2 minute read
The gift of the divine masculine
Iremember a female colleague saying to me in 2012, “You have a man brain”. Now I love the divine masculine, so I took it immediately as a compliment even though I knew she was being derogative. She was referring to my ability to resolve and move on; not get caught in the emotion of something. Yes I feel it, I understand it, then I apply intelligent emotion to it and move on. I have had lesson upon lesson this lifetime, experience upon experience, and not all of these moments have been cherished. If I allowed myself to get caught up in emotion consumption, I would be in a permanent white jacket or six feet under.
Which brings me back to the divine masculine; if it were not for my man brain – my ability to not get caught in the emotion but understand it and then move on – I would not be sitting here right now writing this. Ever heard the saying, if you can’t work something out walk away, get distracted and come back to it? I have used this mantra for many many moons. If I cannot work out a solution, I will walk away. I work on my motorcycle, I completely get distracted by something, anything other than what my mind is working on. My mind will continue to look for a solution, but it is not consumed by the issue, it is consumed by the distraction. This effectively moves me from being in ‘it’, to being outside ‘it’, and this is where I find the solution.
The divine masculine always walks away, gets distracted and essentially buys thinking time. We know men do this, we have seen it. They go do something when we really, really need to talk, for example. The divine masculine processes differently. The divine feminine processes file upon file upon gigabytes of emotions; whereas the divine masculine processes logically. The divine feminine faces an issue and immediately feels; the divine masculine faces an issue and immediately thinks.
It is no secret that we need both to function really well, but we do not need a 50/50 blend of the two to be whole. I work predominately in the masculine, and I love it. I am a solutions expert, and I tap into the spirit world to get the solution. I encourage you to pull out your divine masculine for Men’s Health Month and see where your best balance point sits. And have fun with it – spirituality is not a race nor a competition; it is an individual journey.
Blessings xx