Benefits Of Home Nursing Care

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Benefits Of Home Nursing Care

Let’s face it: we are all gettingolder. That also means that at some pointwe will all need extra care andconsideration will needtobe given to thebenefitsof homenursingcare vs. long term care. In thisarticle, we are goingto talk about homenursingcare,the benefitsof home nursingcare, thedifferenttypes of home nursingcare, andwhyhome nursingcaremightbe the best option for your and/oryour loved ones.

It is estimated that by 2031, 1.7 million (Deloitte,2021) Canadianswill havehomecare needs. The baby-boomer population isagingrapidlyandunfortunately,ourlong-term care facilitieswill notbe ableto accommodate everyone. The Ontario Health Coalition reports that the longestwait time for a bed in a long term care facilityis over 5 years (Bueckert, 2021). So, what can we do aboutthat? How can we helpouraging population remain comfortableandget thecare they need?The answerto that question is homenursingcare.

Are There Different Types Of Home NursingCare?

Yes! There are five differenttypes of home nursing care services. Each with its own benefits.Determiningwhichhomenursingcareservice you needcan be overwhelming so let’s look at the five differenttypes (Ministry of Health,2022) of homenursingcare services andhow they may benefityou and/oryour lovedones.

1 - Healthcare Professional Services

These are healthcareprofessionalsthatprovide services such asnursingcare,diet management,occupational therapy,physiotherapy,andmore rightin the comfort of your home, savingyou thetime andhassleto get yourself to a clinicor office. Top Health Care Services In Ontario

2 - Personal Care Professional Services

These healthcareprofessionalswill cometo your hometo take care of your dailyand personal needssuch as washingandbathing,dressing,andundressing,toileting,taking you to appointments,haircare, andmore.

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3 - Homemaking Services

It is important that ourloved onescan maintain a clean,safe, andcomfortable home. This can be difficultwhenmobilityislimited. Hiringa homemakingservicemeansthat your lovedonewill havesomeone to complete householdchoreslikehousecleaning, shopping,laundry,planningmenus,preparingfood,andeven providingcompanion services so that yourloved onedoes not feel alone.

4 - Family-Managed Home Care

For familiesthat are willingandableto take in their loved oneswhen theystart needing homecare, thismay be the best option to provide them with the care they needwhile keepingthem comfortable, healthy,andhappy.There are even governmenttax breaks that familiescan useto get financial assistancewhen theirlovedonebecomes a dependent.

You can learn more about theCanadian CaregiverTax Deduction byclicking here

It is also important that when you considerfamily-managedhomecare you talk with your Home & CommunityCareSupports Organization asthere may be additional fundingthatyou may be eligiblefor. Whileyou wouldberesponsiblefor findingand hiringandpayingof yourservice provider(s) you wouldhavethefreedom to choose whois hired,how they care for yourloved one,and it can be doneon a schedule that works best for you andyour family.

End-Of-Life Care at Home Services

For many people, beingaffordedthe option to receive their end-of-lifecareat home is important. There are organizationsthatoffer theseservices andcan helpyou or your familynavigatethe end of lifejourney.Reachingoutto yourlocal Home & Community Care Support Servicesorganization isimperative as you will haveaccess to equipment, nursingcare,transportation, pain management,andother services that will helpyou receive the care you needor care for your lovedone duringthisdifficulttime.

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What Are The Benefits Of Home NursingCare?

The most important advantage is that theywill feel safe andcomfortable in their own home. They will get to keep their privacy, but also their autonomy.They will be ableto hirethe services they needandkeep their own schedules.Receivinghomecare services in their own homewill reducestress on their familyandthe pressure that their familymay feel at times when itcomes to caringfor their elderly familymember. There is also a hugecost savingto choosinghomenursingcareover long term care. On average, a private room in an Ontario nursinghomecan cost upwardsof $2,702 per month (Heath, 2020). Whilehomecare services in Ontario are politicallyfunded,itdoes not mean that everyone will qualify.When itcomes to payingforhome care services you will typicallybe paidby thehour.Each service will haveits own hourlyrate dependingon thetype of service that you need. The chart below showssome of the most popularhomecare services andtheir hourlyrates.

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When it comes to payingfor homecare services remember to investigatewhat types of financial supportare availableto you and/or your loved one. Private insurance, workplace benefits,andoutof pocket are the most common payment optionsfor home care services.

What Are The DisadvantagesOf Home Nursing Care?

Retrofittinga home with railings,ramps, chairlifts,etc., can become costly. If there is no moneyfor thosesafety features to be installed,theymay chooseto go withoutthemand that means there is an increasedrisk of slips, trips, andfallsthat can cause serious injuriesandeven death.

Socialization will beharderto havewhen you choseto liveat home versuslivingin a long term care facilitywhereyou wouldbesurroundedbyother people yourage.

Lonelinessandsocial idolizationhavebeen showntotake a serioustoll on the mental andphysical health of theelderly that chooseto remain at homeandcan even shorten lifeexpectancy (Mascarelli, 2013)

Eventually,asyour needfor more services increases,it couldbe more expensiveto remain at home rather than move intoa long-term care facility.

What Are The Advantages


HavingYour Elderly Family MemberLive At Your Home?

The biggest advantageof havingyourelderlyfamilymember live with you at yourhome is knowingthattheyare safe, loved, andcared for. This can reduce theoverall stress on

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your familyandyour lovedones. Plus,there is the hugebenefitof increasedfamilytime with your elderlyloved one.You and yourfamilycan enjoytime with your elderlyfamily member, andcreate memories, andstrong bondsthat will mean so much to you and your familywhen yourlovedoneis nolongerwith you.

The cost savingsto you andyourloved onecan expandbeyondhome care services. If your loved oneis still capable, they may be ableto provide childcarefor yourchildren or pet care for your pets so that you can return to work, practice self care, run errands, etc.

Sharedhome expensesare anotherway that your familycouldsave moneyby inviting your elderlyfamilymember to move in with you.

Related: Family CaregiversAndThe Important RoleThey Play

What Are The DisadvantagesOf Having Your Elderly Family MemberLiving At Home WithYou?

As with most thingsin life,there are disadvantagesto havingan elderlyfamilymember livingat yourhome with you.You will likelyhaveto make accommodationsfor them like handrails,safebathroom modifications,ramps for wheelchairs,a bigger vehiclefor transportation, etc. You will alsobe takingon more responsibilitiesasyourloved one will be relyingon you to care for them or to source professional homecareservices for them if you cannotbe homeall the time yourself.

If your relationshipwith yourelderlyfamilymember is notthe greatest, it will add more stress to your familyas well as to your elderlyfamily member, and in that care, home care services andlong term care facilitiesshouldbeconsidered.

What Are Your Options For Finding Home Nursing Care?

When it comes to hiringhomenursingservicesyou/yourlovedonehavethe option to hireyour own private care provider or go through ahomecare provider organization such as:

• Bayshore HomeHealth Care

• Just Like Family

• Mobile Home Care

• ComfortKeepers

• Nurse NextDoor

• HomeInstead

• Ideal Caregivers 4U

• VHA HomeHealthcare

• CarePartners

• Pristine Quality Healthcare ServicesCorp

• Right at Home.

These providers andmore use CaringSupportto look for and hirethehealthcare professionalsthatwill be lookingafteryou and/or yourloved one.

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