Let's Put The Heart Back In Healthcare With Maureen Gaetz-Faubert
CARING SUPPORT: Maureen, please introduce yourself and tell us about your work.
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: Sure. I'm an emotional intelligence practitioner and a medical intuitive, so I truly understand how emotions energetically affect our bodies and how they just might cause illness if we don't acknowledge them. So, I love watching people heal. I support the holistic concept of healing with the W, meaning that we're whole persons, and I also enjoy the opportunity to teach and mentor others.
CARING SUPPORT: Your work is mainly focused on emotional intelligence, which is a complicated concept for some people to understand. Could you tell us what emotional intelligence is for you?
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: How we see it as a team who have created an online health emotional intelligence course for health care professionals is that health and ongoing wellness occur when we understand the importance of emotions and how they affect your body. So as leaders and healthcare professionals, it is of the utmost importance to utilize and apply the techniques of emotional intelligence, including the
capacity to control and express emotions and handle interpersonal relationships with empathy.
The vision of our course was to bring health care professionals that think differently, feel differently, and understand that absolutely there's physical healing. I appreciate the research that's been done, and I highly commend all those healthcare professionals that are still helping and supporting all of those, including myself, who have been in hospitals and in healthcare. I appreciate their knowledge and their support in healing. However, there's something more. It's called emotions. And this is why we created this online course. And it was because of what happened during COVID and how healthcare professionals were burning out and not able to cope very well because of the emotional catastrophes that were happening within themselves. So this course is for them to understand and connect with themselves.
CARING SUPPORT: We're glad you introduced your course. Now we would like to ask you, how is it different from others?
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: That's a great question. Our approach to emotional intelligence is somewhat different than most because it is specific to healthcare. And healthcare has to do with the body and everything inside and out. So, emotional intelligence is your ability to put feelings into words, to feel safe enough to articulate how you are feeling, to work with a team who are able to be open from their heart center and recognize when you are them are struggling on an emotional level. So then we go, what are emotions? Emotions are feeling words. Typically, the feeling words come from your heart. Your brain has lots of wonderful thoughts. A lot of times thoughts are very negative. So the feeling center gives you that soft, beautiful place to land and it's OK to be there. You don't have to get stuck there. You don't have to cling to that. And it allows you to create the knowledge of emotions. Your heart, through a neuro network, speaks more to your head. Same with the gut. So it's a matter of connecting to your body and resonating with the neural network and the microbiome that allows you to
communicate your feelings. And then there's intelligence. It's the process of learning what it means to be emotionally competent and capable, creating a different language, listening to your body, doing your meditations, going for a walk, listening to nature, getting out of your head and connecting to you, and really acknowledging how you are feeling rather than how you are thinking.
Our course is also different because it's for healthcare professionals. It can definitely be changed and utilized in corporate and other routes. However, healthcare is near and dear to my heart, and our team are all retired, healthcare professionals, so we geared it toward them. How did we do that? In there, there is teaching. So one of the modules is heart math. And I believe most of you may have heard of it. If not, look it up, and find out what it is. It's really a unique way to truly understand how our heart resonates with others. And it's a back and forth just in a small short meaning. And then from there, there is a scenario in healthcare. And then after that, you will be doing a lesson. So each module presents a learning concept again geared towards healthcare.
CARING SUPPORT: What techniques and methods for developing and improving emotional intelligence do you teach in your course?
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: The course teaches us about the neural network and the microbiome, where our gut creates most of the hormones that our body needs. It also helps with understanding where we hold our emotions and then recognizing how they can be released. We incorporated research into this program that has been done by various doctors out of Harvard and others that have done neuro naturopathic research. And then we look at the power of words. Words are powerful. And why? Because they have vibrations. As we speak them, we feel them. As we give them to someone through the speaking process, the vibrations go directly to them and they feel them. Words are very energetic, and depending on how you use them with the tone, and depending on what words you use, you will have an effect on any person.
CARING SUPPORT: How does emotional intelligence benefit healthcare workers?
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: For me, it's a matter of acknowledging and understanding emotions. As a healthcare professional, if you acknowledge your emotions, it doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're much more powerful. You can synthesize them by learning the first five modules of emotional intelligence. There's so much more to it. This is just the beginning of what can be created and will be. And once you understand your emotions, then you can recognize how they're affecting you. Are you having an upset stomach? Are you not sleeping at night? Is your mind going around and around with all these thoughts and all this energy? Recognize them and then make a choice. Do you want to hold on to them? Do you want to release them? What parts are you learning from it? How can you create a better tomorrow from what you've learned today? The most important part is truly acknowledging those emotions because they never, ever go away. And there is proof that as you continue to keep those emotions stuck, you may develop diseases, stickiness, and sensations, and your body starts speaking to you. And inevitably when you hit around 40, if you're not paying attention, it starts screaming at you. And then you start to develop things like arthritis and other diagnosable conditions and even some not diagnosable.
CARING SUPPORT: Is there anything else you would like to add?
MAUREEN GAETZ-FAUBERT: I love that you asked that because as you get talking, there's so much about the course and when people do take the course, please remember this is an experience. It's called a course because you're learning. It's an experience, which means that this particular course has five modules and we recommend that you please take a week for each module. And the reason is, is that you need an opportunity to be able to experience those feelings and the lessons you're being taught and how to listen to your heart with the heart math and how to understand yourself as a person. Again, it's the experience. So, you know, take that time to journal, sit back and resonate on it. You know, let that one lesson just be with you for that week and write down as things come to you and experience the process of what you've learned from that. I feel that that was one very important thing I needed to mention here.
I also want to share this small story. Our healthcare system has come to its knees. I have a daughter who's a respiratory therapist. And because of her and listening to her, I knew the need was great. Not only that, I had a near death experience where my heart stopped twice, 24 years ago. And during that near-death experience, I came to recognize that healing was on so many different levels. And I am grateful for healthcare, for keeping me alive and on life support for as long as I needed to so that I could start to learn to live and breathe again. However, I had an opportunity to go beyond the veil of what's here and really see and understand that healing is energetic. It includes beliefs and thoughts, lifestyle and health care. It's the holistic concept of remaining healthy and whole within your body. So healing is multifaceted just remember that it's not one way or the other.
To listen to the full interview with Maureen Gaetz Faubert, visit our Podcast page or YouTube channel. And to learn more about emotional intelligence and the mind body connection, visit Maureen's website.
Thank you
Source: https://www.caringsupport.com/blog/lets-putthe-heart-back-in-healthcare