Kyte. New York: Smithmark.
759.36 EGO
Egon Schiele (2004). Hoo: Grange.
759.36 GIL
Gill, D. M. (1996) Klimt. London: Brockhampton.
759.972 FRI
Frida Kahlo (2005). Hoo: Grange.
Film and Theatre
781.64 RAT
The Rat Pack live from Las Vegas: the smash hit West End musical (2004). Directed by M. Sebastian. [DVD]. Brighton: Lace International.
791.43 ANO
Anonymous (2011). Directed by R. Emmerich. [DVD]. [no place]: Columbia Pictures.
791.43 CAP
The captain's table (2010). Directed by J. Lee. [DVD]. [no place]: ITV Studios Limited.
791.43 DJA
Django unchained (2012). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Visiona Romantica.
791.43 ING
Inglourious basterds (2009). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Universal.
791.43 JAC
Jackie Brown (no date). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Miramax.
791.43 JUM
Jumping for Joy: the hilarious canine caper (2020). Directed by J. P. Carstairs. [DVD]. [no place]: Carlton Film Distributors.
791.43 KIL
Kill Bill: volume 2 (2011). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Miramax.
791.43 KIL
Kill Bill: volume 1 (2011). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Miramax.
791.43 PAN
Pan's Labyrinth (2007). Directed by G. del Toro. [DVD]. [no place]: Optimum Home.
791.43 PUL
Pulp fiction (no date). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Miramax.
791.43 RES
Reservoir dogs (2010). Directed by Q. Tarantino. [DVD]. [no place]: Lionsgate.
791.43 ROO
Rooney: the Irish as the blarney and as funny as they come (2014). Directed by George Pollock. [DVD]. [no place]: Carlton Film Distributors.
791.43 VAL
Value for money (2013). Directed by K. Annakin. [DVD]. [no place]: ITV Studios Limited.
791.43 VOL
Volver (2006). Directed by P. Almodovar. [DVD]. [no place]: El Deseo.
791.43 WOO
The Woodsman (2005). Directed by N. Kassell. [DVD]. [no place]: High Flier.
942.1 EAS
East End through the ages (no date). Produced by J. Gammond and T. Exell. [DVD]. [no place]: Green Umbrella