Training, Test Prep, and Continuing Education

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Continuing Education

C O N T R A C T O R E D U C AT I O N For construction industry professionals, continuing education is important not only for renewing industry licenses and requirements, but it is also necessary for career advancement. Whether you are a plumber, carpenter, painter, kitchen and bath remodeler, or you run a commercial and home renovation company, there are training courses to meet your industry specific needs. While certification courses still take place in the classroom, online learning is also available for those looking to upgrade their skills or add to their knowledge base. Some of the most popu-

lar areas for contractor training include OSHA safety, lead abatement, EPA lead dust sampling, mold remediation, asbestos management and hazardous waste operations. To get a better idea of the kind of training involved, let’s take a look at some popular course offerings.




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OSHA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Despite ongoing efforts to improve worker safety, construction work remains one of the most dangerous professions. The purpose of OSHA training programs is to instruct workers in the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act,

which was enacted to guarantee on-the-job health and safety conditions. By applying OSHA standards to the construction industry, these programs help entry-level construction workers improve their safety awareness and reduce risk and industrial hazards on construction sites. Furthermore, many federal and state ju-

risdictions quire these courses in order to work on construction sites. MOLD REMEDIATION Because mold can grow on almost any interior or exterior surface, many construction projects require professional mold remediation to remove mold growth and elim-

Continuing Education

inate the moisture source. In addition to teaching students about EPA mold remediation guidelines, mold remediation courses cover sampling techniques, inspections and post remediation activities. These workshops prepare remodeling contractors, building owners, health and safety professionals and building inspectors to handle mold and mildew problems. LEAD ABATEMENT Contractors who plan or oversee lead-based paint projects must maintain their accreditation as

a Lead Abatement Supervisor. Therefore, these types of courses provide instruction on lead abatement and regulatory guidelines for individuals responsible for occupant safety during the abatement process. Some of the topics covered include waste disposal, lead abatement techniques, worker protection, safety and cleanup, and health effects of lead exposure.




R E A L E S TAT E E D U C AT I O N Because a career in real estate enables a world of new opportunities from part-time to full-time work and an extra income stream, many people choose this field at different stages of their lives. Whether you’re fresh out of high school, college or are looking for a mid-career change, a career in real estate represents an exciting and lucrative opportunity. There are, however, different course requirements for obtaining a real estate license or a broker’s license. In states such as New Jersey, real estate salespersons and brokers also have to maintain their certification by

earning continuing education credits every two years. For this reason, it is important to attend a licensed school with a strong reputation for individual attention and a very high pass rate. The following are the types of courses necessary for real estate professionals in New Jersey.

on nights or weekends.

New Jersey Real Estate Broker’s License

To qualify for a broker’s license, an individual must complete 150 hours of prelicensure education, which includes a 90-hour general real estate course, and then two 30-hour courses on Agency/ Pre-Licensing CoursEthics and Office Manes agement/Related Topics. This person must also To become a real estate prove that they have salesperson in New Jer- worked on a full-time sey, an individual must basis for a minimum of complete a 75-hour pre- three years immediately licensure course at a li- before their application. censed school and pass the license examination. This course can be taken on a full-time basis for a couple of weeks or

Continuing Education

• At least 6 hours of “Core” credits, of which at least 2 hours must be in “Ethics”

In addition, anyone who holds one of the aforementioned licenses must also earn continuing education (CE) credit from ac- • 6 hours in the “Electives” or “Core” categories, or a combination of the two. credited CE providers every two years. These credits must include either 12 hours of CE classes that are ALL designated as “Ethics,” OR 12 hours of classes that include:




There are numerous challenges facing New York City high school educators today. As the largest public school system in the world, the New York City Department of Education oversees more than one million students annually. To accommodate such a large and diverse student body, the city offers a number of options for students pursuing secondary education within the five boroughs.

In addition to its public high schools, the New York City school system also includes specialized schools and charter schools to go along with many privately run secular and religious schools. One advantage of specialized schools is that they can help the type of student that might get lost in the grip of a much larger system.

Continuing Education

In addition to schools geared to students who are more gifted artistically or academically, some specialized schools cater to underserved student populations. For example, the High School of Language and Innovation Founded as part of the Christopher Columbus High School in the Bronx back in 2011, helps English language learners thrive in their new environment in addition to preparing them for success in college and beyond. With more than twenty different languages spo-

ken among the student population, this school epitomizes the diversity represented within the New York City student body. As the brainchild of Julie Nariman, the school’s founder, the High School of Language and Innovation succeeds by using social situations to encourage English language learners to combine their knowledge to boost the skills of everyone in the group. In addition to regualar student interactions and special tutoring, Julie Nariman’s collaborative

learning style extends to the faculty as well. Because she emphasizes teamwork among her educators, it’s common for them to share and plan lessons and curriculum together. For this reason, their school district has commended Julie Nariman and her assistant principals for making teachers accountable and for giving them the tools to be successful. Her high school stands as a prime example of how an innovative approach to learning and development can positively impact high school




EXECUTIVE COACHING AND LEADERSHIP SEMINARS For those looking to take the next leap in their careers or feeling stagnant in their current position, executive coaching offers the chance to evaluate one’s skills while outlining a game plan for getting to the next level. Generally, executive coaching starts with a skills assessment to determine if there’s anything holding someone back from performing at their best. By increasing awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, executive coaching enables people to leverage those strengths while bolstering weaker areas.

Continuing Education

Some of the key areas that an executive coach can help one improve include marketing, sales, communication strategy and overall business growth. By looking at your situation from the outside, an experienced executive coach can determine an action plan with appropriate steps to take your career and your leadership abilities to a new level. As a leader, it’s crucial to have a strong communication style. Without good communication skills, your message will constantly get lost in the shuffle. For this reason, leadership coaching seminars are a great way to explore people’s written, verbal and nonverbal communi-

cation. Furthermore, these seminars are the perfect forum to address things like how to listen actively and how to create a safe space for colleagues to express themselves. As a result, not only will executives benefit by becoming better leaders, but their colleagues and subordinates will also benefit from a more inclusive, healthier work environment.




C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N F O R AT T O R N E Y S ( C L E ) Throughout the United States, lawyers in many states are required to complete certain Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in order to maintain their licenses to practice law. Sometimes referred to as Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), this kind of professional development occurs after admission to the bar. New Jersey, for example, requires every active licensed attorney to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of CLE courses every two years. Furthermore, at least four of those hours must in legal ethics.

Although not all states have mandatory CLE requirements, some jurisdictions, such as the District of Columbia, recommend that lawyers complete continuing education. For these reasons, professinal development conferences take place around the country to enable lawyers to satisfy their CLE requirements and to progress in their chosen fields.

Continuing Education

Within the field of legal ethics and professionalism, the topics range from arbitration ethics to professional in the courtroom to newer areas such as the ethics of attorney advertising in cyberspace. Because the rules of professional conduct for lawyers are relatively straightforward, lawyers are expected to know them.


However, many lawyers don’t keep up with the rules or may have forgotten what they learned. As a result, Lawyers who specialize in legal ethics often speak at legal education programs to help other lawyers stay current on standards of professionalism and ethical issues related to their licenses.



SEMINARS FOR L AW Y E R S In addi t i on t o f u lf il lin g t h e ir cont i nui n g e d u c a t io n re q u ireme nts, a t t o rn ey s a lw ay s n eed to st ay up t o d a t e o n c h a n g e s w i t h i n thei r a re a o f t h e law. F o r thi s re a so n , l e g a l t r a ining sem i na rs a re t h e p e r fe ct ch a nc e to f in d ou t a bou t n ew trends, rec e nt d eve lo pm e n ts or any c ha n g e s t o ex is t in g law. Lega l pro fe s sio n a l d evelop m ent sem in a rs c a n c ove r a wi de r an g e o f t o pic s f ro m trends i n re p ro d u ct ive r ig h t s law to ta x re fo r m t o co py r ig ht

a nd tra d em a rk law u p d a tes. Fo r lawyers with p a c ked sc hed u les, p rofessio na l tra ining g ives them the c ha nc e to a b so rb releva nt info rm a tio n in a visu a l a nd a u d itory m a nner. In a d d itio n, leg a l sem ina rs a re a no ther way fo r la rger f irm s to b ring their tea m s c lo ser to g ether, esp ec ia lly when the sem ina rs a re intera c tive.

Continuing Education

Although these gatherings are both a good learning experience and a prime networking opportunity, many lawyers do not have the time to attend these events in person. Fortunately, online legal training is available to help busy lawyers meet their CLE requirements. This option enables legal professionals to brush up on legal news and trends while traveling, commuting or even during a workout. Unlike live seminars, online training also offers listeners the chance to repeat material that may seem complicated or confusing at first glance. Some states, however, do not allow all the CLE credits to be completed online. For instance, New Jersey only allows 12 of 24 credits to be taken this way unless an attorney has a medical or nonresident exception. Furthermore, in order to give back some lawyers conduct seminars and corporate training for people outside of the legal profession to educate them about areas that affect them such as employment law. For instance, employment law seminars are helpful for educating business owners and employees about the kinds of rights and


responsibilities that help to keep workplaces free from discriminatory or illegal employment practices. Whether you’re a legal professional trying to stay current on legislative changes, tax laws or contract law or you’re an employer concerned about workplace discrimination, live seminars and online training are a great way to get the information you need in the way that works best for your schedule and learning style.



LEARNING PROGRAMS IN AND OUTSIDE SCHOOLS In recent years, various childhood learning programs have need to improve upon our traditional educational model. As more and more people recognize how crucial it is to develop a child’s cognitive skills as early as possible, they are turning to different programs both in and outside classrooms to accomplish the task.

a tutor creates an individualized plan for Kumon each student based Kumon, for instance, on results of a diagis an afterschool ennostic test. The sysrichment program tem succeeds by enthat improves stucouraging children to dents’ math and read- teach themselves by ing comprehension by completing a series of having them complete daily worksheets asassignments in addisigned by their Kumon tion to their regular tutor. schoolwork. Unlike traditional tutoring, Kumon is an independent program in which

Continuing Education

Summit Learning


Summit Learning, on the other hand, is a teaching platform that is implemented within schools to improve how they learn. An online learning system coupled with its own curriculum, the Summit Learning model includes a technology platform that not only walks students through lessons within but also a complete structure for the school day and year. It also involves spending time with a dedicated mentor. Backed by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and developed by educators to encourage personalized learning, Summit Learning has emerged as a new trend in K-12 pedagogy.

Kindermusik is an early childhood education program that uses music and movement to help children develop. Targeting children from infants to second grade, Kindermusik’s curricula complements pre-K and kindergarten programs in public schools, private schools, and childcare centers. It also works in any home-based or childcare setting. Each school curriculum kit includes safety-tested instruments and learning aids to enhance music-based learning activities. Because music can reach young people in a way that no other subject matter can, this program uses various


instruments such as tambourines, glockenspiels, harmonicas, and recorders for children to learn and grow during their formative years. Through recordings, nursery rhymes, songs and more, this program goes beyond music education to strengthen other areas such as cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and language skills. The ultimate goal of the program is to develop a love of music that will continue to aid a child’s development long after he or she finishes the program.



S TA N D A R D I Z E D T E S T P R E P Although so much is written about standardized test preparation, the bottom line for anyone getting ready to take the SAT or ACT or graduate exams like the LSAT, GMAT, or GRE is that test-taking is a skill that can be learned. With the help and support of dedicated tutors and effective test prep programs, it’s possible to master a strategy for any test that will build your confidence and set you up for success. To start the test prep process, it helps to assess each student’s individual needs. For this reason, test preparation programs

usually administer diagnostic tests when a student enrolls in order to determine their strengths and to identify problem areas. By analyzing the results, an experienced tutor can design a personalized action plan for the student. In Northern California, for example, some test preparation centers take it a step further by using proprietary educational technology to assess each and every student. For this reason, it’s also important for test prep programs to maintain smaller classes, so that tutors can get to know their students and figure

out what affects their test scores. The goal is to formulate a plan using the most effective test prep methods available. In addition to developing their skills in specific academic areas such as grammar, reading comprehension and trigonometry, it is equally important to build techniques for maintaining focus and confidence on test day. One of the most important aspects of test-taking is equipping students with the tools and strategies to conquer test anxiety, so that their scores accurately reflect their abilities and their learning potential.

Continuing Education

One of the best ways to gain confidence right from the beginning is to build on the students’ current knowledge and to show them how to manage their time efficiently throughout the test. In addition to strengthening their content knowledge, test preparation helps them understand the test structure, so they can become comfortable with their newly-acquired strategies. After an initial diagnostic test, students must take professionally administered practice tests on a regular

basis. Practice tests are one of the most effective ways to monitor student progress and to reduce the jitters on test day. The more times a student sees the information, the better chance he or she will retain what they learned. Practice and adequate preparation will make the student feel more confident, which will help them perform much better on the big day. Like it or not, standardized tests still play a huge role in college admissions decisions.


In addition, many colleges rely on those test scores for awarding scholarship money. Therefore, it’s tough to underestimate the significance of planning in advance for the SAT, ACT or graduate exams. The good news is that with a bit of help from skilled tutors and good test prep centers, anyone can learn effective strategies to achieve scores that will help them realize their highest potential.

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