Special Added Report July 9th, 2011

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

July 9, 2011



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I apologize for being so late with this Newsletter. Events and demand on my time simply overwhelmed me. Working a 16 - hour day could not cover it all. Doing the outside work and trying to write the "San Die o Vision-Revelation of April - May"

took the better part of ten days to complete. In the meantime N.Q.P. Prayer Leaders discerned an enemy invasion of our ground and that required immediate attention and the launching of a prayer operation, moving `In The Spirit' and destroying the

invading demons. New N.Q.P. prayers had to be written, and a N.Q.P. Report, before I could begin to start on this Newsletter. Nonetheless, we have the necessary postage to mail this July Newsletter out and hope to get it in the mail by the first of next week (July 12-14). This special report aims to cover certain topics I consider important enough to justify a "special report." Writing this will not slow down the mailing of this Newsletter. Again, I apologize for being so late. Hopefully, things will improve in the next weeks.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Special Report

July 9, 2011


Getting on the Ball before it is too late!

In the past years we have encouraged, even urged, all of you to obtain sonic basic radiological equipment (Geiger counters are a must) to be fully prepared against the day when radioactivity becomes a real problem (Accidental Nuclear Attack and Nuclear World War III). I warned that while you can obtain a Geiger counter easily at this time, that when the crisis comes you will not be able to buy one for love nor money. KI4U has an excellent supply of all the equipment you would need to be prepared. Remember, radiation does not smell, you can't see it or feel it; but it can injure you and/or kill you nonetheless. Without a radiation detector of some sort you will be in serious trouble. KI4U Inc. 212 Oil Patch Lane Gonzales, Texas 78529 Telephone 830-672-8734 www ki4y.com When the Japanese earthquake struck this March, followed by the radiation leaks from a broken nuclear power planet - radiation began to drift over the U.S. I got out our Geiger counter and found that the air here was only 2.5 Rads above normal. That is not dangerous, a bit elevated but not harmful at that level. It was good to know. When the Japanese nuclear plant disaster hit the news KI4U received 20 telephone calls a minute, they got over 1,200 orders per hour and well over 28,000 per day. They had to shut down their phone system, they could NOT handle the order load, it was overwhelming. The panic of this March has subsided, things are back to normal and KI4U can take phone calls (they have set up distributors to handle orders - you have to call them to find out which distributor is near you.) What you can do to mitigate radiation: Did you know? That Baking Soda and certain foods can detoxify you and animals exposed to high levels of radiation (low levels for that matter)? Well they can, it is plain scientific fact.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Special Report

July 9, 2011


on the Ball before it is too late! Continued Here is a partial list of foods that naturally combat radiation poisoning: Brown Rice Seaweed Pumpkin Bee Pollen Beets Garlic Onions Apples and other sources of pectin If you want more information to add to your library on radiation and how to protect yourself then order a copy of this report and another report under the title: "NUCLEAR FALLOUT" on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM. From the efforts to educate and inform some years back, we are revisiting those' reports and happily are able to add new ones with more information, life-saving information. Fallout and elevated levels of radiation will become a fact of life in the not-so-distant future when judgments explode world wide. Some will say, "Oh, I will die and go to heaven." But what if you are exposed to high levels of radiation and are not prepared to cope; you will get sick, be unable to keep food down, you will suffer open sores and boils will become a daily experience and then there will be agonizing pain, a slow painful death will loom in from of you. Will you now contemplate suicide ( many will) and Iastly find yourself in the fires of hell for doing that. Maybe it might be better to be educated, informed and prepared to cope with this threat before it is a reality. We work to prepare you, educate you, inform you and equip you in every way we can - taking action, doing something, is up to you. Choose wisely.

THE BOOK REPORT: "HOW ISLAM GROWS" This 8 page report is offered on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM. Years ago I read a 500 page book on the history of Islam and how they butchered populations and

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Special Report

July 9, ZUl l_

THE BOOK REPORT: "HOW ISLAM GROWS" Continued forced captives with the sword to convert or perish. Up until this time (reading that book) my understanding of Islam was poor; like most Christians. I was ill informed, even ignorant of the truth. I've recently heard of a new doctrine called "Chrislam", an effort to merge Christianty with Islam, to end the war and make peace, to recognize that Allah is the same as our God, Jehovah. Is Jehovah the same as Allah?

Excerpts taken from GOD'S WAR ON TERROR, Islam, Prophecy and the Bible, By Walid Shoebat with Joel Richardson (Page 56 - Quote) ...According to Islam, Jesus will not restore the nation of Israel to the Jewish people. ..In Islam, Jesus comes back as a radical Muslim to lead the Muslim armies, to abolish Christianity and to slaughter the Jews. As ironic and as perverted as that may sound, that is exactly what fundamental Muslims throughout the world believe and are awaiting. (Unquote)

Allah the Greatest of all Deceivers (Page 63 Quote) . . .Allah's bragging by calling himself KhayrulMakireen, which literally means The G r eatest of all Deceivers. (Qur'an 3:54) He refers to Himself with such title in Qur'an: 8, 30; 27, 50; 13, 42; 10, 21; (14, 46); (43, 79); 86, 15 f; 7, 100. ( Qur'an 3:54) the verse says "And they conspired, Allah also conspired, for He is the greatest of all deceivers". (Unquote)

(Page 72) . . .During my terror days, when I lied to Westerners they believed me, now that I am telling the truth, I am called a liar. [Walid Shoehat] Does this sound like our God, Jehovah? Biblically it sounds like Satan and in fact, Allah is another same for the Devil.

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July 9, 2011

(Page 74 Quote) "We always viewed Westerners — including Christians -- as a giant pack of politically correct lemmings. And sadly, I must admit, our perceptions were not entirely unjustified. But now I have learned to never point my finger at another's gullibility. For what we accuse others of, we are most often guilty of ourselves. After all, I had bought into the false doctrine that promoted the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 1:11), and I believed that killing oneself was a way to acquire salvation. Just how gullible can the wolves get? I have never seen sheep kill sheep, but wolves? We have civil unrest in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, the Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Occupied Judea.. .everywhere. Where the creed of the wolf thrives, everyone dies. The sheep are not the only ones dying—the wolves eat the sheep, but they are also killing each other without mercy. The West needs to wake up from its slumber—the creed of the wolf teaches them to dress up as sheep, then trap the sheep. And for the past few decades, they have done a great job. The two doctrines that encourage this insidious form of religiously sanctioned deception are called Kitman and Taqiyya. The first is a command to conceal one's beliefs deliberately. It is a particular form of lying practiced primarily by Shi'ites and to a lesser degree by Sunnis. Imam .la'far Sadiq, the sixth Imam of Shia Islam articulates this doctrine; "One who exposes something from our religion is like one who intentionally kills us" and "You belong to a religion that whosoever conceals it, Allah will honor him and whosoever reveals it, Allah will disgrace him." (Unquote)

Allah prays to Mohammed Page 141 Quote) " . ..In scripture, names of prophets always pertain to glorifying God, never a man. But Muslims do exalt Mohammed beyond any other being—either in heaven or on earth. When something as petty as a cartoon of Mohammed was published, Muslims throughout the world protested with an indignation that is unparalleled. Buildings were torched, dozens of Christians all over the world were murdered, and the cartoonist and his family now live in exile. While Muslims adamantly deny that they exalt Mohammed to the place of God, whenever you read Muslim literature in English, you will always see the acronym PBUH, which stands for Peace Be Upon Him following Mohammed's name. But this translation is misleading and inaccurate. In Arabic the phrase translated as PBUH: Sall y Allahu A 'lavhi wa sallaraz. which means, "the prayers

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July 9, 2011

and salutation of Allah be upon him [Mohammed]. Sala Allahu means "Allah prayed." How could Allah pray to Mohammed? Ibn Katheer, the classical Qur'anic commentator corroborates this: "In the Arabic language, the basic meaning of Sala is supplication. In religious terminology, Sala is used to refer to the acts of bowing and prostration." So why do Muslims leave out the fact that the word "prayer" is present in this phrase? Because the phrase that is repeated by millions of Muslims

everyday, actually means that Allah himself bows before and prays to Mohammed. This same phrase is even found in the Qur'an: "Allah and His angels pray upon the prophet. 0 ye who believe pray upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation" (Qur'an 33:56). Mohammed is the center of praise both in heaven and on earth: "He (Allah) has subjected to you (Mohammed) whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth" (Qur'an 45:12). Yet despite these entirely blasphemous claims, it is the Muslims who endlessly accuse Christians of blasphemy; in the exaltation of Mohammed to the place that only Christ or God could occupy, we see the hypocritical and Luciferian nature of Islam. While Lucifer desires to be "like God," so also has Islam exalted created beings—both demons and false prophets alike—to the place of God." (Unquote) Comment/question: Ever heard of, anywhere in the Bible, where GOD THE FATHER bowed down and prayed to JESUS? Nowhere will you find such a Scripture. JESUS did nothing except the FATHER GOD skewed Him. Plainly, there is nothing in common between JEHOVAH and Allah, except it is obvious that Allah is the Devil, pure and simple. More, what does Light have in common with darkness? No unity or co-operation is ever going to happen between them. Allah is a self-admitted liar, deceiver and murderer. Where ever his followers go they leave a trail of sorrow, blood and gore as they butcher mankind with glee. That is Allah's spirit driving them to be that way, not JEHOVAH, not our GOD. Walid Shoebat pointed out that centuries ago when Islam invaded India, that in that portion of India they overran, they beheaded 80 Million men, women and children, even babes in arms. This is the fruit of Allah - death and misery, suffering, want and despair.

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ASKING FOR IT At the beginning, back in the very early 1970's, I would spend (as a bachelor) upwards of six hours a day in prayer, intercession and abiding. I experienced many wonderful things in The Spirit', walking hand in hand with JESUS in His Heavenly Garden, listening to Him as He taught me. It was a time of immense joy, awesomeness and an ever greater love relationship with JESUS Himself. My particular interest was to teach and to evangelize, but JESUS told me I was His Prophet and He wanted me to do that work. At some point I began to desire to do a work in Christ, to do something, anything. I asked the Lord JESUS for a work, anything, even cleaning restrooms, the dirtiest job He had was fine with me. I just wanted something to do. On reflection, He answered my persistent prayer, He gave me the dirtiest j ob He had. While calling His Church to pray was hardly a pleasant experience, it was the confrontations with demons `In The Spirit' that was horrific. In those early years I saw with intense clarity `In The Spirit', and the demons I battled were grotesque, fierce, hateful, mean and dangerous. I'd definitely gotten the dirtiest job He had

ISRAEL BETRAYED BY OBAMA Considerable numbers ofwealthy Jews financially supported Beastman Obama's run for President in 2008. Some Jews in America are now re-thinking that continued

support of Obama, seeing the position he took about Israel going back to the 1967 borders. If they did, that would be suicide, which is why Obama is calling for that kind of withdrawal. This Beastman is out to destroy America, and Israel is top of his list to obliterate first and foremost.

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July 9, 2011


This photo (above) shows the open disdain, if not outright hatred. Beastman Obama has for the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel itself. Can Beastman Obama win re-election in 2012? Looking at the plain facts, this disaster of an economy which continues to sink, the loss of more jobs, the financial crisis America faces which alone is enough to destroy any presidential aspirations to a second term. However, in spite of the TV pundits, the various polls being taken weekly that show an increasing decline in Obama's popularity, if not electability, there is more here than worldly facts. The foundation of Obama's power is demonic and that is `In The Spirit.' This is the driving, power behind Beastman Obama, an antiChrist spirit that permeates this nation and this government, this is an unseen power and support that is not considered. The issue in Arr[erica is spiritual not physical. The Church decision of 1987 to reject JESUS CHRIST is the source of all the trouble that has emerged in America since. Even "if' Obama were to lose re-election in 2012, that would not change the fact that an anti Christ spirit holds sway over the nation as a whole. The malevolence of that antiChrist spirit can be seen in Obama's face (above). Any hope that the church system of man might repent and return to God is made highly unlikel y because the enemy has infiltrated the church and sits in the seat of power over many of God's peop le. GOD have mercy on ifs.

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