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Mother healing and manifesting
The relationship with our mother(s) is the most important relationship we have, especially in the early years of our life. Our mothers care for all our needs when we are little, and without this care, we would not survive. So what happens when there are disruptions to this love from our mother? What happens when she feeds us, but is emotionally unavailable to us? Perhaps she is sick or has a mental illness. Perhaps she is an addict or her mind, heart and soul is consumed with an old trauma that has not been resolved, leaving her not fully present or available enough to give us her all.
As children, we go into many energetic, co-dependent agreements with our parents in order to survive. These agreements happen on the level of the soul, and shape our energetic frequency; thus, what we vibrate, we attract. We also are very loyal to our parents (or other caregivers) early on
Unless you work on the level of the soul and look at your energetic frequency, you may never know these pains and patterns, and the ‘stuff’ you are holding onto that is interfering with your life today. I often come across these old co-dependent mother contracts in my work with clients in Unlock Your Love Blocks. These energies serve as the blueprint to many current and past relationships.
The dynamic or deal you made with your mother to survive and make it through can interfere with our ability to create relationships free from the pain we picked up in childhood. It also sets us up for more co-dependent relationships with others. It almost can feel like you are always trading off, settling, putting up with and sometimes even selling your soul, just to feel safe, but never truly experiencing the deep connection you yearn for.
This mother stuff blocks our ability to manifest because our original capacity and experience to receive was from our mothers. If this process was disrupted, it’s difficult for us to receive life and receive from life. We can’t receive the best from life or the best from others until we resolve these old agreements and clear this energy connected with our mother(s).
Contact me if you wish to know more.