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Homeopathy and mastitis
Mastitis occurs typically when a milk duct becomes blocked. The milk builds up and blocks the duct, then the nearby tissue becomes inflamed. This can then cause symptoms such as breast pain, swelling, warmth, fever and chills. It can feel like you have the flu with body aches and pain, but local pain is also in the breast. A red streak may also be visible on the breast.
It’s best to try and prevent mastitis from occurring. You can do this by:
• Ensuring the baby is attached correctly
• Ensuring the breast is fully drained
• Breastfeeding as often as the baby wants to feed
• Wearing the correct bra, one that is loose
• Expressing to drain breasts fully, if needed
• Alternating breasts when feeding
• Relaxing while you supply to help the breast milk flow
• Resting as much as you can
In homeopathy, we look at the symptom picture of the person and match it with the symptom picture of the remedy to trigger a healing response. This is what we call ‘like curse like’. By doing so, the body can heal naturally. Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and is used worldwide by millions of people for many ailments and conditions. In some parts of the world, it is part of the medical health care system. Homeopathic preparations come from natural sources, such as plants and minerals. Because they are so gentle, the preparations can be used alongside conventional medicine and in all stages of life.
When I support mothers with recurring mastitis, I also recommend supporting the baby at the same time, as recurring mastitis often involves both mother and child. Mother and child are so profoundly connected that it is essential to treat both. Homeopathy supports a mother during a mastitis flare-up as well as helping reduce mastitis recurrence.