Aug 24th, 2004: Earth Activity Report August

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The Staff and Sword Mi nistry

August 20, 2004


Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL with Nancy-TONI

A String of Events in June 2004 In our April 17, 2004 Special Repo rt we projected for earth activity cited as "key Early Evidence" of renewed activity in the rent of the earth's mantle. The focus date was June 28, 2004 plus or minus 3 days and the area we had in view was southe rn California (since this is where the powerful quakes of 1992 surfaced following the initial renting of the mantle). What did happen was unexpected but it was also recognized: June 26, 2004 - Ennumclaw, Washington (near Mt. Rainier) had a 3.0 Magnitude earthquake. June 28, 2004 - Alaska had a 6.7 Magnitude earthquake. June 28, 2004 - Montana has a 3.5 Magnitude earthquake. June 28, 2004 - Illinois has a 4.5 Magnitude ea rt hquake. June 30, 2004 - Ohio (near Cleveland) had a 3.3 Magnitude earthquake. July 22, 2004 - Charleston, South Carolina had 3.0 Magnitude earthquake. d I show the July 22" quake in Charleston (above) because it completes the line - these ea rt hquakes follow the GIANT FAULT LINE that moves from Washington State diagonally across the U.S. to the east coast.

These events make it clear that the rent in the mantle is active and more, it is creating forces that are traveling through the GIANT FAULT LINE all the way to the east coast some 3,000 miles away. the weeks since we have seen stronger ea rt hquakes suggesting that momentum is building in the ea rt h and this foretells that at some point all these forces will trigger a major earthquake. Where and when is not revealed, only that it is building in that direction. In

I shared some of this in the previous Newsletter but thought it well to repeat it and show a more complete picture of what is unfolding.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 20, 2004

EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT (continued) In our June 18, 2004 Newsletter (Page 26) 1 forecasted some watch dates. This is what I 18th wrote in that June Newsletter:


ONE YEAR LATER JESUS' WORD of June 16, 2003 Back in the late 1970's JESUS once told us, "WATCH IT GO AROUND ONE YEAR." Judgment events that surfaced in one year, tended to resurface with greater force a year later and often on the same dates in some cases, but not in all. In JESUS' Word of June 16, 2003 He gave us a variety of dates to watch - all of which proved to pin point a variety of judgment events, some serious, some subtle. We carefully watched and reported those events from Newsletter to Newsletter all through to the end of 2003. Here are some of the dates He gave us in 2003: "...HEAR MY WORD, AGAIN, IN A MONTH'S TIME MY JUDGMENTS BEGIN. WATCH JULY 19 TH , THEN WATCH AUGUST 19 'r ", THEN AGAIN WATCH SEPTE1 IBER I9 TH ....THIRTY DAYS AND SEE..."

"THIRTY DAYS AND SEE." = JULY 15/16, 2004 (Thursday/Friday) "WATCH JULY 19, 2004 (Monday)" "THEN WATCH AUGUST 19, 2004 (Thursday)" "THEN AGAIN WATCH SEPTEMBER 19, 2004 (Sunday)"

-(Unquote) July 15, 2004 a 5.9 Magnitude earthquake shakes Vancouver Island, BC, Canada (north of Washington State) July 16, 2004 a 3.3 Magnitude earthquake shakes Iowa*. July 16, 2004 a 3.5 Magnitude earthquake shakes Missouri (near the New Madrid Fault system).

*Note - I saw the possibility of a secondary quake to shake Boston 30 days later (August 14/15) but nothing developed. This added projection was based on Jesus' 1977 Word about a quake shaking Iowa in January at the start of severe judgments (well, it wasn't January but it was Iowa, so I gave it a shot). See the attached earthquake maps - again we see the quakes following the GIANT FAULT LINE. What does that mean? It means that activity in the rent mantle has spread into the

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 20, 2004

EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT(continued) major fault system that reaches across the U.S. and that when the forces being released get more powerful (and they will) troubles are going to surface all over this nation with earthquakes of size such as never seen before in living memory.

"WATCH JULY 19 2004 (Monday)" This date produced a variety of events: 1. July 19, 2004 - a 6.3 Magnitude earthquake shakes Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. 2. July 19, 2004 - Firestorm re-ignites and explodes in Los Angeles County. 3. July 19, 2004 - Revelation that Sandy Berger steals classified documents. 4. July 19, 2004 - Landslide at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming - closes the eastern entrance to the park. While the landslide may have been the result of erosion and heavy rainfall it might also have been triggered by subtle earth movements (or a combination of all these). The California firestorm may be rent-mantle activity as we have learned that troubles in the earth of this sort does effect weather (dry and hot) that in turn spawns fires.

THEN WATCH AUGUST 19 2004 (Thursday) 1. August 19, 2004 - The price for a barrel of oil hit an all time high of $48 per barrel. 2. August 19, 2004 - The Minister of Defense for Iran issued a threat today that Iran may pre-emptively attack the United States in the Middle East/Persian Gulf if they feel threatened by the U.S. Again, this is what JESUS revealed to me back in October of 1983, shewing me Iran firing a nuclear-tipped missile at U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf region - a pre-emptive strike. Interestingly, the super missile technology Beastman Clinton passed onto the Red Chinese during his presidency has been sold to the Iranians enabling them to build a new generation missile so fast that our "Patriot Missiles" will be unable to shoot them down. 3. August 19, 2004 John Kerry angrily accuses President Bush of being behind the "Swift Boat Veterans" even though the President has disapproved of the "Swift Boat ads" and indicated that he thought Kerry was an honorable man. 4. August 19, 2004 - a 3.5 Magnitude earthquake shakes Alabama (near Montevallo, Alabama), the epicenter is about 25 miles from Birmingham, Alabama.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 20, 2004

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Earthquake swarm • Series of small quakes oxurred 20 to 30 miles uidergraund in ia:e 2003-


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Shoe Mounta in near Lake Tahoe grew slightly taller and shrfted slightly after a series

of smaii earthquakes, resea rchers said.

Magma Movement of magma deep sr: Earth may have caused the swarm ofearthquake and mountain displacement. Sacramento Bsi'Nahsnua

Sou rc e. COomra GeO agical Survey

Magma may be behind a series of tiny quakes B y Rei Ueyama SEE STAFF W RITCR

Magma flowing beneath Lake Tahoe may have been the cause of hundreds of tiny earthquakes on the north shore recently, and possibly caused Slide Moantaut in the Sierra Nevada to grow slightly taller, experts said Thursday.

But the magma (liquid or molten rock] is very deep and poses no imminent danger ola volcanic eruption, accordingto a group of scientists who released a paper on their findings. "There won't be magma nn the streets." said Darryl Young, director of the California Department of Conse rvation, the agency that reviewedthestudy. "Bits there will he earthquakes. And peopie need to he prepared." Between August 2003 and February of this year,1,600 earthquakes w ith magnic

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mountain grew taller by about 0.3 inch atsd shifted horizontally about 0-2 inch. Althaugh 0.2 inch and U.3 inch may seem small. to move a mountain t (sal much requires a huge amount of energy,' said Young. The plausible explanation for such a shift-coinciding with a swarm of earthshift quakes a few miles away — is magma ac th



Researchers Geoff Blewitt, Ieft, and Ken Smith are next to a global positioning system sensor atop Slide Mountain in the Lake Tahoe area. Between August 2003 and February of this year, 1,600 minor earthTah kes hit ens or , soureof LLake t 10 milles ghoe. a Thesens a epicenter

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While they repo rt that magma activity began in August of 2003, it intensified later in 2003 and through to Februa ry 2004 producing 1,600 earthquakes (ve ry small quakes) - the movement of magma happened some 20-30 miles deep in the ea rt h. Slide Mountain, about 10 miles no rt heast of the ea rt hquake epicenter, grew taller by 0.3 inch and shifted

August 20, 2004

The Staff and Sword Ministry

Page 5

EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT continued TAHOE'S TREMORS(continued) horizontally about 0.2 inch. The repo rt states, (Quote) "Although 0.2 inch and 0.3 inch may seem small, to move a mountain that much requires a huge amount of energy, said Geologist Young." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: I perceive that while there may have been some magma movement under Lake Tahoe - the renewed rent-mantle activity (starting November 23, 2003) probably added a big boost, enough to lift and shift sideways the Slide Mountain. I might also point out that Lake Tahoe is just east of the Mammoth Lakes, California volcanic field where the center point of the rent in the mantle began.

Study: Damage from quake would

top $3 billion in Mississippi alone Associated Press

SOUTHAVEN, Miss. — A university report suggests an earthquake along the southern end of the New Madrid Seismic Zone could cause more than $3 billion in damage in Mississippi. "Well over a third of that damage would be in Desoto County," said Chris Mullen. director of the Center for Community Earthquake Preparedness at the University of Mississippi. The New Madrid fault zone includes Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana. Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. Mullen, geologist Charles Swann of the Ole Miss center and several of the researchers met with officials from DeSoto County this week. Mullen said while the New Madrid fault zone may pose the threat for the greatest damage, another fault zone also poses a

threat to Desoto County — the White River Fault Zone, which runs through Northwest Mississippi and into Arkansas. "That fault is associated with the earthquake at Courtland in 1999," he said.

Swann said the White River fault also is associated with Mississippi's greatest earthquake, in Charleston in 1931. In that earthquake. several chimneys were thrown down at Charleston and the walls and foundation of the local agricultural high school were cracked. There also was damage to chimneys at Tillatoba, and Water Valley and several buildings were damaged slightly in Belzoni. The center is conducting county-by-county surveys in an attempt to estimate damages from earthquakes. The survey lists essential services, such as hospitals, police stations, fire stations, schools and facilities that could be used as emergency shelters. It also lists likely problem areas, such as the county's 117 highway bridges, plus natural gas lines, plants that generate electricity and dams. A quake in the range of 5,5 to 6 on the Richter scale would cause only minor damage, Mullen said, but a quake of a magnitude of 6.5 to 7 could cause losses to the state of more than $1 billion. The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. Each whole number represents an earthquake 10 times more severe than the preceding number. For example, an earthquake of magnitude 5 is 10 times more severe than an earthquake of magnitude 4. Swami said there isn't enough data available to determine the likelihood of a major earthquake along either the New Madrid or the White River faults. u

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x ne taii and Sword Ministry

August 21, 2004

EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT continued EARTHQUAKES = ECONOMIC TROUBLES I've posted the news article of July 25, 2004 on the lastpage to underline the fact that major earthquakes cause major loss and that often translates into economic troubles. Back in 1980 JESUS gave me a vision of a future Newspaper Headline where it stated that 40% of the U.S. had been struck by earthquakes. That toId me then (1980) that a day was coming when earthquakes (very sparse in 1980) would be common and wide spread across the U.S. The impact on the U.S. economy would be serious and with wide spread major quakes striking the U.S., all usual transportation and industrial operations would be disrupted, even shut down for periods of time. That alone could trigger food shortages and hunger in America as most cities do not have more than a few days of food stored and on hand.

WHAT WE ARE SEEING AND HAVE BEEN With JESUS' Word we are able to bring focus to events on certain days and to see them in true context. We now know and it is visible in many events, that the rent in the mantle is active and that activity is building. But watching troubles happening deep in the earth (430 miles deep) is like watching grass growing - it can be interesting or not at all - but then suddenly something horrific will surface that grabs one's attention. What is plain today that was not visible in 1992 is that the activity in the rent mantle is traveling down the GIANT FAULT LINE from the west coast to the east coast - it is reaching the whole nation! Because of this, a major earthquake could surface almost anywhere in the U.S. and without warning and strike areas that normally don't have or never had quakes. However, through JESUS' Word we know that the "JUDGMENT BEGINS IN CALIFORNIA." JESUS' JUDGMENTS - The events on these watch days are recognized as "JESUS' JUDGMENTS." In particular I note John Kerry's angry reaction to the Swift Boat Vets by attacking George W. Bush - this is a judgment on Keny. The remaining pages are copies taken from the U.S. Geological Survey website showing earthquakes with special notes we put on these maps to point out the events we "watched for." End of report. God bless. E J ^â–ş^li41S i ^^^^

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July 19, 2004 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada

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Hazards Program (EHP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1 0/42.52.-130.-t 20.htm1


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Thu Jul 22 19:22:14 UTC 2004 515 earthquakes on these maps

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Click on an ea rt hquake on one of the above maps to zoom in. Click here or on UTC date-time above maps for list of local times.

M?3 ea rt hquake list (with map ) ii M>1 ea rth quake list (with mad) Did you feel it? - Report,an Earthquake 11 View ShakeMaps To convert UTC to local time see this list or this table. ,


Map for 42.52.-12 .-115

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Earthquake Hazards Program Recent Ea rt hquake Activity in the USA Tuc Aug 17 20:00 : 03 UTC 2004 30 earthquakes on this map .

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The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)


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