Success Plan | 2014-2015
Table Of Contents.
5 6 8 10 12
the future is now
weekly training sessions
how it works
communication methods
registration & accountability
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.� - Steve Jobs
We’re passionate about changing the world one educator at a time.
Hello! The Future Is Now! welcome
to the future
As technology evolves daily it’s critical to establish a successful continued training model that will provide your staff a year round option to embrace these changes.
to success
It is our responsibility to create a customized training model that makes the accessibility of training available online and across multiple medias in real-time.
to our e-classroom
Our revolutionary training model is continuously evolving to combat differentiated learning methods to ensure materials delivered have the highest succession rate.
Weekly Training Sessions commited
to sucess
To maximize the success of this training model a building block weekly training methodology will establish long-term retention. Each week building off the prior.
Short, user friendly and direct materials will be presented in laymon’s terms to create a non threatening environment for individuals who are intimidated by technology.
Training starts from the initial email blast sent educating the participants about this weeks training material. We utilzes all three learning styles (visual, auditory & kinesthetic) during training sessions to ensure all participants process and retain the material.
Training is strategically planned in direct coordination with Gary Community School Corporation’s IT Department to ensure the materials demonstrated will prove the greatest results for staff’s daily needs.
Learning Is A Weekly Process! target
We look to reach staff members with a wide range of technological knowledge. We specialize in staff members with limited knowledge and/or that are nervous about new technologies. Our CARE FIRST approach is integrated with all training sessions. Our material is easy to process, easy to learn and actually useful in the classroom.
Our academic training model embraces the 1:1 Technology Infrastructures. We integrate with the technologies you currently have to make our trainings accessible to the mass population of your staff with ease and simplicity.
Our training model is tailored on the premise that learning cannot be achieved on a largescale using traditional, non-adaptive approaches. Our adaptive learning systems endeavor to transform the learner from a passive receptor of information to a collaborator in the continued educational process.
Our training model creates a learning environment in which everyone takes part at the same time. Our training sessions allow the attendees to take part on their own equipment in realtime during the training course. By involving staff during the learning process we maximize the success rate of information learning. We recognize the importance of this instructor to student relationship.
How It Works step
Our training material is distributed via email and published live online for staff to preview prior to the online training session. Staff has four days to register online for the upcoming weeks training course.
Training courses are held at two various times on a specific day of each week to reach the maximum impact for the highest engaged attendance within the district. Mid Day & Evening online classes are offered to accommodate staff schedules.
Online training is available via the website and computers. The course training material are also available via computers, laptops, iPads, surfaces, and smart phones. Our interactive training involves HD screen sharing technology, online video conferencing, online chat and HD VOiP telephone communications. Weekly each of the three key points are taught for 15 minutes each; totally 45 minutes of comprehensive new material per session. Then a town hall style open forum question period is available for an additional 30 minutes. This will allow the staff an opportunity to ask questions pertaining to that weeks training course.
21st Century eLearning! step
The training material will be made available online for the duration of the entire school year and made available to your entire staff (not just those who attended the training course). This will help staff to retain and revisit material 24/7 – 365.
A Five Question short test is administered at the end of each training to test immediate retention of the information. This also ensures accountability for staff involvement and points out areas we can continue to assist that staff member to learn this material.
doesn’t stop there
We understand that certain users will need additional questions answered after the training course. We’re ready for that also! We provide continued training support via email throughout the entire school year. For example, if a teacher is at home and trying to use one of our professional PowerPoint templates but runs into a problem she is not alone. She can fill out our support form and we will gladly assist her to a resolution. We believe time spent trying to ‘figure out’ a program is simply time wasted. If in the event the problem is too great we will then call her to assist her through the problem!
Customized For Your Staff Staff will receive the current weeks training via email blast. This will include the lesson, resouces and step by step instructions of what will be covered in this weeks session. It’s a proven fact that technology is going to continue to integrate into most aspects of our lives and with that we must constantly adapt to these ever changing technologies. We categories your staff into three different categories; POWER USERS (Highly Effective Technology Users) LIMITED USERS (Basic Fundamental Users) DISCONNECTED (Not Effective Technology Users) The Power Users and Disconnected Users are the two areas of staff members our building block training model strategically targets. Power Users within each building are the main points of contact for Limited Users that are trying to learn / accomplish basic tasks. We empower the Power Users on how to maximize the technologies they actually use day to day. With this vertical training integration we not only teach them how to use the software but how to use time saving tools and custom designed project templates. Thus streamlining their creation process in professional and effective teaching tools without wasting time. We strengthen each Power Users core knowledge base and teach them how to maximize their available tools to create a rich, intriguing and insightful lesson plans. Our Building Block model also targets the Disconnected Users. Just like the issue every school in the United States faces with the bottom 10% of student who are disconnected from the education process, the same holds true with our educators who are not engaged and active with these daily technologies. Many training programs are geared for users who have a solid basic foundation of the computer. Our CARE FIRST approach which specializes in educators who are new to technology, scared of computers or simply never had a core foundational training.
Communication Methods! Email Blasts Staff will receive the current weeks training via email blast. This will include the lesson, resouces and step by step instructions of what will be covered in this weeks session.
Email Support We will provide training support to staff via email throughout the entire duration of the school year; including weekends. This has high succession rates as it allows staff the opportunity to ask the questions as their issues arise.
HD Video Training High Definition Real-Time video conferencing allows staff to see our training instructors from anywhere in the world during training sessions.
HD Screen Sharing High Definition Screen Sharing Technologies are utlized during training sessions to allow participants to see the lesson in real time.
Chat Support Real–Time chat support is available during all Online training sessions.
VOiP Teleconfrencing High Definition VOiP Teleconfrencing Technologies are utilized during all Online training sessions to allow participants the opportunity to hear and be heard in real-time.
Registration Tracking
Weekly Registration Accountability is key in measuring staff utilization and progress within any training program. All training sessions include easy registration and completion reports to Gary Community School Corporation’s administration. We provide a report of who’s attends each meeting and which training courses they’ve attended.
Fast. Secure. Reliable. Learning Management System Our training model is built on a core strength Learning Management System in which is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of online training materials in real-time 24/7 – 365.
Our Virtual Learning Environment Our classroom has limitless potential. We are able to reach our students across multiple continents in multiple languages and all in real-time. Our foundation incorporations today’s leading Web technologies to create an enjoyable and educational experience for all of your staff. We provide virtual access to our classes, class content, tests and external resource material.
Summary Of Costs
Our training program covers the entire school year!
3 Key Point Training Process! technology
boot camp week long onsite training
three point
training material digital lessons
training sessions interactive eLearning
town hall q&a real-time after every session
real-time tracking
testing after every session
reports on all participates all year round
digital archive all training sessions & material
tools & templates word, excel, powerpoint
year round
training support via email & telephone all inclusive $439,196 price includes travel & expenses for training program
Net Ninja Development weekly
planning meetings
media management
logistics planning
media marketing kits
assisted development
Together We Can Make A Difference! community
corporate branding
development on the website
century technology preparation
title I
integration development
assisted development included in above pricing price does not include travel & expenses for items outside of training program
Stay in Touch 21346 Saint Anderws Blvd | Suite 192 Boca Raton, FL 33433
World Leaders In Technology Solutions
Ph. +1 561 910 1390