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How to create a conscious relationship


Aconscious relationship comes from a space of nurture and support which inspires and encourages the other to grow as an individual and as a couple; where you can let go of expectations, judgment and demand and come from a place of kindness and gratitude.


It allows you to be able to discuss the heavy topics, with each person taking ownership of their role. It’s about taking responsibility for your own issues and taking action to work out how to move through it, heal it and be truly vulnerable with each other. When you can do that, then you grow and evolve as an individual to be the best version of you and then your relationship can grow and deepen as well. By being together, it creates more in your life in every way. When you are present and connected to yourself, it allows you to do the same with your partner and this is what starts to create a deeper intimate connection with each other.

When you let go of demand and replace it with appreciation and honouring of each other, the relationship blossoms. This allows for deeper intimacy. When you reach this place, everything changes and expands and your sexual connection can go to a whole other level as well.

PAULINE RYELAND, Intimacy Whisperer® , Sex, Libido, Relationship Coach and Educator. www.paulineryeland.com

Kean says: The world needs conscious men. A conscious man is aware of himself as soul. A conscious man seeks challenge, growth and becomes deeply interested in his partner, family, and the world. When a man is present, he will form deep, meaningful relationships that work. Couples that consciously connect, are catalysts for real purpose and real change in the world. When a conscious couple connect, evolution always occurs. There are many challenges associated with conscious coupling, as you both have an opinion and nobody plays games, but the growth and success arrived at through the open respect and negotiation of a conscious relationship is empowering. Couples who negotiate openly throughout challenges become stronger, deeper and more intimate, especially in areas like sexual intimacy. Men who understand that their power lies as much in vulnerability as hardness will thrive in the 21st Century. Men who are open to their partners’ viewpoints as much as their own will thrive and empower their whole families. We must be aware that old male role models got us this far and to make life work in the 21C we must be even more balanced. Even more evolved. A man who is enrolled in conscious connection with himself, extends a fuller connection to his partner, with a level of sexual intimacy and potency to match. The decision to make ‘conscious connection’ one’s primary focus in life, creates a deeper, richer connection that everyone can see, touch, and feel.

KEAN BUCKLEY is a leader, speaker and facilitator in men’s health and well-being. www.zeroplusnine.com

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