2 minute read
Self-trust in wobbly times
How often does life present us with challenges that require to fully surrender to self-trust? What teaches us to trust ourselves in that moment? Opportunities out of the blue, forks in the road, choices that don’t seem ‘rational’ or ‘logical’.
These situations come along and all too often we revert back to our programming. What is ‘safe’? What is expected? If you’re always worried about ‘toeing the line’, are you ever actually being your true self? You’re always on alert – whether it’s conscious or subconscious. The trust muscle is rarely exercised!
Trust issues can stem from being let down, by the actions of others, but also we can unknowingly create our own – by our own expectations, the fear of repeating past ‘mistakes’ that develop into self-doubting. You feel you need to question yourself. Can I trust myself not to do that again?
Trust ‘betrayed’ can be hard to overcome. I think building trust comes with continual ‘proof’. Everything is a choice – you can be dictated by external forces or follow your own path. It’s our perception of self, our capabilities, and the boundaries we build up around ourselves that stop us allowing self-trust.
Don’t we humans like to know, if only just a little bit, some sort of guarantee of an outcome?! Or do we blindly have faith and belief that everything will flow and work out, however things unfold? Do you believe in your capability to adapt with how things work out, your place within your life, yourself, your self-confidence?
I think it’s easier to trust yourself if you believe you’re in control of your own direction and destiny. You’re responsible for most of what happens to you. Ultimately it’s up to you to point yourself in the right direction.
Do you allow self-trust? Do you feel it’s safe to trust you?
What if you trusted you were here to embody entirely your own flow? Doing exactly what you’re meant to, and also having each and every version of you building on the last – lessons, learnings and experiences. What if you never felt the need to doubt your journey and saw it as an unfolding?
How empowering it is to trust! It’s something that gives back to you as you give to it. I think it allows much more freedom for you to trust others. Like much of life, it’s an ongoing process of surrender. Trust the universe not only has your back, but has your feet, and your heart!