June 29th, 2011: Book Review MANIFESTING CHRIST VOL 1

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 29, 2011



After mailing out copies of Nancy-TONI's book, we sent out a request that those receiving the book make a review of the book. These are the replies and comments received.

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Tl:e Staff and Sword Ministry

.Tune 29, 2011

We asked readers to rate this book and here are the results after receiving 17 responses: A. It is oka y :


B. It could be better:


C. Well done:


D. So, so:


E. It is what I hoped for:


F. It was great:


G. Fair: H. Thorough:


I. It helped me in my growth in Christ:


J. It opened my eyes: (Total responses sent in: 17)

Comments by readers: read the book and took notes, all in two-days time. I love it because it renews you A great job, well done. Thank you, and God Bless."

Barbara L. "I

Alma D. "Very well organized. I see my copy as steps to learning how to abide in our

Lord, Jesus Christ's Holy presence. Thanks for writing this well-needed book." Karl R. `` God job. When will Volume 2 come out?"

The Staff and Sword Minrrstrj ,

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Aeries W. "I am looking forward to the next book, Volume II. The 1

Jude 23, 2011 st

volume was a

great blessing. Thank you: and I'm sure Jesus was pleased K. "Dear Nancy-TONI, I thought it was great, the meat of the Word; deep.

Always enjoyed the pieces in the newsletters." Charleen F. "A very good book. The farther into the book, the more I grew,

spiritually. The dying of self, getting rid of selfish, soulish ways, is thoroughly explained. The importance also, of seeking and loving Crod, is told throughout the book. We definitely need to appreciate our Fabulous Forever Father, our Dear Beloved; Christ Jesus, and Sweet Holy 1-Ielper—the Holy Spirit. This book gives practical ways to press towards the mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus; so needed in these times of judgments, encouraging us to never give up! There is nothing surpassing that intimate love with dear Precious Jesus Christ! To abide in His presence, dwell in that secret place, in the quiet stillness; we get to "know" Him more and more. ..Amen!" Asir S. "Favorite chapter: "JESUS THE CHRIST". I would read a few pages and

then "chew on it". Then, I would read a few more pages and "chew on it" a bit more. Then, suddenl y , it was like the lights went on, and the scales fell off my eyes! Thank you for writing this book—enjoyed it all. Just finished reading it today." Marl , Lee F. "This book gave me hope and comfort in the Word ofGod. I salute you,

Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt, as you press on in Christ Jesus, to the mark of higher callings. Through God's grace and in faith, Stand Tall , in Love, to do God's work." Sharon M. "I'm grateful for this ministry. Thank you." Pat F. "Great job!" Elizabeth K. "Thank you for finally exposing the simplicity of it."

Jeff "I have just gotten started. Can't wait to finish."

Ruth S.

"I am looking forward to Volume II."

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

luize 23, 2011

Don C: "A. I appreciate the references to the deep Inward-Way by Fenelon, Guyon,

Molinos, Murray, etc. They have been some of my favorite authors for 10 years. B. I have kept all the Manifesting Christ articles; do not need to organize now. Thank you N-T. C. This is Spiritual Truth about the Christian Life, as God intended it to be. D. This is why we're created—to know and love God and Jesus, deep within our spirit, soul and heart, in intimacy by faith. One example of it opening my eyes: the relation between the Spiritual and Physical green pastures." Nancy R. `'Two friends stumbled over your intro, one refused to read further, the

other finished the book and was glad she did. The challenge is with your initial involvement in new age, etc. I already "knew" you, your testimony, and I had no problem with it, because I know where you ended up. In fact, the non-believing group's accepting attitude in contrast to the believing group's attitude, made an excellent point...." Comment: Nancy-TONI was never part of nor associated with the new age inovenien t.

Brenda M, "When I first became a Christian, I started learning about walking in the

spirit, and some of the other things in your hook; but, not to the depth you bring out in the book, The church is so deceived and has absolutely no idea of what being a Christian is really about. Thank you, Nancy-TONI, and God, for this book. It is so needed by EVERYONE who really wants to be a REAL CHRISTIAN." John H. "...With judgment comes Holy Spirit renewal and power from we who

surrender fully, and want to be like Jesus; walking, talking, healing, sharing the love of God the Father."

Co,nment: The publishing of Volume II is reliant on the sales of Volume 1. We will take the funds from the rules of Volume II to finance the publishing of Volume II. At this point in time we are about half the way to that objective.

End of Book Review

Page 1 — The Staff and Sword Ministry - Book Price List July 5, 2011 ** *BOOK


(Please print) YOUR NAME


YOUR ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE " MANIFESTING CHRIST" Volume I " New book by Nancy-TONI - On the inner journey to a closer relationship with Jesus. " JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME - Volume I " Book by Chuck-JOHNEL presents early years, his walk with JESUS and the foundational revelations of coming judgment. "PROPHETIC WARNING SIGNS" by Chuck-JOHNEL presents a detail of events that can precede judgments.

" MANIFESTING CHRIST" Volume I " New book by Nancy-TONI S

$19.90 PPD for one copy (Washington State) or $18.60 PPD for one copy every where else. For three copies: $17.90 PPD per one copy (Washington State) or $16.60 PPD per copy PPD.


For five copies: $16.90 PPD per copy (Washington State) or $15.60 PPD per copy elsewhere_


$19.30 PPD for one copy (Washington State) or $18.00 PPD everywhere else.


For 3-5 copies: $17.30 ea. PPD (WA) or $16.00 ea. PPD

elsewhere. $

For 6 copies or more : $15.30 ea.PPD (WA) or $14.00

ea.PPD elsewhere. (Please see other side for more)

Page 2 — The Staff and Sword Ministry - Book Price List Julu 5, 2011

***BOOK ORDER FORM*** " Prophetic

Warning, Signs"

book h^: Chuck-JOHNEL.


One copy $21.80 PPD (WA) or $20.50 PPD elsewhere.


For 3-5 copies: $19.80 ca. PPD (WA) or $18.50 ea. PPD elsewhere.


For 6 copies or more: $18.80 ca PPD (WA) or $17.50 ea PPD elsewhere.


TOTAL for all of the lines on Page 1 and 2.

Mail to: ._

.1 Nancy-TON1 Younqbrandt r 558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114

Please makes checks payable to: Nancy-TONI Younghrandt. Thank you and God bless.

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