globalwatch-Oct 5th, 2012

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October 5th, 2012

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KARL OCKERMAN – CONSPIRACY STREET ART Until September 2012, much of the world especially in the UK did not know who Kalen Ockerman was. But then a BBC report changed all of that in the last few weeks. Karl Ockerman is a street graffiti artist who very recently produced a mural in Brick Lane, London, titled “Freedom for Humanity”. The mural depicts a group of businessmen and bankers counting money around a Monopoly-style board balanced on the backs of men with dark complexions. It was reportedly spray-painted on private property. The Los Angeles-based artist, Kalen Ockerman, acknowledged that some of the bankers were Jewish but said the mural was not anti-Semitic. “My mural is about class and privilege,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “The banker group is made up of Jewish and white Anglos. For some reason they are saying I am anti-Semitic. This I am most definitely not… What I am against is class.”

The London Jewish Chronicle reported that the council of the London borough of Tower Hamlets had said it was talking with police to have the image removed following complaints that it has anti-Semitic undertones. Tower Hamlets Tory group leader Peter Golds fired off a letter to the council’s most senior director Stephen Halsey in which he said, “I am horrified at this mural which has appeared on Hanbury Street. It bears an awful similarity to anti semitic propaganda produced in pre-war Germany. As well as the anti Jewish overtones, there is even the quasi Masonic (and dollar bill) aspect to encourage conspiracy theory. What will be done about the person or persons who has produced this and when will it be removed? The fact it has appeared over Rosh Hoshanah/Yom Kippur gives added menace.”

Lutfur Rahman, the Tower Hamlets mayor, said he “shares concerns” that the mural is anti-Semitic, and that it “perpetuated anti-Semitic propaganda about conspiratorial Jewish domination of financial and political institutions,” the Chronicle reported. Tower Hamlets Council has now ordered that it be painted over.



KARL OCKERMAN – CONSPIRACY STREET ART The wall that the mural was painted over is owned by Amzal Hussain known as the “Brick Lane Curry King” because of his famous curry restaurant. Hussain was also the previous chairman of the UK political party called “Respect”. The Respect Party is also famously known for being associated with George Galloway, a controversial member of the UK Parliament (MP) for Bradford West.

But more of Kalen Ockerman seen above in the midst of developing the mural. Also known as “Mear One”, Ockerman began his career in 1986 as a graffiti artist living in Los Angeles. Ockerman has been labeled as "The Michelangelo of Graffiti" and "The Salvador Dali of Hip-Hop." He is considered by many to be Los Angeles' most prolific graffiti artist because of the way he revolutionized graffiti with his fine-art realism, breaking out of traditional 2D letter forms, and using perspective to develop complex characters with dynamic backgrounds in epic scale. By the early 1990's, he had established a large fan base through his notorious work on the streets, underground hip-hop album covers featuring his iconic imagery, and his involvement in pioneering early street wear clothing and graffiti culture. In 1993, Ockerman was the first graffiti artists from Los Angeles to travel to Tokyo and paint graffiti in front of a live public audience. In the mid 90's, hip hop imagery and cultural icons in his work were replaced with a deeper, more introspective conversation based around a politically disillusioned reality that he felt hip-hop had ceased to address. At this point he began his transition from street graffiti to canvas paintings, and began his first body of acrylic and airbrushed paintings. In 1996 Ockerman began performing at live events, and coined the term "Live Art" to describe the spontaneous, performative, and interactive act of painting in front of a live audience, which he considered akin to freestyle poetry and music. In 1998, Ockerman was given the back editorial page of Urb Magazine, "The Final Exam," which served as his vehicle for social commentary for a span of 33 issues over 3 years. In 1999, Ockerman was acknowledged for his contribution to graffiti art by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, WWW.THEGLOBALREPORT2010.COM


KARL OCKERMAN – CONSPIRACY STREET ART during their exhibition, Roots, Rhyme, + Rage: The Hip-Hop Story, commemorating 20 years of hip-hop history. In 2000, Ockerman was selected among the world's most accomplished graffiti artists for Guernseys Graffiti Art: The Auction, in conjunction with the Bronx Museum's first major exhibition on graffiti art in the United State. In 2010, Ockerman joined with Kofie, Mac and Retna to form Vox Humana, a Live Art painting installation, which performed at The Los Angeles Art Show, and Volta 6 Art Fair in Basel, Switzerland. In 2010, Ockerman painted Live Art at the Coachella Valley Music Festival in front of 90,000 people and was voted one of the "Most Interesting People To See at Coachella" by LA Weekly. In 2011, Ockerman was selected to be showcased in two critically acclaimed museum exhibitions of street art and graffiti, Art in the Streets at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and Street Cred at the Padadena Museum of California Art. Ockerman's work is inspired by ancient technology, science, philosophy, mythology and mysticism, along with political and cultural revolution, and notions of the apocalypse. Ockerman creates his own mythology from pop culture icons and important historic persons that have shaped our structured reality. He uses art as a tool to express his feelings of frustration with what he feels is a broken system. Ockerman uses visual language to provide a critical viewpoint that exposes the history of corruption in America and the world at large.

The diversity in his work often depicts an experience of transcendence in sharp contrast with depictions of the horrors of humanity, war, and oppression. His current body of work can be described as a series of allegorical oil paintings that draw upon history, mythology, political theory, conspiracy theory, modern myths, and current events. Stylistically he has been described as "urban psychedelic surreal," and is perhaps best known for his climactic battle scenes taking place under broad expansive cityscapes with billowing cumulous clouds. Selected recent exhibitions include: Art in the Streets, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2011), Street Cred, Pasadena Museum of California Art (2011), Scope Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland (2010), Volta 6 Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland (2010), Los Angeles Art Show (2010), Vox Humana: El Mac, Kofie, Mear One, and Retna, Rivera & Rivera Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (2010) Ockermans murals convey his belief in a political conspiracy, one which we are overly familiar with. That the WWW.THEGLOBALREPORT2010.COM


KARL OCKERMAN – CONSPIRACY STREET ART world is actually run by a secret group of families who have been controlling the destiny of mankind for the last several hundred years.

However what has sparked the recent controversy is whether his art work is also conveying his belief that the conspiracy is largely a Jewish conspiracy based on the physical characteristics of the men as seen below. Whenever one starts talking about a Jewish conspiracy behind the new world order the same old constant argument about “anti-semitism” comes to the fore. Considering that brick lane and tower hamlets has a strong Muslim presence, one could easily see how local Jewish groups would see the graphics as an overt and public attack on the Jewish community by the Muslim community which in recent years has seen a surge of interest amongst its youth in the view that the world is moving towards a masonic and Zionist new world order.



KARL OCKERMAN – CONSPIRACY STREET ART The question of the Jewish role in the New World Order is a pretty explosive topic. Some members of the Global Watch Weekly believe that apostate Jewish families such as the Rothschild’s amongst others, are very much at the top of the financial pyramid. Others believe that the Jews are Gods chosen people and so one should not criticize them regardless of whether they are Godly or apostate. It certainly provides for some stirring debates as evidenced with previous editions of the Global Watch Weekly. However the idea of linking the Jews to this end time global government is familiar in the writing of many respected Christian Authors. For instance Arthur Pink in his monumental work “The Antichrist” states “The Antichrist will be a Jew, though his connections, his governmental position, his sphere of dominion, will by no means confine him to the Israelitish people. It should, however, be pointed out that there is no express declaration of Scripture which says in so many words that this daring Rebel will be "a Jew;" nevertheless, the hints given are so plain, the conclusions which must be drawn from certain statements of Holy Writ are so obvious, and the requirements of the case are so inevitable, that we are forced to believe he must be a Jew.”

Some of the world’s leading conspiracy researchers such as Henry Makow, Robin De Ruiter, Tex Marrs, Doc Marquis, John Coleman and Fritz Springmeier also share the same opinion. This is why movies such as “The Da Vinci Code” are of great interest because it attempts to position the idea that there are specific family bloodlines today which trace their ancestry back to the time of Christ and believe they are of Jewish stock. Still others prefer to believe as we do, that the definition of the new world order goes beyond simply associating it with a race of people. Ultimately it has nothing to do with promoting any religion although historically their may strong be overtones of Jewish influence. Instead of a Jewish conspiracy, Muslim conspiracy or Christian Conspiracy, ultimately the conspiracy is a Luciferian one, which has captured apostate men and women from all religions, nationalities, creeds and colors. The ultimate objective is the destruction of all three monotheistic faiths that trace their roots to Abraham (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and replacing the vacuum with a Luciferian religion. "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom) and Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry



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