June 29th, 2012 WE GET LETTERS

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Cover Page

The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 29, 2012

WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --

Sticks and Stones

By: Chuck-JOHNEL

Rachel R. On March 30, 2012 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-Johnel and Nancy-Toni—Glad you were able to get away to celebrate your anniversary. Also am glad to hear you are writing another book on your supernatural experiences. I am so encouraged and filled with such wonder when you tell us of such encounters. You give us a glimpse into the unknown and I am awestruck. I am so grateful that you share such precious experiences with us! Blessings to you both!" (Unquote) Comment by C-JOHNEL: Thank you for your kind comments and sharing. God bless you. You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue—agree with hint. Ed Howe Francisco D. On (no date ). (Quote) "Dear Mr. Youngbrandt, Hello, and I hope you are doing great. I am writing this letter because I feel like I have been away from God for too long and haven't been a really good Christian. I want to be close to God again or at least, closer than before, so I figured you would be the best one to ask on how to start over again. I am going through a rough time right now, and I really need His help to make me strong again, even though I feel that I don't deserve it. Please, if you have any advice on how to get closer to Christ, I would like to hear it. I promise it won't fall on deaf ears. ..Thank you, and I sincerely appreciate your time!" (Unquote) &pl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: First off, [do not know of anyone who "deserves " to

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June 29, 2012

Repl y by Cliuck_JOHNEL (contiâ–şnued): start over or even to start - it is all by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ who died on the cross far our sins. A good place to start would be to list your sins and go before the Lord JESUS confessing those sins, asking His forgiveness, placing all under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST Repentance is the first step but it requires that you be truly sorry and truly repentant. You cannot be that on your own, you need the help of the HOLY SPIRIT to have a "Spirit of Sorrow and Repentance " and you get that by praying in JESUS' Name, ASKING for that HOLY SPIRIT gift of'His Spirit of Sorrow and Repentance. Pray until you inwardly "know"FATHER GOD has sent the HOLYSPIRIT to grant you that, then express sorrow and repent of the sins you listed. Expressing sorrow for your sins and repentance is a two step process.- (1) Express sorrow and repentance as you can, (2) Ask the HOLY SPIRIT gift of the Spirit of "Sorrow and Repentance. " Continue in such prayer until you KNOW that FATHER GOD has sent the HOL YSPIRITin response to your prayer request. NOW, express a HOL YSPIRIT Sorrow and Repentance for your sins. It will take some time in prayer asking far this and patience on your part in waiting for God's answer, His HOLY SPIRIT help.

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself make intercession for us with groan ings which cannot be uttered." (Roinans 8:26) While you pray and wait for the HOLY SPIRIT, make it a discipline to read your Bible daily and to pray following your reading ofScripture. Then take tine after that to "abide" in CHRIST JESUS, to quiet yourself before the Lord, to listen to Hire, and though you may not hear Him or see Him - by FAITH you are to know that He is there, He is listening and He is helping you. Abide for five minutes and build up to 15 minutes-I- over a period of days - do NOT miss a time to abide. Keep in mind that he who abides in the Lord sins not (I John 3: 6) - that is a fact. The power sin has in your life . fades away as you abide in Him and becomes like a night mist dispelled by the morning Sun. Do not allow the enemy to condenin you to yourself- seek the Lord with all your heart, mind, will and soul and y ou will find His Love is true, His forgiveness is there for you and whatever lie the enemy throws at you is just that, a lie.

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The Staff & Sword Ministr â–ş /We Get Letters

rued. Abiding you will build a life in Christ. I

.t une 29, 2012

Between Bible reading, Prayer and

Today a bargain is anything that is only mfzoderately overpriced. Dee-JUNTA on Ma y 27, 2011 . (Quote) "Regarding: this weather pattern. I know we are under judgment and what is happening is part of that. I have asked the Lord and haven't received an answer as to why the safe area is under such attack." (Unquote)

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: The questions to be asked are: "What is a safe area? How is it def ned? " When the full weight of judgment falls on America millions will perish, some from starvation, somefroin diseases, somefroin war, some from on-theloose criminals. A "safe area " will be a refuge for God 's people, a place where they can live and endure through the worse of the judgment. This does not mean that troubles will not impact "safe areas " - but compared to what the nation endures, it will be a minor trouble and not catastrophic as it will be elsewhere. At this time many safe areas have people living there who are not saved or are backslidden Christians and they are primary targets , for the destroyers. Being in a safe area will not spare them from the consequences of their sins. Being in a safe area is like being on the Titanic, the ship is going down and you are moving to board the lifeboat - it is dark, the sea is icy cold and foreboding (scary) and it is not a comfortable ride but you will not be swallowed by a frigid sea, you won 't drown and become fish food. Last year a powerful windstorm swept over Colville area. I could see that many trees could be damaged, some might even be blown down_ I went outside in the power/id wind and in JESUS' Name prayed asking FATHER GOD to keep our property safe and with no wind damage. Our neighbors had sizeable limbs torn away and there was a lot of wind damage in the area. We didn 't even have a branch ripped off- the winds died down over our place and it was untouched. But all around its was not so blessed. The key is to draw ever closer to JESUS in troubles relying on Him to bring us through and He will. The enemy/destroyers are drawn by sin to the sinners and if some live in your area, they will show up to bring judgment on them. Be praying to cover your own. I pray this answers your question. God bless. I'm using a square bathtub so I can't get a ring.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

June 30, 2012

Arlene M. On (no date} . (Quote) "Hi Chuck-Johnel and Nancy, I've made about 14 trips in the last 3 months for medical, after grandson Johnathan's car accident. I was exhausted in every way, on October 19 `h . About 3 p.m. I sat down to rest and have prayer time. In my abiding time, a lion walked in my front door, and into the front room! `The Lion of Judah' was the answer when I asked "Lord, what is this?" Either I was sleeping with my eyes wide open—when I heard the screen door open—or it was my first "vision" at 72!

I wasn't afraid. So much strength emenated from the lion. As I leaned forward to get out of my chair, the lion evaporated! I understand, the Lord will always be with me, and a load lifted from my shoulders..." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: Amen sister! Early to bed and early to rise is a sure sign that you're fed up with television.

Idalia & Sandy Q. On December 28, 2011 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI, Greetings in the Name of Yashua! We wish for you a blessed and prosperous (in every way) new year! One night recently, my thoughts went to you, and the monthly task of mailing out the bi-monthly reports of the Staff and Sword Ministry. I am going to share with you the thoughts which came to me to make the mailing much easier for you. There are probably a kinks to be ironed out, and also you have probably pondered this same solution out of your minds. My thought (which I believe came from the Lord) is: why not mail these bimonthly reports out as an attachment to our email address? We, the recipients, can then print them out from our computer, if we wish to. Please let me know if this idea works for your ministry..." (Unquote)

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: This idea has been advanced before but we have several problems. First, most of our readers are not on the internet so they'd not receive the Newsletters by e-mail. Secondl y . the equipment and know-how to do this (at our end) is lacking_ I've tried several times to scan sketches onto the computer did not work, bought and put aside three different scanners. More, we do not have room for a scanner if we could get it working. Again, Im just not computer savvy nor do I have the time to learn the skills and the advantages are few , fro m my perspective. Thank y ou for the idea. God bless. Show me a twin birth and I'll show you an infant replay.

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June 30, 2012

Jan C. On January 2. 2012. (Quote)". . .JOHNEL, I have really been praying for you, just waiting to hear when you are totally touched and healed by the Hand of God: With your liver, diabetes, intestines, bowels, stomach and pneumonia. May the Lord God bless and heal the two of you this day. The two of you are so special to me. I' m so thankful to Jesus for the way He lead me to the two of you, and to be a part of ushering in the Second Corning of Christ. We are getting closer but yet [still] so far away, so it seems. Yet the days fly by. Just wanted to let you know that myself and others are praying for you every day. God bless the two of you. You two always lead us to Christ, that is so special to me; and how the Lord works in our lives." (Unquote) Replyb yChuck-.JOHNEL: I touch on this issue in the Addendum of this Newsletter I

You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make Nina think.


Elaine-DEBORAH on January 4, 2012. (Quote) "Dear Friends, Well, it's the beginning of a new year. I am glad I serve a God of new beginnings. I hope this little note finds all the leadership of the N.G.P. in good health and full of the joy of the Lord! How can we be anything but joyful in this dark and dreary world, when we are hidden in Christ. I long for the day when Jesus will rule and reign in this world (it's such a mess). Enclosed, find my support." (Unquote) JOHNEL: Happy new beginnings to you as well, Elaine-DEBORAH. I

Conscience is the inner voice that tells you the IRS might check your return. Jan R. On January 7, 2012. (Quote) "Precious C -J & N-T, How I praise our Lord for His work through your tireless obedience and love, the faith of Christ in you. A million thank you's don't seem enough, but I count it the highest privilege and honor to pray with and for you, and the Net of Prayer. What an adventure in Christ! Even though I'm in a wheelchair (M.S., then a stroke during heart valve replacement), I do not consider myself "crippled". He is my healer and my healing. He is the Rock, the bright and morning star, the cloud of glory that fills my soul, the living water that washes waves of love over me with every breath He gives me. Yes! He is my green pasture—our rest! I love the secret place of His presence. I stand firm with you in battle. God doesn't need my legs. I will run and dance with Him forever! I am complete in Jesus Christ." (Unquote)

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The Staff & Swo rd Ministry/We Get Letters

June 30, 2012

JOHNEL: The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Thank you for sharing your joy and faith. Interest your children in howling get their off the streets, into the alleys. 1Vfaf Jo WOn On date) . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-,lohnel and Nancy-Toni, For some ti me now I have wanted to share with you another blessing with the Seal of the Living God. The Lord continues to bless my family, friends, and me with evidence of the Seal: its power to protect and its importance. Recently, my nephew who is in his early fifties fell from a tree which he was cutting branches from. He was about 22-feet from the ground. He fell and hit hard. He had no broken bones, only some bruises. It was amazing! We knew where this protection came from. Then, I received an email from my brother who is a Catholic missionary in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Years ago, I wrote Nancy-Toni asking if it would be okay for me to fly to your home in order to receive the Seal of the Living God, promising you that I would not be a pest but only desired so much to receive this Seal, that if it was alright with the two you I would fly to your home (as I had free passes with the airline where my husband was employed). Nancy wrote back the sweetest answer, telling me of course it was alright but that there was an easier way. She told me of a couple who at the time lived in Odessa, Mo. (which was quite close my own home). Nancy told me this couple had the Seal and were commissioned to seal others. She gave inc their names and I quickly got a hold of them, and went to their home the following day. We had a wonderful Spiritfilled day together, and that day I received the Seal and Commission to seal others. I wasted no time in giving the Seal to all who were open and desired to receive it. When my brother returned home, I sealed and commissioned hire as well. He wasted

no time in sealing others when he returned to Brazil. He has a good and close friend named Walter whom he sealed, and in turn. Walter sealed his family and prayer group members. Recently, Walter and his niece went into a large pharmacy building with a large lobby. Across the lobby stood a group of Assembly ofGod people. They were having a very large conference at that particular time in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Walter noticed that the group was looking at him and his niece. They were talking to one another about them and pointing to them. Their leader—whom my brother could not think by what title he is called, and my brother, being a Catholic, simply called him their Pope - was pointing to Walter and Walter's niece.

Walter wondered what they were saying. He questioned whether or not he was supposed to know them. Did they know him somehow? What was this all about?

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June 30, 2012

Mar Jo W. On (no date). uote continued

Their leader and another walked away from their Assembly of God group, over to where Walter and his niece were standing, and asked them: "Are you Evangelicals?" Walter replied, "No, we are Catholics". Their leader said, "Well, we see a bright, shiny cross on each of your foreheads". Walter explained to them about the Seal of the Living God, and ended up sealing THEM! They in turn went back to their group, and sealed each of their group. At times, the Lord has shown others our crosses in order to convince others of the Seal, who in turn know it is real, and [that] it's a necessity to have for now and the future. So another BIG blessing has come to us through your obedience in sealing and commissioning others. Thank you Chuck-Johnel and Nancy-Toni. I love you guys!" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: We love you too! I've heard accounts like this many times over. In one case. JESUS sent a Christian couple (Pastors in a foreign nation,) to America to receive something "Special " JESUS had for them. In one American Church where they spoke, a couple stood out to them by the Spirit of God and so they

learned of the Seal of the Living God. On hearing about it, they exclaimed, "This is what JESUS sent us to America to receive!" They were Sealed and Commissioned to Seal and brought that back to their homeland. Yet in America, the Seal of the Living God is soundly rejected by most Christians, Churches and Pastors. Sad. If you wish to know what a man is, place Itim in authority. Yugoslav proverb Carolyn W. On (no date) . (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, about a month ago during the service at my church, the associate pastor, Dan Hicks, told us that the Holy Spirit said he was to say something to the congregation and he proclaimed loudly, twice, "PREPARE FOR WAR." No explanation except that it was from Joel." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: I wonder how many wozsld p r epare or how they would prepare?? Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

If a cluttered desk is an indication of a cluttered mind, what is indicated by an empty desk? Anonymous Evel 'n-PAIGE on March 29, 2012. (Quote) "Dear C-J and N-T, Have you been

having horrible sleep disruptions, or heard of others having trouble sleeping? My

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June 30, 2012

Evel yn-PA/GE on Mardi 29, 2012. (Quote continuedi sister Nita (L.W.) and I are, almost every night, for the last five days. Our brother Rodger (F.F.) isn't being affected as much. He sleeps in the early evening hours..." (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: When you sleep do you have nightmares? If so, it's likely that the sleep disruption is demonic, in which case read/pray the 9P` Psalm before going to bed. Normally, women generally tend to have trouble sleeping, in which case it is because they are thinking about troubles or issues that keep them awake stress. Sometimes troubles or situations that can keep you awake are imperceptible to the one carrying the load of stress_ Think about it! What concerns are you carrying? What issues trouble you? Give there up to JESUS, let go and ask JESUS to give you a restfi l night's sleep. In reading a book by Suzanne Somers ('Bombshell) she wrote/advised as follows: (Quote Page 295) "I slept eight hours last night, deeply, soundly, such a blessing. No sleeping pills for me; instead I give myself assistance by taking melatonin before I go to bed plus three chewable GABA's to turn off the noise." (Unquote) You would have to check with a Health Food Store to learn what GABA 's are - I do not have a sleep problem. Pray this help. Counter eit is something a woman has if she can't reach the bargain: counter. Elizabeth in April, 2012 , ( Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I just finished reading

the March/April newsletter. In the "We Get Letters" section, Chuck wrote of "grievous wolves", and the corresponding afflictions in one of his responses. That really struck a chord in me, because throughout the "Exodus" of April 4/9-i I, that feeling was very strong. Those few days were exhausting for me! In prayer I wept, and was angry with, that lack of Christ's Love. My spirit groaned, to say the least. Also, on 4/1 I, my fiance and I were driving home from the store, and a small cyclone intersected our car. It flung a large piece of earth at us, but was pretty puny. A few days before, while I was visiting my mom, I felt something pass through me, and kind of push me to the side. It was exactly the sensation of being hit by that cyclone. AIso, I almost bled to death back in 2007 after suffering a miscarriage. It was

a freak thing, and it took at least a year to recover and get my color back. That was a painful blow that I know was connected to the lack of love. Psalm 34:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

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June 30, 2012

Elizabeth inA ri! 2012. (Quote continued) Isaiah 51: 21-23: I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling. I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee." (Unquote) Court: The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were trot for this penalty, the jury would never hear th e evidence. H.L. Mencken Jim W On April 26, 2012 . ( Quote) "Chuck and Nancy, Bless you both now! Was most happy to get the "A Special (Report) Review Newsletter. Very needful for me. What I have known for forty years (by prophets and revelations) is upon America now. (Thanks for all your work)...P.S. Nancy: "Manifesting Christ" as always, did it for me again!" (Unquote) I )vas going to read the report about the rising crime rate—but somebody stole it. Dort & Marlene M. On April 29, 2012. (Quote) "Dear Nancy and Chuck, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you, and all those helping hands that keep all of us apprised of what you hear and see and understand, in these stressful times. Just know your hard work makes a big difference in our lives.

The extra prayer sheets you put out cause me to cry out to Jesus and Father God, in a deeper way, for the hurt in God's people year after year, with what seems like so few answers. We are blessed to be in our "Green Pasture", having been given the time to Begin to possess the land; but each day is a challenge in the midst of the blessings. The Manifesting Christ in the Spirit brings hope for the coming resurrection of the Body of Christ to join with the Head, Jesus, Who was resurrected 2,000 years ago. Since Easter, this has been my prayer for the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 and for Jesus to call, "Come forth," to the Lazarus Body in the tomb to join the Head. The song for me that goes with Psalm 46 prayer every time I pray is—You are exalted, Lord, above all else; We place You in the Highest place above all else; You are a Mighty Warrior, dressed in order of Light; You are a Mighty Warrior, lead us on in this fight! We do pray for all of you each day, and do wonder how Dave is doing. May Jesus surround all of you in His peace, love and job, in the midst of all things!" (Unquote) There can't be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. Henry Kissinger

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Patricia D. On (' date) . (Quote) "Question: In 1987 report, you saw the Christians and all of us leaving the GAP, through the passageway. If we're all gone, why are we still in the GAP holding the line? Thanks." (Unquote) Repl y b y Chuck-JOHNEL : The GAP battle took place in a literal gap between the

5 rh dimension and 4`'' dimension `In The Spirit '. When the enemy moved through the Gap, they entered the 4 dimension, a time dimension, In This World. They are literally overhead. In 1987 after the Gap battle we fought and resisted the enemy advance in the Broken Cross Zones. We are doing the same now. Until they break through (and they will), we aim to slow them down and take a toll of demons destroyed. Every demon that comes through will kill at least one person if'not more destroy that demon and lives are saved. I wish I had a dental appointment to cancel—it always brightens my day. Faith F. On June 17, 2012. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI, I am sad to hear that your monthly meetings will be coming to an end. Our whole family has always looked forward excitedly to spending the day with you and other N.Q.P. intercessors. We haven't been able to make the trip lately, not as often as we used to, and have missed being there. We do plan to come to the last meeting, next Sunday. Things change, and as they change, I am reminded to build my life on Jesus, Who does not change. On another subject, in one of your newsletters last year, you quoted Dan Bohler, who said God wanted His people to get out of debt within a year. After reading that, I reviewed my prayers to get out of debt. Two years ago, we had $15,000 in credit and debt. As of this month, we will pay off our last credit card, and have over $200 leftover. I am grateful to know that Jesus heard my prayers and provided for us to get out of debt within His timeline." (Unquote) told the doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet. So he gave me pep pills. You know what happeiied? I ate faster.

End of "WE GET LETTERS ." All letters and reports in the main Newsletter were transcribed by Leith Lopez who also selects the little jokes/humor at the end of each letter.

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