Jan 26th,1987: CHRIST JESUS or Christ Beastman

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By: Chuck-JOHNEL Youngbrandt with Nancy-TONI Weaver do Mrs. 11ir inia Pfran 3133 West 56th St., Chica o




JANUARY 26, 1987

Illinois 60629



The Beast U.S.A. FAITH and/or WORKS DEAD

Once in the Old Testament a prophet came to King David with a story of what one man did, and asked King David 'his judgment' of that man, King David was angered by what this 'un-named man had done', he judged this person should be put to death. Gods prophet replied to King David, "YOU ARE THAT MAN". The Holy Spirit long ago showed me that King David's sin of adultery was not so much the problem; but when David faced being exposed, he "FEARED" to Trust Gods Goodness and Mercy-Kindness and misused his God anointed position as "King" to cover-up his error by ' murder'. What is "BIG" in Gods Eyes, is "LOVE" - what saved David from the most horrible consequences of his sin(death) was David's Love of the Lord, Davids LOVE was 'saving Grace. Yet for all of David's Love, and commitment to the Lord God -- yet he sinned; but worst he 'FEARED' - (Bible:"The THING YOU FEAR COMES ON YOU). Gods prophet did NOT judge David, nor did the Lord(surprised?)--the Lord disguised His prophets question to simply reveal to David what was in his heart and his own 'self judgment'. When David SPOKE that 'judgment he spoke into being what was already in himself - he was about to reap the consequences of his sin(fear), the Lord now moved to make him aware and more to give him 'hope' of Gods Help. Tho King David reaped troubles and anguish(what he feared now came), "avid humbled himself before God, and Trusted God's Love when before he had not for a time. What Jesus has done by moving me to send you the "PRAYER & DISCERNMENT REQUEST" newsletter mailed out January 9, 1987, 1 would realize later, was in effect a "Disguised Question", and what reply was made would reveal the inward condition of CHRIST BODY ELECT. More, as with David, the "SPOKEN" Judgment would in effect now manifest IN THE WORLD. Thus the Lord showed me that the FIRST 100 Replies received would represent (and manifest in the world) the DECISION of HIS BODY ELECT. These replies would also reveal the condition of CHRIST's BODY ELECT - there is no question that "ALL" have hearts for Jesus(as did King David), the thing being revealed by God in this way is the extent to which "FEAR" governs some, aid whether or not some have "Faith with Works(Alive) or Faith without Works(dead) or Works without Faith (dead) or neither Faith or Works(double dead). Keep in mind, I am Jesus prophet, and while I'm a man like you, I'm also Jesus Representative. Why a disguised question? Some 3 years ago Gallup Pollsters asked a cross section of Pastors from major denominations questions in 'confidence'(their names would not be revealed ever) -90% of the Pastors (secretly) replied that they did NOT believe that Jesus B,riist was the Son of God. If you asked these same men publically the same question, its reasonable to expect the same 90% would say "YES" they believed Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Not so strangely, when Jesus had me ask 20 Pastors if they would support and call for prayer against judgments, these 20 Pastors being a Holy Spirit representation of the whole Church system of Pastors -95% of the 20 said "NO" to Jesus. Jesus stated these 'preferred Satan as Savior over HIM'. Since 1986 JESUS has parted His BODY ELECT from that 'church system of man' that we not partake in their judgments. Even so, Jesus now is revealing the extent to which His BODY ECT is tainted, infected, by a former association with and in that 'church system of man' All of us ( I no less than any of you) have in this situation Gods Help whereby we may on reflection see just where we are at in the FAITH/WORKS department, and the extent to which inner "FEAR"(what is NOT of FAITH is SIN) is leading us into dangerous-deadly waters.



JANUARY 26, 1987

"THE DECISION REPLIES REPORT"(see page 20) I've written a daily diary of revelations, events, discernments, replies, understanding from January 4th and on(REPORT AVAILABLE onREQUEST-see end of newsletter). What I offer

here is a condensation and what I understand as of this date(not at first).

The date Jesus had me mail the newsletter out complete(JANUARY 9th) was significant, it was 2 months from November 9th 1986: the date 'Steve-JOEL broke 'the Beast's head off the Staff'. What this signified was that the 'influence of the former Beast system(church system of man) was broken from over all of us, the BODY ELECT of CHRIST JESUS. Thus the mailing of the

newsletter "PRAYER & DISCERNMENT REQUEST" came on the day when the 'effect' of being removed from the influence of the Beast system BEGINS. JESUS shortly told me that the First Hundred (100) replies would represent HIS BODY ELECT, thus I knew the Holy Spirit was p verning the situation. Then each person replying not only spoke for themselves1- T-- aiso 1% of the BODY ELECT OF CHRIST(an unknown number). At first I thought the Lord did this to reveal the status of His BODY ELECT, then as events surfaced I began to realize , a terrible danger was emerging and that those whose "Faith" was down would be subject to the Beast, A "YES" DECISION could be intrepreted as 'subject to judgment' - those saying "YES" could be subject to the emerging new Beasts power. Not unlike the more common view of King David's selfjudgment, some would think God was out to get them. However this view I realized long ago was WRONG! God is NOT out to get HIS PEOPLE, He is out to spare, save, help, strengthen and set us free of all that hinders us. In this situation HE was revealing • to each of us our individual posture by how we replied(or intended to or thought to--even if you didn't). The parallels to King David have come to mind, and I see the parallel now. King David HAD God's Word, he knew the Lords Love and loved the Lord deeply. King David erred with Bathsheba, his love for her was not his error, its the way he approached the situation--apart from Gods

counsel and help, David did NOT ask the Lord, he took. But David knew the riqht to do, he did the wrong --now trapped by his error(she is pregnant) David compounds his error into grievous sin, he murders Uriah a righteous man. By this(a fear response and lack of Trusting the Lord) David truly set in motion a deadly judgment against himself and his household. The Lords prophet only brought into the open the SOW & REAP LAW , it was Gods warning of what was already set in motion, it was about to manifest. (become real in actual events). David's response is important, he humbled himself before God, he accepted the worst(death), had no defence we don't) --then the Lord spoke by His prophet to re-assure David of His love, help and mercy --only he had triggered the SOW & REAP, he would now reap. Only KNOWING it, David now trusted the Lord, who brought him thru the worst. What we often obn't consider is that if the Lord had not revealed the SOW & REAP situation to David(whereby he repented, humbled himself, and trusted the Lord) --its reasonable to believe that in the SOWING, David could have otherwise REAPED Death. Likewise with the Apostle Paul, Saul(Paul) approved of the stoning murder of Stephen, a righteous man of God --later tho Paul is saved, under Grace, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, even so Paul now REAPED, he was 'stoned' --only Grace kept him , he lived thru it. In my own experience, I can see the dynamics of KNOWING and NOT KNOWING. In 1982 JESUS sent me to Toni T. of Texas, told me to submit to her 'decision'. Toni T. told me she didn't want me to tell her anything of Gods Word concerning her family believing that if I spoke it, I caused it to happen, she also told me she would not communicate with me nor wanted me to communicate with her, nor would she pray(as Jesus asked her). March 1983 JESUS told me that Toni T.'s dad would die, only in joint prayer agreement(ne with her) would his life be spared. Yet I was also required to observe her 'decision' - thus I did NOT speak it. JESUS in 1982 told me she would endure 4 months troubles, by Toni T's Holy Spirit insight prayer would gain a years mercy(I prayed for her dad) .- one year, 4 months to the date of Toni T,'s decision to Jesus Word in 1982, her dad died suddenly, The difference between Jesus prophet SPEAKING JESUS WORD is this --if the prophet does NOT speak it - SOW & REAP leads to death, no o pportunity to change the outcome.



JANUARY 26. 1987

._ERROR - FEAR - SIN = SOW & REAP --A PRHETSPEAKS or DOES NOT SPEAK (continued) f the prophet does SPEAK Gods Word, opportunity is present whereby the consequence of death is averted by those who turn to the Lord.

THE DISCERNMENT REVEALS THE HEART JESUS carefully led me to share HIS WORD concerning a job, His Perfect Will(NO to a job), my situation(shortfall of financial support) and that I was to submit this to His Body Elect. In fact, I've been submitted all along, more by subjection --while somedb what they can, others do not - the difference created troubles whereby Gods Work stalled, the help His People need is stopped, put on hold. If it were in my power to change it, I would have long ago --I've exhausted every personal resource I have, I like many others have gone past my limit --while some have not gone their limit. The difference is in fact so small its frustrating, For example: In May 1986 1 worked with JESUS WORD concerning a lottery number #6095 --for each $1 ticket it would pay $5,000 when it came. I projected in MAY 1986 it would come in a period of July 21, 1986 to August 7, 1986 - and Jesus Word stated it would come on either a Saturday or Tuesday. Support for the ministry declined from July 1986, we endured hardships and with that confusion as to what to do --lacking funds we cut back in the lottery and our Faith slipped. By the end of July 1986 JESUS told us plainly that for want of just $92 in gifts that month, we had lost a major blessing. We didn't know what Jesus meant --til August 2, 1986 Saturday when the lottery drew #6095. Had we been able to pursue our plan, we would have collected a minimum of $30,000 August 2nd --but the difference was not just $92 --it was what that $92 represented. I did not see this back that August 1986, but as replies came in, Jesus showed me the whole issue centered around "FAITH 4TH WORKS" this being the area were His Body was not only weak but now in danger of facing a real threat r ithout the Faith in Him to 'overcome'.

FAITH WITH WORKS 1S ALIVE Was there a right answer to the question of seek a job or not? Very many had the FAITH to know the answer, and most of these had WORKS with that FAITH - so their FAITH was ALIVE by their WORKS. But some not so. The response of many was this --"JESUS said "ND" to a job - thus its "NO'. But the Lord by

His Angel set a general rule, which in specific situations He showed me how to discern differently. The first reply came in "NO" andTHE there was no gift with it(not that I expected one)(tho however I 'hoped'). The Angel said LORD SEE'S THIS AS "LIP SERVICE"- FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD, NO GIFT, the reply is really "YES". By this God revealed that this one Christian representing 1% of His Body Elect, had the FAITH to know Gods Will but lacked WORKS, their Faith was Dead --and in a real confrontation with the Beast, these would fall subject to him and the power of hell and NOT overcome. Now some replies came in marked "YES" with no gift - their Faith was dead, their Works dead these were the most vulnerable of all to the coming Beast of anti-Christ. Some replied "YES" with a gift out of love, these had WORKS but their Faith was dead. Some replied "NO" with no gift -- but many enclosed notes or had just sent a usual gift and had no funds to spare --each of these JESUS "EXEMPTED" from the "Gift Rule" - these said they were praying, their PRAYERS in His Eye's were an acceptable WORK,their Faith was alive. )ne sent an accusatory letter, asked to be taken off the mailing list, made no comment about the DISCERNMENT but stated that this ministry stirred FEAR in that persons HEART. The Lord showed me that the 'fear' was there all along, only His Word brought it into view(lack of trust in Jesus, bound by fear thus an inner sin condition). Not unlike King David who




JANUARY 26, 1987

FAITH WITH WORKS IS AL IVE (continued) when presented by Jesus prophet his own sin(fear) disguised as 'someone else'--King David inwardly hating that fear-sin that bound him, judged harshly --and in speaking it made it plain openly 'his own self-judgment'. All this was in King David all along, self judgment and condemnation, only the prophet of Jesus brought it to the surface and into clear view. Likewise, this Christian was doing the same, accusing me of what was in her not me. The Angel told me to accept her letter as a "YES". This 1% of the BODY ELECT is in perhaps the gravest danger, their faith and works are dead, more they accuse (accuse means Devilish), thus are subject to being taken CAPTIVE by Satan at his will. ( II Timothy 2:24-26) I was making no judgments in all of this, aware that Jesus by this disguised question (should I seek a job YES or NO?--with HIS PERFECT WILL revealed as "NO) --which as one thinks about it is not really disguised --was by His design to REVEAL to each of us area's where our Faith is weak or strong or dead by want of WORKS(defined as LOVE by prayer and It is NOT a judgment by God, but a SELF Judgment revealed in a way that now or gifts), presents each with the opportunity to turn to the Lord for help - or not. As I clearly saw with Toni T. in 1982-83, if you do NOT know, you are subject no less to the troubles and worse 'DEATH IS CERTAIN". So KNOWING is Gods Help for LIFErot a death ^


WHY ONE HUNDRED(100) ??? In 1983 ONE THOUSAND(1,000) represented HIS CHURCH DECISION, in 1985 TWENTY(20) Pastors represented the CHURCH SYSTEM of Man, in 19B6 Jesus required THREE HUNDRED (300) to DECIDE(Jan 1986). Now this 1987 its ONE HUNDRED(100), and these clearly represent HIS BODY ELECT that IS Parted from the Church system of man. When Jesus first sent me to Trinity Lutheran Church back in 1974, He later showed me that this one congregation(2,600 in number) 'represented' His Church in America. But JESUS had me search for, appeal to ONE HUNDRED(100) who He called "Elders of Prayer ' . These had power of 'decision' to represent HIS BODY ELECT --also they had anointing whereby their prayers they could 'lead all the others'. I believe the first 100 who respond are in whether they said "NO" or "'YES". that capacity CHUCK-JOHNEL & NANCY-TONI JESUS made it plain, we do not 'decide - lastly we will represent the whole. However, we have already come to see our weakness's in the Faith area. The trouble with DEAD FAITH is that its infectious, it spreads in the Body like a disease. The financial hardships since July 1986 had a two-edged effect - want of funds hindered, stopped Gods Work, the trouble sprang from a growing DEAD FAITH in the Body, it also reflected in us(we are ONE BODY)and tho we had WORKS(to our utter limits) our FAITH to KNOW GODS WILL vas slipping, I can see the BODY getting weak and confusion, fear was growing in us --as in others. TROUBLE, but one must not ignore our own personal-individual role and responsibility. If there was trouble in the BODY reflecting in me, influencing me, I was now becoming a part However I was NOT AWARE of this, or of the problem, my Faith was sinking and dying too. that 'fears' from past bad experiences was an underlining condition "In me" that helped the trouble ( fadinq faith) get worst. It was when Jesus brought Nancy-TONI to re-join me this past December that I found RESTRAINTS at work in me; and as I saw a parallel between the FOUNDATIONS WORK beginning this Dec 1986 and the Ministry work beginning September 1976 -- I recognized that I was NOT moving with the same Faith I had in 1976 but with much less. Praying to understand what was wrong IN ME, I first came to remember how with each bad experience over the years since 1976 -accusatory Christians, financial hardships, failures, errors, threats, etc -- I sometimes "RESOLVED" to never let it happen to me again. These resolves springing from past injuries to my soul, collectively now HINDERED my walk with Jesus and neutralized my FAITH as well.



JANUARY 26, 1987

CHUCK-JOHNEL & NANCY-TOk (contd) I've learned from Jesus since 19B3 that we willfully place these 'resolves' in our soul and our soul thereafter works to give us what we desire. Trouble is, the roots of such resolves, to avoid harm, is FEAR and "FEAR leads to SIN. The SIN is usually not something obvious(like stealing or killing, etc) but its primary root is this "WHAT b NOT OF FAITH IS SIN — . FEAR ultimately is a lack of trusting Jesus, it will undermine our FAITH --this alone with no obvious carnal sin in view is SIN pure and simple. When we face obvious outward hardships, adversities, we only justify our lack of Faith by the outward circumstances. In a very real sense, we begin to put our Faith in 'troubles', so they increase.

There is NO point to fixing blame on where it started, who started it or even why --in the BODY ELECT we are so ONE its easier to answer the question of what came first -the egg or chicken? No, we do best to realize the trouble is a want of FAITH with WORKS, understand that as its present in us, FEAR is the root, SIN is present and we have by Gods Grace and Love both the opportunity to see it openly and to seek His Help before we are caught in a rising danger --the Beast of anti-Christ U.S.A. #2 is readying to come thru the GAP, he is terrible in power and as all this began to emerge just after the DECISION request was mailed out January 9th --its clear our individual and BODY troubles can become very deadl y to some or all of us if we do not re-turn to Jesus to seek His Help. Its our choice.

reveal "CONDITION" purposed to offer 'DECISION" If I were to sum up the Lord Jesus' Purpose in the "PRAYER & DISCERNMENT REQUEST" asking if I should seek a job "YES" or "NO", today I'd say Jesus by this intended to "REVEAL" the condition of "FAITH" in me, you - all of us , even the BODY ELECT . By this, offering us a "Choice" and truly bring fig us the place of being able to make a fresh "Decision" AND also revealing the 'dangers' before they fully emerge. The 'dangers are vested in the very 'spirit' and 'man' - Beast of Anti-CHRIST who now stands anew, more deadly, vastly more powerful, waiting his time where he will attack to come thru THE GAP to seize this nation. This new Beast-man is one who rules by and with a terrible power of 'FEAR" and "TERROR"; an y Christian who is weakened in their Faith by inner "FEAR"(lack of Trusting Jesus) can and will be subject to the Beast-man's domination. If I were to state simply the pre-condition of Germans and Germany, a CHRISTIAN NATION , in the 1920's-1930' s - it would be this 'Economic despair, depression, hopelessness, want, and at the center of all this "FEAR" --their FAITH had died, they were ruled by "FEAR" inwardly. When the Beast of anti-Christ Adolph Hitler came on this scene, all these ruled by inward and hidden 'fears', were now easily ruled by this murderous liar who was a 'king of fear'. Hitler CAPTIVATED and SUBJECTED that people to himself thru their inward 'fears' and so a CHRISTIAN NATION and PEOPLE became the instrument and vehicle of ANTI-CHRIST that loosed a . horrible Evil on mankind. As you read II TIMOTHY 2:24-26, its clear 'THE SNARE OF THE DEVIL(Accusation is the snare) is the SNARE Hitler used to "Take Germans and Germany CAPTIVE" to his power--Hitler ACCUSED the Jews, ACCUSED the Bankers, ACCUSED anyone -everyone--when Germans took the bait, fell into the snare(now they ACCUSED too), Hitler and more, the Spirit of Anti-CHRIST in him, HAD THEM CAPTIVE, Hitler and the spirit of anti-Christ now took the whole nation captive to t his will', which was evil and so a Christian Nation was now captive to the power of hell . Why? Inward FEARS lead to SIN and SIN leads us to ACCUSE, accusation IS "The Snare of the Devil" --but where FAITH is ALIVE by WORKS and remember the ultimate definition of WORKS is - "FAITH WORKS BY LOVE" --CHRIST's LOVE in us CASTS OUT FEAR --so where FAITH is ALIVE fear flees, where LOVE is at work in us Love covers a multitude of sins, and we do NOT accuse, as we do not accuse but love, forgive, bless, pray --we are NOT subject to the Devil or the man of sin, the Beast or that evil spirit in him. The CHURCH SYSTEM in Germany during the Reformation(30D years ago) under Luther, had for a time persecuted the Jews because they would not accept Jesus as Christ.




JANUARY 26, 1 987

Reveal "CONDITION" pujposed to offer "DECISION(contd) If we carefully consider the admonition of II Timothy 2:24-26 "BE GENTLE UNTO ALL MEN, APT TO TEACH, PATIENT, IN MEEKNESS..," we can see the Church in Germany 300 years ago was not

oentle, and so a foundation of hatred(really based on FEAR) towards Jews was laid then. Fear of Jews? Yes, the Jews of Germany 300 years ago resisted Christianity(would not be converted)--that resistance THREATENED the Faith of those that did, thus FEAR was the power behind the persecutions. 300 years later, Hitler emerges and builds on that foundation of hatred(fear) and seized the whole nation, taking it captive to anti-Christ. As I see the CHURCH SYSTEM AMERICA I see and have seen nothing but a cross fire of accusations flying back and forth between denominations and see Ministers on tv more often encouraging "ACCUSATION" even leading Gods people to ACCUSE than to enter into Jesus LOVE and GRACE.

Its so commonly accepted that hardly anyone realizes what we are doing,

By all this

America has become a hotbed for a Beast of anti-Christ take-over no less than Germany was, When I saw Gary Hart(the Beast seen outside the GAP in 1982) move among his demon armies, the demons worshipped him, were thrilled with him. I was frankly STUNNED to see that same kind of worship and adulation reflect in American's when Hart emerged in the politics of 1984 --it was identical to what I'd seen IN THE SPIRIT, We destroyed many demons before they came thru the GAP that 1982, and with NET OF PRAYER having been "SEALED" since 1982 we were empowered in Christ to destroy half of the demons that did get into the nation by 1983 --thus Hart and his power was destroyed. But for a moment in time, I saw in 1984 American's swept up by Hart's personality, it seemed as if men were suddenly hypnotized, and what the demons had done IN SPIRIT now men were doing IN THIS WORLD. What I realize now, is that America is a hotbed for such an Evil to seize power simply because FEAR and SIN and ACCUSATION make the whole nation subject to being taken captive by the Devil at his will. (II Timothy 2:24-26)


Many have asked me 'why don't Christians just pray when they receive Prayer Calls warning of judgments?" Its so obvious that when there is prayer, Gods Mercy prevails -even so Gods children for the most part DO NOT PRAY and worse many of those that did pray - cease, Why? Most of the young prophets that worked with me turned away for one simple reason, past any outer adversity. Each would state, "Let Judgment come!" After a time they would say ''The judgment won't come for a long time(head in sand technique)" thinking that if you ignore it - it will go away. Toni T. of Texas did that in 1981-1982 --and her dad died, who did not have to die(his death was premature). This was tragic but we can learn a hard lesson from it, WHY THE CHURCH SYSTEM DOES NOT PRAY: The Church Leaders are constantly bringing Gods people to see the rampant sin in the nation, saying 째God MUST Judge this" --seemingly unaware that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah(who were not homosexuals) did the same thing. When the judgment the people of Sodom and Gomorrah "CRIED FOR" came - they were ALL destroyed, the homosexuals for their sin, the other people who 'cried for judgment' ALSO - for their sins. (GENESIS 18:20,21) What was the sin of the non-homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah? I suspect it was "ACCUSATION" - precisely the thing the vast majority of Christians are led and encouraged to do by most Church leaders. Again its done so commonly we hardly can see what is being done. The answer to the question is simple once we realize that the vast majority of Christians are led to 'DESIRE JUDGMENT' by an ACCUSATORY spirit -- for these to respond to a call for prayer for mercy would conflict immediately with the inward desire for judgment. Thus they do not pray except for judgment. Furthermore, as with King David, we cannot see it in ourself, but we readily and harshly judge 'others' having a like sin zE wrs - as David did, thus revealing to himself his own 'self-judgment' in motion and at work.

As Jesus prophet and out of ten years of His Word and revelation and ten years of direct expe

rience with the church over North America -- the real danger 'in us' is visible,



JANUARY 26, 2987


THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD In and on March 17, 1982 JESUS sent me out across North America to extend the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD, Its purpose was that "Death pass over those Sealed", the by it we "Receive Christ's Power to overcome the Beast of anti-Christ, and more importantly that we also receive Christ Jesus Love and empowerment to become sons of God thru Jesus Christ." Tho this SEALING of 1982 was 'real' it was also a PATTERN, it came in a PATTERN TIME. JESUS Word on this was obvious but the meaning, the full meaning, was yet to be grasped. Below is a photo reduced part of the March 1984 ASSESSMENT OF THE.BEAST USA REPORT(offered at end of this report)


FEBRUARY 19, 1982

Following revelations and a severe cold wave in January 1982 that paralleled the cold of y :: ; 1977, it was revealed and discerned that earthquakes would effect SAN FRANCISCO areas f r 4 a February 17-19-21. 1982. An urgent nail to = prayer was sent out then, and as expected "' ..... a 3.0 Richter quake struck February 17th ...• ..-. and a 3.8 Richter quake February 19, 1982 in SAN FRANCISCO areas. I concluded in early 1982 that this meant that "Judgnent Was SET". JESUS would speak to ¢me this same day. February 19. 1982, saying: •

"INDEED MY SON, THE SEALING I INSTRUCT YOU TO GIVE COMES IN A PATTERN TIME BUT THIS SEALING IS REAL... THE BEAST 15 COME , AND TH q .THOSE SEALED SEE TROUBLES THEY WILL TRIUMPH BECAUSE of ME AND PREVAIL OVER PERDITION AND SIN..." When Jesus indicated it was a PATTERN TIME, it told me that events on these days in 1982 would repeat at these same times a time later(year by year) - this kind of pattern was clearly observed from 197E thru 1981. But more importantly. Jesus was indicating that He was sending me out in this pattern time to empower His children to withstand the Beast, for Jesus said, "...THE BEA ST IS CO!!F!??^

I have understood since 1982 that at some future time Jesus would again send me out with the SEALING OF THE LIVING GOD - it would come in a REAL TIME, thus it would ad could be called "THE REAL SEALING". I did not know when this would be; however Jesus all along told me the GREATER WORK could not be done apart from "TONI", the "ONE" He sent into this world to be with me, apart from whom I could not complete the whole work of God. The name "TONI" means "Priceless Spirit" and Nancy-TONI Weaver is this "TONI". Its easy to see today --but not easy back in 1982 or even in early 1985 before Nancy-TONI appeared on the scene(Gods timing), Often GOD spoke of "ANOTHER TONI", or "ANOTHER ONE(meaning another Toni) -- . likewise tho I extended the SEALING in 1982, HE spoke of ANOTHER SEALING , the REAL SEALING, and also on March 1984 JESUS s-id "MY SON THIS IS HE OF WHOM I SPAKE(Gary Hart)-THE BEAST, YET THERE IS ANOTHER , AGAIN AS YOU KNOW." So while Toni T. was `the ONE of 1982 --she was a PATTERN, the SEALING of 1982 was a PATTERN the BEAST(Gary Hart) was a PATTERN, even the judgments seen/visible.recorded in 1982 were PATTERNS --all were REAL in one sense, but truly "THE REAL was yet to come, not present or seen yet --we were in a PATTERN TIME, real but NOT COMPLETE, COMPLETION was yet to cone,




JANUARY 26, 1987


**note, the scripture Jesus Angel refers to is found in MATTHEW 16:3, When one lives a PATTERN time its frankly hard to know when the pattern ends and the REAL begins --simply because the Holy Spirit Revelations in PATTERNS speak of both what is at that present time and what will be in some unknown future time. Today we can see easily that PATTERN TIME and the REAL TIME we are now in.



APRIL 25, 1981 JESUS Warns of Beast coming, a terrible power to kill.

APRIL 25, 1986 -CHERNOBYL RUSSIA Nuclear disaster-Beast caused.


DECEMBER 21, 1 986 Sydors 1st to receive REAL SEALING after 3 days FOUNDATIONS.

Richard Sydor 1st one to receiving SEALING under JESUS Commission.

MARCH 17, 1982 Funded, able to leave and

begin nationwide SEALING. APRIL 25, 1982 BEAST announces presence by worldwide news ad -est $2.3 million cost for full page ads.

APRIL 28, 1982 Taken IN SPIRIT in GAP, see Demons armies forming, told by God Father to STAND-WITHSTAND. MAY 1-2, 1982 Nancy-TONI Weaver appears in GAP with me, with another 40 Legions JESUS ANGELS, she stands with


e, we will NOT "STAND ASIDE'!

JANUARY 12, 1987 BEAST announces presence again-full page ad in U.S.A. TODAY ($1 Million) JANUARY 16, 1987 Taken IN SPIRIT in GAP, see Demon armies forming. Nancy-TONI & I determine to STAND IN THE GAP, we deploy our Angels as in 1 982 ( see page 13 sketch) -against whats coming we will NOT "STAND AIDE"




JANUARY 26, 1987


PATTERN TIME(contd) MAY 10, 1982 The Beast anti-Christ appears among demon armies, worship him as he were 'god'.



JANUARY 19, 1987 The Beast anti-Christ appears --ANOTHER one, not Hart

MAY 19, 1982 BEAST orders his hellish armies ??? to move thru GAP to seize AmericaNancy-TONI and I stand in Christ confrontation, b attl e begins - see the Beast man up close - able in months time to identify him-Gary Hart. JULY 7, 1982 Demons break thru un-covered third of ??? GAP - we continue to hold other 2/3rds. JULY 17. 1982 JESUS Orders Nancy-TONI & I to withdraw from GAP - CHURCH DECISION(want support) that led to my resignation July 17, 1981 --the effect of that is now visible. END 1982

Possibly AUGUST 7-17, 1987 based on RESIGNATION for same reasons in 1986 as in 1981.

SEALING Work completed.

FEBRUARY 1983 SEALED "Net Of Prayer" now empowered by Sealing counterattacks ITV SPIRIT, destroys 50% of Harts demon army - Hart driven back to West, Sealed Christians literally crush the Beast, triumph in Christ. APRIL 25, 1983 Nancy-TONI and I come into UNION "IN THE SPIRIT" then as "ONE" come into UNION WITH JESUS CHRIST the promise is, "Manifestation of sons of God

thru Jesus Christ". APRIL 25, 1985 Discern Beast activity IN SPIRIT, Illinois lottery draws #666. Revelation says "WATCH IT GO AROUND ONE YEAR" APRIL 25, 1986 CHERNOBYL RUSSIA nuclear disaster, Nancy-TONI and I were led jointly to prevent this from CHICAGO and NORTH WEST U.S.A. - Beast struck at alternative "NORTH" point--Russia --estimates now say that 500,000 Russians have and will die from radiation exposure. In early 1986 we clearly discerned and understood that this tragedy that allowed the Beast

to take 500,000 lives was 'loosed' by Christians who "ACCUSED" and whose FAITH was dead by want of WORKS and this because they had inward "FEAR" which led to SIN and so they of GODS ELECT became the vehicle and instrument by which the Beast had power to kill and destroy, This CONDITION was revealed in ONE of the THREE PROPHETS of 1986, thus speaks of a THIRD of GODS ELECT who are crippled by want of FAITH or WORKS or both, thus subject to the Beast. This CONDITION is an illness, a crippling disease that GOD by the FOUNDATIONS WORK extends His Help to overcome, be set free of --but its each individuals choice to DECIDE for Gods Help or rejecting that, lastly become subject to the power of this Beast. I see easily from all Jesus has shown me these last weeks that by the FOUNDATIONS WORK, the REAL SEALING is Gods Help to overcome all within and without --apart from that the Beast will rule all others



JANUARY 26, 1987

THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD (continued) After that we saw all these things IN THE SPIRIT in 1982-1983 -- Jesus Word of February 19, 1982 also took PATTERN FORM. Jesus said February 19, 1982 THE BEAST IS COME --now two years later February 19, 1984 Gary Hart won the Presidential primary in New Hamspire, from that day he swept one primary after another gaining national prominence overnight. Now the effect of his demons breaking thru the GAP July 7-27, 1982 became apparent, men REFLECTED the same enthusiasm for him as the demons had, But the NET OF PRAYER had also by February 1983 destroyed all his demons from the Midwest U.S.A. "IN THE SPIRIT" --so when Harts campaign came to the Midwest U.S.A. he was soundly defeated, broken, destroyed.

BEGINNING OF PATTERNS -' END OF PATTERNS From 1977 to 1979 I reported, recorded and observed the 'patterns of judgments' that came according to what Jesus said would come. JESUS Himself told me in 1979 that His Purpose in having me do this, was to be able to RECOGNIZE when judgments started for REAL. Again, the whole point of KNOWING was that we would have OPPORTUNITY to work by Faith in Christ and CHANGE THE OUTCOME. The PATTERNS that began with the JESUS DIRECTED WARNING of APRIL 25, 1981 concerning a coming Beast - ended April 25, 1 986. But the end of the PATTERNS was also the BEGINNING of the REAL JUDGMENTS --same date APRIL 25, 1 986, If I draw out just the APRIL 25th events you can see without much trouble the way 'judgments work' and how Gods Promise of Help will appear even in the judgment cycle: BEGINNING OF PATTERNS



25, 25, 25, 25, 25,

1 981 1982 1 983 1 985 1986

JESUS WORD concerning Beast -prayer call. BEAST Anti-CHRIST announces self-newspaper UNION with JESUS CHRIST-sonship Promise. #666 Illinois Lottery-Beast discerned. CHERNOBYL, RUSSIA Nuclear Disaster.

THREE(3) KEY FACTORS There were 3(THREE) Key Factors that worked a change in the outcome of things from 1981 to 1986 -NUMBER #ONE - Nancy-TONI and Chuck-JOHNEL "STOOD IN "THE GAP" with the Eighty(80) Legions of JESUS ANGELS and flat stopoed, withstood, and tore to pieces a significant part of the Beasts demon armies, breaking the Beasts timetable for conquest of America by delaying him 2-1/2 months. NUMBER #TWO THE PATTERN "Sealing Of The Living God" extended to all NET OF PRAYER Intercessors by the end of 1982, not only ensured 'Death

would pass over the Sealed'(no premature deaths)---but EMPOWERED the whole NET OF PRAYER to withstand and overcome the Beast in

CHRIST JESUS POWER. NUMBER #THREE While the demon armies under the Beast man Hart broke thru into the nation July 27, 1982 --the NET OF PRAYER Interceeded asking God to confuse, disorganize the demons that came thru while the SEALING WORK moved to completion(GOD did just that too!). Once the whole NET OF PRAYER was "SEALED" and now with Christs empowerment --JESUS led Chuck-JOHNEL to direct the NET OF PRAYER out of Intercession in February 1983, we formed up into two Armies IN THE SPIRIT and attacked the demons IN THIS NATION with a power they could not resist - the NET OF PRAYER cut thru the most powerful demon legions as if they were nothing, we crushed them, obliterated half of all the Beasts demons - the Beast panicked, fled, his armies fell and fled. The power we moved in, was CHRIST JESUS by "THE SEALING".




JANUARY 26, 1987

THE SEALING OF THE LIVING GOD --- THREE(3) KEY FACTORS -con tinued) Thus the THREE KEY FACTORS of the PATTERN TIME that resulted in changing the outcome of the emerging Beast of anti-Christ were: #1 #2 #3

Gods annointed STANDING IN THE GAP (Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI) The SEALING WORK supported to completion NET OF PRAYER Intercessory work followed by Empowered in Christ (SEALING] Soiritual warfare.

DO I HAVE TO BE "SEALED" AGAIN? WHY TWICE? When JESUS spoke to me of the LAYING DOWN OF FOUNDATIONS FOR HIS RETURN November 2, 1986 JE SUS said this "...THOSE WHO COMPLETE TO THE THIRD DAY "SEAL" AND CO! 1ISSION THEM, THIS "SEALING" IS NO PATTERN, BUT "THE REAL" AND BY IT COMES POWER TO OVERCOME AND MORE..." JESUS November 1 986 The empowerment of the pattern Sealing of 1982 was Gods Help against that Beast man - Hart, but against this new Beast-man now about to come on the scene --needs the REAL SEALING, the COMPLETION of what was begun in 1982. YES, by Jesus Word if a Christian is to have Gods Help and empowerment in Christ Jesus to withstand and overcome this Beast, this REAL SEALING is by JESUS WORD needed, necessary. To help understand one reason why TWICE Sealed --see GENESIS 41:32 And for that the dream was DOUBLED unto Pharaoh TWICE; it is because the thing is ESTABLISHED by GOD, and GOD will shortly bring it to pass," (Genesis 41:32) In another way - the Sealing of 1982, the Beast of 1982, the Judgments of 1982, the Toni T. of 1982 --all were patterns, real in one sense but like shadows of what could be or might be--thus called "Patterns". Since 1982 the Church System of Man, the Church, has had opportunity to DECIDE for MERCY thru prayer-intercession. But by 1985 resolutely and finally, the Church Leadership of the Church System of man REJECTED JESUS CHRIST and as JESUS told me "THEY PREFER TO EMBRACE SATAN AS SAVIOR OVER ME". "CHRIST" means Messiah also "Savior" --the "CHRIST" being heralded in the full page news ad of U.S.A. TODAY's January 12, 1987 date is 'A" savior, but NOT JESUS, its whom the Church leaders PREFER --the man of sin, son of perdition, the Beast of anti-Christ, This ONE is REAL. GOD called them to "DECIDE" since 1982, we saw the clear and obvious patterns, Church Leaders DECIDED, GOD has now ESTABLISHED their "DECISION", thus whats coming is NO PATTERN, its for real - and so NOW is the REAL SEALING needed. With Nancy-TONI this December 1986 in the 1ST THREE DAYS "FOUNDATIONS WORK", Nancy-TOM clearly has Gods anointing to discern and break the 'soulish infirmities' Christians have. The want of FAITH-WORKS revealed in the BODY ELECT by the first 100 Replies is not only an individual trouble but in that we "Are ONE BODY" if its in some, to some degree the trouble is in ALL. Thus the "REAL SEALING" is Gods Help, direct GRACE to be set free of the 'effect' of inner "Fears"-all, until each has opportunity to pray-deal with the trouble, In other words the REAL SEALING gives you a 'free pass' from troubles and consequences 'for a time' allowing each to have time to overcome and be set free of what hinders your walk with Jesus, WHAT OF THIS NATION? Know this - the REAL SEALING is for "GODS ELECT", any that want it can receive, only these of Gods Elect will 'want it'. This nation is another matter, GODS ELECT are a minority.






JANUARY 26,'1987

"WHAT OF THIS NATION?" (continued)

In and on March 9L 1984 I pressed Jesus to answer the question "Will Gary Hart succeed?" Jesus said "WHAT ... (is) BEHIND HART, IS INDEED SATAN, WAITING THE RIGHT TIME•" THE EMERGENCE OF THE FLESH MAN HART INTO NATIONAL PROMINENCE IS OF ITSELF A MINOR THING... HIS VISIBILITY AS BEAST SIGNIFIES THE PRESENCE AND INFLUENCE OF DECEPTION ON A SCALE NOT SEEN EVER BEFORE IN THIS NATION. THIS SATANIC INFLUENCE LIKE A DISEASE WILL SPREAD AND KILL AND DESTROY THOSE WHO REJECTED MY WORD AND HELP AND MERCY - THEY PREFERRED TO RECEIVE A CURSE, AND THE CURSE IS MORE THAN A MAN. I SENT YOU AND OTHERS OUT TO THIS NATION WITH MY WORD AND YOU WERE HATED AND REJECTED NOW THIS EVIL EMBODIED IN HART, THIS SON OF PERDITION COMES TO THEM, AND FEY EMBRACE HIM WITH JOY AND HE COMES TO MURDER AND DESTROY THEM. WHEN YOU CONSIDER AND ASK ME IF THIS CAN BE TURNED AROUND - CONSIDER THEIR PREFERENCE AND YOU WILL KNOW THE OUTCOME," (I asked Jesus again "Will Hart succeed?") "THIS NATION WILL REAP WHAT IS HAS SOWN," (Again that March 9, 1984 I asked saying "Lord, why don't you tell me if Hart will succeed or not?" Jesus said lastly) "MY REPLY IS TRUE TO THE QUESTION. HART HIMSELF, A BEAST, THE ONE REVEALED TO YOU, REPRESENTS THIS NATIONS PREFERENCE. PRAYER IS DETERMINING MERCY's EXTENT - YET A DIMENSION OF THE PREFERENCE THIS NATION HAS FOR SATAN WILL PREVAIL REGARDLESS." "THOSE WHO TRULY TRUST ME, LOOK TO ME, SEEK TO FOLLOW ME, WILL FACE NO THREAT FROM HART OR WHAT HE REPRESENTS - THOSE WHO LOOK TO MAN FOR A SAVIOR AND WILL NOT LOOK TO ME, WILL RECEIVE WHAT THEY SEEK. HART WILL NOT SUCCEED AGAINST YOU OR THOSE LIKE YOU THAT FOLLOW AND LOVE ME - BUT HART AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHAT HART REPRESENTS WILL SUCCEED AGAINST THOSE WHO LOOK TO MAN, NOT ME ..DO NOT OVER FOCUS ON THE MAN." JESUS March 9, 1984 If you carefully read the Book Of Revelations you will note that TWO KINDS of Christians are mentioned --(1) Christians who OVERCOME The Beast, and (2) Christians who are OVERCOME BY The Beast. The Christian led by JESUS CHRIST is the OVERCOMER, the Christian led by men are the OVERCOME. JESUS has since 1986 REMOVED "His" Body Elect from the Church System of Man - we are now wholly under JESUS LEADERSHIP - the Church System is made up now of a whole Body where HALF of Gods children have turned from Jesus to man, the other HALF are Traditional Christians - these have a mixed love, they love the traditional way of worship as much as they love Jesus, but Jesus told me in 1985 HE would REDEEM "The Traditional Church" by its children(THE BODY ELECT). Nonetheless, JESUS did not PART His Body Elect because of a 50/50 split --He parted us because of the Church Leadership. The Church Leadership as Jesus plainly revealed in 1985 --tho 50% of the Church Leaders are men of God, most are submitted to 'mans rule' not Jesus Lordship. Of the total, a full 95% of the Church Leaders in North America have REJECTED JESUS CHRIST and EMBRACED SATAN AS SAVIOR, Surprisingly the Gallup Poll of several years ago comes close, showing that a full 90% of Ministers reject Jesus as Son of God, Lord of their lives, If you want to know what the ultimate outcome for this nation will be, look at the preference of the leadership of the church system and look at JESUS WORD March 9, 1984 -- (agov^ T^ for us the issue is simple -- not what THEY PREFER, but what WE PREFER. The FOUNDATIONS WORK is by Gods design to HELP all with 'fears' that cripple our capacity to TRUST JESUS, LOOK TO JESUS, FOLLOW JESUS and the REAL SEALING is "GRACE" NOW until we can all heal of past wounds that stirs fear which injures our Faith,



JANUARY 26, 1987



1 9.

1 9 8 2




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INTERVENE AND IT WILL BE DELAYED AS YOU KNOW. IF THEY DO NOT PRAY - ITS NOW! YES, THE BEAST IS MOVING UP - HEED MY WARNING RONALD REAGAN - HEAR ME OH ISRAEL!" (4/15/81) JESUS gave me His Word April 15, 1981 to give ten days later April 25, 1981 --ONE YEAR LATER! we were looking at the Beast of anti-Christ's full page ad heralding his soon coming! Three days later, April 28, 1982, I was taken IN THE SPIRIT and to the "GAP" and shown literally the demon armies assembling , days later I saw the Beast-man. As far as I know, I was the only one outside of Nancy-TONI who SAW what I saw, and had Gods anointing to 'withstand the Beast'.

The question you have responded to is directly related to this situation - should I STAND ASIDE OF THE GAP(seek a job)? and thereby let this new Beast-man in fully intact, undelayed, who would exterminate the whole nation? No one else can do what I can do - JESUS made this plain to me in October 1981. When I resigned July 17, 1981, it was not sad - it was like pulling out a hundred poison thorns from ones flesh - it was a relief! I had a job, no longer pressed by the endless demands of the ministry or battered by the equally endless stream of accusations and hatred aimed at me by fellow 'Christians - my life began to heal. I was in a quiet harbor, it was peaceful. Then that October 1981 JESUS told me of a terrible demon invasion that would lead to world nuclear war, asking me to return to the ministry, call the NET OF PRAYER to wage war IN THE SPIRIT. I responded instantly to Jesus, "Why me?! Why always me!!?? Can't you find anyone else down here who will listen to You?!?" JESUS undaunted by my reply now showed me whole nations burned radioactive ruins, hundreds of millions dead, the Earth would be desolated. The years of woundings by the church people spoke in me(fear of being hurt) .-I told Jesus ''What is this to me?! I have not done this to them, they do it to themselves and forced me to stand aside that all this now comes. Why should I care? Let them reap what they have sown, it is no concern of mine. I do not want this job, never did, ask someone else, do not ask me!" I was stunned at what came out of me; but I was also honest -- and I KNEW I'd face more hurt, more rejection, more pain, I KNEW then that if I did this that Jolanta would divorce me - I'd lose everything I had, my job, my marriage, my children, and after pulling their hides out of the fire, they'd kick me in the face as before. JESUS replied softly sweetly "MY SON WHOM I LOVE HEAR ME. THERE IS NO OTHER WHO CAN DO WHAT YOU CAN, INTO YOUR HANDS ALONE IS MY AUTHORITY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. ET I LOVE YOU, AND WILL NOT COMPEL YOU, IF YOU WILL NOT, THEN I WILL BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU IN ALL." My hard hearted melted within me, love overcame me, tears welled In my eyes, I replied, "I cannot say no to You Jesus;' never could. I love you and cannot but love who you love, I will do this but I need know more of what is to be done and what is faced."



JANUARY 26, 1987

THE GAP (continued) So began the NET OF PRAYER warfare IN SPIRIT that concluded January 1982 --now came the SEALING. I knew after all we of NET OF PRAYER achieved IN THE SPIRIT that we had turned the tide away from world war that 1982 - but something was yet undone, I didn't know what. That early April 1982 JESUS told me " YOU WILL NOW STOP WORLD WAR ITI AND THE BEAST" -- I was bewildered as to how I was to do this, had not the faintest idea. Going by FAITH by LOVE of JESUS is the only way we can go - half the time we don't understand what God is having us do or why --its usually not until later that we can see and understand. Within a few weeks the April 25, 1982 Beasts ad appeared and by April 28, 1982 I was suddenly taken INTO THE SPIRIT and stood in "THE GAP" --ahead of me(IN THE SPIRIT) the Beasts demon armies formed, behind me was the nation, Gods people IN THE WORLD - I stood in THE GAP between the two, a narrow pass also a portal or entrance way from IN THE SPIRIT to INTO THE WORLD, They HAD to come thru the GAP, it was the ONLY way into the nation! JESUS made it plain, I alone had the anointing of God to stand in the GAP - no one else could except the other two prophets - ONE was "TONI" and the other someone unknown and not present. However I had the unfortunate situation of being the 'key prophet', if I did NOT STAND IN THE GAP, the other two prophets could NOT stand in without me. For a ministry so little known, even less supported - we had Gods anointing whereby we could KNOW & SEE things no one saw, and Christ's empowerment to change world events that none had. While the prayers of the Saints manifested in the GAP as "Arrows" in the Angels arrow holders - and these became barrages of walls of fire that prevented demons from moving thru the open third of the GAP that was to our left side. However for the most part, the only ones who could be in THE GAP were myself and the other two prophets and each of us had assigned to us forty Legions of Jesus Angels. The Beast and his demons were doing things before they attacked to come thru --what they did was their PLAN, if the demons came thru intact, unhindered, without loss in battle --

they would do ALL of what they did IN THE SPIRIT --only IN THIS WORLD. I deployed my Angels, they formed a circle and blocked a full THIRD of THE GAP in the center GOD THE FATHER spoke to me directly telling me "TO STAND," and that the lives of His children depended on me STANDING IN THE GAP. I grew concerned and said "Father, I cannot block the whole GAP, they will sweep around us - I cannot do this alone". In the meantime seeing that the demons were loosely organized, hardly armed, I took Legions of Jesus Angels and we raided them, scattering them, destroying great numbers - to slow them down, get more time. We caught them by surprise several times, but in the last raid, we encountered men-demons(men wearing turned around collars that had devilish faces) that were hard to fight --quite literally 'ministers working for Satan were protecting the assembling demons". Then on May 2, 1982 Angels began to appear IN THE GAP, and formed up first on my left and lastly "TONI" appeared, they were her Angels, she stood with me. I was amazed, because Toni T. of Texas was hostile towards me, silent, unresponsive to Jesus Word and Call. There was something different about "TONI', it puzzled me in 1982, she was shy, quiet, and very agreeable and new to 'spiritual warfare'. Toni T. of Texas was NOT shy, or quiet, or agreeable and knew 'spiritual warfare', It puzzled me, she seemed to be different in every respect. Then JESUS showed in THE GAP, and HE placed this "TONI" on my right hand, so her Angels moved to the right of mine that were in the center of the GAP. When they moved to my right, forming a circle, it over-lapped my circle of Angels like a wedding banr1 appears - suggested marriage; but I did not dwell on that then. If that "TONI" was quiet, she also learned fast, and I saw how resolute and strong in Christ she was - the demons tried to break us by frontal attack; and no matter how they attacked they failed, til their broken bodies piled twenty foot high in front ofrts.




JANUARY 26, 1987

THE GAP (continued) Lastly, the demons morale broke, the next demon legions up front to attack us visibly

trembled, tens of millions of them had been destroyed by June 1982 and the millions remaining were now afraid of us. The Beast changed his strategy and began to concentrate on coming thru the open LEFT THIRD of the GAP - as Intercession declined the arrows in the Angels hands were not replenished fast enough, when we ran out of 'arrows'(representing the prayers of the "Saints") the demons broke thru the open third of the GAP July 7, 1982. Though I would not even first meet Nancy Weaver until November 1982, it would not be until October 1985 that as Jesus called her "TONI", I realized it was Nancy-TONI Weaver who stood with me in THE GAP in 1982 --not Toni T. Nancy clearly resembles Toni T., and IN THE SPIRIT I could not tell the difference by her appearance, only by her personality. Even tho I clearly recognized that it was Nancy-TONI Weaver who had stood with me IN SPIRIT in 1982, and that in • 983 JESUS told me "SHE WHO STANDS WITH YOU IN THE SPIRIT IS YOUR WIFE" --even so, I didn't put it all together until November 1986. IN THE SPIRIT --all TINE is ONE, the PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE you see at once. You can't expla i n it, you KNOW it and accept it.

In 1982 because all the warfare was strictly IN THE SPIRIT Nancy-TONI did no have to be with me IN THE WORLD, only IN THE SPIRIT and she was. But from 1983-1984 and on, if we had to STAND AGAIN in the GAP, now that and since 1982 demons entered INTO THIS WORLD, then Nancy-TONI would have to be with me IN THIS WORLD as well. Also, ONLY the ONE who did stand with me in THE GAP in 1982 could be with me -- again, Nancy-TONI Weaver! In 1982 IN THE GAP, there were only TWO PROPHETS, not THREE. At that time in 1982 I was ALONE, so what was seen was both PRESENT TIME and FUTURE TIME that 1982. By the PATTERNS of 1981. THREE PROPHETS would begin the prophetic work early 1986 and there were THREE ANOINTED PROPHETS - myself, Nancy-TONI and John-ANDREW. Due to a condition in the BODY ELECT,(Dead Faith) the THIRD PROPHET Disobeyed and Rebelled against God, thus only TWO PROPHETS are on the scene today. What was seen in THE GAP in April 1982 would not be a reality until early 1986, and is the situation now in 1987. TODAY Nancy-TONI and I stand in THE GAP again, we are NOT "STANDING ASIDE" - thats our decision. However that OPEN THIRD of the GAP is a problem now more than in 1982. Your Decision will determine the outcome - to pray support, to support the FOUNDATIONS WORK or not, to support the PRAYER MINES EFFORT IN LOTTERY or not. CHUCK-JOHNEL





JESUS tells me to GO, gifts have eased the immediate needs(thank you) but the debt is not cleared. The BEAST has not yet attacked to come thru the GAP, but I know this, Nancy-TONI and I MUST BE TOGETHER IN THIS WORLD when he does attack, no ifs, an's or but's about it. Lacking the funds to make it to Washington State, I'm leaving anyway --the lives of GODS ELECT BODY hang in the balance, I will not let the lack of $300 result in the loss of millions of Gods people to this murderous Beast. I'm going by FAITH, led by LOVE, Trusting Jesus to get me to re-join with Nancy-TONI, Why not use the airline ticket? We need the car, we will begin the FOUNDATIONS WORK no matter, going by Faith the same, Trusting Jesus for whatever we need. We have endured harships before, its a small thing against all the lives that can be spared - Love leads us to simply GO, so I leave likely around Feb 5th. I'm not angry about those that do not support or accuse anymore- we are THANKFUL for those who do LOVE and do SUPPORT, no matter how much or how little, we will Trust Jesus to meet the need past what is available - we will do the work! We will be there in the GAP to meet this Beast and we will STAND IN CHRIST and more - the Beast is about to be surprised, h e comes to over come, he's about to BE overcome!





JANUARY 26, 1987

CHUCK-JOHNEL GOING WEST FEBRUARY 1987 (contd) You do not have to STAND WITH US, it implies a 'burden', no let us LOVE ONE ANOTHER and for ONE ANOTHER, let us BAND TOGETHER IN JESUS LOVE and let His Love lead us in PRAY Frankly I can go a thousand miles on a real Christian all we do for FAITH WORKS BY LOVE. hug, and the love it gives than with $1,000. I never cared about money, I only really care about people and especially Gods people - but over the years fell trap to the 'money game' Satan plays --thinking ''If I had $...I could...' Frankly if I had $1 Million dollars a month ago, that sum would have only concealed from me the need to re-liven my Faith in I'm thankful I didn't get it -- now that Idbn't have the means to Jesus by Love alone. go -, I' m going anyhow and KNOW I will arrive. Its the only way we can live, no other.

PRAYER MINES IN "THE GAP FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. This is the key to understanding what the 'prayer mines' that are connected to the Illinois lottery really mean.

Since 1982 the NET OF PRAYER has prayed to re-build the nations defences - call it a 'prayer wall'. By FAITH by prayer we have done so - but a WORK is called for to make that FAITH PRAYER "REAL", Over the years I have seen an inter-relationship between "Prayer and Money", wondering why? We have an expression, its a challenge people make --they say,"Put your MONEY where your MOUTH is!" In a lot of ways that 'saying' springs from the scriptures "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD" --many SAY they have Faith, but not all back it up by WORKS. the PRAYER MINE Defences IN THE SPIRIT to the Illinois Now JESUS led us in 1985 to connect Lottery and we have seen over and over that when support is present(money) the enemy is stopped--but if support declines and we cannot cover the prayer mine numbers --suddenly THATS where the demons are coming thru! JESUS stated it back July 1986 "LUCIFER LOOKS FOR AN OPEN DOOR TO COME THRU" and Jesus spoke of the prayer mines and lottery connection. On January 20, 1987 IN THE SPIRIT, in THE GAP, JESUS told us to stop any demon(s) attempting to come thru --with that I gave orders and the Lords Angels 'dug in as they did in 1982. MORE.. .the Angels laid a thorough mine field in front of us and behind us, so intricate, so complex, that in essence the OPEN THIRD of the GAP is covered --when they attack, these PRAYER MINES will devestate their ranks, they will pay a heavy price to even get near the OPEN THIRD of the GAP. However Jesus made it plain to me, if there is no money to buy the lottery tickets day by day, then the PRAYER MINES will disappear from THE GAP. In that situation, I cannot guess how long we can hold against this new Beast, it won't be as long as we should - plain fact. Up until February 4th Jesus has orovided funds to me by lottery wins, enough to maintain buying PRAYER MINE NUMBERS in the Lottery til Feb 4th. I know, that from then on, its your decision as to whether or not, these MINES stay IN THE GAP or not. Support of $10 or $20e d1 a month to ED FELTY would easily do it. We need be committed to hold fast in the prayer mines thru til likely August 7, 1987. Allow me to make it clear --these PRAYER MINES are weapons of warfare IN THE SPIRIT forged out of years of Intercession to fill that open third of the GAP, they work! It is without question unorthodox, but its what Jesus showed us to do and it works very very well. Yet the thing that makes it REAL "In The Spirit" is a WORK of financial support - also PRAYER --its BOTH! ED & DEBI FELTY are fully trained, equipped and know what to do, if they are provided with the mean($ & Prayer), they will maintain the PRAYER MINE SYSTEM "IN THE GAP" with NancyTONI I' R. EDWARD FELTY ,' 4426 WEST 41st AVE, HOBART, IND 46342 But remember its NOT Money alone, its also PRAYER backing up the PRAYER MINES. God Bless.



JANUARY 26, 1987



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Yup! I saved the worst for last. I have been distinctly led by the Holy Spirit to bring focus primarily to what ails us as Gods Elect that could be a real problem when this Beast does appear. This new Beast-man(who I have not yet seen close up to be able to identify him yet), is vastly more organized than the Beast man Hart. As JESUS told us in 1986 "THE BEAST COMES EARLY" - well this Beast is on the scene a full 3-1/2 Months earlier than was Hart who showed May 10, 1982 IN THE SPIRIT--this new Beast man showed January 12, 1987--way early! If the Beast-man I saw in 1982 revolted me(he did), this one makes me want to throw-up, he is so vile, cruel and murderous he almost makes Hart look like a Boy Scout by comparison. Worse, he has obviously calculated his moves, he has planned a strategy with Lucifer to deal with the troubles Hart ran into. He is not EARLY by mistake, he will attack early Just in case he runs into 'us' assuming (his assumption not mine) he can break past us sooner and with his demon army intact and still be on his 'time table even ahead of schedule. In other words he's ready to come sooner but prepared to wage a vicious fight and still come thru on 'his time'. This man is physically strong and arrogant, but also

very organized, very thorough in details, he leaves nothing to chance if he can help it. His demons showed up January 16, 1987 fully organized, heavily armored and ready to fight not like Harts that showed up loosely organized, unarmed, and easy prey to our raids in 82. After the initial legions of demons arrived, suddenly massive formations of 'men-demons' arrived and shielded the demons, I was surprised at the number of men and ministers with his army, vastly more than with Hart. Nancy-TONI and I discussed it, saw no opportunity tc make a raid without having to fight the whole army - this new Beast covers his moves very well and takes into consideration all the 82 Beast ran into, If he plays chess, he would be very ex

cellent at it, he plans far ahead with complex alternate moves in mind,.



JANUARY 26, 1987

THE BEAST OF ANTI - C H R IST (contd) Part of my job in this anointing and as Jesus General, is to evaluate our enemy, see Where he is strong;' find his weakness, and use it against him In the battle, THE GAP to us is clear weather, to the enemy its covered in a dense mist, a cloud, they cannot see thru the GAP, they can only see at best a few feet ahead of them When they first enter it, then they may see about a yard at a time. No sooner did the first demon legions arrive, and after the 'minister men-demons' cover them, than several heavily armored demon legions marched and came up to the entrance of THE GAP, deployed for battle, and covered the whole entrance but outside the 'cloud'. Then as Nancy and I watched this, I saw them send scouts, almost shoulder to shoulder single file into the GAP, I knew what they were up to --'check the GAP for occupants'. They DON'T Know we are here! We prayed "Lord Jesus YOU who made blind eyes see, make these seeing eyes blind to us" -HE did! The demons walked thru our ranks, didn't see us, came to the exit of the GAP, turned around and came back. Instantly demons on horseback raced back to the main body to report. A day passed, now January 19th the Beast himself shows --he is just outside bow and arrow range(Hart wasen't) --the first instant the Beast shows Jan 19th he glances warily at the GAP, I discern clearly he fears we might be there --no question, he fears us. Everything he has planned is designed to overcome what we did to his 'brother Beast' in 1982, Next day January 20th the demon legions(now very relaxed--easy prey for us but we KNOW to not destroy them) covering the entrance of the GAP withdraw back to the main army - now a single demon on horseback rides thru the GAP , a courier, JESUS tells us to let it pass. It does, I send an Angel to follow it, report its movements. It goes to demon princes IN THE WORLD in Washington DC, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco --suddenly demons in hiding over this nation emerge, form up and begin marching. Lastly the courier goes to Albuquerque and here is "Lucifer" --the courier tells Lucifer the GAP is empty, no one there. Lucifer says "They are there, Chuck-Johnel is there and TONI is with him, does the lord(Beast) know its going to cost us to come thru?" The demon courier reassures Lucifer the GAP is empty, Lucifer seems to accept it, I see he is NOT sure, only suspects. Then the courier tells Lucifer about 'the newsletter I mailed about seeking a job', he relates how they all

laughed(the Beast), how We have them cornered". Lucifer asks hen the newsletter was mailed with concern,"January 9th"' the courier replied --Lucifer rages suddenly, he KNOWS now saying "Go back now! Deliver this(message to Beast) to him -fast # They are on to us! They KNOW, they are THERE! GO NOW!!!" The message Lucifer writes is coded but clear " Attack NOW! Cancel Plan Axel! Confirm!" --JESUS 'confirms' but the Beast does not get Lucifers message --Lucifer will attack on a different time table now. Now I know this Beasts weakness, he cannot cope with the unexpected, whats unknown is a terror to him, in his mind meeting us would be a nightmare, as we `do the unexpected'. Jesus has led us to remain hidden, this is unexpected, we ARE in THE GAP, only he does not know it, so he is at ease and the plan Lucifer wanted him to cancel, calls for an attack later. Lucifer thinks the Beast knows to attack sooner, (he doesn't)--they are not working on the same plan anymore. When the Beast appeared January 19, 1987 'Demon Rulers" worshipped him asking for "Jews, Christians, Moslems to butcher" - he granted that. Then tens of thousands of ministers came to him, fell at his feet worshipping him and to these he said, "Give me your SOULS and I will give you Glory". I wondered what this meant then had insight, by "YOUR SOULS" he meant the people in your congregations - the ministers agreed , vowed to him, thus the Beast will give the ministers congregations to the Demon Rulers to butcher. If you wondered why JESUS parted you and H[S BODY ELECT from the Church System of man, you can see why now. More, this Beast has set up a throne and is ruling in lt(Beast of 1982 didn't do this)-this means he is establishing that he will become ruler over this nation, he is very political. Why did 1,ucifer say attack:NOW? Now before Nancy-TONI and I re-join, once we have, its too late; Lucifer knows it, the Beast doesn't, Sleep little Beast, have a nice rest - when you wake-up, N ancy-TONI & I will be re-joined, your nightmare comes true!



JANUARY 27, 1987


1 985

1979 (7 years ago)

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1981 (5 years ago)








REPEATING 1983 REPEAT**********1976 NOT ONLY are the EVENTS of these years these years that defines the potential

1 987



1984 ..... -----1 977 *****added January 1987 to list past REPEATING, but primarily its JESUS WORD in of jud ments.

The above chart(excepting REPEAT 1976---1977) was given on page 6 of the MAY 6, 1986 Staff and Prayer Newsletter. In 1984 Steve-JOEL discerned that judgment patterns of 1978 would repeat or re-appear by the same days they did in 1978, only now in 1985. They did! In 1985 we were able to i dentify PATTERNS of 5 years repeating in 1986; and had projected events to happen in 1986 that (for example did happen in 1980-1981) and again they did-again same days! As the Angel said, these PATTERNS give us opportunity to KNOW whats coming and in Christ by Faith to effect a CHANGE --if we don't, we re-experience it, only usually its worse. In "1981" for lack of financial support, parted from "Toni", lack of prayer support --JESUS required I resign the ministry July 17, 1981. Again this 1986(parallel to and a repeat of the 1981 pattern year)--the identical circumstances brought me to resign August 7, 1986. As you look under "THIS 1986" Chart above, note that 1980 appears --March 27,1980 Mt St Helens volcano first erupted in U.S.A. --March 27, 1986 Mt Augustine Volcano Alaska first erupted! A perfect REPEAT on the same day, same kind of event and in U.S.A. This kind of chart is a grand-over view --it does not give specifics; but once a PATTERN YEAR(like 1981 in 1986) is proven to be repeating - you know what follows. WHAT FOLLOWS? 1 980, (specifically VOLCANIC) repeated in 1986 --thus this 1987 will likely see JESUS WORD & WARNING concerning the BEAST moving to ASSASSINATE Key Spiritual and Political Leaders emerge for "REAL" this 1987, JESUS warned of this in 1981 and we saw President Reagan shot March 30, 1981, Pope John Paul II shot May 13, 1981, the Assassination plot to kill Reagan July 1981 'we' thwarted, then October 13, 1981 President Sadat was assassinated(man of Peace). It was clearly discerned since April 1986 that the BEAST was behind troubles, later we defined him to "Wormwood" -"Barchargis", the anti-Christ spirit behind this next coming Beast-man. Back in 1982 I did theorize that one reason for the news ad proclaiming the Beast April 25, 1 982 was to 'identify those Christian ministries who would fight him, then to work to eliminate them before he appeared for REAL. Since 1982, most of the Ministries that DID warn of this Beast, have disappeared, most suffered their 'mail being stolen', (we did too) and many sank financially since 1982, Sc far only this Ministry and one other have reported of this Beast as in 1982, and both are in financial troubles. Satan/Lucifer has done a l ot of ground work since 1982 to 'pave the way' for this new Beast-man. Of course you will also note that in the May 1986 chart above the year '1982' when the Beast

appeared in PATTERN TIME', would repeat in 1987 --well it has, and in detail only earlier. The POTENTIAL this 1987 for WAR is considerable and this new Beast carries the WAR SWORD meaning he has power to make WAR. Look at page 7 of this issue, the FEB 19, 1982 part, Here we see QUAKES i • n SAN FRANCISCO as preceeding the BEAST, In 1986 JESUS COMMISSIONED us to prevent-lessen such a Quake--no support, work not done. The Storm is growing before our eyes, JESUS asks "WHERE IS YOUR FAITH!?" You decide.







SEPT OCT 1983 JESUS revealed an accidental nuclear exchange between USA& RUSSIA to happen "A DECEMBER"(a terrible hurricane would preceed it (A SEPTEMBER) --see sketch to left AUGUST In 1982 RUSSIA was expected to trigger a MAJOR WAR by 1982(thus AUG 1987)--these events are BEAST designed to give him a platform to seize the Presidency as a "Man of Peace".



This JANUARY 14 1987 1 was suddenly moved by the Holy Spirit to buy a lottery ticket #246 - it came, I collected $290 Jesus told me to use it to maintain PRAYER MINES til Feb 4th, In 1984 JESUS told me "YOU WILL KNOW WEDNESDAY...WHEN #246 r COMES IN LOTTERY THAT RUSSIA IS SHIPPING NUCLEAR MISSILES TO CUBA(to surprise attack U.S.A.)' JAN 14 was WEDNESDAY and #246 came as He said --RUSSIA is moving to make war again. ',



REPORTS AVAILABLEF AND GIFTS TO THIS MINISTRY REPORT POLICY : Older reports(printed and paid for) are offered to any on request, The new report, a literal diary and detail of events, revelations, replies, entitled "DECISION REPLIES" will run over 20 paces - cost to reproduce, package and mail would run about $3.00 per copy. Standard requests for such reports average about 35 to 40 thus it would cost $100. While the Beast of anti-Christ can afford $Millions of dollars out of his pocket change to put ad's in newspapers, thats not our position or are we able --so this new report "DECISION REPLIES" is offered at flat cost, $3.00 per copy. If a Christian absolutely cannot afford $3.0O(some can't) simply ask for the report, it will be sent --this is been our policy in 'tight times' concerning special reports. ; MINISTRY GIFTS : As JESUS sends me WEST this February, I'd request your gifts be sent to Al Egner, who handle's bills in my absence from Chicago. !CANADIAN AMERICANS. A number of Christians in Canada send gifts in 'Canadian funds'--here •in Chicago, it takes an average of 7 weeks to cash such checks thru the banking system, plus the exchange rate is not as good as the 'market exchange rate' thru Chicago banks. ,I'd ask, you send(if Canadian funds) such gifts to Nancy Weaver, Being close to the 'Canadian border, exchange rates are normal and the time it takes to cash is also normal. CANADIAN FUNDS to


Nancy Weaver (TONI) 830 North 14th Street Mt Vernon, WASH 98273

Mrs. Virginia Pfrang 3133 West 56th Street Chicago Illinois 60629

please make check payable to "Nancy Weaver"


Mr. Albert E. Egner 4975 Jordan Road Martinsville, Indiana 46151 Please make check payable to: "Albert Egner"



Title of Report "DECISIO N REPLIES" (New) Over 20 pages, a literal diary of events, revelations, visions,

and quotes from replies received to "Prayer & Discernment Request" January 9th to end of January 1987. Cost $3.00. Write Mrs. Virginia Pfrang for copies. "PROPHETIC AND EVENT ASSESSMENT-REPORT on "THE BEAST OF anti-CHRIST - U.S.A." dated March 13, 1984. 50 pages. To simplify, ask Virginia Pfrang for "Beast USA Report of 1984 , Copies --free on request, This report is a comprehensive detail of revelations, events, and what was understood from 1957 to early 1984 concerning the Beast. Events, revelations since 1984 have improved our understanding, but th is report is both foundational and comprehensive.



Blessings of Jesus Love and Peace to you and yours! Thank you warmly with all Christ Jesus Love for your gift and letter, for your discernment- for all your Love most of all

JANUARY 31 , 1987


In the 77%

Over 100



Got two(2) boxes to the right just above this line, if its marked 77%, it means you are in the 77% that replied and discerned "NO" to me getting a job - having FAITH with WORKS FAITH Alive by LOVE. Although your gift may have arrived yesterday, today or monday or tuesday --I will hold mailing this until Wednesday as a 20 pager "Newsletter" dated January 26, 1987 entitled "CHRIST JESUS "Or" CHRIST THE Beast" will be in the mails monday latest, and will give you a space of time to read it first, Also this will make more sense after you read the newsletter, Nancy-TONI sent me the cartoon, well it about covers it, doesn't it! That we are NOT Perfect, that we DO make Mistakes(err, sin,) is not so much our trouble but truly its how we deal with our errors, WHO we Trust in, what we have our Faith IN --Love or Fearthat determines the outcome. As the Holy Spirit led me in the writing of the Jan 26th newsletter, I was so led to carefully explain the most important thing of all --the issue of our Faith and whether its ALIVE(by Love) or DEAD(for wants of works of Love -prayer-funds, whatever). The subject of 'judgments', even 'the Beast' took second, third and last place; for while we need KNOW what the enemy is up to, more importantly its what we DO or DO NOT DO that determines outcome of things, Its Christ BODY ELECT, you being among that number, that in Christs authority actually determine the outcome of things - not the Beast, or Satan or Lucifer who of themselves are powerless except men of free will give them power. JESUS has revealed the BODY ELECT "CONDITION", the first 100 Replies represent that

CONDITION. When writing the newsletter I did not have the final figures, as of January 28th the 100TH Reply was received. If you are in the 77% - you are IN the 100 that are PRAYER LEADERS or ELDERS OF PRAYER over CHRIST's ELECT that say "NO" to the Beast by LOVE by FAITH. If you are among those over the 100th reply, you are still part of the

BODY ELECT, only NOT representative as the first 100 who replied are representative. I KNEW when JESUS told me that the first 100 replies would represent his BODY ELECT that in fact the Holy Spirit governed replies --those who came in first of the 100 --it was Gods doing, these would REVEAL the BODY ELECT "Condition", The final count of the 100 came in January 13-28, 1987, it was: 77% "NO" to the Beast - "FAITH ALIVE" in Christ Jesus 23% "YES" to the Beast - FAITH DEAD, subject to Beasts power.



JANUARY 31, 1987

Actually this is an IMPRI )VEMENT

over past years, and the DECISION was made in January 1 986 --only now the Lord God moves that it manifest IN THIS WORLD at this time - thus the DECISIONS of 1986 by Christs BODY ELECT made in January-Feb 1986 are now coming into reality this 1987 - -and the Lord is revealing the Condition as the Beast is readying to come on the scene, so all have 'opportunity' to reverse direction, if their Faith proved 'dead'. IMPROVEMENT? Yes, look below.... 1982-GAP



67% "NO" to Beast 33% "YES" to Beast

70% "NO" to Beast 30% "YES" to Beast

77% "NO" to Beast 23% "YES" to Beast

In 1982 Nancy-TONI & I (who by Gods anointing lastly REPRESENT GODS ELECT "DECISION') blocked only 67% of the GAP, the open end was 33% of the area of the GAP. In 1983 CHURCH DECISION(the 1,000) set the CONDITION at 701/30%, an improvement over 1982, This 1987 Nancy-TONI & I stand in the GAP able to block 77% of the GAP --thats a full 10% IMPROVEMENT over 1982, and a 7% IMPROVEMENT over 1983. Then it should be easier? Yes??? Not as easy as we would like it--the situation is different. =Al T

SQ1R 1 T.


THE 1982 GAP


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THE GAP is a portal or valley way from IN THE SPIRIT to IN THE WORLD, Nancy-TONI & I l astly represent the "DECISION" and face the "CONDITION" of the BODY a. ECT in the GAP, In 1982 we blocked 67% of that GAP, but 33% was open. That Beast of 1982 wasen't too smart, he attacked frontally over 100% of the area - running into us and Jesus Angels, we shredded his demon army, he took very heavy loss's--very very heavy. Prayers of the Saints(BODY ELECT) were represented in THE GAP as "Golden Arrows" in the Angels quivers(arrow holders)--when demons tried to come thru the open 33% area, I ordered the Angels to fire a volley of arrows, the arrows turned into a wall of liquid fire as it fell on the demons legions, incinerating them. But each time we got low of "Golden Arrows" the Beast stopped the attack, pulled back to re-think what to do. In those lulls, I noted the "Golden ARrows" replenished --the Prayers of the Saints accumulated again. Now the Beast attacked as before, more determined, each time as we ran low or ran out of arrows, he stopped and pulled back--not knowing we were either 'out' or 'almost out' of arrows. Late in June 1982 the Beast finally figured out what to do -he no longer engaged us frontally but concentrated his attack on coming thru the 33% open GAP, now he came at us hour by hour, day by day, til the arrows ran out--now for the first time, demons entered the 33% open GAP area --so while Nancy-TONI held the 67% line I took two reserve Legions of Jesus Angels and we counter-attacked head on in a pitched battle and hurled the demons back with heavy loss's --the Beast did not engage the 67% line, but finally July 7th while I drove the demons out of the open 33% GAP area, he now attacked the 67% line and Nancy-TONI and I were faced with being overwhelmed - I had to re-join Nancy-TONI to hold, ordered the Angels to hold as long as they could but because by DEAD FAITH this ground (the 33% GAP) was given to the Beast, his demons now began to prevail and push the Angels back. The Beast finally got the right combination.



JANUARY 31, 1987

THE 1982 GAP (contd)

So the Beast broke thru the 33% GAP on JULY 7, 1982 - one third of his remaining army now marched in--they did not come in behind Nancy-TONI & I to attack us --they moved thru, Why not? They NEVER wanted to fight us in the first place, only to get AROUND US -- the l ast thing they want to do is fight Gods anointed, they know the end result -Christs Victory--their defeat! So the demons under the Beast 1982 broke thru(l/3rd) JULY 7, 1982 We had to withdraw (resignation pattern July 17,81) JULY 17, 1982 The Beast came to the PRAYER WALL decided to go thru JULY 27, 1982 (crushed prayer wall) So in 1 982 from the time the battle started

it was 50 days til JULY 7th break thru 60 days til July 1 7th withdrawl 70 days til July 27th Beast breaks in.

THE 1 9 8 7 GAP

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What I've seen by Holy Spirit revelation since January 16th 1987 --what we have observed in demons attacks on PRAYER MINES in 1986 --tells me clearly Lucifer and his demons IN THIS WORLD will jointly attack with the BEAST coming in from IN THE SPIRIT. The PRAYER MINES in the GAP are active if supported (funds to buy tickets) and present the Beast and Lucifer with a costly barrier, it gives us an edge, but and tho we cover more area, since 1983 demons entering INTO THIS WORLD(again Church allowed) can now attack from behind(unlike in 1982). Furthermore this new Beast is on the scene 3-1/2 months earlier than the 1982 Beast and its clear he KNOWS what his 'brother beast ran i nto 1982 and is not likely to make the same mistakes, it appears he is organized to fight wholly differently. JESUS intervened, whereby Lucifer will now attack not in co-ordination with the Beast -otherwise, with Intercessory support(Arrows) improved over 1982, even so - trying to cope with an attack from TWO DIRECTIONS would use up 'arrows' at twice the rate of 1982under these circumstances the Beast could come thru in 25 days not the50 days of 1982. How is it the Beast is early? Steve-JOEL and I talked tonight, he had the answer. I l ooked back in my record of January 12, 1986 to see if there was any "word" to indicate the Beast was given an 'in' earlier than in 1982. Found nothing in my record. However Steve-JOEL had something .-back in January 12, 1986, a Christian Leader who had the authority to determine life or death to the disobedient children of God(note -they are 'Children of GOD' gave an entirely unexpected reply and made a statement Steve did NOT forget, this Christian leader(bound by mans system and thinking) said "LET THEM DIE!"-date--JANUARY 12, 1986. ONE YEAR Later, JANUARY 12, 1987 the BEAST ANNOUNCES HE's COMING-to what? To KILL the children of God THIS Christian leader gave him power to kill a year earlier--by how? By a spirit of judgment, condemnation, accusation--wholly apart from Christ Jesus LOVE



JANUARY 3l, 1 987

Keep in mind, this one church leader ONLY represented whats IN the church leadership -a DEAD FAITH CONDITION , want of LOVE, led by inner FEARS. But the sum total is that we can identify HOW Ibis Beast could show so early --CHURCH LEADERSHIP allowed it. Steve-JOEL had the answer in his record, Thus its clear to me that this Beast comes to murder that 23% of GODS ELECT BODY, and we are STANDING "IN THE GAP" for not only the 77%(which cannot be touched) but ALSO the 230 which are vulnerable. I do not lightly say that a "YES" Discernment is a "YES" to the Beast --everything Jesus has shown me of the BODY CONDITION tells me this is the case. I believe from what I've seen of this new Beast-man, that bothh? and Lucifer will attack primarily to come thru the 23% open GAP of 1987, avoiding engaging the 77% line until he has to engage us --to come thru with a much less great loss ih demon power--thus more of his plan and power intact. On the balance scales --without support for PRAYER MINES(lottery funding), we can lose ground much faster than in 1982 --even with an increase in INTERCESSORY SUPPORT(10%) over 1 982 and an open GAP that 1 0 % less area. That Lucifer will attack on a different time table now than the Beasts plan he works on, will enable us to maul Lucifers demon forces and concentrate our joint authority against him BEFORE the Beast shows on the scene to attack. Its going to be one tough tight battle --we are working with a narrow margin and face a two front battle in 1987 we did not face in 1982/ WHERE IS JESUS INTERVENTION? JESUS Promises this but He all along has said "WHEN MY PEOPLE GO THEIR LIMIT, I WILL MEET THEM THERE". Trouble is we see 23% are not going their limit. Why the 100? I remember something now I did not remember when I wrote the newsletter. Yes there were called of Trinity Lutheran church in 1974 --100 Elders of Prayer--BUT when Jesus called the NET OF PRAYER to do battle with the enemy of our souls in November 1981, ONE HUNDRED(exactly) responded and were with us in the spirit. Today, its 77 of the 100. In late 1981 when we had GONE OUR LIMIT(did all we could) JESUS INTERVENED and broke the enemy and put him under our feet. Why not now? Only 77 of the 100 are going their limit--thus as a BODY ELECT we are NOT going our limit. Why speak of this? If you are of those who REPLIED after the 100 replies were received,

then consider in prayer to accept the 'office of Elder of Prayer' to fill the office of those of the 23 that DO NOT REPENT and REVERSE their "YES" to a "NO". This Jesus showed me He would do, already JESUS is looking for those who will receive this alointing of the office of 'Elder of Prayer" over 1% of His BODY ELECT --to make His BODY WHOLE(100%). If the box on page l(cover) is marked OVER 100, you have opportunity to accept this office and so represent 1% of the BODY ELECT as a "NO" to the Beast. After the newsletter is mailed, a time is given those who replied "YES" to reconsider - - those ihat do, will stand. Those that do not, 'their office will be given to ANOTHER". In 1981-82 we saw a GREAT BATTLE IN SPIRIT dealing with an invading demon a^my, followed by the battle IN THE GAP -all 'PATTERN TIME" --now the order is reversed -GAP first-the 77% STANDS, but when the demon army invades--the 100 can do what the 100 did in 1981-utterly break the Beast power and demon army. The hope is great. God is Good. Let me know your 'decision --wi l l be with Nancy-TONI Weaver, 830 N 14th St, Mt Vernon WA 98273. God Bless and thank you. f

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