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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 2, 2012



JESUS' Love and Peace keep you one and all! This report and our new Daily Prayer Sheets (dated June 3 Q lh ) are going out with this hi-Monthly Newsletter, so everyone on our mailing list will receive a copy.

I've made this (above) the focus sketch on the new Daily Prayer Sheets to remind everyone to "not weary in well doing" (Galatians 6: 9). Part of the enemy strategy (now apparent) was and is to delay taking direct action immediately, to avoid a major attack with the intent of lulling us into a sense of complacency, to slacken in our prayers thus aiming to catch us off guard when they do attack massively. We all need to pray daily without slowing in our prayers or taking time off. In the past months we have seen inactivity and then sudden probings by demons into our various Zones in the Broken Cross. It is evident that Lucifer is steadily checking our strength, our response time, and how many are "watching and praying" looking for weak points.

Remember', every demon we destroy equates to lives spared harm or death in this world. Saving lives is part of our mission.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Repo rt July 2, 2012 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!'.

CONTINUE LABOR OF LOVE IN PRAYER When we pray the Unity Prayers we are literally coming before GOD THE FATHER `In The Spirit' with our requests and petitions, and we have seen His powerful answers many ways.




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This sketch depicts the primary reason why the enemy is so powerful: rebellion, prayerlessness, rejection of JESUS' Word, and sin feeds demons, empowers them. It is no laughing ma tt er, it is deadly serious.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 2.2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS - A Summary Status as of July 3, 2012

The Westmost point is at the "Church Wall", which technically covers an area from California north to Washington State. The "black bar" represents the assembly point of the Beastman's demon armies (which number upwards or higher than one billion demons strong). We led an exodus out of the GAP starting April 9" through to April 1 I. 2012.. Our mission was to cover, protect and make sure God's people with us were led to safety 'In This World'. After that, we had the mission to block the Beast's demon armies at the "Church Wall" and hold the Tine in what we have come to know as the "Broken Cross." This "Broken Cross", which was established under God's Law from. 1981 to 1987, is like a highway in the 4`' dimension of In This World.' To enter this world, the demons would have to cover the distance from the western wall (Zone #819) eastwards to Zone #100, at which point they could begin to move directly into the 3 r ` 1 dimension of this world. When great numbers of demons flood into this world you can be sure of every kind of trouble imaginable: storms, murder, war, plagues, droughts,

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 3, 2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS - A Summary (C ontinued) economic crisis, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and more. Once these demons, which right now are primarily spirits, enter into the 3 r4 dimension ,they will draw on sin and form soul-like bodies with which they can and will influence weather, the earth and human perception/behavior. Large numbers of demons could readily move people to vote for Beastman Obama when before they would not vote for him. They might get him re-elected and will certainly try to do just that. Over all, the demonic mission is to kill and destroy, with the destruction of Christian America being their priority. The longer we hold back these demons, the more time we get, and the more demons we destroy, the more lives are saved from certain death. While the Beastman's demon army is plugged up by our forces in the Broken Cross, the cost to them to attack us head-on might be too costly for them. They are presently working with Lucifer to pave a way for an easier breakthrough. Lucifer came through the GAP in 1987 with a large number of demons, he is gathering them and aiming them at us in the Broken Cross, trying to dislodge us and make an easy way for the Beastman's demon armies to come through. Lucifer has been drawing demons from all around the world to form massive demon armies with which to attack us. For some time there was little action from the enemy and so I sought the Lord to form a fighting force, I called it a "Fire Brigade" to hit the enemy before they were ready. We moved 'In The Spirit' and destroyed demons that had taken the Chicago Zones (# 307 and #773) and the Texas Zones (# 605 and #556) and Zone #100). I then held back forces with me (1,200 Angels, 3,600 A LOUD VOICE Intercessors and 20,000 "In The Spirit' Intercessors.*) These I call the "Fire Brgade." * FATHER GOD, by the HOLY SPIRIT, has been adding to our numbers armies of Christian intercessors to bolster our forces. Today they number well over 1.5 million strong. In talking to some of these intercessors out of the 20, 000 joined to me I learned they were German, Russian and Slavic Christians. They spoke in their native language, but I understood them as if they spoke English. After taking back Zone #100, Lucifer sent in a fairly strong force of demons to attack

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 3, 2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS - A Summary (Continued) us but was driven back by the Immanuel Battle Unit #4 headed by Captain Thomas Lawrence. I discerned it was a "probe in force" to see how strong we were. The constant clamor of battle: Since we took up positions in the Broken Cross after April 11th it's been quiet and then suddenly busy with engagements with demons who kept probing our lines. I knew they were checking to see how strong we were and were looking for weak points. With JESUS' okay I took the "Fire Brigade" and began moving outside the Broken Cross zones looking for loose demons. We found a steady stream of demons moving to assembly points mostly to the south of the center areas of the Broken Cross. We attacked groups of demons suddenly and destroyed them. It was "hit and run" or "ambush" tactic. We encountered a huge formation of elite demons, 500,000 of Lucifer's best, attacked them in an ambush, surrounded them and wiped them out after hours of battle. The Clamor of Battle: Before we hit these demons we sound bugles or trumpets to stun the enemy and close in from every side and smash into them with shields and employ the "bash them with the shield of faith and then slash them with the sword of the Lord", or "Bash and Slash ", as I like to say. With thousands of shields and swords being wielded the noise is nearly deafening.

In taking back the five zones we ended up coming on four demon princes. which JESUS told me to take captive. One I recognized, it was Diesbar, the demon prince behind the attack on the Twin Towers September 11, 2001. Collectively (as learned later) these four demon princes commanded a total of 60, 000,000 demons - with them captive those 50 million demons were neutralized, could not act. The HOLY SPIRIT sheaved me that Lucifer was furious - losing his elite demons, the four demon princes and all the "hit and run" attacks were very distracting, his time

table was getting messed up. The old Devil turned his attention to forming ambushes for me, setting traps everywhere and diverting resources to try and catch me in the open. When JESUS' ANGEL shewed me all the ambushes and traps Lucifer had set for me I saw little opportunity to get around that. But just for fun, I distracted the forces of one of his ambushes and when they moved out we hit them from the rear

and wiped out a portion of their forces. Then we turned and ran for cover. After that, JESUS told me to relocate the "Fire Brigade" to Zone 360, which I did. Captain Dan

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 3, 2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS - A Summary (Continued) Hookham is in charge of Immanuel Battle Unit #3 that has approximately 14,000 Intercessors and Angels. With the "Fire Brigade" the forces present were increased by about 25,000 Intercessors and Angels. I've been so busy with the Newsletter, Ministry paperwork, working the budget ( a difficult balancing act) and prayer looking to JESUS and keeping an eye what Lucifer is up to, that paying much attention to the Zones or Intercessors has been "on and off." In Zone #360 I was struck at the size of this zone, it was huge, and our number of 39,000 Angels and Intercessors were insufficient to cover the whole zone. Lucifer has three demon armies to the North of the Broken Cross, each with well over 1 0 Million demons and a fourth demon army to the north numbering about 6 million which was increasing in numbers by the day. Again. Lucifer was drawing demons from all around the world to form these armies - for him this was a maximum effort. In the quiet of Zone #360 1 heard the brethren singing hymns, some were the foreign intercessors, some American, but I could hear pure blessed strains of Praises to God in different languages. On June 26 th Iooking Northwards from Zone #360 I could see demons sneaking up wearing camo. I looked at them and thought to myself, "You have got to be kidding!" They stood out like sore thumbs! Hours later the main force came marching up, about 12 million+ strong, the ground shook and the thunder of hooves was quiet audible. A demon army formed a flying "v" which moved on our position, coming straight at the A LOUD VOICE. As they drew near, the Light of Christ burst from the A LOUD VOICE and knocked the demons flat for some distance, the "camo scouts" ran off as fast as they could in utter terror. The others pressed on and when hit by the Light of Christ they literally crumbled into ash on the spot, thousands and thousands of demons were destroyed like this. The demon army fell back to a safe distance and moved on our right and left flank and slammed into the regular intercessors who did not manifest Christ. They fought very well but the enemy had the weight of numbers as an advantage and began to drive them back. We had to fal] back with them to maintain a solid line lest we end up isolated from the main body.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 3, 2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS - A Summary_(Continued) Likewise, the demons were attacking the forces we deployed to the northern wall of Zone #360 and were being pressed back. The fighting went on like this all day. On June 27 `h I called in the 100,000 Intercessors JESUS assigned to me as a fighting reserve. We engaged the enemy and stopped their advance. They could not budge us and began to take heavy losses without gaining any ground. At that point they pulled back about a football fields length and stood there.

We held and maintained a corridor about 5-10 miles wide, a route that the King's Army to the West could use to withdraw if necessary. At the end of June 27`" T was plainly exhausted and heard from many intercessors who had the same experience. Battle `In The Spirit' can wear one out physically. How or why I do not know; but we have experienced it too many times to not know it is a reality.

These are the four demon princes captured this June, 2012. We had to release then, and did, on June 29, 2012 at 11:34PM: MEGATHEFARIUS Per JESUS June 21 st " THIS DEMON PRINCE...HAS POWER TO CAUSE A NUCLEAR DISASTER AND/OR A NUCLEAR BOMB EXPLOSION INSIDE THE U.S.. BRAND IT. YOU NEED TO RELEASE ALL THESE CAPTURED IN THE NEXT TEN DAYS, YOU CANNOT HOLD THEM LONGER." (Captured June, 2012) MEZCAR It was revealed that it had power to cause hunger, famine, starvation and plagues. (Captured June, 2012) DIESBAR Has power to effect banks, had three balls on which were written New York, Japan and Switzerland. ( First captured August, 1991) BELSHEM I Desolater of land, power to cause drought, pestilence and then famine. Controls weather. (First captured August, 1991). Since June 27 th1 there have been numerous skirmishes (short battles) with demons in the areas of many of the zones. BEING IN THE FOURTH DIMENSION : The 4 th dimension is a "time

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 3, 2012

ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROKEN CROSS -A 5ummaryCon inued] dimension", events happening here do not surface in this world right way, they can show days later, even weeks later. THE OVERSEERS Every 12 days teams of our prophets oversee the battlefield and are in charge of the over all operations, these being (in turns): Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH; then Lyn -ELIZABETH and Mark-JAMES; then Nancy-TONI and Cathy-MARTHA. I'm back-up and keep an eye on what is going on over-al i augmenting the Lord's Prophets in their turns at overseeing. What I've shared here is my perspective of what's happened so far. In their turn, Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH dealt with an incursion of demons into the Bethel zone (#472) - he drove the enemy out with heavy losses. There have been a lot of battles in these last weeks. It has been turbulent and quite busy.

ECHOES OF THE BATTLES `IN THE SPIRIT' Because we are confronting and battling demons in the 4 t " dimension, we are, in physical terms, directly overhead in this world.' From past experience during battles in the 4 t ' dimension, we have seen some of our battles resound in this world quite literally. This time round it has been quite apparent (to us) that the whole world is resounding from these battles in the 4"' dimension.

PROPHECY IN THE NE WS - JUNE 2012 EDITION Laura, our neighbor, who is also a N.Q,P. Intercessor, gave me the June, 2012 copy of Prophecy in the News . The cover page (see next page for a photocopy reduction of same) read: "SOUNDS OUT OF HEAVEN?" Here are some excerpts from that article in the June, 2012 Prophecy in the News Magazine : (Quote) " SOUNDS OUT OF HEAVEN , by Gary Stearman. "Among the many strange phenomena we're watching, a new development has emerged. There is a mystery afoot. Around the world, people have begun to hear strange sounds. , .bonechilling, unexplainable, echoing, resonating, harmonic, crashing, metallic clamoring racket. It has forced many to think about the coming apocalypse."

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July 3, 2012

The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

PROPHECYIN THE ?DEWS -- JUNE 2012 EDITION uote continued) www.prophecyinthenews.corn


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y Gary Stearrnarr

"...That's not all. There are growing numbers of reports on sounds of an entirely different type. These are explosions that come without any warning, are heard for a few days, then fall silent once again. Sometimes, they appear to come from underground. Often, they seem to come from just outside a living room or bedroom wall. , .reported to resemble the sound that might result from the head-on crash of two speeding locomotives. They come at so high a volume that they should be heard over long distances. But this is not always the case. Furthermore, though unbelievably loud to the immediate hearers they seldom, if ever, register traces on local seismographs. I magine a thud, a roar and the clanking of metal at unbelievably high volume. Residents rush outside, but discover nothing out of the ordinary, nothing at all. This is an emerging mystery. But it is far more than a simple mystery; it portends a threat of some sort. Aerial trumpets remind one of nothing quite so much as the sound of war. The trumpet, after all, has long been the sound that moves

armies into battle. The shofar is the biblical call to .judgment each year at Rosh HaShanah. And devastating explosions are, of course, the very essence of battle. .. The trumpets first gained attention on August l 1` h , 2011 , when a video from the apartment district of Kiev, Ukraine, was uploaded to the popular website, You Tube. It was a home video of 11

minutes and 28 seconds long, showing the city

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The Staff& Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 4, 2012

PROPHECY IN THE NEWS - JUNE 2012 EDI TION (_Quote continued} and the sky. As the camera vainly searched for a source, an eerie trumpet ensemble moaned and blasted an inscrutable message. Its notes range from baritone to bass, repeated in a singing chorus. It echoed throughout the landscape in a way that suggested origination high above the Earth's surface. Absolutely nothing was observed at any time as the source of the bizarre sounds. ...Throughout Eastern Europe, similar sounds began to be heard. After that, a week or so later, the western hemisphere began to take part in the chorus. On January 12 t ", 2012, the sounds were recorded in central Chili. They seemed to play variations on the calls made by the first trumpets. On January 19 t ", in Olive Branch, Mississippi, newspaper delivery man William Wilson Smith heard what he called a "chorus of trumpets" that seemed to come from every direction. . . January 22, another video surfaced on You Tube, again featuring the mysterious baleful droning trumpets, this time in the city of Monchengladbach, Germany. ..the video showed all the signs of being absolutely authentic. ...Then the phenomenon seemed to move westward into various parts of Canada and the northwestern United States. Canadian lumberjacks and urban residents of Vancouver recorded them, as did citizens in Washington and Oregon. Still, authentic recordings continued to come from Czechoslovakia, Hungary and other European locations, including England. They were all variations of the original strange trumpets. ..Then, normal, everyday citizens living in a variety of locations recorded several additional choruses of horns, each emanating slightly different musical patterns. They lived in a variety of locations, including Topeka, Kansas and Los Angeles, California. That, however, was only the beginning. The trumpet choruses began to be blended with other strange sounds, including several reports of mingled conversation and metallic noises, resembling television sets being run at high volume, yet at a great distance. Voices and music could be heard, but not distinguished clearly. Finally, and continuing at this writing, a new series of spectacular sounds came into being. It consists of loud bangs, booms and explosions. Some are dull thuds; some are tympanic resonations, others are metallic crashes described as sounding exactly like two cars, trucks or even trains colliding head-on. On March 6I", southeastern Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama residents heard these sounds. No cause was found. March 15 `f ', witnessed another series of loud, crashing sounds. Then they blasted Montello, Wisconsin. On March l8`'', the city of Clintonville, Wisconsin made the national news wh en a series of booms with metallic, clanging overtones began to be h eard by most

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 4, 2012

PROPHECY IN THE NEWS -- JUNE 2012 EDITION (Quote continued) of its population. The whole city was upset, as municipal workers scoured the water, sewer and gas systems. All was found to be in perfect condition. Experts were puzzled, then frustrated as all their investigations showed nothing out of order, in spite of the extreme intensity of the sounds. On March 19`'', emergency crews were summoned again as a new round of percussive sounds plagued the city. The booming, clanging sounds took place in the early morning hours, then ceased at daybreak, leaving everyone puzzled. The mystery of these sounds deepened further, when it was discovered that seismic readings remained normal in the area. National media featured their experiences on the evening news. For two weeks, the little town was torn apart by the sounds. Every professional assessment was summarily dismissed for lack of evidence. Earthquakes were eliminated as the cause. One thing is certain, there is a uniform belief among those who experience the strange hums, choruses and blasts, that they portend some great disaster that is about to befall them. Is there any precedent for such strange happenings? Are people right to expect that these sounds carry a message? ..." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL : With the HOL YSPIRIT adding tens of thousands of Christian Intercessors to our ranks . f from around the world and with the whole world hearing sounds of the battles going on in the 4 ` ' dimension tells inc that the coming assault on mankind by these demons is world wide and not just aimed at the United States and Canada, although we are a primary target. There is no question whatsoever that these sounds stem from the battles we are waging `In The Spirit' and in the 4 ` '' dimension. Because the 4` h dimension is right over our heads it is to be expected that sounds of battle are heard coning from above. Again, we have seen this kind of phenomenon in past years of warfare in the 4 `h dimension, however, nothing has ever happened to this extent. Literally the whole world is resounding with the sounds of the battles we are fighting against a vile and murderous enemy. That many people believe that these events "portend some great disaster that is about to befall them " is more accurate than they know. Are they listening to the prophets? No! Are they praying? No! Would they believe our report? No! JESUS said it back in 1979, "THIS IS A DEAD PEOPLE ALREADY!" Our Commission in Christ is to hold these demon armies back as long as we can, to take a toll of their numbers, destroying as many of these destroyers as we can. We are in the Mercy and Life-saving business - Do Not Weary in Well Doing! (Gal 6: 9)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 4, 2012

NET OF PRAYER DEPLOYMENT I MMANUEL Prayer Group has six Prayer Units. These have been formed into Battle Units, augmented by 10,000 Intercessors (added to us by the HOLY SPIRIT), plus a compliment of Angels - all told each Battle Units numbers about 12,000 strong. These are assigned as follows: [BC = Broken Cross] Battle Unit #1 - Captain Mike Binder - assigned to BC Zone #339 Battle Unit #2 - Major Dale William Seigrist - assigned to BC Zone #844 Battle Unit #3 - Captain Dan Hookham - assigned to BC Zone #360 Battle Unit #4 - Captain Thomas Lawrence - assigned to BC Zone #100 Battle Unit #5 - Captain Rosel Romanca - assigned to BC Zone #307

Battle Unit #6 - Captain Debra King - assigned to BC Zone #605 THE BETHEL ARMY THE LIVING WATERS PRAYER GROUP (zones 558 and #472) (All told in Angels and Intercessors = 1,014,000) THE KING'S ARMY - DEFENDING ZONE #819 GOD'S GLORY PRAYER GROUP BEAUTIFUL BRANCH PRAYER GROUP MORNING STAR PRAYER GROUP JOSHUA PRAYER GROUP FLAMING FIRE PRAYER GROUP (All told in Angels and Intercessors = 480,000) Deployment: South-most would be God's Glory and then line by line, shoulder to shoulder:)

God's Glory, Beautiful Branch, Morning Star, Joshua, Flaming Fire JOHNEL'S "FIRE BRIGADE" 3,600 A LOUD VOICE Intercessors 1200 Angels 20,000 Intercessors

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 4. 2012


JESUS' WORD February L1994 1994 Thu rsda y , MARCH 3, 1994 — BETHEL (HOUSE OF GOD): "BATTLE ON SEVENTH DAY, THE BEASTMAN IS SEEN LEADING A COUNTER-ATTACK; A MIGHTY ARMY IS MET. SWEEP OVER IN MY FIRE (the fire of His love), SEIZE THE BEASTMAN AND SET HIM IN CHAINS." JESUS, Jan. 20, 1994. "MOVE UNITED IN THE ORDER I GAVE ON BETHEL. THE BEASTMAN RAISES HIS ARMY TO DO BATTLE. HE COMES IN A FURY AND IS QUENCHED SUDDENLY." JESUS, Feb. 2, 1994. Richard-DANIEL Sydor is to take the Beastman and cast him into the fire. Nancy-TONI is to seize, chop up, and carry out the Beastman's throne seat (in the Holy of Holies) to be burned. Chuck-JOHNEL is to restore the veil and set the seven Candlesticks in place in the Temple. .. . "ENTER BETHEL AND CLEANSE MY TEMPLE. BREAK APART THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION AND BURN ALL THE PARTS OUTSIDE THE CITY. RESTORE THE VEIL AND SANCTIFY MY HOUSE." "MY OTHER PROPHETS ARE TO BREAK APART THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION AND BURN IT OUTSIDE THE CITY." JESUS, Jan. 31, 1994. "CAST THE BEASTMAN AND HIS THRONE SEAT INTO THAT FIRE. IT IS DONE. GIVE THANKS." Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: While was done 'In The Spirit' in 1994 we saw nothing to , fit it in the world then or since until now.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Net of Prayer Report

July 4, 2012

JESUS' WORD - BASIS FOR PRAYER (Continued) MARCH 3, 1994. Jesus to Richard-DANIEL after 9 p.m. "THE LIGHT IS DARKNESS, HIDDENNESS, AND FROM OUT OF THE DARKNESS COMES THE BEASTMAN, LUNGING FORWARD WITH HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND KNOWING, TO TRY TO HOLD UNTO HIS USURPATION. HE NOW COMES FORWARD AT YOU. DRAW YOUR SWORD AND SPEAK FORTH MY WORD. SPEAK FORTH MY WILL AND QUENCH HIS ARMY WITH MY FIRE. MY FIRE IS A WALL OF DEFENSE ABOVE AND ALL AROUND YOU. I ALLOW THE BEASTMAN THROUGH, FOR HIS CAPTURE, AND THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS TWO AIDES IN ARMS, AND HIDING. DRAW FORTH YOUR SWORD, AND SPEAK MY WORD AND IT IS DONE. THEN SEE IN THE SPIRIT." Comment byCliuck-JOHNEL : Beastn1an Obama has selected his motto for his bid fbr re-election this 2012 as "MOVING FOR WARD " - a terminologi JESUS used to speak of the Beastfnan - which fits Obwna.. I see how the Word given on Page 13 and here can , fit Obama - especially since he laid hands on the Chu rch this year. I believe p r ayer to remove him may obtain that result or at least his removal later if he is re-elected_ Thus we pray to see his removal from the office of President.

40 DAYS OF PRAYER - PASTOR HAGEE STARTING SEPTEMBER ZS 2012 On June 29, 2012 Pastor John Flagee is calling "All" Christians to pray about the coming Presidential Election, seeing Obama as something evil to be removed (though he is not so bold to say that, it is implied). Nonetheless, Ha gee is calling for 40 days of prayer starting on September 28, 2012. We have been praying about Beastman Obama for months now - but it is well to know that many other brethren will be joining us in prayer starting September 28th. God bless. End of Report.


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