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Flipping your reaction to Coronavirus
We’re certainly living in unprecedented times right now. Luckily, I’ve got solutions for some of your Coronavirus crisis gut-health concerns!
Problem: My anxiety is playing up.
How you’re probably dealing with it: Comfort eating.
Better solutions: Diaphragmatic breathing, daily routine, probiotics.
In uncertain times as we get more stressed, the transmission of our serotonin decreases. Comfort eating makes sense because we get an immediate serotonin boost, which elevates our mood. However, this relief is only temporary, so we get caught in a vicious comfort-eating cycle. The good news is you can take back control in a number of ways.
Diaphragmatic breathing, or ‘yoga breathing’, is a deep-breathing technique designed to increase oxygen flow and has calming effects on your nervous system. Instead of filling your chest with air when you inhale, fill the space behind your navel first. Doing this technique daily promotes anxiety reducing properties to calm stress levels. Taking a good-quality probiotic can also provide serotonin-boosting results, given approximately 85% of serotonin is produced in your gut. Additionally, if you’re following advice to remain at home, sticking to a structured daily routine can help you feel like you have more control over your situation and appease anxious feelings.
Problem: I’m feeling constipated and bloated.
How you’re probably dealing with it: Ignoring it.
Better solutions: Keep a food diary, stay hydrated, eat a consistent diet.
Many of us are suddenly finding we have a lot of spare time on our hands. So now is the perfect time to keep a food diary to pinpoint the food group(s) that may be triggering your symptoms. Different foods can present different symptoms that may not be immediate, so you may need to look back 48-72 hours to determine why you’re bloated and constipated today. My best tip to keep things moving is water. If you’re glued to the news coverage and not going to the gym, you’re probably drinking less water than usual. It’s also likely you’re eating different foods at different times of the day than your body is used to. Look to these reasons as the likely culprit causing your symptoms.
Problem: I can’t get a colonic.
How you’re probably dealing with it: Freaking out.
Better solution: Home enemas.
Colonic clinics were just one of many businesses required to temporarily cease operation under mandatory Coronavirus regulations. Many people use colonics as an integral part of their wellness routine. The good news is that home enemas can provide effective benefits in the interim. A water enema will clear the lower 20% portion of your colon, and give you the confidence to continue your cleansing regimen – albeit on a smaller scale – until you’re able to resume treatment. Enema kits are available via our website and can also be found in online health stores.