Invitation to Tender: Non-financial support for the Aqualunar Challenge

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Invitation to Tender: Non-financial support for the Aqualunar Challenge

Challenge Works, delivery partner for the Aqualunar Challenge

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday 17th January 2023 at 11:59 pm BST


1. What are we commissioning? We are commissioning an organisation or a consortium of individual contractors to deliver non-financial support (NFS) services for the Aqualunar Challenge. The successful bidder should demonstrate a passion for innovation, experience in accelerator/incubator environments, access to expertise in water cleantech and space hardware, and offer a creative approach to deliver impact through harnessing the power of entrepreneurship. This invitation to tender (ITT) is for work for a 16-month period, from February 2024 until May 2025, with core activities taking place from May 2024 to January 2025.

2. Background to the Aqualunar Challenge The Aqualunar Challenge is a UK-Canada challenge prize with a £1.2m prize pot for innovators, focused on advancing technologies to purify water on the lunar surface. The Aqualunar Challenge is a project of international collaboration between the United Kingdom and Canada, with joint but distinct tracks for each of the UK and Canada. In the UK, the Aqualunar Challenge is delivered by Challenge Works on behalf of the UK Space Agency. In Canada, the Aqualunar Challenge is organised and delivered by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in partnership with the Privy Council Office’s Impact Canada program, situated within the Impact and Innovation Unit (IIU). The UK track of the Challenge is made up of two stages:


In parallel, the Canadian track of the Aqualunar Challenge will support 8 teams during Stage 2. Stage 1: Concept design Applications to the Challenge open in mid January 2024 , and close in early April 2024. ●

Applicants will be required to submit an online application through the Challenge website, which provides a description of how their technology meets the challenge objectives, Mission Scenario, and judging criteria.

An Applicant Guide will help applicants complete an application for Stage 1 of the Challenge. If selected, successful applicants from Stage 1 will receive further information and details for Stage 2.

Assessment of stage 1 All eligible applications will be assessed and 10 finalists selected. Stage 2: The finalist stage Finalists will be announced via our website in June 2024. Each finalist will receive a prize of £30,000 to develop their technology over a 7.5-month period. During this time, finalists will also receive non-financial support and guidance. ●

In Stage 2, Finalists will begin developing components of a prototype based on their concept design (approximately TRL3). Finalists will be expected to submit video footage to demonstrate their system or components of their system and will provide a final report that outlines how their technology meets the judging criteria.

Assessment of stage 2 & announcement Finalists will be assessed and winners will be selected to receive first, second and third place prizes, with the winner receiving a prize of £150,000, a second place runner-up receiving £100,000 and a third place runner-up receiving £50,000. We will announce the winner and runner-up on our website in late March 2025.

A summary of the the key dates are as follows: Milestone Entries open

Date Mid January 2024


Entries close

Early April 2024

Announcement of finalists

June 2024

Solution development

June 2024 - January 2025

Finalist submissions due

January 2024

Winners selection

February - March 2025

Announcement of winners

Late March 2025

3. Scope of work We are commissioning a supplier - either an organisation or a consortium - to deliver non-financial support (NFS) services to 10 innovator teams from the UK track of the Aqualunar Challenge. Between June 2024 and January 2025, 10 innovator teams will develop detailed designs for their proposed technologies and will also build and test key components of their design. This period of support will conclude with innovators submitting a written innovator report and a video demonstration. This ITT relates specifically to the delivery of non-financial support for the UK track of the Aqualunar Challenge. However, we plan to open up the UK support to Canadian teams whenever practical, for example for online events, webinars and workshops. Additional background information, which will help to inform the required NFS services can be found in Appendices 1-5. Objectives: ● ● ●

● ●

To help teams finalise their applications during Stage 1. To provide bespoke/tailored/personalised/1-on-1 support for the 10 UK teams in the Aqualunar Challenge. To support the development and refinement of solutions in line with the challenge statement and judging criteria (but the supplier should not be developing the technology themselves). To leverage your existing networks in order to support the development of solutions. To support, where possible, the cohort of Canadian teams.


To work in collaboration with existing partners and stakeholders, including Challenge Works and the UK Space Agency, to deliver the support programme.

Outputs: By January 2025, the supplier should have supported the innovators teams to: ● ● ●

Develop technologies that respond to the challenge statement (reaching Technology Readiness Level 3 or higher by January 2025). Develop business plans related to their technologies. Develop a report that summarises their solutions, supplemented by a video demonstration of key components of the innovators’ technologies.

NFS detailed scope and timeline: Below is an indicative plan for the NFS. Based on your own experience, please adapt the plan accordingly. Further adjustments may also be made to tailor the support offered once Stage 2 innovators have been selected and their specific needs are understood. For example, we expect that some innovators will be experienced in water cleantech but not in designing for space, and that these innovators may need support in understanding lunar conditions. Other innovators, however, will be experienced in developing space hardware but will not have previously worked in water and so may need support relating to water purification technologies. The support package should provide tailored support according to innovators’ needs. 1. Application support The supplier should provide technical support to innovators to apply to the Aqualunar Challenge during the entry period

Feb 2024 Apr 2024

Outputs must include: ● Providing appointments with applicants via a Zoom call to discuss their draft application and share feedback. (At least 20 slots to be made available, between mid March and 7 April.) We would also like to hear your other suggested activities, which should complement and build upon our existing outreach plans, which include: ● Webinars (e.g. there may be an opportunity to present on key topics related to the criteria). ● Networking events to facilitate innovators to form partnerships to apply to the Challenge.


To note: ● These activities must start by mid March at the latest, but activities can take place throughout Phase 1. 2. Core NFS & solution development The supplier’s key role is to deliver the core NFS and solution development during the Aqualunar Challenge.

May 2024 Jan 2025

Outputs may include: ● Attendance and delivery of sessions at an in-person kick-off for the 10 UK finalist teams in June 2024. ● Providing access to experts for technical and design support. Expertise should be available across all areas relevant to the Aqualunar Challenge, including the lunar environment, space hardware and water purification. Support may be provided in a variety of formats, both one-to-one and one-to-many. ● Commercialisation support. Innovators should be supported to understand both the space ecosystem and routes to market, as well as the use cases for terrestrial applications. The commercialisation support should help innovators to build a compelling business case. Support may be provided in a variety of formats. ● Mentoring. Innovators should be provided with a dedicated mentor who is a main point of contact that they can discuss questions with. ● Other skills for technology startup and business success, for example technology roadmapping. ● Creating and facilitating networking and collaboration opportunities for innovators, for example through direct introductions or facilitated networking events. ● Supporting a joint residential innovator bootcamp for finalists in early 2025 held at the Canadian Space Agency headquarters in Montreal. This is likely to include working with the Challenge Works team to design the sessions and may include sending one member of the team to run some workshops. To note: ● We expect any bespoke, in-person or 1-on-1 support to be directed to the 10 UK finalist teams; but wherever possible, group sessions, particularly if delivered online, should also be made available to the cohort of 8 Canadian teams. ● During this period, the innovator teams will also receive financial support, administered by Challenge Works.


The Canadian Space Agency is separately designing a programme of support for the Canadian track, which will be open to UK teams whenever practical. There may be other partners supporting teams.

3. Accelerated booster training The supplier should also lead an accelerated booster training program for the winners to help them prepare for further investment and longer-term sustainability.

April 2025 May 2025

This will take place after the winners have been announced. Outputs may include: ● Additional specialist technical support to further develop their technology. ● Investor pitch training and if appropriate introductions to potential investors. Note: We will also be tendering for assessors and potential suppliers are welcome to apply to both ITTs. If a supplier were to be selected to provide both NFS and assessor support, then they would need to take appropriate steps to manage any potential conflicts of interest. This tender for assessors will be issued in early 2025. Working with Challenge Works: The successful provider(s) will: ● ● ●

Lead the development of the NFS strategy and delivery, with oversight from Challenge Works. Adhere to all of Challenge Works’ reporting requirements. Attend regular meetings with the Challenge Works team to ensure they have necessary visibility over NFS activities.

To support the chosen supplier, Challenge Works will: ● ●

● ●

Work closely with the supplier to review and sign-off on the NFS work package, ensuring this meets the needs of our client and innovators. Ensure relevant on-boarding of the successful supplier will take place as soon as possible post-contracting in order to facilitate efficient commencement of work. Have regular meetings to monitor the progress of the non-financial. Sign-off all non-financial support deliverables.


4. Budget ● ● ●

● ●

The budget for this engagement is up to £230,000 (inc. VAT) GBP. An additional £30,000 may also become available, so we’d be open to receiving a secondary budget scenario for a total of up to £260,000 (inc. VAT) GBP. The proposed budget should be itemised and detail the costs for design, development, and implementation of the services, and should demonstrate value for money. Payments will be released in stages alongside agreed milestones, providing these have been met. The final milestones shall be clearly documented in any contract entered into as a result of this scope, and in accordance with its terms and conditions.

5. How to respond The ITT application process involves three phases: 1. Written responses, outlining your approach should be submitted via this online form by Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 11:59 pm GMT (London, UK). Please keep proposals under six A4 pages. Budget, biographies of team members and links to other information will not be counted within the six page limit. Please contact if you have any questions in the meantime. Please note that our offices will be closed between 22nd December 2023 and 1st January 2024. Applications must be in English. The application should include: a. Credentials and case studies (relevant experience of providing similar services and targeting similar audiences, providing up to three specific examples.) b. Initial response to brief, outlining your creative approach to delivery. c. Costing breakdown as outlined in the budget section. 2. Based on written submissions, a selection of bidders will be invited to interview. 3. The successful bidder will then be informed and contracting will begin

Indicative timeline: Date



14th December 2023

ITT issued on Nesta website

14th December 2023 - 17th January 2024

Bidders complete and submit ITTs

w/c 22nd and w/c 29th January 2024

Conduct interviews with the shortlisted bidders

w/c 5th th February 2024

Inform the bidders of the final decision

5th February January - 9th February 2024

Finalise scope and terms of contract, and sign formal agreement with the selected bidder(s)

6. Selection criteria Proposals will be evaluated against the selection criteria listed below. Selection and Award Criteria 1. Experience of organisation and qualifications of proposed individuals (staff and subcontract personnel)

Weighting 40%

Please explain whether all the resources are in-house or outsourced. If outsourced, please outline how you propose to deliver the services and who will be leading this. Please provide the names and contact information for three of your clients who could be contacted for references of your organisation’s/group’s capabilities, process and relationship. 2. Credibility, creativity and proposal approach


Plan of proposed activities. Please describe how you would approach this project and how you would work with Challenge Works to ensure success in delivering non-financial support for technology and data.


Creative examples of the tactics you would propose to ensure that success is achieved. What do you see as the possible challenges to delivering the work and how can you mitigate them? How do you propose to measure and evaluate meaningful reach and the success of the activities? 3. Value for money


Please provide an itemised breakdown of your proposed fees and pricing structure, including a breakdown of how the budget would be split across fees and implementation. Please also indicate which team member will lead on specific aspects of the work and breakdown the rate per individual/level. 4. Contract management arrangements (process for ensuring 10% on-time delivery with exceptional high quality, while demonstrating cost efficiencies and flexibility of proposals to adapt to changing needs): Please outline your approach to project management, planning and execution of this role and your reporting plans/arrangements describing how you will work with Nesta as a contractor.


Appendix 1: Problem statement

With humankind returning to the Moon later this decade, purifying the water that exists in lunar regolith (soil) is critical to enabling more ambitious space missions. Using lunar water - as drinking water, to grow food, to create oxygen and to split into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel - is a key enabler for supporting future deep space exploration. Data suggests that large quantities of water may exist in permanently shadowed regions near the lunar south pole1. But this water is not pure, with a number of contaminants preventing its use unless it is purified.

Appendix 2: Challenge statement The challenge statement is the call to action to which entrants respond: it articulates what it is the entrants are being asked to create. It provides clear aims and objectives that will contribute to addressing the issues set out in the problem definition. While setting clear and well-defined ends, it needs to also provide enough flexibility around the means to allow creative and innovative approaches to be taken by entrants. The challenge statement is as follows:

The Aqualunar Challenge is calling innovators to create innovative technologies for use on the Moon to remove contaminants found in lunar water. These technologies may also contribute to novel water purification technologies here on Earth.


Colaprete et al (2010). Detection of Water in


LCROSS Ejecta Plume. Retrieved from:


Appendix 3: Anticipated innovators We anticipate attracting diverse innovators who could bring their unique skills and perspectives to the competition. The profiles of likely innovators and the sectors they are most likely working in now are outlined below. Profiles: ● Early-career Academics: Early-career scientists, often PhDs and Postdoctoral researchers, are eager to explore the frontiers of space exploration. They see the Aqualunar Challenge as an opportunity to expand their horizons and acquire new skills that could play a significant role in the future of space exploration. ● Agile SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises with flexible R&D budgets have the freedom to explore opportunities in new industries and geographies. These companies, unburdened by the constraints of larger corporations, have the freedom to explore options in new sectors and geographies. Sectors: ● Water, Mining, Agriculture, Synthetic Biology, and Related Sectors: Innovators from these sectors may not have prior experience in the space industry, but they bring valuable expertise from their respective fields. In particular, their expertise in water management could be translated into developing innovative solutions for lunar water purification. ● Space Sector: Experts in the space sector, particularly those with experience in building lunar applications, are a likely candidate to enter the challenge. While they bring a wealth of knowledge about lunar environments, they may be entering the domain of water purification for the first time.


Appendix 4: Judging criteria The judging criteria will be applied for each criterion listed below. More details can be shared following the launch of the Aqualunar Challenge. ● Contaminant removal ● Appropriateness for mission scenario ● Innovation ● Reliability ● Solution adoption potential ● Efficiency ● Resource recovery ● Autonomy and monitoring ● Capacity to deliver


Appendix 5: Mission scenario The mission scenario describes the long-term use case that innovator teams will be competing to deliver the best technology to. During the Challenge, teams won’t be going to the Moon: they will be creating concepts (in Stage 1) and then proofs of concept (in Stage 2) of water purification technologies. We understand that, during the Challenge, teams will not develop a technology that is ready to meet all of these constraints. But we are looking for your concept design report and subsequent proof of concept to take these objectives into account as much as possible. The mission scenario outlines information about the hypothetical environment in which their technology would operate on the Moon. It also outlines the circumstances leading to the acquisition of the water sample they need to purify and what it is expected to contain. The scenario lists environmental factors and technology specifications, which act as constraints and decision points for them to base their design on. The mission scenario is based on a real-world mission on the lunar surface and represents the ultimate goal for lunar water purification technologies. They won’t be expected to have all the assumptions tested but you should consider the implications of these assumptions and factor these into their design.

Mission scenario Your team’s technology has been ferried to the Moon onboard an uncrewed spacecraft and has touched down near the rim of Shackleton Crater, near the Lunar South Pole. Inside the crater, buried in the regolith (soil) is ice. There’s a large regolith mining operation taking place in the permanently shadowed area of Shackleton Crater. A separate subsystem is then doing an initial processing of the regolith, leaving dirty ice.


This is primarily frozen H2O, but it also contains varying levels of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ethylene (C2H4), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Methanol (CH3OH), and Methane (CH4), plus traces of solid regolith. You can assume that you are located next to this processing operation, or a short distance away from a permanently shadowed area if your process requires it. Your technology must take this dirty ice and reliably produce at least one litre per hour of clean drinking water. The Lunar conditions you need to take into account include: ● ● ● ●

The low and fluctuating temperatures present in your chosen location (within or outside Shackleton Crater). The presence of highly abrasive regolith particles. The low gravity on the Moon (1/6th Earth gravity). The lack of any atmospheric pressure.

In addition, you need to take into account the technical constraints of a lunar lander, including: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Minimising power consumption. Minimising physical dimensions. Minimising mass. Design for robustness to G forces in launch and landing. Robustness to radiation and solar wind. There will be no human intervention available to monitor, service or operate the technology.


Appendix 6: Terms and conditions This appendix provides the terms and conditions which will govern your submission of a proposal to Nesta. You are required to read this appendix carefully together with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) brief (including all its annexes) before submitting a proposal. By submitting a proposal, you accept these terms and conditions and you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions please do not submit a proposal. 1. Submitting a proposal 1.1

By submitting a proposal you confirm that:


You have no actual or potential conflict of interest with Nesta (including Nesta’s Trustees, officers or employees). If at any time during the ITT process you discover an actual or potential conflict of interest, please inform Nesta promptly;

1.1.2 You have legal capacity to submit a proposal in response to this ITT and are acting lawfully, ethically and in good faith in your dealings with Nesta; 1.1.3

You have sufficient time, skill, experience and resources to carry out the services to the highest professional standards expected of a competent supplier of services identical or similar and are able to obtain all necessary rights, licences, consents, waivers, approvals, permissions, permits, certificates and insurances necessary to provide the services to Nesta;


Your tender will remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days. A tender valid for a shorter period may be rejected;


All information contained in your proposal is true, accurate and not misleading; and


Nesta may share your proposal with any third party as Nesta in its absolute discretion deems necessary for the purpose of evaluation.

2. Compliance 2.1

Nesta reserves the right to reject or disqualify your tender where:



You fail to comply with the requirements of this ITT (including but not limited to these terms and conditions), your tender is incomplete, or you are guilty of a serious misrepresentation in supplying information in response to this ITT;


Your tender is received after the deadline set out in this ITT. Nesta will not consider any requests for an extension of the time or date fixed for the submission of responses;


There is a change in your identity, control, financial standing or any other factor impacting on the selection and/or evaluation of your tender;


You are or become insolvent or have a petition issued against you;


You do not have the economic and financial standing and/or the technical and professional ability to carry out the services;

2.1.6 You are suspected either directly or indirectly of behaving in a collusive, canvassing, or anti-competitive manner or you offer or accept an inducement or reward in order to gain a commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage; and/or 2.1.7

You (or if you are a commercial entity, a director or person who has the power of control or power to make representations or decisions on your behalf) have committed any offence relating to conspiracy, corruption, bribery, fraud, money laundering or any other criminal offence related to your course of business or profession.


Nesta reserves the right in its absolute discretion to:


Refuse any tender submitted;

2.2.2 Disqualify any potential tenderer who has been convicted of any of the offences listed at Regulation 23(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006; 2.2.3

Extend the time or date for fixed submission. In such circumstances Nesta will endeavour to notify all tenderers of any change;


Amend any aspect of this ITT (including but not limited to the evaluation criteria and the timeline) or cease the process at any time;


Negotiate the award of additional services which are a repetition of the services advertised in this Invitation to Tender to the successful bidder; 16


Limit the number of proposals invited to participate in any follow-up activity (for example, interviews) or to dispense with any follow-up altogether. Meetings will take place virtually or in London at our offices (subject to Covid restrictions and HM Government guidance); and/or

2.2.7 Require that you clarify your tender in writing and/or provide additional information and/or adequate references to Nesta’s satisfaction. A failure to respond adequately may result in you not being selected. 3. Tenderer Responsibilities 3.1

You shall be responsible for all of your own costs, expenses and losses which may be incurred in relation to the preparation of your tender, attendance at interviews, site visits or similar.


You shall at all times treat the contents of Nesta documentation as confidential, as well as any information regarding Nesta (or any third party) imparted to you by any other means, and only disclose such information as may be necessary for the preparation of a compliant response. At Nesta’s request you shall return or destroy all documents, other materials, working papers relating to this ITT and all copies thereof including all electronic copies. When completed you shall confirm such to Nesta in writing.


You shall not before the date and time specified within the ITT documentation disclose to any person the amount of your proposal except where the disclosure in confidence is necessary to obtain insurance premiums or guarantees required as part of any proposal to Nesta.


Any contract entered into as a result of this ITT will be on Nesta’s standard terms and conditions (copy available on request).

4. Intellectual Property 4.1

All intellectual property rights in this ITT and all materials provided by Nesta or any third party acting on its behalf shall remain the property of Nesta.


Any intellectual property arising out of the provision of the services shall belong to Nesta, but this shall not affect your rights in pre-existing materials.


5. Warnings/disclaimers 5.1

Nothing contained in this ITT or any other communication made in respect of it between Nesta or its representatives and any party will constitute an agreement, contract or representation between Nesta and any other party. For the avoidance of doubt, receipt by you of this ITT does not imply the existence of a contract or commitment by or with Nesta (or any third party) for any purpose.


The information contained in this ITT does not purport to contain all the information which you may require. While Nesta has taken all reasonable steps to ensure, as at the date of this ITT that the facts contained in it are true and accurate in all material respects, Nesta does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of this ITT.


Nesta accepts no liability to you whatsoever and however arising and whether resulting from the use of this ITT, or any omissions from or deficiencies in it.

6. Waiver Failure or neglect by Nesta to enforce at any time any of the provisions of these terms and conditions shall not be construed nor shall it be deemed to be, a waiver of our respective rights hereunder, nor in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this agreement, nor prejudice our respective rights to take subsequent action. 7. Jurisdiction This ITT shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


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