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Immunity boosting and antiviral herbs
Cat’s Claw
Herbally, Cat’s Claw is used as an antiviral and also to boost immunity. It’s an herb that is used for HIV and also very strong viral infections like mosquito born viruses. Research shows that Cat’s Claw is a powerful herb to work on broad spectrum microbes in the body.
This king of bitters works on the liver and helps pull viruses out of the blood too. Andrograhis is powerful as it targets the liver and helps the liver clean out all illnesses. It is also a string herb for the lungs and works on clearing and cleaning the lungs of infections.
Elderberry Berries
This is a powerful antiviral herb and has been used for cross species infections such as swine flu. Elderberry berries are a specific antiviral antioxidant combination that help strengthen the body and also work against viruses.
Ganoderma Mushroom
Reishi mushroom is one of the strongest ways to boost your immunity and protect your liver and body from viral infections. Take a daily dose of mushrooms and you will be protected from many viral exposures. They say 1000 days of Reishi mushroom will totally transform your immune system into a powerhouse!
Astragalus root
Astragalus helps make immune cells and increase your immunity. This herb is really good for everyone and helps as a preventative. It’s one of the best immunity boosting herbs.
Echinace a Root
We love echinacea root for its immunity boosting and protective properties. Echinacea also is antimicrobial and antiviral. It’s a great herb to protect and prevent viral infections and also help clear them.
Ok, enough herbs… I could write all day about how awesome herbs are and why they are here to protect you now. Let us know if you want us to make you a super powerful immunity boosting herbal blend. Connect with us and we are happy to make you an herbal blend.
At this time look after yourself and treat your body with extra love and care. Rest up and take good measures to protect yourself.
We offer a 15-minute free chatline for advice and we can formulate and send you herbs asap!
Click on our ‘BOOK’ button on our website for your personal online consultation. This is a new service and we post your herbs free of freight when you have a one-hour online video consult with me.
Podcast Project Wellness with me: https://open.spotify.com/show/ 5chvtDn3cYEIFdAoWDeBI5 www.medicineroom.com.au