The Significance of Facebook Likes Facebook is not just a place where the young go to show off their selfies and food pics. Rather, it provides a sophisticated metric system from which to quantify any ads you run within Facebook, and offers an additional “traffic from” site to your website – showing Google you matter …among many other useful things in the digital marketing world. Facebook Does the Warm-Up Routine For You Old-school customer relations required a warm-up process, but through the miracle of Facebook, it manages to maintain a relationship with customers like never before. Customers no longer come into a store “cold”, but are already warmed up to the idea of your product or service, and are more likely prepared to buy. In addition, once a current or potential customer has liked your Facebook page, your branding efforts are as efficient as you choose them to be. As in, as often as you post worthwhile content that your audience will enjoy, the more they will engage, interact, share, and continue liking you as a company. Not just for your products or service, but also for the personality you offer online. A paramount part of your Facebook agenda. So how does one attract likes for a business Facebook page? Contests Contests are a great way to generate likes, and offer both your customers and potential customers a little something in return. It quickly draws people in, and gains you an audience that will continue to see your content thereafter. Coupons Coupons are a largely underutilized promotional opportunity of Facebook and can offer an efficient way to get customers coming into your store, while increasing your exposure on Facebook. When people know that they can visit your Facebook page for regular discounts and promotions, they will begin the “call to action” process voluntarily each month. So don’t underestimate the power of your Facebook page and the weight it carries with likees. Ads Facebook ads are an excellent way to target the exact audience you want to reach, gain exposure, increase likes and make sales. They are affordable, and offer real-time feedback regarding what is working and what isn’t. From who’s clicking on your ad to what image is best suited …it’s a science that Facebook has made pretty exact, and it is working for businesses worldwide. Lastly, add a like button to your website header or blog to increase likes for your Facebook page. These combined initiatives will help keep your page doing what it’s suppose to do, which is to engage and increasing your audience and potential buyers.
At Net360 Solutions we offer Facebook maintenance packages that can affordably help you stay current, increase your audience, and help you generate potential buyers …so let us know if we can help you do exactly that!