2 minute read

Support your loved one under stress with a potent technique


In this challenging world, we find ourselves with increased stress. This changes the way we interact with each other, and both women and men are finding the journey has impacted their level of joy, vitality and health.


In the energy body, a system called Triple Warmer is responsible for our survival. It governs the fight-flight-freeze response and the ‘search and destroy’ component of our immune system. I like to think of this energy as ‘Thor’ who is both a protector of those he loves and also a warrior, commanding his troops to protect his world – your body!

This ‘Thor’ energy is always on alert, scanning the environment, recruiting energy from meridians and other energy systems when ‘he’ perceives a threat. For many people today – especially men – this system is in overdrive and over-vigilance, as fathers and providers are under increasing challenges to take care of their families.

In men particularly, their Yang energy can become overburdened and affect their mood, vitality and sense of being ‘provider’. With Triple Warmer or ‘Thor’ in overdrive, this can activate the fight-flight-freeze response even more than usual. When Triple Warmer perceives a threat, it recruits energy from the spleen meridian first, which also governs the immune system and healthy spleen energy is critically important for good health. In this situation, there are increased stress hormones in the blood system and a depleted immune system.

A very simple way to help calm down Triple Warmer and take ‘Thor’ off alert and over-vigilance, is to hold points on the forehead affectionately known as the ‘OMG’ points. Simply by placing one hand over the forehead and one hand at the back of the head level with the eyes, with a very light touch, you can quickly support a loved one under stress.

Within about three to five minutes, you will have helped calm the nervous system, supported clear thinking, and communicated with the primitive back brain that Triple Warmer governs. Lost oxygen, cerebrospinal fluid and blood return to the advanced thinking part of the brain as the fight-flight-freeze response calms. It reduces feelings of panic and fear as the hand at the back of the head covers special emotional stress points.

What a gift to someone under stress! No need for words, just hold these points and know you are doing something incredibly supportive and healing. It is a gift that keeps giving as this hold can be used at any stressful time to build resilience to stress triggers. Another empowering, potent, easy to learn Eden Method technique!


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